2021-01-21 07:42:56 -08:00

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Core Graphics API
.. code:: cpp
#include <graphics/graphics.h>
Graphics Enumerations
.. type:: enum gs_draw_mode
Draw mode. Can be one of the following values:
- GS_POINTS - Draws points
- GS_LINES - Draws individual lines
- GS_LINESTRIP - Draws a line strip
- GS_TRIS - Draws individual triangles
- GS_TRISTRIP - Draws a triangle strip
.. type:: enum gs_color_format
Color format. Can be one of the following values:
- GS_UNKNOWN - Unknown format
- GS_A8 - 8 bit alpha channel only
- GS_R8 - 8 bit red channel only
- GS_RGBA - RGBA, 8 bits per channel
- GS_BGRX - BGRX, 8 bits per channel
- GS_BGRA - BGRA, 8 bits per channel
- GS_R10G10B10A2 - RGBA, 10 bits per channel except alpha, which is 2
- GS_RGBA16 - RGBA, 16 bits per channel
- GS_R16 - 16 bit red channel only
- GS_RGBA16F - RGBA, 16 bit floating point per channel
- GS_RGBA32F - RGBA, 32 bit floating point per channel
- GS_RG16F - 16 bit floating point red and green channels only
- GS_RG32F - 32 bit floating point red and green channels only
- GS_R16F - 16 bit floating point red channel only
- GS_R32F - 32 bit floating point red channel only
- GS_DXT1 - Compressed DXT1
- GS_DXT3 - Compressed DXT3
- GS_DXT5 - Compressed DXT5
- GS_RGBA_UNORM - RGBA, 8 bits per channel, no SRGB aliasing
- GS_BGRX_UNORM - BGRX, 8 bits per channel, no SRGB aliasing
- GS_BGRA_UNORM - BGRA, 8 bits per channel, no SRGB aliasing
.. type:: enum gs_zstencil_format
Z-Stencil buffer format. Can be one of the following values:
- GS_ZS_NONE - No Z-stencil buffer
- GS_Z16 - 16 bit Z buffer
- GS_Z24_S8 - 24 bit Z buffer, 8 bit stencil
- GS_Z32F - 32 bit floating point Z buffer
- GS_Z32F_S8X24 - 32 bit floating point Z buffer, 8 bit stencil
.. type:: enum gs_index_type
Index buffer type. Can be one of the following values:
- GS_UNSIGNED_SHORT - 16 bit index
- GS_UNSIGNED_LONG - 32 bit index
.. type:: enum gs_cull_mode
Cull mode. Can be one of the following values:
- GS_BACK - Cull back faces
- GS_FRONT - Cull front faces
- GS_NEITHER - Cull neither
.. type:: enum gs_blend_type
Blend type. Can be one of the following values:
.. type:: enum gs_depth_test
Depth test type. Can be one of the following values:
.. type:: enum gs_stencil_side
Stencil side. Can be one of the following values:
.. type:: enum gs_stencil_op_type
Stencil operation type. Can be one of the following values:
.. type:: enum gs_cube_sides
Cubemap side. Can be one of the following values:
.. type:: enum gs_sample_filter
Sample filter type. Can be one of the following values:
.. type:: enum gs_address_mode
Address mode. Can be one of the following values:
.. type:: enum gs_texture_type
Texture type. Can be one of the following values:
Graphics Structures
.. type:: struct gs_monitor_info
.. member:: int gs_monitor_info.rotation_degrees
.. member:: long gs_monitor_info.x
.. member:: long gs_monitor_info.y
.. member:: long gs_monitor_info.cx
.. member:: long gs_monitor_info.cy
.. type:: struct gs_tvertarray
.. member:: size_t gs_tvertarray.width
.. member:: void *gs_tvertarray.array
.. type:: struct gs_vb_data
.. member:: size_t gs_vb_data.num
.. member:: struct vec3 *gs_vb_data.points
.. member:: struct vec3 *gs_vb_data.normals
.. member:: struct vec3 *gs_vb_data.tangents
.. member:: uint32_t *gs_vb_data.colors
.. member:: size_t gs_vb_data.num_tex
.. member:: struct gs_tvertarray *gs_vb_data.tvarray
.. type:: struct gs_sampler_info
.. member:: enum gs_sample_filter gs_sampler_info.filter
.. member:: enum gs_address_mode gs_sampler_info.address_u
.. member:: enum gs_address_mode gs_sampler_info.address_v
.. member:: enum gs_address_mode gs_sampler_info.address_w
.. member:: int gs_sampler_info.max_anisotropy
.. member:: uint32_t gs_sampler_info.border_color
.. type:: struct gs_display_mode
.. member:: uint32_t gs_display_mode.width
.. member:: uint32_t gs_display_mode.height
.. member:: uint32_t gs_display_mode.bits
.. member:: uint32_t gs_display_mode.freq
.. type:: struct gs_rect
.. member:: int gs_rect.x
.. member:: int gs_rect.y
.. member:: int gs_rect.cx
.. member:: int gs_rect.cy
.. type:: struct gs_window
A window structure. This structure is used with a native widget.
.. member:: void *gs_window.hwnd
(Windows only) an HWND widget.
.. member:: id gs_window.view
(Mac only) A view ID.
.. member:: uint32_t gs_window.id
void* gs_window.display
(Linux only) Window ID and display
.. type:: struct gs_init_data
Swap chain initialization data.
.. member:: struct gs_window gs_init_data.window
.. member:: uint32_t gs_init_data.cx
.. member:: uint32_t gs_init_data.cy
.. member:: uint32_t gs_init_data.num_backbuffers
.. member:: enum gs_color_format gs_init_data.format
.. member:: enum gs_zstencil_format gs_init_data.zsformat
.. member:: uint32_t gs_init_data.adapter
Initialization Functions
.. function:: void gs_enum_adapters(bool (*callback)(void *param, const char *name, uint32_t id), void *param)
Enumerates adapters (this really only applies on windows).
:param callback: Enumeration callback
:param param: Private data passed to the callback
.. function:: int gs_create(graphics_t **graphics, const char *module, uint32_t adapter)
Creates a graphics context
:param graphics: Pointer to receive the graphics context
:param module: Module name
:param adapter: Adapter index
:return: Can return one of the following values:
.. function:: void gs_destroy(graphics_t *graphics)
Destroys a graphics context
:param graphics: Graphics context
.. function:: void gs_enter_context(graphics_t *graphics)
Enters and locks the graphics context
:param graphics: Graphics context
.. function:: void gs_leave_context(void)
Leaves and unlocks the graphics context
:param graphics: Graphics context
.. function:: graphics_t *gs_get_context(void)
:return: The currently locked graphics context for this thread
Matrix Stack Functions
.. function:: void gs_matrix_push(void)
Pushes the matrix stack and duplicates the current matrix.
.. function:: void gs_matrix_pop(void)
Pops the current matrix from the matrix stack.
.. function:: void gs_matrix_identity(void)
Sets the current matrix to an identity matrix.
.. function:: void gs_matrix_transpose(void)
Transposes the current matrix.
.. function:: void gs_matrix_set(const struct matrix4 *matrix)
Sets the current matrix.
:param matrix: The matrix to set
.. function:: void gs_matrix_get(struct matrix4 *dst)
Gets the current matrix
:param dst: Destination matrix
.. function:: void gs_matrix_mul(const struct matrix4 *matrix)
Multiplies the current matrix
:param matrix: Matrix to multiply the current stack matrix with
.. function:: void gs_matrix_rotquat(const struct quat *rot)
Multiplies the current matrix with a quaternion
:param rot: Quaternion to multiple the current matrix stack with
.. function:: void gs_matrix_rotaa(const struct axisang *rot)
void gs_matrix_rotaa4f(float x, float y, float z, float angle)
Multiplies the current matrix with an axis angle
:param rot: Axis angle to multiple the current matrix stack with
.. function:: void gs_matrix_translate(const struct vec3 *pos)
void gs_matrix_translate3f(float x, float y, float z)
Translates the current matrix
:param pos: Vector to translate the current matrix stack with
.. function:: void gs_matrix_scale(const struct vec3 *scale)
void gs_matrix_scale3f(float x, float y, float z)
Scales the current matrix
:param scale: Scale value to scale the current matrix stack with
Draw Functions
.. function:: gs_effect_t *gs_get_effect(void)
:return: The currently active effect, or *NULL* if none active
.. function:: void gs_draw_sprite(gs_texture_t *tex, uint32_t flip, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
Draws a 2D sprite. Sets the "image" parameter of the current effect
to the texture and renders a quad.
If width or height is 0, the width or height of the texture will be
used. The flip value specifies whether the texture should be flipped
on the U or V axis with GS_FLIP_U and GS_FLIP_V.
:param tex: Texture to draw
:param flip: Can be 0 or a bitwise-OR combination of one of the
following values:
- GS_FLIP_U - Flips the texture horizontally
- GS_FLIP_V - Flips the texture vertically
:param width: Width
:param height: Height
.. function:: void gs_draw_sprite_subregion(gs_texture_t *tex, uint32_t flip, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy)
Draws a subregion of a 2D sprite. Sets the "image" parameter of the
current effect to the texture and renders a quad.
:param tex: Texture to draw
:param flip: Can be 0 or a bitwise-OR combination of one of the
following values:
- GS_FLIP_U - Flips the texture horizontally
- GS_FLIP_V - Flips the texture vertically
:param x: X value within subregion
:param y: Y value within subregion
:param cx: CX value of subregion
:param cy: CY value of subregion
.. function:: void gs_reset_viewport(void)
Sets the viewport to current swap chain size
.. function:: void gs_set_2d_mode(void)
Sets the projection matrix to a default screen-sized orthographic
.. function:: void gs_set_3d_mode(double fovy, double znear, double zfar)
Sets the projection matrix to a default screen-sized perspective
:param fovy: Field of view (in degrees)
:param znear: Near plane
:param zfar: Far plane
.. function:: void gs_viewport_push(void)
Pushes/stores the current viewport
.. function:: void gs_viewport_pop(void)
Pops/recalls the last pushed viewport
.. function:: void gs_perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float znear, float zfar)
Sets the projection matrix to a perspective mode
:param fovy: Field of view (in degrees)
:param aspect: Aspect ratio
:param znear: Near plane
:param zfar: Far plane
.. function:: void gs_blend_state_push(void)
Pushes/stores the current blend state
.. function:: void gs_blend_state_pop(void)
Pops/restores the last blend state
.. function:: void gs_reset_blend_state(void)
Sets the blend state to the default value: source alpha and invert
source alpha.
Swap Chains
.. function:: gs_swapchain_t *gs_swapchain_create(const struct gs_init_data *data)
Creates a swap chain (display view on a native widget)
:param data: Swap chain initialization data
:return: New swap chain object, or *NULL* if failed
.. function:: void gs_swapchain_destroy(gs_swapchain_t *swapchain)
Destroys a swap chain
.. function:: void gs_resize(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy)
Resizes the currently active swap chain
:param cx: New width
:param cy: New height
.. function:: void gs_get_size(uint32_t *cx, uint32_t *cy)
Gets the size of the currently active swap chain
:param cx: Pointer to receive width
:param cy: Pointer to receive height
.. function:: uint32_t gs_get_width(void)
Gets the width of the currently active swap chain
.. function:: uint32_t gs_get_height(void)
Gets the height of the currently active swap chain
Resource Loading
.. function:: void gs_load_vertexbuffer(gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer)
Loads a vertex buffer
:param vertbuffer: Vertex buffer to load, or NULL to unload
.. function:: void gs_load_indexbuffer(gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer)
Loads a index buffer
:param indexbuffer: Index buffer to load, or NULL to unload
.. function:: void gs_load_texture(gs_texture_t *tex, int unit)
Loads a texture (this is usually not called manually)
:param tex: Texture to load, or NULL to unload
:param unit: Texture unit to load texture for
.. function:: void gs_load_samplerstate(gs_samplerstate_t *samplerstate, int unit)
Loads a sampler state (this is usually not called manually)
:param samplerstate: Sampler state to load, or NULL to unload
:param unit: Texture unit to load sampler state for
.. function:: void gs_load_swapchain(gs_swapchain_t *swapchain)
Loads a swapchain
:param swapchain: Swap chain to load, or NULL to unload
Draw Functions
.. function:: gs_texture_t *gs_get_render_target(void)
:return: The currently active render target
.. function:: gs_zstencil_t *gs_get_zstencil_target(void)
:return: The currently active Z-stencil target
.. function:: void gs_set_render_target(gs_texture_t *tex, gs_zstencil_t *zstencil)
Sets the active render target
:param tex: Texture to set as the active render target
:param zstencil: Z-stencil to use as the active render target
.. function:: void gs_set_cube_render_target(gs_texture_t *cubetex, int side, gs_zstencil_t *zstencil)
Sets a cubemap side as the active render target
:param cubetex: Cubemap
:param side: Cubemap side
:param zstencil: Z-stencil buffer, or *NULL* if none
.. function:: void gs_copy_texture(gs_texture_t *dst, gs_texture_t *src)
Copies a texture
:param dst: Destination texture
:param src: Source texture
.. function:: void gs_stage_texture(gs_stagesurf_t *dst, gs_texture_t *src)
Copies a texture to a staging surface and copies it to RAM. Ideally
best to give this a frame to process to prevent stalling.
:param dst: Staging surface
:param src: Texture to stage
.. function:: void gs_begin_scene(void)
void gs_end_scene(void)
Begins/ends a scene (this is automatically called by libobs, there's
no need to call this manually).
.. function:: void gs_draw(enum gs_draw_mode draw_mode, uint32_t start_vert, uint32_t num_verts)
Draws a primitive or set of primitives.
:param draw_mode: The primitive draw mode to use
:param start_vert: Starting vertex index
:param num_verts: Number of vertices
.. function:: void gs_clear(uint32_t clear_flags, const struct vec4 *color, float depth, uint8_t stencil)
Clears color/depth/stencil buffers.
:param clear_flags: Flags to clear with. Can be one of the following
- GS_CLEAR_COLOR - Clears color buffer
- GS_CLEAR_DEPTH - Clears depth buffer
- GS_CLEAR_STENCIL - Clears stencil buffer
:param color: Color value to clear the color buffer with
:param depth: Depth value to clear the depth buffer with
:param stencil: Stencil value to clear the stencil buffer with
.. function:: void gs_present(void)
Displays what was rendered on to the current render target
.. function:: void gs_flush(void)
Flushes GPU calls
.. function:: void gs_set_cull_mode(enum gs_cull_mode mode)
Sets the current cull mode.
:param mode: Cull mode
.. function:: enum gs_cull_mode gs_get_cull_mode(void)
:return: The current cull mode
.. function:: void gs_enable_blending(bool enable)
Enables/disables blending
:param enable: *true* to enable, *false* to disable
.. function:: void gs_enable_depth_test(bool enable)
Enables/disables depth testing
:param enable: *true* to enable, *false* to disable
.. function:: void gs_enable_stencil_test(bool enable)
Enables/disables stencil testing
:param enable: *true* to enable, *false* to disable
.. function:: void gs_enable_stencil_write(bool enable)
Enables/disables stencil writing
:param enable: *true* to enable, *false* to disable
.. function:: void gs_enable_color(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha)
Enables/disables specific color channels
:param red: *true* to enable red channel, *false* to disable
:param green: *true* to enable green channel, *false* to disable
:param blue: *true* to enable blue channel, *false* to disable
:param alpha: *true* to enable alpha channel, *false* to disable
.. function:: void gs_blend_function(enum gs_blend_type src, enum gs_blend_type dest)
Sets the blend function
:param src: Blend type for the source
:param dest: Blend type for the destination
.. function:: void gs_blend_function_separate(enum gs_blend_type src_c, enum gs_blend_type dest_c, enum gs_blend_type src_a, enum gs_blend_type dest_a)
Sets the blend function for RGB and alpha separately
:param src_c: Blend type for the source RGB
:param dest_c: Blend type for the destination RGB
:param src_a: Blend type for the source alpha
:param dest_a: Blend type for the destination alpha
.. function:: void gs_depth_function(enum gs_depth_test test)
Sets the depth function
:param test: Sets the depth test type
.. function:: void gs_stencil_function(enum gs_stencil_side side, enum gs_depth_test test)
Sets the stencil function
:param side: Stencil side
:param test: Depth test
.. function:: void gs_stencil_op(enum gs_stencil_side side, enum gs_stencil_op_type fail, enum gs_stencil_op_type zfail, enum gs_stencil_op_type zpass)
Sets the stencil operation
:param side: Stencil side
:param fail: Operation to perform on stencil test failure
:param zfail: Operation to perform on depth test failure
:param zpass: Operation to perform on depth test success
.. function:: void gs_set_viewport(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Sets the current viewport
:param x: X position relative to upper left
:param y: Y position relative to upper left
:param width: Width of the viewport
:param height: Height of the viewport
.. function:: void gs_get_viewport(struct gs_rect *rect)
Gets the current viewport
:param rect: Pointer to receive viewport rectangle
.. function:: void gs_set_scissor_rect(const struct gs_rect *rect)
Sets or clears the current scissor rectangle
:rect: Scissor rectangle, or *NULL* to clear
.. function:: void gs_ortho(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float znear, float zfar)
Sets the projection matrix to an orthographic matrix
.. function:: void gs_frustum(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float znear, float zfar)
Sets the projection matrix to a frustum matrix
.. function:: void gs_projection_push(void)
Pushes/stores the current projection matrix
.. function:: void gs_projection_pop(void)
Pops/restores the last projection matrix pushed
Texture Functions
.. function:: gs_texture_t *gs_texture_create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, enum gs_color_format color_format, uint32_t levels, const uint8_t **data, uint32_t flags)
Creates a texture.
:param width: Width
:param height: Height
:param color_format: Color format
:param levels: Number of total texture levels. Set to 1 if no
:param data: Pointer to array of texture data pointers
:param flags: Can be 0 or a bitwise-OR combination of one or
more of the following value:
- GS_BUILD_MIPMAPS - Automatically builds
mipmaps (Note: not fully tested)
- GS_DYNAMIC - Dynamic
- GS_RENDER_TARGET - Render target
:return: A new texture object
.. function:: gs_texture_t *gs_texture_create_from_file(const char *file)
Creates a texture from a file. Note that this isn't recommended for
animated gifs -- instead use the :ref:`image_file_helper`.
:param file: Image file to open
.. function:: void gs_texture_destroy(gs_texture_t *tex)
Destroys a texture
:param tex: Texture object
.. function:: uint32_t gs_texture_get_width(const gs_texture_t *tex)
Gets the texture's width
:param tex: Texture object
:return: The texture's width
.. function:: uint32_t gs_texture_get_height(const gs_texture_t *tex)
Gets the texture's height
:param tex: Texture object
:return: The texture's height
.. function:: enum gs_color_format gs_texture_get_color_format(const gs_texture_t *tex)
Gets the texture's color format
:param tex: Texture object
:return: The texture's color format
.. function:: bool gs_texture_map(gs_texture_t *tex, uint8_t **ptr, uint32_t *linesize)
Maps a texture.
:param tex: Texture object
:param ptr: Pointer to receive the pointer to the texture data
to write to
:param linesize: Pointer to receive the line size (pitch) of the
.. function:: void gs_texture_unmap(gs_texture_t *tex)
Unmaps a texture.
:param tex: Texture object
.. function:: void gs_texture_set_image(gs_texture_t *tex, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t linesize, bool invert)
Sets the image of a dynamic texture
:param tex: Texture object
:param data: Data to set as the image
:param linesize: Line size (pitch) of the data
:param invert: *true* to invert vertically, *false* otherwise
.. function:: gs_texture_t *gs_texture_create_from_iosurface(void *iosurf)
**Mac only:** Creates a texture from an IOSurface.
:param iosurf: IOSurface object
.. function:: bool gs_texture_rebind_iosurface(gs_texture_t *texture, void *iosurf)
**Mac only:** Rebinds a texture to another IOSurface
:param texture: Texture object
:param iosuf: IOSurface object
.. function:: gs_texture_t *gs_texture_create_gdi(uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
**Windows only:** Creates a GDI-interop texture
:param width: Width
:param height: Height
.. function:: void *gs_texture_get_dc(gs_texture_t *gdi_tex)
**Windows only:** Gets the HDC of a GDI-interop texture. Call
:c:func:`gs_texture_release_dc()` to release the HDC.
:param gdi_tex: GDI-interop texture object
:return: HDC object
.. function:: void gs_texture_release_dc(gs_texture_t *gdi_tex)
**Windows only:** Releases the HDC of the GDI-interop texture.
:param gdi_tex: GDI-interop texture object
.. function:: gs_texture_t *gs_texture_open_shared(uint32_t handle)
**Windows only:** Creates a texture from a shared texture handle.
:param handle: Shared texture handle
:return: A texture object
.. function:: bool gs_gdi_texture_available(void)
**Windows only:** Returns whether GDI-interop textures are available.
:return: *true* if available, *false* otherwise
.. function:: bool gs_shared_texture_available(void)
**Windows only:** Returns whether shared textures are available.
:return: *true* if available, *false* otherwise
Cube Texture Functions
.. function:: gs_texture_t *gs_cubetexture_create(uint32_t size, enum gs_color_format color_format, uint32_t levels, const uint8_t **data, uint32_t flags)
Creates a cubemap texture.
:param size: Width/height/depth value
:param color_format: Color format
:param levels: Number of texture levels
:param data: Pointer to array of texture data pointers
:param flags: Can be 0 or a bitwise-OR combination of one or
more of the following value:
- GS_BUILD_MIPMAPS - Automatically builds
mipmaps (Note: not fully tested)
- GS_DYNAMIC - Dynamic
- GS_RENDER_TARGET - Render target
:return: A new cube texture object
.. function:: void gs_cubetexture_destroy(gs_texture_t *cubetex)
Destroys a cube texture.
:param cubetex: Cube texture object
.. function:: uint32_t gs_cubetexture_get_size(const gs_texture_t *cubetex)
Get the width/height/depth value of a cube texture.
:param cubetex: Cube texture object
:return: The width/height/depth value of the cube texture
.. function:: enum gs_color_format gs_cubetexture_get_color_format(const gs_texture_t *cubetex)
Gets the color format of a cube texture.
:param cubetex: Cube texture object
:return: The color format of the cube texture
.. function:: void gs_cubetexture_set_image(gs_texture_t *cubetex, uint32_t side, const void *data, uint32_t linesize, bool invert)
Sets an image of a cube texture side.
:param cubetex: Cube texture object
:param side: Side
:param data: Texture data to set
:param linesize: Line size (pitch) of the texture data
:param invert: *true* to invert texture data, *false* otherwise
Staging Surface Functions
Staging surfaces are used to efficiently copy textures from VRAM to RAM.
.. function:: gs_stagesurf_t *gs_stagesurface_create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, enum gs_color_format color_format)
Creates a staging surface.
:param width: Width
:param height: Height
:param color_format: Color format
:return: The staging surface object
.. function:: void gs_stagesurface_destroy(gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf)
Destroys a staging surface.
:param stagesurf: Staging surface object
.. function:: uint32_t gs_stagesurface_get_width(const gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf)
uint32_t gs_stagesurface_get_height(const gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf)
Gets the width/height of a staging surface object.
:param stagesurf: Staging surface object
:return: Width/height of the staging surface
.. function:: enum gs_color_format gs_stagesurface_get_color_format(const gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf)
Gets the color format of a staging surface object.
:param stagesurf: Staging surface object
:return: Color format of the staging surface
.. function:: bool gs_stagesurface_map(gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf, uint8_t **data, uint32_t *linesize)
Maps the staging surface texture (for reading). Call
:c:func:`gs_stagesurface_unmap()` to unmap when complete.
:param stagesurf: Staging surface object
:param data: Pointer to receive texture data pointer
:param linesize: Pointer to receive line size (pitch) of the texture
:return: *true* if map successful, *false* otherwise
.. function:: void gs_stagesurface_unmap(gs_stagesurf_t *stagesurf)
Unmaps a staging surface.
:param stagesurf: Staging surface object
Z-Stencil Functions
.. function:: gs_zstencil_t *gs_zstencil_create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, enum gs_zstencil_format format)
Creates a Z-stencil surface object.
:param width: Width
:param height: Height
:param format: Format
:return: New Z-stencil surface object, or *NULL* if failed
.. function:: void gs_zstencil_destroy(gs_zstencil_t *zstencil)
Destroys a Z-stencil buffer.
:param zstencil: Z-stencil surface object
Sampler State Functions
.. function:: gs_samplerstate_t *gs_samplerstate_create(const struct gs_sampler_info *info)
Creates a sampler state object.
:param info: Sampler state information
:return: New sampler state object
.. function:: void gs_samplerstate_destroy(gs_samplerstate_t *samplerstate)
Destroys a sampler state object.
:param samplerstate: Sampler state object
Vertex Buffer Functions
.. function:: gs_vertbuffer_t *gs_vertexbuffer_create(struct gs_vb_data *data, uint32_t flags)
Creates a vertex buffer.
:param data: Vertex buffer data to create vertex buffer with. The
structure should be created with gs_vbdata_create(),
and then buffers in this structure should be allocated
with :c:func:`bmalloc()`, :c:func:`bzalloc()`, or
:c:func:`brealloc()`. The ownership of the gs_vb_data
pointer is then passed to the function, and they should
not be destroyed by the caller once passed
:param flags: Creation flags. Can be 0 or a bitwise-OR combination
of any of the following values:
- GS_DYNAMIC - Can be dynamically updated in real time.
- GS_DUP_BUFFER - Do not pass buffer ownership of the
structure or the buffer pointers within the
:return: A new vertex buffer object, or *NULL* if failed
.. function:: void gs_vertexbuffer_destroy(gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer)
Destroys a vertex buffer object.
:param vertbuffer: Vertex buffer object
.. function:: void gs_vertexbuffer_flush(gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer)
Flushes a vertex buffer to its interval vertex data object. To
modify its internal vertex data, call
Can only be used with dynamic vertex buffer objects.
:param vertbuffer: Vertex buffer object
.. function:: void gs_vertexbuffer_flush_direct(gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer, const struct gs_vb_data *data)
Directly flushes a vertex buffer to the specified vertex buffer data.
Can only be used with dynamic vertex buffer objects.
:param vertbuffer: Vertex buffer object
:param data: Vertex buffer data to flush. Components that
don't need to be flushed can be left *NULL*
.. function:: struct gs_vb_data *gs_vertexbuffer_get_data(const gs_vertbuffer_t *vertbuffer)
Gets the vertex buffer data associated with a vertex buffer object.
This data can be changed and vertex buffer can be updated with
Can only be used with dynamic vertex buffer objects.
:param vertbuffer: Vertex buffer object
:return: Vertex buffer data structure
Index Buffer Functions
.. function:: gs_indexbuffer_t *gs_indexbuffer_create(enum gs_index_type type, void *indices, size_t num, uint32_t flags)
Creates an index buffer.
:param type: Index buffer type
:param indices: Index buffer data. This buffer must be allocated
with :c:func:`bmalloc()`, :c:func:`bzalloc()`, or
:c:func:`bralloc()`, and ownership of this buffer is
passed to the index buffer object.
:param num: Number of indices in the buffer
:param flags: Creation flags. Can be 0 or a bitwise-OR combination
of any of the following values:
- GS_DYNAMIC - Can be dynamically updated in real time.
- GS_DUP_BUFFER - Do not pass buffer ownership
:return: A new index buffer object, or *NULL* if failed
.. function:: void gs_indexbuffer_destroy(gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer)
Destroys an index buffer object.
:param indexbuffer: Index buffer object
.. function:: void gs_indexbuffer_flush(gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer)
Flushes a index buffer to its interval index data object. To modify
its internal index data, call :c:func:`gs_indexbuffer_get_data()`.
Can only be used with dynamic index buffer objects.
:param indexbuffer: Index buffer object
.. function:: void gs_indexbuffer_flush_direct(gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer, const void *data)
Flushes a index buffer to the specified index buffer data.
Can only be used with dynamic index buffer objects.
:param indexbuffer: Index buffer object
:param data: Index buffer data to flush
.. function:: void *gs_indexbuffer_get_data(const gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer)
Gets the index buffer data associated with a index buffer object.
This data can be changed and index buffer can be updated with
Can only be used with dynamic index buffer objects.
:param vertbuffer: Index buffer object
:return: Index buffer data pointer
.. function:: size_t gs_indexbuffer_get_num_indices(const gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer)
Gets the number of indices associated with this index buffer.
:param indexbuffer: Index buffer object
:return: Number of indices the vertex buffer object has
.. function:: enum gs_index_type gs_indexbuffer_get_type(const gs_indexbuffer_t *indexbuffer)
Gets the type of index buffer.
:param indexbuffer: Index buffer object
:return: Index buffer type
Display Duplicator (Windows Only)
.. function:: gs_duplicator_t *gs_duplicator_create(int monitor_idx)
.. function:: void gs_duplicator_destroy(gs_duplicator_t *duplicator)
.. function:: bool gs_duplicator_update_frame(gs_duplicator_t *duplicator)
.. function:: gs_texture_t *gs_duplicator_get_texture(gs_duplicator_t *duplicator)
.. function:: bool gs_get_duplicator_monitor_info(int monitor_idx, struct gs_monitor_info *monitor_info)
Render Helper Functions
.. function:: void gs_render_start(bool b_new)
.. function:: void gs_render_stop(enum gs_draw_mode mode)
.. function:: gs_vertbuffer_t *gs_render_save(void)
.. function:: void gs_vertex2f(float x, float y)
.. function:: void gs_vertex3f(float x, float y, float z)
.. function:: void gs_normal3f(float x, float y, float z)
.. function:: void gs_color(uint32_t color)
.. function:: void gs_texcoord(float x, float y, int unit)
.. function:: void gs_vertex2v(const struct vec2 *v)
.. function:: void gs_vertex3v(const struct vec3 *v)
.. function:: void gs_normal3v(const struct vec3 *v)
.. function:: void gs_color4v(const struct vec4 *v)
.. function:: void gs_texcoord2v(const struct vec2 *v, int unit)
Graphics Types
.. type:: typedef struct gs_duplicator gs_duplicator_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_texture gs_texture_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_stage_surface gs_stagesurf_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_zstencil_buffer gs_zstencil_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_vertex_buffer gs_vertbuffer_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_index_buffer gs_indexbuffer_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_sampler_state gs_samplerstate_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_swap_chain gs_swapchain_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_texture_render gs_texrender_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_shader gs_shader_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_shader_param gs_sparam_t
.. type:: typedef struct gs_device gs_device_t
.. type:: typedef struct graphics_subsystem graphics_t