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<title>The &kdvi; Handbook</title>
<holder>Stefan Kebekus</holder>
<para>This document describes &kdvi; version 1.0</para>
<chapter id="introduction">
<para>&kdvi; is a plugin for the &kviewshell; program which allows
&kviewshell; to display &DVI;-files (<literal
role="extension">.dvi</literal>) which are produced by the TeX
typesetting system. &kdvi; supports many extensions of the DVI
standard, for instance the inclusion of &PostScript; graphics or
hyperlinks. More details, examples and all the technical
specifications can be found in the file <ulink
(click <ulink url="KDVI-features.tex">here</ulink> for the
TeX-source of that file).</para>
<para>For up-to-date information, consult <ulink
url="http://devel-home.kde.org/~kdvi">kdvi's home page</ulink>.
<para>TeX is a high-end typesetting system geared towards
scientific, and in particular mathematical typesetting. More
information about TeX and &DVI; can be found on the <ulink
url="http://www.tug.org">homepage of the TeX user group</ulink> or
the German <ulink url="http://www.dante.de">German DANTE
<chapter id="starting">
<title>Starting &kdvi;</title>
<para>Most of the time, &kdvi; will be started by just clicking
onto a <literal role="extension">.dvi</literal>-file in the file
manager. For convenience there exists a command
<command>kdvi</command> which calls &kviewshell; with the &kdvi;
plugin preloaded. The viewer may thus be started using the command
<parameter>somepath/paper.dvi</parameter></userinput>. The command
lines <userinput><command>kdvi</command>
<parameter>somepath/paper</parameter></userinput> or
<parameter>somepath/paper.</parameter></userinput> will also work.
<para>The usual parameters handled by &Qt; and &kde; applications
also work: <userinput><command>kdvi</command>
<option>-style</option> <parameter>windows</parameter>
<option>-display</option> <parameter>:0</parameter>
<option>-geometry</option> <parameter>400x400+0+0</parameter>
<option>-caption</option> <parameter>"DVI"</parameter></userinput>
<chapter id="print">
<title>Printing DVI-Files</title>
<para>&kdvi; can print your DVI-files using the standard KDE
printing interface. Internally, &kdvi; uses the programm
<command>dvips</command> to generate PostScript, which is then
passed on to the printer. In particular, <command>dvips</command>
must be installed if you want to print with &kdvi;. The programm
<command>dvips</command> uses its own configuration files and its
own settings, which are fine for most purposes. However, if you
care for optimal printing results, you should configure
<command>dvips</command> manually and make sure to set a default
MetaFont mode which fits your printer best ---on many systems
you'll find a <ulink url="info:/dvips">GNU-texinfo documentation
of <command>dvips</command></ulink>, and you might also want to
look for a file called <filename>dvips.dvi</filename> or
<chapter id="export">
<title>Exporting the DVI file to other formats</title>
<para>If you want to save your file as in PostScript or
PDF-format, it is not recommended that you use the printing
function and redirect the printer output to a file. Instead, you
can use the export functions which produce better-quality output
that retains many of the special features of the dvi format and
looks better in many of the viewing applications, such as Adobe's
Acrobat Reader. You will find the export functions in the
<guimenu>File</guimenu> menu.</para>
<section id="export-ps">
<title>Exporting to PostScript</title>
<para>As in printing, the external program
<command>dvips</command> is used to generate the PostScript
file. If the DVI-file contains hyperlinks, these will also be
included in the PostScript file. If you are an export, and if
you would like to generate output which is optimized for a
specific printer, you should probably start
<command>dvips</command> manually and choose the proper MetaFont
mode yourself.</para>
<section id="export-pdf">
<title>Exporting to PDF</title>
<para>In order to produce PDF files of high quality, &kdvi;
converts DVI to PDF using the external program
<command>dvipdfm</command>. If you are working on a machine
where an older distribution of the TeX typesetting system is
installed, it may be that the programm
<command>dvipdfm</command> is not installed. In that case, you
need to use the printing function to generate PDF
<warning> <para>If you are viewing the generated file in Adobe's
Acrobat reader, you may well find that some of the fonts look
extremely poor although a printout is fine, and although the
document looks ok in ghostview. This is a known issue with the
Acrobat Reader and bitmap fonts. At the time of writing, the
only practicable workaround seems to be to avoid bitmap
<chapter id="inverse-search">
<title>Using inverse search</title>
<anchor id="inv-search"></anchor>
<para>Inverse search is a very useful feature when you are writing
a TeX-text yourself. If everything is properly set up, you can
click into KDVI's window with the right mouse button. After that,
your favourite editor will open, load the TeX-sourcefile and jump
to the proper paragraph. To use inverse search, do the following:</para>
<para>Produce a DVI file that contains inverse search
information. This is explained in the section "Producing
TeX-files for inverse search" below. If you just want to test
the inverse search feature, you can also use the example file
<para>Let &kdvi; know which editor you would like to
use. Choose an editor in the <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel>
dialog which can be reached by choosing
<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> in the menu <guimenuitem>DVI
options</guimenuitem>. The next chapter, <ulink
url="opt-rendering.html">"The preferences dialog/Rendering
Options"</ulink>, explains this dialog in more detail.</para>
<para>Some editors need to be started manually, or need
additional configuration. You will find a description of all
supported editors in the, <ulink
url="inverse-search-editor.html">"Setting up your
editor"</ulink> below.</para>
<para>Test your setup. Open your DVI file in &kdvi; and use
the middle mouse button to click into &kdvi;. The editor
should pop up and display the TeX file.</para>
<section id="inverse-search-tex">
<title>Producing TeX-files for inverse search</title>
<para>There are essentially two ways to produce DVI-files which
contain inverse search information: you can either use a
TeX/LaTeX-binary which generates and includes the necessary
information automatically, or you can include an extra package
which is written in TeX/LaTeX.</para>
<para>A TeX binary which generates and includes the
necessary information automatically, is certainly the
preferred method of including inverse search information. By
the time of writing, a binary was not yet available for
Unix. However, it is said that the next version of the
<ulink url="http://www.tetex.org">TeTeX
TeX-distribution</ulink> will support inverse search
<para>If you do not have a TeX-binary which includes inverse
search information natively, copy the files <ulink
url="srcltx.sty"><filename>srcltx.sty</filename></ulink> and
url="srctex.sty"><filename>srctex.sty</filename></ulink> to
the directory where your TeX-file resides (you can do that
by shift-clicking the hyperlinks). If you use LaTeX, add the
to the preamble of your TeX-file. If you use plain TeX, the line
will do the trick.</para>
<para>While inverse search is extremely useful when you are
typing a document yourself, it might be a good idea to remove
the inverse search information before sending the DVI file to
someone else.</para>
<section id="inverse-search-editor">
<title>Setting up your editor</title>
<para>While inverse search works generally very well with most
editors, some of them require a bit of extra care. This section
explains how to configure your editor.</para>
<section id="editor-setup-kate">
<para>Unfortunately, KDE's editor kate does not support the
inverse search very well. A middle-button mouseclick into the
DVI file will always open a new instance of the kate editor,
even if kate is already running and even if the TeX-file is
already loaded. Worse, kate does not move the cursor to the
beginning of the paragraph.</para>
<section id="editor-setup-nedit">
<para>NEdit generally works very well indeed. Clicking into the
DVI file should open a new window. If the TeX-file is already
used in another window of NEdit, the newly opened window
displays another view of the buffer. Otherwise, the TeX-file is
loaded. After opening the window, NEdit highlights the first
line of the appropriate paragraph.</para>
<para>Make sure that NEdit is installed. Try to start
<command>nedit</command> from the command line.</para>
<para>&kdvi; uses the command <command>ncl</command> to
remote control NEdit. Make sure that <command>ncl</command>
is available on the command line by trying the command
<parameter>-noask</parameter></userinput>. This which should
open an instance of the NEdit editor. If
<command>ncl</command> is not available, you might be using
an older version of NEdit. In that case, you should either
upgrade to a more recent version, or you have to use the
option "User defined editor" from the Options dialog.</para>
<section id="editor-setup-xemacs">
<para>XEmacs works well with &kdvi;. The actual behaviour of
XEmacs depends largely on the configuration. As usual, you can
customize XEmacs complete, if you are willing to fight your way
through Lisp code.</para>
<para>&kdvi; uses the program <command>gnuclient</command> to
remote control XEmacs.</para>
<para>The program <command>gnuclient</command> requires that
XEmacs is running, and that the program gnuserv is started
inside XEmacs. Inverse search will not work unless you have
started both XEmacs and gnuserv.</para>
<para>To start the gnuserv program, you can do one of the following:</para>
<para>In XEmacs, start gnuserv by typing <userinput>M-x
<para>Add the line
to your <filename>.emacs</filename> or
<filename>.xemacs</filename> file.</para>
<para>If you don't want to open a new frame for each editor
call, and want the frame to be auto-raised, set "Gnuserv Frame"
to "Use selected frame", and add the "raise-frame" function to
"Visit Hook". Do <userinput>M-x customize-group RET
gnuserv</userinput> to make these settings. The resulting
entries in your <filename>.emacs</filename> file should look
like this:
;;; ... other stuff ...
'(gnuserv-frame t)
'(gnuserv-visit-hook (lambda () (raise-frame) (recenter))))
<para>Make sure that XEmacs is installed. Try to start
<command>xemacs</command> from the command line.</para>
<para>&kdvi; uses the command <command>gnuserv</command> to
remote control XEmacs. Make sure that
<command>gnuclient</command> is available on the command
line by trying the command
<userinput><command>gnuclient</command> <parameter>'Name of
a text file'</parameter></userinput>. This should open a new
frame in the XEmacs editor.</para>
<listitem> <para>If <command>gnuserv</command> fails with an
error message like <computeroutput>unable to connect to
local</computeroutput>, make sure that XEmacs is
running. Furthermore, make sure that gnuserv is started by
typing <userinput>M-x gnuserv-start</userinput>.</para>
<section id="editor-setup-gvim">
<title>VI iMproved / GUI</title>
<para>&kdvi; supports vim, but the result is not thrilling. A
middle-button mouseclick into the DVI file will always open a
new instance of the vim editor, even if vim is already running
and even if the TeX-file is already loaded.</para>
<para>Make sure that VIM/GUI is installed. Try to start
<command>gvim</command> from the command line.</para>
<chapter id="preferences">
<title>The <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel> dialog</title>
<anchor id="opts"></anchor>
<para>The <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel> dialog can be reached
by choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
<guimenuitem>DVI options</guimenuitem></menuchoice> inside
<para>The dialog consists of two tabs, <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel>
and <guilabel>Rendering</guilabel>.</para>
<sect1 id="opt-fonts">
<title><guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> Options</title>
<para>The following picture shows the options dialog of
<screeninfo>The <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> dialog</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="optionrequester1.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>The <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> dialog</phrase>
<term><guilabel>Metafont mode</guilabel></term>
<para>These options specify the fonts which &kdvi; will
use for rendering. By carefully optimizing the settings
here it is possible to improve on the display. However,
unless you are an expert in <command>MetaFont</command>
and know what you are doing, it is not a good idea to
change these options.</para>
<para>Safe values are <guilabel>1200 dpi /
Lexmark</guilabel> for good quality, or <guilabel>600 dpi
/ LaserJet 4</guilabel> for medium quality and faster
<term><guilabel>Generate missing fonts</guilabel></term>
<para>Check this if you want &kdvi; to call the
<command>MetaFont</command> program in the likely case
that kdvi wants to display documents which use fonts which
are not yet readily made. You most certainly want to set
this option.</para>
<sect1 id="opt-rendering">
<title><guilabel>Rendering</guilabel> Options</title>
<para>The following picture shows the second options dialog of
<screeninfo>The <guilabel>Rendering</guilabel> dialog</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="optionrequester2.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
<phrase>The <guilabel>Rendering</guilabel> dialog</phrase>
<term><guilabel>Show PostScript specials</guilabel></term>
<para>If this options is checked, &kdvi; will display
&PostScript; graphics which are embedded into the &DVI;
<para>If an external &PostScript; file could not be found,
&kdvi; will draw a red warning box in its
place. Unfortunately, rendering &PostScript; graphics is
very slow in the current version of &kdvi;. We will
improve on the speed in later versions. If this option is
off, &kdvi; will either draw a grey box as a placeholder
for the graphics, or it will leave the space blank.</para>
<para>There is no standard way to embed &PostScript;
graphics into a dvi file. It may therefore happen that
&kdvi; cannot properly display a graphic which works
fine with other programs. Older versions of
<command>xdvi</command> and <command>dvips</command>
support the execution of external commands. This is a
bad security risk and therefore deliberately not
implemented in &kdvi;. Technical information about
supported ways to include &PostScript; can be found in
the document <ulink
url="KDVI-features.dvi"><filename>KDVI-features.dvi</filename></ulink>. You
probably want to set this option.</para>
<para>Check this if you want &kdvi; to display
hyperlinks. The appropriate parts of the text will be
underlined in blue. You probably want to set this
<chapter id="faq">
<title>Q &amp; A</title>
<para>What happens when &kdvi; displays the message
"Generating bitmap fonts", and why does the procedure take
so long?</para>
<para>The TeX typesetting system is geared towards highest
quality output, and the same holds for the fonts which are
used by TeX. </para>
<para>What can I do when &kdvi; does not find my
<para>You must have correct settings for resolution and
<command>Metafont</command> mode. If this does not help, you
may set the field 'PK Font Path' in Preferences/Fonts to
point to the list of directories to be searched for
pk-fonts: <userinput><filename
You can make &kdvi; search recursively by adding an extra /
at the end of directory name:
<userinput>/var/lib/texmf/fonts//</userinput> (This works
like <command>xdvi</command>'s <envar>XDVIFONTS</envar>
environment variable. There is also good (gnu
<command>info</command>) documentation available for the
kpathsea library that &kdvi; uses for font searching.) This
makes &kdvi; usable when you have some other tex system than
<command>tetex</command> and don't have the
<filename>texmf.cnf</filename> file.</para>
<para>How do I get the font generation to work?</para>
<para>If you would like to enable automatic font generation
using <command>MakeTeXPK</command>, you must also supply
correct <command>Metafont</command> mode in preferences
dialog. When automatic pk-font generation is disabled (menu
option) the missing fonts will be logged to file
<filename>missfont.log</filename> in the current directory.
It is a good idea to check that the font generation commands
in <filename>missfont.log</filename> are correct before
enabling font generation</para>
<chapter id="credits-and-license">
<title>Credits and Licenses</title>
<para>&kdvi; is based on based on the stand-alone-program &kdvi;
0.4.3 by Markku Hihnala. That program is in turn based on
<application>xdvi</application> version 18f which has many
<para>Documentation is copyright 2000, 2001, Markku Hihnala
<email>mah@ee.oulu.fi</email> and Stefan Kebekus
<appendix id="installation">
<para>&kghostview; is part of the &kde; 2 project, details of
which can be found at <ulink url="http://www.kde.org">
<para>To use &kghostview;, you must have the
<application>Ghostscript</application> program as well as &kde; 2
installed on your machine. The
<application>Ghostscript</application> home page is at
<ulink url="http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/">
<para>Most distributions will include &kghostview;, but if you
want to roll your own the source code can be found in the
Kdegraphics package on <ulink
the main ftp site of the KDE project. </para>
<para>To see if a later version of &kghostview; has been released,
you can take a look in <ulink
url="http://apps.kde.com">http://apps.kde.com</ulink>. </para>
<para>To compile and install &kghostview; on your system, as root
type the following in the directory where you saved the
&kghostview; source code:</para>
<screen width="40">
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>./configure</command></userinput>
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>make</command></userinput>
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>make</command> <option>install</option></userinput>
Since &kghostview; uses <command>autoconf</command> and
<command>automake</command> you should not have any trouble compiling
it. But if you do run into problems please report them to the &kde;
mailing lists.
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