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2024-03-02 19:28:01 +01:00

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Released on 03/03/2024

  • Added CLI subcommands
    • Changed -t to theme
    • Changed -u to update
    • Changed -c to config
  • Introduced support for WebDAV
    • It is now possible also to connect directly to WebDAV server with the syntax http(s)://username:password@google.com
  • Bugfix:
    • Issue 232: AWS S3 wasn't working anymore due to rust-s3 outdate
  • Dependencies:
    • Added remotefs-webdav 0.1.1


Released on 06/10/2023

  • Dropped ratatui support, reverted to tui-realm 1.8


Released on 01/10/2023

  • Issue 205: Allow windows build without SMB support
  • Issue 215: termscp not respecting port in SSH config. The port specified for the host in the SSH configuration wasn't evaluated.
  • Issue 213: termscp panicks if the terminal window is too small


Released on 06/07/2023

  • Issue 169: Local working directory can now be specified in connection form and be saved into bookmarks.

  • Issue 188: The breadcrumbs path is not fallbacked after a failed enter into the directory

  • SMB support is now a feature (you can build rust without default features to disable smb).

  • If SSH connection timeout is 0, the connection won't timeout.


Released on 16/05/2023

  • Change file permissions: you can now change file permissions easily with the permissions popup pressing Z in the explorer.
  • SMB protocol: Support for SMB protocol has been added thanks to the remotefs-smb library and the pavao project. You may notice that the interface is quiet different between Windows and Linux/MacOs/BSD due to the fact that SMB is natively supported on Windows systems.
  • Issue 153: show a loading message when loading directory's content
  • Issue 176: debug log is now written to CACHE_DIR
  • Issue 173: allow unknown fields in ssh2 configuration file
  • Issue 175: don't prompt for password if a ssh key is set for that host
  • Fixed an issue that didn't use the User specified in ssh2-config


Released on 19/04/2023

  • Issue 166: fixed SCP relative paths on Windows


Released on 18/04/2023

  • Issue 154: fixed SCP relative paths on Windows


Released on 07/03/2022

  • Issue 150
    • fixed config directory not being created
    • before setting default ssh config path; check wheter it actually exists
  • Security:
    • removed remove_dir_all crate with tempfile 3.4
  • Dependencies:
    • Bump ssh2-config to 0.1.6


Released on 20/02/2023

🦥 The lazy update

  • Transfers optimized:
    • If local/remote file have the same "last modification time" (mtime), the file is not transferred
    • When the file is exchanged, all times attributes are set (if supported by the protocol)
  • Default ssh config path:
    • SSH configuration path is now ~/.ssh/config by default
  • Added ARM64 Linux builds
  • Bugfix:
  • Dependencies:
    • Bump remotefs-ssh to 0.1.3
    • Bump self_update to 0.35
    • Bump ssh2-config to 0.1.4
    • Bump toml to 0.7


Released on 15/10/2022

500 stars update Thank you for supporting termscp and make it reaching 500 stars on Github

  • Changed keybindings for BACKTAB: backtab will now change the explorer tab
    • To active the LOG PANEL, use P
  • Yes/No dialogs are now answerable by pressing Y or N on your keyboard (Issue 121)
  • Use ssh2 config IdentityFile as fallback for key based authentication
  • Bugfix
    • Fixed Issue 122
    • Fixed version comparison when going above 0.9
  • Dependencies:
    • Bump argh to 0.1.9
    • Bump chrono to 0.4.22
    • Bump keyring to 1.2.0
    • Bump notify-rust to 4.5.10
    • Bump open to 3.0.3
    • Bump rpassword to 7.0.0
    • Changed regex to lazy-regex 2.3.0
    • Bump remotefs-ftp to 0.1.2
    • Bump remotefs-ssh to 0.1.2
    • Bump self_update to 0.32
    • Bump ssh2-config to 0.1.3
    • Bump tuirealm to 1.8.0
    • Bump tui-realm-stdlib to 1.1.7
    • Bump unicode-width to 0.1.10
    • Added version-compare 0.1.0
    • Bump whoami to 1.2.3
    • Bump wildmatch to 2.1.1
    • Removed libssl dependency


Released on 18/06/2022

🏖️ Tenerife Update 🍹

  • Bookmark name as hostname for CLI arguments
    • It is now possible to provide the name of the bookmark you want to connect to, instead of the address in command line arguments

      To do so it is enough to run termscp as follows:

      termscp -b <bookmark-name>

      If the password is stored in the bookmark, it will be used, otherwise you will be prompted to type the password in.

  • Remote directory path in authentication form and in bookmarks parameters:
    • It is now possible to configure the directory path you want to enter when you connect to the remote host from the authentication form
    • This parameter can be stored into bookmarks as you already do with the other parameters
    • You can find this field scrolling down in the authentication form
  • File system watcher:
    • It is now possible to synchronize changes from a local path to the remote host
    • Press <T> to start synchronizing changes from the selected directory/file to the remote directory
      • The changes will be automatically applied to the remote host with a maximum delay of 5 seconds
      • These changes are (if possible) applied: file removed, file changed, file renamed
    • Press <CTRL+T> to show all the currently synchronized files
  • Enhancements:
    • Improved s3 auth form scrolling
  • Bugfix:
    • Fixed SSH key list showing {hostname} at {username} instead of {username} at {hostname}
  • Dependencies:
    • Updated edit to 0.1.4
    • Updated log to 0.4.17
    • Updated magic-crypt to 3.1.10
    • Updated open to 2.1.3
    • Updated regex to 1.5.6
    • Updated rpassword to 6.0.1
    • Updated self_update to 0.30.0
    • Updated simplelog to 0.12.0
    • Updated toml to 0.5.9
    • Updated tui-realm to 1.6.0


Released on 26/04/2022

  • Enhancements
    • Write exitcode to log when termscp terminates
  • Bugfix:
    • Issue 104: Fixed termscp panics when displaying long non-ascii filenames


Released on 22/03/2022

  • Added support for S3 compatible backends
    • Changed AWS S3 to S3 in ui
    • Added new endpoint and new-path-style to s3 connection parameters
  • Bugfix:
    • Issue 92: updated ssh2-config to 0.1.3, which solves this issue.
    • Issue 99: Fixed AltGr characters not allowed in auth form
  • Dependencies:
    • Updated keyring to 1.1.2
    • Updated notify-rust to 4.5.6
    • Updated open to 2.0.3
    • Updated rand to 0.8.5
    • Updated regex to 1.5.5
    • Updated remotefs-rs-aws-s3 to 0.2.0
    • Updated tui-realm to 1.5.0
    • Updated tui-realm-stdlib to 1.1.6


Released on 06/01/2022

❄️ Winter update 2022

  • Enhancements:
    • Synchronized browsing:
      • From now on, if synchronized browsing is enabled and you try to enter a directory that doesn't exist on the other host, you will be asked whether you'd like to create the directory.
    • Find feature:
      • A "wait popup" will now be displayed while searching files
      • If find command doesn't return any result show an info dialog and not an empty explorer
      • It is now possible to keep navigating on the other explorer while "found tab" is open
        • It is not possible though to have the "found tab" on both explorers (otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell whether you're transferring files)
      • Files found from search are now displayed with their relative path from working directory
    • Ui:
      • Transfer abortion is now more responsive
      • Selected files will now be rendered with Reversed, underlined and italic text modifiers instead of being prepended with *.
      • Error popup message height is now calculated based on the content it must display.
      • Midnight commander keys
        • <F1>: Show help
        • <F2>: Save file as (actually I invented this)
        • <F3>: View file
        • <F4>: Open file (with text editor)
        • <F5>: Copy file
        • <F6>: Rename file
        • <F7>: Make directory
        • <F8>: Remove file
        • <F10>: Quit
      • Added footer with most used key bindings
      • <TAB> will now switch explorer tab (will do what <LEFT> and <RIGHT> currently do)
      • Use <BACKTAB> to switch between explorer tab and log tab. Backtab is <SHIFT + TAB>
    • Tui-realm migration:
      • migrated application to tui-realm 1.x
      • Improved application performance
    • Changed the buffer size to 65535 (was 65536) for transfer I/O
  • Aws s3 connection parameters extension 🦊:
    • Added Access Key to Aws-s3 connection parameters
    • Added Security Access Key to Aws-s3 connection parameters
    • Added Security token to Aws-s3 connection parameters
    • Added Session token to Aws-s3 connection parameters
  • SSH Config
    • Added ssh config parameter in configuration
    • It is now possible to specify the ssh configuration file to use
    • The supported parameters are described at https://github.com/veeso/ssh2-config.
    • If the field is left empty, no file will be loaded.
    • By default, no file will be used.
  • Symlink command:
    • You can now create symlinks, pressing <K> key on the file explorer.
  • Less verbose logging:
    • By default the log level is now set to INFO
    • It is now possible to enable the TRACE level with the -D CLI option.
  • Dependencies:
    • Added unicode-width 0.1.8
    • Updated argh to 0.1.7
    • Updated keyring to 1.0.0
    • Updated magic-crypt to 3.1.9
    • Updated open to 2.0.2
    • Updated notify-rust to 4.5.5
    • Updated self_update to 0.28.0
    • Updated simplelog to 0.11.1
    • Updated tempfile to 3.2.0
    • Updated tui-realm to 1.4.2
    • Updated tui-realm-stdlib to 1.1.5
    • Updated whoami to 1.2.1
    • Updated wildmatch to 2.1.0
    • Removed rust-s3, ssh2, suppaftp; replaced by remotefs 0.2.0, remotefs-aws-s3 0.1.0, remotefs-ftp 0.1.0 and remotefs-ssh 0.1.0
    • Removed crossterm (since bridged by tui-realm)
    • Removed textwrap (unused)


Released on 12/10/2021

🍁 Autumn update 2021 🍇

  • Aws S3 🪣
    • Added support for the aws-s3 protocol.
    • Operate on your bucket directly from the file explorer.
    • You can also save your buckets as bookmarks.
    • Aws s3 reads credentials directly from your credentials file at $HOME/.aws/credentials or from environment. Read more in the user manual.
  • Auto update ⬇️
    • Possibility to update termscp directly via GUI or CLI.
    • Install update via CLI running (sudo) termscp --update.
    • Install update via GUI from auth form: when the "new version message" is displayed press <CTRL+R>, then enter YES in the radio input asking whether to install the update.
  • Notifications 📫
    • termscp will now send Desktop notifications in these cases
      • on transfer completed (minimum transfer size can be specified in configuration; default 512MB)
      • on transfer error (same as above)
      • on update available
    • Added "notifications enabled" in configuration (Default enabled)
    • Added "Notifications: minimum transfer size": if transfer size is greater or equal than the specified value, notifications for transfer will be displayed.
  • Prompt user when about to replace existing file on a file transfer
    • Whenever a file transfer is about to replace an existing file on local/remote host, you will be prompted if you're sure you really want to replace that file.
    • You may want to disable this option. You can go to configuration and set "Prompt when replacing existing files?" to "NO"
    • Added a new key in themes: misc_info_dialog: if your theme won't load, just reload it. If you're using a customised theme, you can add to it the missing key via a text editor. Just edit the theme.toml in your $CONFIG_DIR/termscp/theme.toml and add misc_info_dialog (Read more in manual at Themes).
  • Enhancements:
    • Reuse mounts in UI, in order to reduce executable size
    • File list can now be "rewinded", which means that moving with arrows will now allow you to go from top to bottom of the list pressing <UP> and viceversa pressing <DOWN>.
  • Bugfix:
    • Fixed Issue 70: Unable to type characters with CTRL+ALT (e.g. italian layout CTRL+ALT+ò => @) due to a crossterm issue. Fixed with tui-realm-stdlib 0.6.3.
  • Dependencies:
    • Added notify_rust 4.5.3
    • Added rust-s3 0.27-rc4
    • Added self_update 0.27.0
    • Updated argh to 0.1.6
    • Updated dirs to 4.0.0
    • Updated tui-realm-stdlib to 0.6.3
    • Removed ureq


Released on 31/08/2021

  • Enhancements:
    • Now that tui-rs supports title alignment, UI has been improved
    • Added new Directory already exists variant for file transfer errors
  • Bugfix:
    • Fixed Issue 58:When uploading a directory, create directory only if it doesn't exist
    • Fixed Issue 59: When copying files with tricky copy, the upper progress bar shows no text
  • Dependencies:
    • Updated bitflags to 1.3.2
    • Updated bytesize to 1.1.0
    • Updated crossterm to 0.20
    • Updated open to 2.0.1
    • Added tui-realm-stdlib 0.6.0
    • Replaced ftp4 with suppaftp 4.1.2
    • Updated tui-realm to 0.6.0


Released on 23/07/2021

🍹 Summer update 2021 🍨

  • Open any file in explorer:
    • Open file with default program for file type with <V>
    • Open file with a specific program with <W>
  • Themes:
    • You can now set colors for 26 elements in the application
    • Colors can be any RGB, also CSS colors syntax is supported (e.g. aquamarine)
    • Configure theme from settings or import from CLI using the -t <theme file> argument
    • You can find several themes in the themes/ directory
  • Keyring support for Linux
    • From now on keyring will be available for Linux only
    • Read the manual to find out if your system supports the keyring and how you can enable it
    • libdbus is now a dependency
    • added with-keyring feature
    • BREAKING CHANGE : if you start using keyring on Linux, all the saved password will be lost
  • In-app release notes
    • Possibility to see the release note of the new available release whenever a new version is available
    • Just press <CTRL+R> when a new version is available from the auth activity to read the release notes
  • Installation script:
    • From now on, in case cargo is used to install termscp, all the cargo dependencies will be installed
  • Start termscp from configuration: Start termscp with -c or --config to start termscp from configuration page
  • Enhancements:
    • Show a "wait" message when deleting, copying and moving files and when executing commands
    • Replaced all ... with in texts
    • Check if remote host is valid in authentication form
    • Check if port number is valid in authentication form
    • From now on, if you try to leave setup without making any change, you won't be prompted whether to save configuration or not
  • Bugfix:
    • Fixed broken input cursor when typing UTF8 characters (tui-realm 0.3.2)
    • Fixed save bookmark dialog: you could switch out from dialog with <TAB>
    • Fixed transfer interruption: it was not possible to abort a transfer if the size of the file was less than 65k
    • Changed Remote address to Remote host in authentication form
  • Dependencies:
    • Added argh 0.1.5
    • Added open 1.7.0
    • Removed getopts
    • Updated rand to 0.8.4
    • Updated textwrap to 0.14.2
    • Updated tui-realm to 0.4.3


Released on 21/06/2021

  • Enhancements:
    • CI now uses containers to test file transfers (SSH/FTP)
      • Improved coverage
      • Found many bugs which has now been fixed
      • Build in CI won't fail due to test servers not responding
      • We're now able to test all the functionalities of the file transfers
    • Status bar improvements
      • "Show hidden files" in status bar
      • Status bar has now been splitted into two, one for each explorer tab
    • Error message if terminal window is too small
      • If the terminal window has less than 24 lines, then an error message is displayed in the auth activity
      • Changed auth layout to absolute sizes
  • Bugfix:
    • Fixed UI not showing connection errors
    • Fixed termscp on Windows dying whenever opening a file with text editor
    • Fixed broken input cursor when typing UTF8 characters (tui-realm 0.3.2)
    • Fixed Issue 44: Could not move files to other paths in FTP
    • Fixed Issue 43: Could not remove non-empty directories in FTP
    • Fixed Issue 39: Help panels as ScrollTable to allow displaying entire content on small screens
    • Fixed Issue 38: Transfer size was wrong when transferring "selected" files (with mark)
    • Fixed Issue 37: progress bar not visible when editing remote files
  • Dependencies:
    • Updated textwrap to 0.14.0
    • Updated tui-realm to 0.4.2


Released on 23/05/2021

🌸 Spring Update 2021 🌷

  • Synchronized browsing:
    • Added the possibility to enabled the synchronized brower navigation
      • when you enter a directory, the same directory will be entered on the other tab
      • Enable sync browser with <Y>
      • Read more on manual: Synchronized browsing
  • Remote and Local hosts file formatter:
    • Added the possibility to set different formatters for local and remote hosts
  • Work on multiple files:
    • Added the possibility to work on multiple files simultaneously
    • Select a file with <M>, the file when selected will have a * prepended to its name
    • Select all files in the current directory with <CTRL+A>
    • Read more on manual: Work on multiple files
  • Logging:
    • termscp now writes a log file, useful to debug and to contribute to fix issues.
    • Read more on manual
  • File transfer changes
    • SFTP
      • Added COPY command to SFTP (Please note that Copy command is not supported by SFTP natively, so here it just uses the cp shell command as it does in SCP).
    • FTP
      • Added support for file copy (achieved through tricky-copy: the file is first downloaded, then uploaded with a different file name)
  • Double progress bar:
    • From now one two progress bar will be displayed:
      • the first, on top, displays the full transfer state (e.g. when downloading a directory of 10 files, the progress of the entire transfer)
      • the second, on bottom, displays the transfer of the individual file being written (as happened for the old versions)
      • changed the progress bar colour from LightGreen to Green
  • Enhancements
    • Added a status bar in the file explorer showing whether the sync browser is enabled and which file sorting mode is selected
    • Removed the goold old figlet title
    • Protocol input as first field in UI
    • Port is now updated to standard for selected protocol
      • when you change the protocol in the authentication form and the current port is standard (< 1024), the port will be automatically changed to default value for the selected protocol (e.g. current port: 123, protocol changed to FTP, port becomes 21)
  • Bugfix:
    • Fixed wrong text wrap in log box
    • Fixed empty bookmark name causing termscp to crash
    • Fixed error message not being shown after an upload failure
    • Fixed default protocol not being loaded from config
    • Issue 23: Remove created file if transfer failed or was abrupted
  • Dependencies:
    • Added tui-realm 0.3.0
    • Removed tui (as direct dependency)
    • Updated regex to 1.5.4


Released on 13/04/2021

  • Enhancements:
    • Use highlight symbol for logbox of tui-rs instead of adding a Span
  • Bugfix:
    • removed eprintln! in ftp transfer causing UI to break in Windows


Released on 07/04/2021

  • Enhancements:
    • SCP file transfer:
      • Added possibility to stat directories.
  • Bugfix:
    • Issue 18: Set file transfer type to Binary for FTP
    • Issue 17
      • SCP: fixed symlink not properly detected
      • FTP: added symlink support for Linux targets
    • Issue 10: Fixed port not being loaded from bookmarks into gui
    • Issue 9: Fixed issues related to paths on remote when using Windows
  • Dependencies:
    • Added path-slash 0.1.4 (Windows only)
    • Added thiserror 1.0.24
    • Updated edit to 0.1.3
    • Updated magic-crypt to 3.1.7
    • Updated rand to 0.8.3
    • Updated regex to 1.4.5
    • Updated textwrap to 0.13.4
    • Updated ureq to 2.1.0
    • Updated whoami to 1.1.1
    • Updated wildmatch to 2.0.0


Released on 27/03/2021

The UI refactoring update

  • New explorer features:
    • Execute a command pressing X. This feature is supported on both local and remote hosts (only SFTP/SCP protocols support this feature).
    • Find: search for files pressing F using wild matches.
  • Enhancements:
    • Input fields will now support "input keys" (such as moving cursor, DEL, END, HOME, ...)
    • Improved performance regarding configuration I/O (config client is now shared in the activity context)
    • Fetch latest version from Github once; cache previous value in the Context Storage.
  • Bugfix:
    • Prevent resetting explorer index on remote tab after performing certain actions (list dir, exec, ...)
    • SCP file transfer: prevent infinite loops while performing stat on symbolic links pointing to themselves (e.g. mylink -> mylink)
    • Fixed a bug causing termscp to crash if removing a bookmark
    • Fixed file format cursor position in the GUI
    • Fixed a bug causing termscp to show two equal bookmarks when overwriting one.
    • Fixed system tests which deleted the termscp configuration when launched
  • LICENSE: changed license to MIT
  • Dependencies:
    • Removed unicode-width
    • Added wildmatch 1.0.13
  • For developers:
    • Activity refactoring
      • Developed an internal library used to create components, components are then nested inside a View
      • The new engine works through properties and states, then returns Messages. I was inspired by both React and Elm.


Released on 28/02/2021

  • Format key attributes:
    • Added EXTRA and LENGTH parameters to format keys.
    • Now keys are provided with this syntax {KEY_NAME[:LEN[:EXTRA]}
  • Check for updates:
    • termscp will now check for updates on startup and will show in the main page if there is a new version available
    • This feature may be disabled from setup (Check for updates => No)
  • Enhancements:
    • Default choice for deleting file set to "NO" (way too easy to delete files by mistake)
    • Added CLI options to set starting workind directory on both local and remote hosts
    • Parse remote host now uses a Regex to gather parts (increased stability).
    • Now bookmarks and recents are sorted in the UI (bookmarks are sorted by name; recents are sorted by connection datetime)
    • Improved stability


Released on 24/01/2021

  • Explorer Formatter:
    • Added possibility to customize the format when listing files in the explorers (Read more on README)
    • Added file_fmt key to configuration (if missing, default will be used).
    • Added the text input to the Settings view to set the value for file_fmt.
  • Bugfix:
    • Solved file index in explorer files at start of termscp, in case the first entry is an hidden file
    • SCP File transfer: when listing directory entries, check if a symlink points to a directory or to a file
  • Dependencies:
    • updated crossterm to 0.19.0
    • updated rand to 0.8.2
    • updated rpassword to 5.0.1
    • updated serde to 1.0.121
    • updated tui to 0.14.0
    • updated whoami to 1.1.0


Released on 18/01/2021

  • Keyring to store secrets
    • On both MacOS and Windows, the secret used to encrypt passwords in bookmarks it is now store in the OS secret vault. This provides much more security to store the password
  • Enhancements:
    • Added connection timeout to 30 seconds to SFTP/SCP clients and improved name lookup system.
  • Bugfix:
    • Solved index in explorer files list which was no more kept after 0.3.0
    • SCP file transfer: fixed possible wrong file size when sending file, due to a possible incoherent size between the file explorer and the actual file size.
  • Breaking changes: on MacOS / Windows systems only, the password you saved for bookmarks won't be working anymore if you have support for the keyring crate. Because of the migration to keyring, the previously used secret hasn't been migrated to the storage, instead a new secret will be used. To solve this, just save the bookmark again with the password.


Released on 10/01/2021

The SSH Key Storage Update

  • SSH Key Storage
    • Added the possibility to store SSH private keys to access to remote hosts; this feature is supported in both SFTP and SCP.
    • SSH Keys can be manipulated through the new Setup Interface
  • Setup Interface
    • Added a new area in the interface, where is possible to customize termscp. Access to this interface is achieved pressing <CTRL+C> from the home page (AuthActivity).
  • Configuration:
    • Added configuration; configuration is stored at
      • Linux: /home/alice/.config/termscp/config.toml
      • MacOS: /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/termscp/config.toml
      • Windows: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\termscp\config.toml
    • Added Text editor to configuration
    • Added Default File transfer protocol to configuration
    • Added "Show hidden files" to configuration
    • Added "Group directories" to configuration
    • Added SSH keys to configuration; SSH keys will be stored at
      • Linux: /home/alice/.config/termscp/.ssh/
      • MacOS: /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/termscp/.ssh/
      • Windows: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\termscp\.ssh\
  • Enhancements:
    • Replaced sha256 sum with last modification time check, to verify if a file has been changed in the text editor
    • FTP
      • Added LIST command parser for Windows server (DOS-like syntax)
    • Default protocol changed to default protocol in configuration when providing address as CLI argument
    • Explorers:
      • Hidden files are now not shown by default; use A to show hidden files.
      • Append / to directories name.
  • Keybindings:
    • A: Toggle hidden files
    • B: Sort files by (name, size, creation time, modify time)
    • N: New file
  • Bugfix:
    • SCP client didn't show file types for files
    • FTP client didn't show file types for files
    • FTP file transfer not working properly with STOR and RETR.
    • Fixed 0 B/S transfer rate displayed after completing download in less than 1 second
  • Dependencies:
    • added bitflags 1.2.1
    • removed data-encoding
    • updated ftp to 4.0.2
    • updated rand to 0.8.0
    • removed ring
    • updated textwrap to 0.13.1
    • updated toml to 0.5.8
    • updated whoami to 1.0.1


Released on 21/12/2020

The Bookmarks Update

  • Bookmarks
    • Bookmarks and recent connections are now displayed in the home page
    • Bookmarks are saved at
      • Linux: /home/alice/.config/termscp/bookmarks.toml
      • MacOS: /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/termscp/bookmarks.toml
      • Windows: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\termscp\bookmarks.toml
  • Text Editor
    • Added text editor feature to explorer view
    • Added o to keybindings to open a text file
  • Keybindings:
    • C: Copy file/directory
    • O: Open text file in editor
  • Enhancements:
    • User interface
      • Collpased borders to make everything more aesthetic
      • Rounded input field boards
      • File explorer:
        • Log how long it took to upload/download a file and the transfer speed
        • Display in progress bar the transfer speed (bytes/seconds)
  • Bugfix:
    • File mode of file on remote is now reported on local file after being downloaded (unix, linux, macos only)
    • Scp: when username was not provided, it didn't fallback to current username
    • Explorer: fixed UID format in Windows


Released on 14/12/2020

  • Enhancements:
    • File transfer:
      • Read buffer is now 65536 bytes long
    • File explorer:
      • Fixed color mismatch in local explorer
      • Explorer tabs have now 70% of layout height, while logging area is 30%
      • Highlight selected entry in tabs, only when the tab is active
    • Auth page:
      • align popup text to center
  • Keybindings:
    • L: Refresh directory content
  • Bugfix:
    • Fixed memory vulnerability in Windows version


Released on 13/12/2020

  • General performance and code improvements
  • Improved symlinks management
  • Possibility to abort file transfers
  • Enhancements:
    • File explorer:
      • When file index is at the end of the list, moving down will set the current index to the first element and viceversa.
      • Selected file has now colourful background, instead of foreground, for a better readability.
  • Keybindings:
    • E: Delete file (Same as DEL); added because some keyboards don't have DEL (hey, that's my MacBook Air's keyboard!)
    • Ctrl+C: Abort transfer process


Released on 10/12/2020

  • enhancements:
    • password prompt: ask before performing terminal clear
    • file explorer:
      • file names are now sorted ignoring capital letters
      • file names longer than 23, are now cut to 20 and followed by ...
      • paths which exceed tab size in explorer are elided with the following formato ANCESTOR[1]/.../PARENT/DIRNAME
  • keybindings:
    • I: show info about selected file or directory
    • Removed CTRL; just use keys now.
  • bugfix:
    • prevent panic in set_progress, for progress values > 100.0 or < 0.0
    • Fixed FTP get, which didn't finalize the reader
  • dependencies:
    • updated textwrap to 0.13.0
    • updated ftp4 to 4.0.1


Released on 06/12/2020

  • First release