# :iphone: Home Assistant Companion for Android ![Beta Deploy](https://github.com/home-assistant/android/workflows/Beta%20Deploy/badge.svg) ## Documentation If you are looking for documentation around the companion applications check out the [Home Assistant Companion Documentation](https://companion.home-assistant.io/). This will provide you instructions on using the applications. ## Setup App Development Environment 1. Download and install [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio) 2. Download / clone this repository to a folder on your computer 3. Create a Firebase project at [Firebase Console](https://console.firebase.google.com) 4. Create four Android apps, with following package names - `io.homeassistant.companion.android` - `io.homeassistant.companion.android.debug` - `io.homeassistant.companion.android.minimal` - `io.homeassistant.companion.android.minimal.debug` 5. Now download the `google-services.json` file and put it in the _home-assistant-Android/app_ and _home-assistant-Android/wear_ folder. This file contains the configuration of the whole project (all four applications). ([You can also use the mock services file instead of generating your own](/.github/mock-google-services.json). The file should contain client IDs for all packages listed above for debugging to work properly. **If you do not generate your own file FCM push notification will never work, only websocket notifications will**) 6. Start Android Studio, open your source code folder and check if the Gradle build will be successful using Build/Make Module "App". You might have to install the right Android SDK via Tools/SDK Manager first. 7. Run `gradlew assembleDebug` to build all debug versions, this might take a while. 8. If the build is successful, you can run the app by doing the following: click **Run** -> **Run 'app'**. 9. Connect your phone or create a new virtual device following on screen instruction 10. :tada: If you get stuck while setting up your own environment, you can ask questions in the **#devs_mobile_apps** channel on [Discord](https://discord.gg/c5DvZ4e). ### Push Notifications If you want to work on push notifications or use a development build with push notifications, please go the server side code [HERE](https://github.com/home-assistant/mobile-apps-fcm-push) and deploy it to your firebase project. Once you have your androidV1 URL to the deployed service, set it in to your `${GRADLE_USER_HOME}/gradle.properties` file, e.g.: ```properties homeAssistantAndroidPushUrl=https://mydomain.cloudfunctions.net/androidV1 ``` You can also define the rate limit function URL, e.g.: ```properties homeAssistantAndroidRateLimitUrl=https://mydomain.cloudfunctions.net/checkRateLimits ``` ## App Flavors The Android app has both a full flavor that uses Google Play Services to offer features like location tracking and notifications. There is also a minimal flavor that does not require Google Play Services and can be found in the releases section. The minimal flavor does not have location tracking or notifications. ## Building for publishing To build the app for publishing, you will need to sign the app. To do this, do the following: 1. Create keystore containing keypair for debug application signing. In Android Studio: Menu/Build/Generate signed APK, then use a button to create new keystore. Remember the passwords and key alias. Default, the keystore must be named `release_keystore.keystore` and should be placed in the _home-assistant-Android/app_ and _home-assistant-Android/wear_ folder. 2. Set environmental variables used in `app/build.gradle.kts`: - `KEYSTORE_PASSWORD` - `KEYSTORE_ALIAS` - `KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASSWORD` - `KEYSTORE_PATH` (if your keystore is located differently than stated above) 3. Run `gradlew build` 4. The signed APK is located in your build folder ## Testing Dev Releases We are using [Github Actions](https://github.com/home-assistant/android/actions) to perform continuous integration both by unit testing, deploying dev releases to [Play Store Beta](https://play.google.com/apps/testing/io.homeassistant.companion.android) and final releases to the [Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.homeassistant.companion.android) when we release. To help test out a specific feature/fixes users can find the APK on the Actions page for each pull request, this debug APK can be installed side-by-side the production or beta builds. ## Quality We are using [ktlint](https://ktlint.github.io/) as our linter. You can run a check locally on your machine with: ```bash ./gradlew ktlintCheck ``` This commands runs on our CI to check if your PR passes all tests. So we strongly recommend running it before committing. To run a check with an auto-format: ```bash ./gradlew ktlintFormat ``` ## Translating The project currently uses [lokalise](https://lokalise.com/public/145814835dd655bc5ab0d0.36753359/) to translate the application. If you are interested in helping translate go to the link and click start translating! ## Generating a release to production * Create a new release with the name and tag in the `{MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}` format * Steal the release notes from the latest beta build * This will cause a tag to be added to the project and the `Production Deploy` Workflow will handle the rest * Note: Only the first 500 characters of the release notes get set in the Google Play release