mirror of https://invent.kde.org/network/krfb synced 2024-07-08 12:05:49 +00:00
George Goldberg 0b04afe5c1 Framebuffers are now plugins. This means we can switch between the Qt and X11 framebuffers at runtime.
- Currently there is no configuration UI, so you have to edit the krfbrc by hand to select the framebuffer plugin to use. This will be fixed later.
- Framebuffers are shared, so that when krfb supports having mutliple servers running, the framebuffer can be shared between them (when appropriate) for better performance.
- Currently defaults to the X11 framebuffer, since this is what was hardcoded before.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdenetwork/krfb/; revision=1027330
2009-09-23 20:57:47 +00:00

44 lines
1.4 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kcfgfile />
<group name="TCP">
<entry name="useDefaultPort" type="Bool">
<label>Use the default port for VNC (5900)</label>
<entry name="port" type="Int">
<label>This is the port on which krfb will listen.</label>
<entry name="publishService" type="Bool">
<label>Announce the service on the local network</label>
<group name="Security">
<entry name="allowDesktopControl" type="Bool">
<label>Allow remote connections to manage the desktop.</label>
<entry name="askOnConnect" type="Bool">
<label>Ask before allowing a remote connection.</label>
<entry name="allowUninvitedConnections" type="Bool">
<label>Allow connections without an invitation.</label>
<entry name="uninvitedConnectionPassword" type="String">
<label>Password for uninvited connections.</label>
<group name="FrameBuffer">
<entry name="preferredFrameBufferPlugin" type="String">
<label>Preferred Frame Buffer Plugin</label>