replace negation "!" with ".not()"

This commit is contained in:
Florian Renaud 2022-11-15 10:52:09 +01:00
parent d9454af63e
commit 3239ec5d1f

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@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ class VoiceBroadcastPlayerImpl @Inject constructor(
private fun updateLiveListeningMode(seekPosition: Int? = null) {
isLiveListening = when {
// the current voice broadcast is not live (ended)
!currentVoiceBroadcastEvent?.isLive.orFalse() -> false
currentVoiceBroadcastEvent?.isLive?.not().orFalse() -> false
// the player is stopped or paused
playingState == State.IDLE || playingState == State.PAUSED -> false
seekPosition != null -> {