
224 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2006 Brad Hards <bradh@frogmouth.net>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include "core/generator.h"
#include <QDomDocument>
#include <QXmlDefaultHandler>
#include <kzip.h>
class XpsPage;
class XpsHandler: public QXmlDefaultHandler
XpsHandler( XpsPage *page );
bool startElement( const QString & nameSpace,
const QString & localName,
const QString & qname,
const QXmlAttributes & atts );
bool endElement( const QString & nameSpace,
const QString & localName,
const QString & qname );
bool startDocument();
Parse an abbreviated path "Data" description
\param data the string containing the whitespace separated values
\note sets the m_currentPath and possibly other private variables
\see XPS specification 4.2.3 and Appendix G
void parseAbbreviatedPathData( const QString &data);
Parse a "Matrix" attribute string
\param csv the comma separated list of values
\return the QMatrix corresponding to the affine transform
given in the attribute
\see XPS specification 7.4.1
QMatrix attsToMatrix( const QString &csv );
XpsPage *m_page;
QPainter *m_painter;
QBrush m_currentBrush;
QPen m_currentPen;
QPainterPath m_currentPath;
QImage m_image;
QRectF m_viewbox;
QRectF m_viewport;
class XpsPage
XpsPage(KZip *archive, const QString &fileName);
QSize size() const;
bool renderToImage( QImage *p );
QImage loadImageFromFile( const QString &filename );
int loadFontByName( const QString &fontName );
KZip *m_archive;
const QString m_fileName;
QDomDocument m_dom;
QSize m_pageSize;
QFontDatabase m_fontDatabase;
QString m_thumbnailFileName;
bool m_thumbnailMightBeAvailable;
QImage m_thumbnail;
bool m_thumbnailIsLoaded;
QImage *m_pageImage;
bool m_pageIsRendered;
friend class XpsHandler;
Represents one of the (perhaps the only) documents in an XpsFile
class XpsDocument
XpsDocument(KZip *archive, const QString &fileName);
the total number of pages in this document
int numPages() const;
obtain a certain page from this document
\param pageNum the number of the page to return
\note page numbers are zero based - they run from 0 to
numPages() - 1
XpsPage* page(int pageNum) const;
QList<XpsPage*> m_pages;
Represents the contents of a Microsoft XML Paper Specification
format document.
class XpsFile
bool loadDocument( const QString & fileName );
bool closeDocument();
const Okular::DocumentInfo * generateDocumentInfo();
QImage thumbnail();
the total number of XpsDocuments with this file
int numDocuments() const;
the total number of pages in all the XpsDocuments within this
int numPages() const;
a page from the file
\param pageNum the page number of the page to return
\note page numbers are zero based - they run from 0 to
numPages() - 1
XpsPage* page(int pageNum) const;
obtain a certain document from this file
\param documentNum the number of the document to return
\note document numbers are zero based - they run from 0 to
numDocuments() - 1
XpsDocument* document(int documentNum) const;
QList<XpsDocument*> m_documents;
QList<XpsPage*> m_pages;
QString m_thumbnailFileName;
bool m_thumbnailMightBeAvailable;
QImage m_thumbnail;
bool m_thumbnailIsLoaded;
QString m_corePropertiesFileName;
Okular::DocumentInfo * m_docInfo;
KZip *xpsArchive;
class XpsGenerator : public Okular::Generator
virtual ~XpsGenerator();
bool loadDocument( const QString & fileName, QVector<Okular::Page*> & pagesVector );
bool closeDocument();
bool canGeneratePixmap( bool async ) const;
void generatePixmap( Okular::PixmapRequest * request );
const Okular::DocumentInfo * generateDocumentInfo();
private slots:
XpsFile *m_xpsFile;