
1134 lines
36 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2006 Brad Hards <bradh@frogmouth.net>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfontdatabase.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qthread.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kimageeffect.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <okular/core/document.h>
#include <okular/core/page.h>
#include "generator_xps.h"
// From Qt4
static int hex2int(char hex)
QChar hexchar = QLatin1Char(hex);
int v;
if (hexchar.isDigit())
v = hexchar.digitValue();
else if (hexchar >= QLatin1Char('A') && hexchar <= QLatin1Char('F'))
v = hexchar.cell() - 'A' + 10;
else if (hexchar >= QLatin1Char('a') && hexchar <= QLatin1Char('f'))
v = hexchar.cell() - 'a' + 10;
v = -1;
return v;
// Modified from Qt4
static QColor hexToRgba(const char *name)
if(name[0] != '#')
return QColor();
name++; // eat the leading '#'
int len = qstrlen(name);
int r, g, b;
int a = 255;
if (len == 6) {
r = (hex2int(name[0]) << 4) + hex2int(name[1]);
g = (hex2int(name[2]) << 4) + hex2int(name[3]);
b = (hex2int(name[4]) << 4) + hex2int(name[5]);
} else if (len == 8) {
a = (hex2int(name[0]) << 4) + hex2int(name[1]);
r = (hex2int(name[2]) << 4) + hex2int(name[3]);
g = (hex2int(name[4]) << 4) + hex2int(name[5]);
b = (hex2int(name[6]) << 4) + hex2int(name[7]);
} else {
r = g = b = -1;
if ((uint)r > 255 || (uint)g > 255 || (uint)b > 255) {
return QColor();
return QColor(r,g,b,a);
static QRectF stringToRectF( const QString &data )
QStringList numbers = data.split(',');
QPointF origin( numbers.at(0).toDouble(), numbers.at(1).toDouble() );
QSizeF size( numbers.at(2).toDouble(), numbers.at(3).toDouble() );
return QRectF( origin, size );
static bool parseGUID( const QString guidString, unsigned short guid[16]) {
if (guidString.length() <= 35) {
return false;
// Maps bytes to positions in guidString
const static int indexes[] = {6, 4, 2, 0, 11, 9, 16, 14, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34};
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int hex1 = hex2int(guidString[indexes[i]].cell());
int hex2 = hex2int(guidString[indexes[i]+1].cell());
if ((hex1 < 0) || (hex2 < 0))
return false;
guid[i] = hex1 * 16 + hex2;
return true;
// Read next token of abbreviated path data
static bool nextAbbPathToken(AbbPathToken *token)
int *curPos = &token->curPos;
QString data = token->data;
while ((*curPos < data.length()) && (data.at(*curPos).isSpace()))
if (*curPos == data.length())
token->type = abtEOF;
return true;
QChar ch = data.at(*curPos);
if (ch.isNumber() || (ch == '+') || (ch == '-'))
int start = *curPos;
while ((*curPos < data.length()) && (!data.at(*curPos).isSpace()) && (data.at(*curPos) != ',') && !data.at(*curPos).isLetter())
token->number = data.mid(start, *curPos - start).toDouble();
token->type = abtNumber;
} else if (ch == ',')
token->type = abtComma;
} else if (ch.isLetter())
token->type = abtCommand;
token->command = data.at(*curPos).cell();
} else
return false;
return true;
Read point (two reals delimited by comma) from abbreviated path data
static QPointF getPointFromString(AbbPathToken *token, bool relative, const QPointF currentPosition) {
//TODO Check grammar
QPointF result;
result.rx() = token->number;
nextAbbPathToken(token); // ,
result.ry() = token->number;
if (relative)
result += currentPosition;
return result;
Parse an abbreviated path "Data" description
\param data the string containing the whitespace separated values
\see XPS specification 4.2.3 and Appendix G
static QPainterPath parseAbbreviatedPathData( const QString &data)
QPainterPath path = QPainterPath();
AbbPathToken token;
token.data = data;
token.curPos = 0;
// Used by Smooth cubic curve (command s)
char lastCommand = ' ';
QPointF lastSecondControlPoint;
while (true)
if (token.type != abtCommand)
if (token.type != abtEOF)
kDebug() << "Error in parsing abbreviated path data" << endl;
return path;
char command = QChar(token.command).toLower().cell();
bool isRelative = QChar(token.command).isLower();
QPointF currPos = path.currentPosition();
switch (command) {
case 'f':
int rule;
rule = (int)token.number;
if (rule == 0)
else if (rule == 1)
// In xps specs rule 1 means NonZero fill. I think it's equivalent to WindingFill but I'm not sure
case 'm': // Move
while (token.type == abtNumber)
QPointF point = getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
case 'l': // Line
while (token.type == abtNumber)
QPointF point = getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
case 'h': // Horizontal line
while (token.type == abtNumber)
double x = token.number + isRelative?path.currentPosition().x():0;
path.lineTo(x, path.currentPosition().y());
case 'v': // Vertical line
while (token.type == abtNumber)
double y = token.number + isRelative?path.currentPosition().y():0;
path.lineTo(path.currentPosition().x(), y);
case 'c': // Cubic bezier curve
while (token.type == abtNumber)
QPointF firstControl = getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
QPointF secondControl = getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
QPointF endPoint = getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
path.cubicTo(firstControl, secondControl, endPoint);
lastSecondControlPoint = secondControl;
case 'q': // Quadratic bezier curve
while (token.type == abtNumber)
QPointF point1 = getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
QPointF point2 = getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
path.quadTo(point2, point2);
case 's': // Smooth cubic bezier curve
while (token.type == abtNumber)
QPointF firstControl;
if ((lastCommand == 's') || (lastCommand == 'c'))
firstControl = lastSecondControlPoint + (lastSecondControlPoint + path.currentPosition());
firstControl = path.currentPosition();
QPointF secondControl = getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
QPointF endPoint = getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
path.cubicTo(firstControl, secondControl, endPoint);
case 'a': // Arc
//TODO Implement Arc drawing
while (token.type == abtNumber)
/*QPointF rp =*/ getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
/*double r = token.number;*/
/*double fArc = token.number; */
/*double fSweep = token.number; */
/*QPointF point = */getPointFromString(&token, isRelative, currPos);
case 'z': // Close path
lastCommand = command;
return path;
QMatrix XpsHandler::attsToMatrix( const QString &csv )
QStringList values = csv.split( ',' );
if ( values.count() != 6 ) {
return QMatrix(); // that is an identity matrix - no effect
return QMatrix( values.at(0).toDouble(), values.at(1).toDouble(),
values.at(2).toDouble(), values.at(3).toDouble(),
values.at(4).toDouble(), values.at(5).toDouble() );
QBrush XpsHandler::parseRscRefColor( const QString &data )
if (data[0] == '{') {
kDebug() << "Reference" << data << endl;
return QBrush();
} else {
return QBrush( hexToRgba( data.toLatin1() ) );
QMatrix XpsHandler::parseRscRefMatrix( const QString &data )
if (data[0] == '{') {
kDebug() << "Reference" << data << endl;
return QMatrix();
} else {
return attsToMatrix( data );
XpsHandler::XpsHandler(XpsPage *page): m_page(page)
m_painter = new QPainter(m_page->m_pageImage);
delete m_painter;
bool XpsHandler::startDocument()
kDebug() << "start document" << m_page->m_fileName << endl;
m_page->m_pageImage->fill( QColor("White").rgba() );
XpsRenderNode node;
node.name = "document";
return true;
bool XpsHandler::startElement( const QString &nameSpace,
const QString &localName,
const QString &qname,
const QXmlAttributes & atts )
Q_UNUSED( nameSpace )
Q_UNUSED( qname )
XpsRenderNode node;
node.name = localName;
node.attributes = atts;
node.data = NULL;
processStartElement( node );
return true;
bool XpsHandler::endElement( const QString &nameSpace,
const QString &localName,
const QString &qname)
Q_UNUSED( nameSpace )
Q_UNUSED( qname )
XpsRenderNode node = m_nodes.pop();
if (node.name != localName) {
kDebug() << "Name doesn't match" << endl;
processEndElement( node );
return true;
void XpsHandler::processGlyph( XpsRenderNode &node )
//TODO Currently ignored attributes: BidiLevel, CaretStops, DeviceFontName, IsSideways, Indices, StyleSimulation, Clip, Opacity, OpacityMask, Name, FixedPage.NavigateURI, xml:lang, x:key
//TODO Currently ignored child elements: Clip, OpacityMask
//Handled separately: RenderTransform
QString att;
// Get font (doesn't work well because qt doesn't allow to load font from file)
int fontId = m_page->getFontByName( node.attributes.value("FontUri") );
// kDebug() << "Font families: (" << fontId << ") " << QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies( fontId ).at(0) << endl;
QString fontFamily = m_page->m_fontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies( fontId ).at(0);
// kDebug() << "Styles: " << m_page->m_fontDatabase.styles( fontFamily ) << endl;
QString fontStyle = m_page->m_fontDatabase.styles( fontFamily ).at(0);
// This works despite the fact that font size isn't specified in points as required by qt. It's because I set point size to be equal to drawing unit.
QFont font = m_page->m_fontDatabase.font(fontFamily, fontStyle, qRound(node.attributes.value("FontRenderingEmSize").toFloat()) );
QPointF origin( node.attributes.value("OriginX").toDouble(), node.attributes.value("OriginY").toDouble() );
QBrush brush;
att = node.attributes.value("Fill");
if (att.isEmpty()) {
void * data = node.getChildData( "Glyphs.Fill" );
if (data != NULL) {
brush = *(XpsFill *)data;
} else {
brush = QBrush();
} else {
brush = parseRscRefColor( att );
m_painter->setBrush( brush );
m_painter->setPen( QPen( brush, 0 ) );
att = node.attributes.value("RenderTransform");
if (!att.isEmpty()) {
m_painter->setWorldMatrix( parseRscRefMatrix( att ), true);
m_painter->drawText( origin, node.attributes.value("UnicodeString") );
// kDebug() << "Glyphs: " << atts.value("Fill") << ", " << atts.value("FontUri") << endl;
// kDebug() << " Origin: " << atts.value("OriginX") << "," << atts.value("OriginY") << endl;
// kDebug() << " Unicode: " << atts.value("UnicodeString") << endl;
void XpsHandler::processFill( XpsRenderNode &node )
//TODO Ignored child elements: LinearGradientBrush, RadialGradientBrush, VirtualBrush
XpsFill * brush;
XpsRenderNode * child;
child = node.findChild("SolidColorBrush");
if (child != NULL) {
brush = new QBrush( *(QColor *) child->data );
child = node.findChild("ImageBrush");
if (child != NULL) {
brush = (XpsImageBrush *) child->data;
node.data = brush;
void XpsHandler::processImageBrush( XpsRenderNode &node )
//TODO Ignored attributes: Opacity, x:key, TileMode, ViewBoxUnits, ViewPortUnits
//TODO Check whether transformation works for non standard situations (viewbox different that whole image, Transform different that simple move & scale, Viewport different than [0, 0, 1, 1]
QString att;
QBrush brush;
QRectF viewport = stringToRectF( node.attributes.value( "Viewport" ) );
QRectF viewbox = stringToRectF( node.attributes.value( "Viewbox" ) );
QImage image = m_page->loadImageFromFile( node.attributes.value( "ImageSource" ) );
// Matrix which can transform [0, 0, 1, 1] rectangle to given viewbox
QMatrix viewboxMatrix = QMatrix( viewbox.width() * image.physicalDpiX() / 96, 0, 0, viewbox.height() * image.physicalDpiY() / 96, viewbox.x(), viewbox.y() );
// Matrix which can transform [0, 0, 1, 1] rectangle to given viewport
//TODO Take ViewPort into account
QMatrix viewportMatrix;
att = node.attributes.value( "Transform" );
if ( att.isEmpty() ) {
void * data = node.getChildData( "ImageBrush.Transform" );
if (data != NULL) {
viewportMatrix = *(XpsMatrixTransform *)data;
} else {
viewportMatrix = QMatrix();
} else {
viewportMatrix = parseRscRefMatrix( att );
viewportMatrix = viewportMatrix * QMatrix( viewport.width(), 0, 0, viewport.height(), viewport.x(), viewbox.y() );
// TODO Brush should work also for QImage, not only QPixmap. But for some images it doesn't work
brush = QBrush( QPixmap::fromImage( image) );
brush.setMatrix( viewboxMatrix.inverted() * viewportMatrix );
node.data = new QBrush( brush );
void XpsHandler::processPath( XpsRenderNode &node )
//TODO Ignored attributes: Clip, Opacity, OpacityMask, Stroke, StrokeDashArray, StrokeDashCap, StrokeDashOffset, StrokeEndLineCap, StorkeStartLineCap, StrokeLineJoin, StrokeMitterLimit, StrokeThickness, Name, FixedPage.NavigateURI, xml:lang, x:key, AutomationProperties.Name, AutomationProperties.HelpText, SnapsToDevicePixels
//TODO Ignored child elements: RenderTransform, Clip, OpacityMask, Stroke, Data
// Handled separately: RenderTransform
QString att;
QPainterPath path;
// Get path
att = node.attributes.value( "Data" );
if (! att.isEmpty() ) {
path = parseAbbreviatedPathData( att );
} else {
path = QPainterPath(); //TODO
// Set Fill
att = node.attributes.value( "Fill" );
QBrush brush;
if (! att.isEmpty() ) {
brush = parseRscRefColor( att );
} else {
void * data = node.getChildData( "Path.Fill" );
if (data != NULL) {
brush = *(XpsFill *)data;
} else {
brush = QBrush();
m_painter->setBrush( brush );
m_painter->setPen( QPen( Qt::NoPen ) );
// RenderTransform
att = node.attributes.value( "RenderTransform" );
if (! att.isEmpty() ) {
m_painter->setWorldMatrix( parseRscRefMatrix( att ), true );
m_painter->drawPath( path );
void XpsHandler::processStartElement( XpsRenderNode &node )
if (node.name == "Canvas") {
void XpsHandler::processEndElement( XpsRenderNode &node )
if (node.name == "Glyphs") {
processGlyph( node );
} else if (node.name == "Path") {
processPath( node );
} else if (node.name == "MatrixTransform") {
//TODO Ignoring x:key
node.data = new QMatrix ( attsToMatrix( node.attributes.value( "Matrix" ) ) );
} else if ((node.name == "Canvas.RenderTransform") || (node.name == "Glyphs.RenderTransform") || (node.name == "Path.RenderTransform")) {
void * data = node.getRequiredChildData( "MatrixTransform" );
if (data != NULL) {
m_painter->setWorldMatrix( *(XpsMatrixTransform *)data, true );
} else if (node.name == "Canvas") {
} else if ((node.name == "Path.Fill") || (node.name == "Glyphs.Fill")) {
processFill( node );
} else if (node.name == "SolidColorBrush") {
//TODO Ignoring opacity, x:key
node.data = new QColor (hexToRgba( node.attributes.value( "Color" ).toLatin1() ));
} else if (node.name == "ImageBrush") {
processImageBrush( node );
} else if (node.name == "ImageBrush.Transform") {
node.data = node.getRequiredChildData( "MatrixTransform" );
} else {
//kDebug() << "Unknown element: " << node->name << endl;
bool XpsPageSizeHandler::startElement ( const QString &nameSpace, const QString &localName, const QString &qname, const QXmlAttributes &atts)
if (localName == "FixedPage")
m_width = atts.value("Width").toInt();
m_height = atts.value("Height").toInt();
m_parsed_successfully = true;
} else {
m_parsed_successfully = false;
// No need to parse any more
return false;
XpsPage::XpsPage(KZip *archive, const QString &fileName): m_archive( archive ),
m_fileName( fileName ), m_pageIsRendered(false)
m_pageImage = NULL;
kDebug() << "page file name: " << fileName << endl;
const KZipFileEntry* pageFile = static_cast<const KZipFileEntry *>(archive->directory()->entry( fileName ));
QIODevice* pageDevice = pageFile->createDevice();
XpsPageSizeHandler *handler = new XpsPageSizeHandler();
QXmlSimpleReader *parser = new QXmlSimpleReader();
parser->setContentHandler( handler );
parser->setErrorHandler( handler );
QXmlInputSource *source = new QXmlInputSource(pageDevice);
parser->parse ( source );
if (handler->m_parsed_successfully)
m_pageSize.setWidth( handler->m_width );
m_pageSize.setHeight( handler->m_height );
kDebug() << "Could not parse XPS page" << endl;
delete parser;
delete handler;
delete source;
delete pageDevice;
delete m_pageImage;
bool XpsPage::renderToImage( QImage *p )
if ((m_pageImage == NULL) || (m_pageImage->size() != p->size())) {
delete m_pageImage;
m_pageImage = new QImage( p->size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
// Set one point = one drawing unit. Useful for fonts, because xps specify font size using drawing units, not points as usuall
m_pageImage->setDotsPerMeterX( 2835 );
m_pageImage->setDotsPerMeterY( 2835 );
m_pageIsRendered = false;
if (! m_pageIsRendered) {
XpsHandler *handler = new XpsHandler( this );
handler->m_painter->setWorldMatrix(QMatrix().scale((qreal)p->size().width() / size().width(), (qreal)p->size().height() / size().height()));
QXmlSimpleReader *parser = new QXmlSimpleReader();
parser->setContentHandler( handler );
parser->setErrorHandler( handler );
const KZipFileEntry* pageFile = static_cast<const KZipFileEntry *>(m_archive->directory()->entry( m_fileName ));
QIODevice* pageDevice = pageFile->createDevice();
QXmlInputSource *source = new QXmlInputSource(pageDevice);
bool ok = parser->parse( source );
kDebug() << "Parse result: " << ok << endl;
delete source;
delete parser;
delete handler;
delete pageDevice;
m_pageIsRendered = true;
*p = *m_pageImage;
return true;
QSize XpsPage::size() const
return m_pageSize;
int XpsPage::getFontByName( const QString &fileName )
int index = m_fontCache.value(fileName, -1);
if (index == -1)
index = loadFontByName(fileName);
m_fontCache[fileName] = index;
return index;
int XpsPage::loadFontByName( const QString &fileName )
// kDebug() << "font file name: " << fileName << endl;
const KZipFileEntry* fontFile = static_cast<const KZipFileEntry *>(m_archive->directory()->entry( fileName ));
QByteArray fontData = fontFile->data(); // once per file, according to the docs
int result = m_fontDatabase.addApplicationFontFromData( fontData );
if (-1 == result) {
// Try to deobfuscate font
// TODO Use deobfuscation depending on font content type, don't do it always when standard loading fails
QFileInfo* fileInfo = new QFileInfo(fileName);
QString baseName = fileInfo->baseName();
delete fileInfo;
unsigned short guid[16];
if (!parseGUID(baseName, guid))
kDebug() << "File to load font - file name isn't a GUID" << endl;
if (fontData.length() < 32)
kDebug() << "Font file is too small" << endl;
} else {
// Obfuscation - xor bytes in font binary with bytes from guid (font's filename)
const static int mapping[] = {15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 6, 7, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3};
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
fontData[i] = fontData[i] ^ guid[mapping[i]];
fontData[i+16] = fontData[i+16] ^ guid[mapping[i]];
result = m_fontDatabase.addApplicationFontFromData( fontData );
// kDebug() << "Loaded font: " << m_fontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies( result ) << endl;
return result; // a font ID
QImage XpsPage::loadImageFromFile( const QString &fileName )
//kDebug() << "image file name: " << fileName << endl;
const KZipFileEntry* imageFile = static_cast<const KZipFileEntry *>(m_archive->directory()->entry( fileName ));
QByteArray imageData = imageFile->data(); // once per file, according to the docs
QImage image;
image.loadFromData( imageData);
//kDebug() << "Image load result: " << result << ", " << image.size() << endl;
return image;
XpsDocument::XpsDocument(KZip *archive, const QString &fileName)
kDebug() << "document file name: " << fileName << endl;
const KZipFileEntry* documentFile = static_cast<const KZipFileEntry *>(archive->directory()->entry( fileName ));
QIODevice* documentDevice = documentFile->createDevice();
QDomDocument documentDom;
QString errMsg;
int errLine, errCol;
if ( documentDom.setContent( documentDevice, true, &errMsg, &errLine, &errCol ) == false ) {
// parse error
kDebug() << "Could not parse XPS document: " << errMsg << " : "
<< errLine << " : " << errCol << endl;
QDomNode node = documentDom.documentElement().firstChild();
while( !node.isNull() ) {
QDomElement element = node.toElement();
if( !element.isNull() ) {
if (element.tagName() == "PageContent") {
QString pagePath = element.attribute("Source");
if (pagePath.startsWith('/') == false ) {
int offset = fileName.lastIndexOf('/');
QString thisDir = fileName.mid(0, offset) + '/';
XpsPage *page = new XpsPage( archive, pagePath );
} else {
kDebug() << "Unhandled entry in FixedDocument" << element.tagName() << endl;
node = node.nextSibling();
delete documentDevice;
for (int i = 0; i < m_pages.size(); i++) {
delete m_pages.at( i );
int XpsDocument::numPages() const
return m_pages.size();
XpsPage* XpsDocument::page(int pageNum) const
return m_pages.at(pageNum);
XpsFile::XpsFile() : m_docInfo( 0 )
bool XpsFile::loadDocument(const QString &filename)
xpsArchive = new KZip( filename );
if ( xpsArchive->open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) == true ) {
kDebug() << "Successful open of " << xpsArchive->fileName() << endl;
} else {
kDebug() << "Could not open XPS archive: " << xpsArchive->fileName() << endl;
delete xpsArchive;
return false;
// The only fixed entry in XPS is _rels/.rels
const KZipFileEntry* relFile = static_cast<const KZipFileEntry *>(xpsArchive->directory()->entry("_rels/.rels"));
if ( !relFile ) {
// this might occur if we can't read the zip directory, or it doesn't have the relationships entry
return false;
QIODevice* relDevice = relFile->createDevice();
QDomDocument relDom;
QString errMsg;
int errLine, errCol;
if ( relDom.setContent( relDevice, true, &errMsg, &errLine, &errCol ) == false ) {
// parse error
kDebug() << "Could not parse relationship document: " << errMsg << " : "
<< errLine << " : " << errCol << endl;
return false;
QString fixedRepresentationFileName;
// We work through the relationships document and pull out each element.
QDomNode n = relDom.documentElement().firstChild();
while( !n.isNull() ) {
QDomElement e = n.toElement();
if( !e.isNull() ) {
if ("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships/metadata/thumbnail" == e.attribute("Type") ) {
m_thumbnailFileName = e.attribute("Target");
} else if ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/xps/2005/06/fixedrepresentation" == e.attribute("Type") ) {
fixedRepresentationFileName = e.attribute("Target");
} else if ("http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships/metadata/core-properties" == e.attribute("Type") ) {
m_corePropertiesFileName = e.attribute("Target");
} else {
kDebug() << "Unknown relationships element: " << e.attribute("Type") << " : " << e.attribute("Target") << endl;
n = n.nextSibling();
if ( fixedRepresentationFileName.isEmpty() ) {
// FixedRepresentation is a required part of the XPS document
return false;
delete relDevice;
const KZipFileEntry* fixedRepFile = static_cast<const KZipFileEntry *>(xpsArchive->directory()->entry( fixedRepresentationFileName ));
QIODevice* fixedRepDevice = fixedRepFile->createDevice();
QDomDocument fixedRepDom;
if ( fixedRepDom.setContent( fixedRepDevice, true, &errMsg, &errLine, &errCol ) == false ) {
// parse error
kDebug() << "Could not parse Fixed Representation document: " << errMsg << " : "
<< errLine << " : " << errCol << endl;
return false;
n = fixedRepDom.documentElement().firstChild();
while( !n.isNull() ) {
QDomElement e = n.toElement();
if( !e.isNull() ) {
if (e.tagName() == "DocumentReference") {
XpsDocument *doc = new XpsDocument( xpsArchive, e.attribute("Source") );
for (int lv = 0; lv < doc->numPages(); ++lv) {
// our own copy of the pages list
m_pages.append( doc->page( lv ) );
} else {
kDebug() << "Unhandled entry in FixedDocumentSequence" << e.tagName() << endl;
n = n.nextSibling();
delete fixedRepDevice;
return true;
const Okular::DocumentInfo * XpsFile::generateDocumentInfo()
if ( m_docInfo )
return m_docInfo;
m_docInfo = new Okular::DocumentInfo();
m_docInfo->set( "mimeType", "application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument" );
if ( ! m_corePropertiesFileName.isEmpty() ) {
const KZipFileEntry* corepropsFile = static_cast<const KZipFileEntry *>(xpsArchive->directory()->entry(m_corePropertiesFileName));
QDomDocument corePropertiesDocumentDom;
QString errMsg;
int errLine, errCol;
QIODevice *corepropsDevice = corepropsFile->createDevice();
if ( corePropertiesDocumentDom.setContent( corepropsDevice, true, &errMsg, &errLine, &errCol ) == false ) {
// parse error
kDebug() << "Could not parse core properties (metadata) document: " << errMsg << " : "
<< errLine << " : " << errCol << endl;
// return whatever we have
return m_docInfo;
QDomNode n = corePropertiesDocumentDom.documentElement().firstChild(); // the <coreProperties> level
while( !n.isNull() ) {
QDomElement e = n.toElement();
if( !e.isNull() ) {
if (e.tagName() == "title") {
m_docInfo->set( "title", e.text(), i18n("Title") );
} else if (e.tagName() == "subject") {
m_docInfo->set( "subject", e.text(), i18n("Subject") );
} else if (e.tagName() == "description") {
m_docInfo->set( "description", e.text(), i18n("Description") );
} else if (e.tagName() == "creator") {
m_docInfo->set( "creator", e.text(), i18n("Author") );
} else if (e.tagName() == "created") {
QDateTime createdDate = QDateTime::fromString( e.text(), "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ" );
m_docInfo->set( "creationDate", KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( createdDate, false, true ), i18n("Created" ) );
} else if (e.tagName() == "modified") {
QDateTime modifiedDate = QDateTime::fromString( e.text(), "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ" );
m_docInfo->set( "modifiedDate", KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( modifiedDate, false, true ), i18n("Modified" ) );
} else if (e.tagName() == "keywords") {
m_docInfo->set( "keywords", e.text(), i18n("Keywords") );
} else {
kDebug() << "unhandled metadata tag: " << e.tagName() << " : " << e.text() << endl;
n = n.nextSibling();
delete corepropsDevice;
} else {
kDebug() << "No core properties filename" << endl;
m_docInfo->set( "pages", QString::number(numPages()), i18n("Pages") );
return m_docInfo;
bool XpsFile::closeDocument()
if ( m_docInfo )
delete m_docInfo;
m_docInfo = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_documents.size(); i++) {
delete m_documents.at( i );
delete xpsArchive;
return true;
int XpsFile::numPages() const
return m_pages.size();
int XpsFile::numDocuments() const
return m_documents.size();
XpsDocument* XpsFile::document(int documentNum) const
return m_documents.at( documentNum );
XpsPage* XpsFile::page(int pageNum) const
return m_pages.at( pageNum );
: Okular::Generator(), m_xpsFile( 0 )
bool XpsGenerator::loadDocument( const QString & fileName, QVector<Okular::Page*> & pagesVector )
m_xpsFile = new XpsFile();
m_xpsFile->loadDocument( fileName );
pagesVector.resize( m_xpsFile->numPages() );
int pagesVectorOffset = 0;
for (int docNum = 0; docNum < m_xpsFile->numDocuments(); ++docNum )
XpsDocument *doc = m_xpsFile->document( docNum );
for (int pageNum = 0; pageNum < doc->numPages(); ++pageNum )
QSize pageSize = doc->page( pageNum )->size();
pagesVector[pagesVectorOffset] = new Okular::Page( pagesVectorOffset, pageSize.width(), pageSize.height(), Okular::Rotation0 );
return true;
bool XpsGenerator::closeDocument()
delete m_xpsFile;
m_xpsFile = 0;
return true;
QImage XpsGenerator::image( Okular::PixmapRequest * request )
QSize size( (int)request->width(), (int)request->height() );
QImage image( size, QImage::Format_RGB32 );
XpsPage *pageToRender = m_xpsFile->page( request->page()->number() );
pageToRender->renderToImage( &image );
return image;
const Okular::DocumentInfo * XpsGenerator::generateDocumentInfo()
kDebug() << "generating document metadata" << endl;
return m_xpsFile->generateDocumentInfo();
XpsRenderNode * XpsRenderNode::findChild( const QString &name )
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
if (children[i].name == name) {
return &children[i];
return NULL;
void * XpsRenderNode::getRequiredChildData( const QString &name )
XpsRenderNode * child = findChild( name );
if (child == NULL) {
kDebug() << "Required element " << name << " is missing in " << this->name << endl;
return NULL;
return child->data;
void * XpsRenderNode::getChildData( const QString &name )
XpsRenderNode * child = findChild( name );
if (child == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
return child->data;
#include "generator_xps.moc"