use clap::{arg, command}; pub fn get_args() -> clap::ArgMatches { command!() .about("navOS Installer") .subcommand( command!("create-iso") .about("Create a new installation medium ISO") .arg(arg!(--without_gui "Create ISO with just terminal")) .arg(arg!(--kb_layout "Create ISO with this keyboard layout")) .arg(arg!(--kb_variant "Create ISO with this keyboard layout variant")) .arg(arg!(--install "Create ISO which automatically installs upon boot.")) ) .subcommand( command!() .name("install") .about("Install a system according to configuration") .arg(arg!(-f --force "Install without confirming config")) .arg(arg!([config] "Config file").required(true)), ) .subcommand( command!() .name("create-tar") .about("Create a container tar image"), ) .subcommand( command!() .name("create-img") .about("Create an install on a disk image for VMs or embedded devices") .arg(arg!([config] "Config file").required(true)), ) .get_matches() }