project( 'evince', ['c'], version: '43.1', license: 'GPL-2.0-or-later', meson_version: '>= 0.57.0', default_options: [ 'buildtype=debugoptimized', 'libhandy:vapi=false', 'libhandy:introspection=disabled', 'libhandy:tests=false', ] ) if get_option('development') app_id = 'org.gnome.Evince.Devel' else app_id = 'org.gnome.Evince' endif ev_name = meson.project_name().to_lower() ev_version = meson.project_version() version_array = ev_version.split('.') ev_major_version = version_array[0].to_int() ev_minor_version = version_array[1] ev_prefix = get_option('prefix') ev_bindir = join_paths(ev_prefix, get_option('bindir')) ev_datadir = join_paths(ev_prefix, get_option('datadir')) ev_includedir = join_paths(ev_prefix, get_option('includedir')) ev_libdir = join_paths(ev_prefix, get_option('libdir')) ev_libexecdir = join_paths(ev_prefix, get_option('libexecdir')) ev_localedir = join_paths(ev_prefix, get_option('localedir')) ev_mandir = join_paths(ev_prefix, get_option('mandir')) ev_pkgdatadir = join_paths(ev_datadir, ev_name) ev_appstreamdir = join_paths(ev_datadir, 'metainfo') # Libtool versioning. The backend and view libraries have separate versions. # Before making a release, the libtool version should be modified. # The string is of the form C:R:A. # - If interfaces have been changed or added, but binary compatibility has # been preserved, change to C+1:0:A+1 # - If binary compatibility has been broken (eg removed or changed interfaces) # change to C+1:0:0 # - If the interface is the same as the previous version, change to C:R+1:A # Libtool version of the backend library ev_document_current = 4 ev_document_revision = 0 ev_document_age = 0 ev_document_version = '@0@.@1@.@2@'.format(ev_document_current, ev_document_revision, ev_document_age) ev_document_current_minus_age = ev_document_current - ev_document_age # Libtool version of the view library ev_view_current = 3 ev_view_revision = 0 ev_view_age = 0 ev_view_version = '@0@.@1@.@2@'.format(ev_view_current, ev_view_revision, ev_view_age) ev_view_current_minus_age = ev_view_current - ev_view_age ev_api_version = '3.0' ev_include_subdir = join_paths(ev_name, ev_api_version) # Backends directory ev_binary_version = ev_document_current ev_backends_binary_version = ev_binary_version ev_backends_subdir = join_paths(ev_name, ev_backends_binary_version.to_string(), 'backends') ev_backendsdir = join_paths(ev_libdir, ev_backends_subdir) ev_namespace = 'org.gnome.Evince' ev_code_prefix = 'Ev' ev_debug = get_option('buildtype').contains('debug') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') config_h = configuration_data() config_h.set10('_GNU_SOURCE', true) # package config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_ICON_NAME', app_id) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', ev_version) config_h.set_quoted('VERSION', ev_version) # i18n config_h.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', ev_name) config_h.set('ENABLE_NLS', true) # Support for nl_langinfo (_NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT) (optional) langinfo_measurement_src = ''' #include int main() { char c; c = *((unsigned char *) nl_langinfo(_NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT)); }; ''' config_h.set('HAVE__NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT', cc.compiles(langinfo_measurement_src, name: 'Support for nl_langinfo'), description: 'Define if _NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT is available') # compiler flags common_flags = ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H'] + cc.get_supported_arguments([ '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', ]) common_ldflags = [] if build_machine.system() == 'windows' common_flags += '-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500' common_ldflags = cc.get_supported_link_arguments('-mwindows') endif # GLib on macOS expects so as shared_module suffix, while meson uses dylib by default if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' name_suffix = 'so' else name_suffix = [] endif if ev_debug common_flags += ['-DEV_ENABLE_DEBUG'] + cc.get_supported_arguments([ '-Wnested-externs', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-Werror=format=2', '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration', '-Werror=init-self', '-Werror=missing-include-dirs', '-Werror=missing-prototypes', '-Werror=pointer-arith', '-Werror=return-type', ]) endif add_project_arguments(common_flags, language: 'c') gnome = import('gnome') i18n = import('i18n') pkg = import('pkgconfig') source_root = meson.current_source_dir() data_dir = join_paths(source_root, 'data') po_dir = join_paths(source_root, 'po') top_inc = include_directories('.') glib_req_version = '>= 2.44.0' gtk_req_version = '>= 3.22.0' hdy_req_version = '>= 1.5.0' gdk_pixbuf_dep = dependency('gdk-pixbuf-2.0', version: '>= 2.40.0') config_h.set_quoted('EXTRA_GDK_PIXBUF_LOADERS_DIR', join_paths (ev_libdir, ev_name, 'gdk-pixbuf', gdk_pixbuf_dep.get_pkgconfig_variable('gdk_pixbuf_binary_version'))) gio_dep = dependency('gio-2.0', version: glib_req_version) glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', version: glib_req_version) gmodule_dep = dependency('gmodule-2.0') gmodule_no_export_dep = dependency('gmodule-no-export-2.0', version: glib_req_version) gtk_dep = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: gtk_req_version) gthread_dep = dependency('gthread-2.0', version: glib_req_version) # Keep the version here synchronised with subprojects/libhandy.wrap hdy_dep = dependency('libhandy-1', version: hdy_req_version, fallback: ['libhandy', 'libhandy_dep']) m_dep = cc.find_library('m') gidocgen_dep = dependency('gi-docgen', version: '>= 2021.1', fallback: ['gi-docgen', 'dummy_dep'], required: get_option('gtk_doc')) # Although GTK+ 3.10 includes hi-dpi functionality, it does not require a cairo with # cairo_surface_set_device_scale(), which we also need if we're to support hi-dpi, # so we need check for that explicitly. cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', version: '>= 1.10.0') config_h.set('HAVE_HIDPI_SUPPORT', cc.has_function('cairo_surface_set_device_scale', dependencies: cairo_dep)) # ZLIB support (required) zlib_dep = cc.find_library('z', required: false) assert(zlib_dep.found() and cc.has_function('inflate', dependencies: zlib_dep) and cc.has_function('crc32', dependencies: zlib_dep), 'No sufficient zlib library found on your system') ev_platform = get_option('platform') if ev_platform == 'gnome' # Evince has a rather soft run-time dependency on hicolor-icon-theme. # If the hicolor theme is not available, Evince fails to display some # icons. Because we cannot check for it at run-time, we instead # would like to require the icon theme at compile-time. But, because # the hicolor-icon-theme does not have a pkgconfig file, on gnome we # require the gnome icon theme instead. adwaita_icon_theme_dep = dependency('adwaita-icon-theme', version: '>= 2.17.1') # *** Nautilus property page build *** enable_nautilus = get_option('nautilus') if enable_nautilus libnautilus_extension_dep = dependency('libnautilus-extension', version: ['>= 3.28.0', '< 42.20']) nautilus_extension_dir = libnautilus_extension_dep.get_pkgconfig_variable('extensiondir', define_variable: ['libdir', ev_libdir]) endif # *** DBUS *** enable_dbus = get_option('dbus') if enable_dbus # Check for dbus service dir dbus_service_dir = dependency('dbus-1').get_pkgconfig_variable('session_bus_services_dir', define_variable: ['datadir', ev_datadir]) endif config_h.set('ENABLE_DBUS', enable_dbus) # *** GNOME Keyring support *** libsecret_dep = dependency('libsecret-1', version: '>= 0.5', required: get_option('keyring')) enable_keyring = libsecret_dep.found() config_h.set('WITH_KEYRING', enable_keyring) # GKT+ Unix Printing gtk_unix_print_dep = dependency('gtk+-unix-print-3.0', version: gtk_req_version, required: get_option('gtk_unix_print')) enable_gtk_unix_print = gtk_unix_print_dep.found() config_h.set10('GTKUNIXPRINT_ENABLED', enable_gtk_unix_print) if enable_dbus or enable_gtk_unix_print gio_unix_dep = dependency('gio-unix-2.0', version: glib_req_version) else gio_unix_dep = dependency('', required: false) endif else message('Evince has a soft run-time dependency on hicolor-icon-theme. You are advised to have this theme installed when running Evince.') enable_nautilus = false enable_dbus = false enable_keyring = false enable_gtk_unix_print = false gio_unix_dep = dependency('', required: false) gtk_unix_print_dep = dependency('', required: false) endif # *** GObject Introspection *** enable_introspection = get_option('introspection') if enable_introspection dependency('gobject-introspection-1.0', version: '>= 1.0') endif # *** GNOME Desktop (Thumbnail cache) *** gnome_desktop_dep = dependency('gnome-desktop-3.0', required: get_option('thumbnail_cache')) enable_thumbnail_cache = gdk_pixbuf_dep.found() and gnome_desktop_dep.found() config_h.set('HAVE_LIBGNOME_DESKTOP', enable_thumbnail_cache) # *** GStreamer (Multimedia) *** gstreamer_base_dep = dependency('gstreamer-base-1.0', required: get_option('multimedia')) gstreamer_dep = dependency('gstreamer-1.0', required: get_option('multimedia')) gstreamer_video_dep = dependency('gstreamer-video-1.0', required: get_option('multimedia')) enable_multimedia = gstreamer_dep.found() and gstreamer_base_dep.found() and gstreamer_video_dep.found() config_h.set('ENABLE_MULTIMEDIA', enable_multimedia) # *** Gspell *** gspell_dep = dependency('gspell-1', version: '>= 1.6.0', required: get_option('gspell')) enable_gspell = gspell_dep.found() config_h.set10('WITH_GSPELL', enable_gspell) # *** systemd user unit dir *** systemd_user_unit_dir = get_option('systemduserunitdir') install_systemd_user_unit_dir = (systemd_user_unit_dir != 'no') if install_systemd_user_unit_dir and systemd_user_unit_dir == '' systemd_user_unit_dir = join_paths(ev_prefix, 'lib', 'systemd', 'user') endif # *** Check for Desktop Schemas *** gsettings_desktop_schemas_dep = dependency('gsettings-desktop-schemas', required: false) config_h.set('HAVE_DESKTOP_SCHEMAS', gsettings_desktop_schemas_dep.found()) # *** libsynctex *** if get_option('internal_synctex') == 'true' external_synctex = false else synctex_dep = dependency('synctex', version: '>= 1.19', required: false) external_synctex = synctex_dep.found() if not external_synctex and get_option('internal_synctex') == 'false' error('External synctex requested but not found') endif endif # *** Mime types list *** mime_types_list = { 'comics': [ 'application/vnd.comicbook-rar', 'application/vnd.comicbook+zip', 'application/x-cb7', 'application/x-cbr', 'application/x-cbt', 'application/x-cbz', 'application/x-ext-cb7', 'application/x-ext-cbr', 'application/x-ext-cbt', 'application/x-ext-cbz', ], 'djvu': [ 'application/x-ext-djv', 'application/x-ext-djvu', 'image/vnd.djvu', ], 'dvi': [ 'application/x-bzdvi', 'application/x-dvi', 'application/x-ext-dvi', 'application/x-gzdvi', ], 'illustrator': [ 'application/illustrator' ], 'pdf': [ 'application/pdf', 'application/x-bzpdf', 'application/x-ext-pdf', 'application/x-gzpdf', 'application/x-xzpdf', ], 'ps': [ 'application/postscript', 'application/x-bzpostscript', 'application/x-gzpostscript', 'application/x-ext-eps', 'application/x-ext-ps', 'image/x-bzeps', 'image/x-eps', 'image/x-gzeps', ], 'tiff': [ 'image/tiff' ], 'xps': [ 'application/oxps', 'application/', ], } backends = {} evince_mime_types = [] # *** Spectre *** if not get_option('ps').disabled() or not get_option('dvi').disabled() # libspectre (used by ps and dvi backends) libspectre_req_version = '>= 0.2.0' libspectre_dep = dependency('libspectre', version: libspectre_req_version, required: false) config_h.set('HAVE_SPECTRE', libspectre_dep.found()) else libspectre_dep = disabler() endif # *** Comic Book *** libarchive_req_version = '>= 3.6.0' libarchive_dep = dependency('libarchive', version: libarchive_req_version, required: get_option('comics')) enable_comics = libarchive_dep.found() if enable_comics backends += {'comics': mime_types_list.get('comics')} evince_mime_types += mime_types_list.get('comics') elif get_option('comics').auto() warning('** Comics support is disabled since libarchive (version ' + libarchive_req_version + ') is needed') endif # *** DJVU *** ddjvuapi_req_version = '>= 3.5.22' ddjvuapi_dep = dependency('ddjvuapi', version: ddjvuapi_req_version, required: get_option('djvu')) enable_djvu = ddjvuapi_dep.found() if enable_djvu backends += {'djvu': mime_types_list.get('djvu')} evince_mime_types += mime_types_list.get('djvu') elif get_option('djvu').auto() warning('Djvu support is disabled since a recent version of the djvulibre library was not found. You need at least djvulibre ' + ddjvuapi_req_version + ' which can be found on') endif # *** DVI *** kpathsea_dep = cc.find_library('kpathsea', required: get_option('dvi')) enable_dvi = kpathsea_dep.found() and cc.has_function('kpse_init_prog', dependencies: kpathsea_dep) if enable_dvi config_h.set10('STDC_HEADERS', true) if not cc.has_type('size_t', prefix: '#include') config_h.set('size_t', 'unsigned int') endif types = [ ['short', 'SHORT'], ['int', 'INT'], ['long', 'LONG'], ['long long', 'LONG_LONG'], ['void *', 'VOID_P'], ] foreach type: types config_h.set('SIZEOF_' + type[1], cc.sizeof(type[0])) endforeach backends += {'dvi': mime_types_list.get('dvi')} evince_mime_types += mime_types_list.get('dvi') elif get_option('dvi').auto() warning('Dvi support is disabled since kpathsea library was not found. Check your installation.') endif # *** PDF *** poppler_req_version = '>= 22.02.0' poppler_glib_dep = dependency('poppler-glib', version: poppler_req_version, required: get_option('pdf')) libxml_req_version = '>= 2.5.0' libxml_dep = dependency('libxml-2.0', version: libxml_req_version, required: get_option('pdf')) enable_pdf = poppler_glib_dep.found() and libxml_dep.found() if enable_pdf cairo_pdf_dep = dependency('cairo-pdf', required: false) cairo_ps_dep = dependency('cairo-ps', required: false) backends += {'pdf': mime_types_list.get('pdf')} evince_mime_types += mime_types_list.get('pdf') elif get_option('pdf').auto() warning('PDF support is disabled since poppler-glib version ' + poppler_req_version + ' or libxml-2.0 version ' + libxml_req_version + ' not found') endif # *** PostScript *** enable_ps = not get_option('ps').disabled() and libspectre_dep.found() if enable_ps backends += {'ps': mime_types_list.get('ps')} evince_mime_types += mime_types_list.get('ps') elif not get_option('ps').disabled() str = 'PS support is disabled since libspectre (version ' + libspectre_req_version + ') is needed' if get_option('ps').auto() error(str) endif warning(str) endif # *** TIFF *** libtiff_dep = dependency('libtiff-4', required: get_option('tiff')) enable_tiff = libtiff_dep.found() if enable_tiff backends += {'tiff': mime_types_list.get('tiff')} evince_mime_types += mime_types_list.get('tiff') elif get_option('tiff').auto() warning('Tiff support is disabled since tiff library version 4.0 or newer not found') endif # *** XPS *** libgxps_req_version = '>= 0.2.1' libgxps_dep = dependency('libgxps', version: libgxps_req_version, required: get_option('xps')) enable_xps = libgxps_dep.found() if enable_xps backends += {'xps': mime_types_list.get('xps')} evince_mime_types += mime_types_list.get('xps') elif get_option('xps').auto() warning('** XPS support is disabled since libgxps (version ' + libgxps_req_version + ') is needed') endif if enable_pdf and enable_ps backends += { 'pdf': mime_types_list.get('pdf') + mime_types_list.get('illustrator'), 'ps': mime_types_list.get('ps') + mime_types_list.get('illustrator'), } evince_mime_types += mime_types_list.get('illustrator') endif mime_types_conf = configuration_data() mime_types_conf.set('EVINCE_MIME_TYPES', ';'.join(evince_mime_types)) mime_types_conf.set('PACKAGE_ICON_NAME', app_id) subdir('cut-n-paste') subdir('libdocument') subdir('backend') subdir('libview') subdir('libmisc') subdir('properties') # *** Document Viewer *** enable_viewer = get_option('viewer') if enable_viewer subdir('shell') endif subdir('po') subdir('help') # *** Thumbnailer *** enable_thumbnailer = get_option('thumbnailer') if enable_thumbnailer subdir('thumbnailer') endif # Print Previewer enable_previewer = get_option('previewer') if enable_previewer subdir('previewer') endif subdir('data') headers = files( 'evince-document.h', 'evince-view.h', ) install_headers( headers, subdir: ev_include_subdir, ) # Appdata files appdata = ev_namespace + '.appdata.xml' i18n.merge_file( input: appdata + '.in', output: appdata, po_dir: po_dir, install: true, install_dir: ev_appstreamdir, ) configure_file( output: 'config.h', configuration: config_h, ) gnome.post_install( glib_compile_schemas: true, gtk_update_icon_cache: true, ) summary({'Platform...................': ev_platform, 'Debug mode.................': ev_debug, }, section: 'General', bool_yn: true) summary({'Viewer.....................': enable_viewer, 'Previewer..................': enable_previewer, 'Thumbnailer................': enable_thumbnailer, 'Nautilus extension.........': enable_nautilus, }, section: 'Frontends', bool_yn: true) summary({'Comics.....................': enable_comics, 'DJVU.......................': enable_djvu, 'DVI........................': enable_dvi, 'PDF........................': enable_pdf, 'PostScript.................': enable_ps, 'TIFF.......................': enable_tiff, 'XPS........................': enable_xps, }, section: 'Backends', bool_yn: true) summary({'Gtk-doc reference..........': enable_gtk_doc, 'User documentation.........': enable_user_doc, 'GObject introspection......': enable_introspection, 'DBus communication.........': enable_dbus, 'Systemd units installation.': systemd_user_unit_dir, 'Keyring integration........': enable_keyring, 'GTK+ Unix print ...........': enable_gtk_unix_print, 'Thumbnail cache ...........': enable_thumbnail_cache, 'Multimedia ................': enable_multimedia, 'Spell checker .............': enable_gspell, 'SyncTex ...................': external_synctex.to_string('external', 'internal'), }, section: 'Features', bool_yn: true)