OBS Studio Backend Design ========================= The OBS Studio backend is powered by the library libobs. Libobs provides the main pipeline, the video/audio subsystems, and the general framework for all plugins. Libobs Plugin Objects --------------------- Libobs is designed to be modular, where adding modules will add custom functionality. There are four libobs objects that you can make plugins for: - :ref:`plugins_sources` -- Sources are used to render video and/or audio on stream. Things such as capturing displays/games/audio, playing a video, showing an image, or playing audio. Sources can also be used to implement audio and video filters. - :ref:`plugins_outputs` -- Outputs allow the ability to output the currently rendering audio/video. Streaming and recording are two common examples of outputs, but not the only types of outputs. Outputs can receive the raw data or receive encoded data. - :ref:`plugins_encoders` -- Encoders are OBS-specific implementations of video/audio encoders, which are used with outputs that use encoders. x264, NVENC, Quicksync are examples of encoder implementations. - :ref:`plugins_services` -- Services are custom implementations of streaming services, which are used with outputs that stream. For example, you could have a custom implementation for streaming to Twitch, and another for YouTube to allow the ability to log in and use their APIs to do things such as get the RTMP servers or control the channel. *(Author's note: the service API is incomplete as of this writing)* Libobs Threads -------------- There are three primary threads spawned by libobs on initialization: - The obs_graphics_thread_ function used exclusively for rendering in `libobs/obs-video.c`_ - The video_thread_ function used exclusively for video encoding/output in `libobs/media-io/video-io.c`_ - The audio_thread_ function used for all audio processing/encoding/output in `libobs/media-io/audio-io.c`_ *(Author's note: obs_graphics_thread was originally named obs_video_thread; it was renamed as of this writing to prevent confusion with video_thread)* .. _output_channels: Output Channels --------------- Rendering video or audio starts from output channels. You assign a source to an output channel via the :c:func:`obs_set_output_source()` function. The *channel* parameter can be any number from 0..(MAX_CHANNELS_-1). You may initially think that this is how you display multiple sources at once; however, sources are hierarchical. Sources such as scenes or transitions can have multiple sub-sources, and those sub-sources in turn can have sub-sources and so on (see :ref:`displaying_sources` for more information). Typically, you would use scenes to draw multiple sources as a group with specific transforms for each source, as a scene is just another type of source. The "channel" design allows for highly complex video presentation setups. The OBS Studio front-end has yet to even fully utilize this back-end design for its rendering, and currently only uses one output channel to render one scene at a time. It does however utilize additional channels for things such as global audio sources which are set in audio settings. *(Author's note: "Output channels" are not to be confused with output objects or audio channels. Output channels are used to set the sources you want to output, and output objects are used for actually streaming/recording/etc.)* General Video Pipeline Overview ------------------------------- The video graphics pipeline is run from two threads: a dedicated graphics thread that renders preview displays as well as the final mix (the obs_graphics_thread_ function in `libobs/obs-video.c`_), and a dedicated thread specific to video encoding/output (the video_thread_ function in `libobs/media-io/video-io.c`_). Sources assigned to output channels will be drawn from channels 0..(MAX_CHANNELS_-1). They are drawn on to the final texture which will be used for output `[1]`_. Once all sources are drawn, the final texture is converted to whatever format that libobs is set to (typically a YUV format). After being converted to the back-end video format, it's then sent along with its timestamp to the current video handler, `obs_core_video::video`_. It then puts that raw frame in a queue of MAX_CACHE_SIZE_ in the `video output handler`_. A semaphore is posted, then the video-io thread will process frames as it's able. If the video frame queue is full, it will duplicate the last frame in the queue in an attempt to reduce video encoding complexity (and thus CPU usage) `[2]`_. This is why you may see frame skipping when the encoder can't keep up. Frames are sent to any raw outputs or video encoders that are currently active `[3]`_. If it's sent to a video encoder object (`libobs/obs-encoder.c`_), it encodes the frame and sends the encoded packet off to the outputs that encoder is connected to (which can be multiple). If the output takes both encoded video/audio, it puts the packets in an interleave queue to ensure encoded packets are sent in monotonic timestamp order `[4]`_. The encoded packet or raw frame is then sent to the output. General Audio Pipeline Overview ------------------------------- The audio pipeline is run from a dedicated audio thread in the audio handler (the `audio_thread`_ function in `libobs/media-io/audio-io.c`_); assuming that AUDIO_OUTPUT_FRAMES_ is set to 1024, the audio thread "ticks" (processes audio data) once every 1024 audio samples (around every 21 millisecond intervals at 48khz), and calls the audio_callback_ function in `libobs/obs-audio.c`_ where most of the audio processing is accomplished. A source with audio will output its audio via the obs_source_output_audio_ function, and that audio data will be appended or inserted in to the circular buffer `obs_source::audio_input_buf`_. If the sample rate or channel count does not match what the back-end is set to, the audio is automatically remixed/resampled via swresample `[5]`_. Before insertion, audio data is also run through any audio filters attached to the source `[6]`_. Each audio tick, the audio thread takes a reference snapshot of the audio source tree (stores references of all sources that output/process audio) `[7]`_. On each audio leaf (audio source), it takes the closest audio (relative to the current audio thread timestamp) stored in the circular buffer `obs_source::audio_input_buf`_, and puts it in `obs_source::audio_output_buf`_. Then, the audio samples stored in `obs_source::audio_output_buf`_ of the leaves get sent through their parents in the source tree snapshot for mixing or processing at each source node in the hierarchy `[8]`_. Sources with multiple children such as scenes or transitions will mix/process their children's audio themselves via the `obs_source_info::audio_render`_ callback. This allows, for example, transitions to fade in the audio of one source and fade in the audio of a new source when they're transitioning between two sources. The mix or processed audio data is then stored in `obs_source::audio_output_buf`_ of that node similarly, and the process is repeated until the audio reaches the root nodes of the tree. Finally, when the audio has reached the base of the snapshot tree, the audio of all the sources in each output channel are mixed together for a final mix `[9]`_. That final mix is then sent to any raw outputs or audio encoders that are currently active `[10]`_. If it's sent to an audio encoder object (`libobs/obs-encoder.c`_), it encodes the audio data and sends the encoded packet off to the outputs that encoder is connected to (which can be multiple). If the output takes both encoded video/audio, it puts the packets in an interleave queue to ensure encoded packets are sent in monotonic timestamp order `[4]`_. The encoded packet or raw audio data is then sent to the output. .. _obs_graphics_thread: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-video.c#L588-L651 .. _libobs/obs-audio.c: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/master/libobs/obs-audio.c .. _libobs/obs-video.c: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/master/libobs/obs-video.c .. _video_thread: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/media-io/video-io.c#L169-L195 .. _libobs/media-io/video-io.c: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/master/libobs/media-io/video-io.c .. _video output handler: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/master/libobs/media-io/video-io.c .. _audio_thread: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/media-io/audio-io.c#L241-L282 .. _libobs/media-io/audio-io.c: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/master/libobs/media-io/audio-io.c .. _MAX_CHANNELS: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-defs.h#L20-L21 .. _[1]: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-video.c#L99-L129 .. _obs_core_video::video: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-internal.h#L250 .. _MAX_CACHE_SIZE: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/media-io/video-io.c#L34 .. _[2]: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/media-io/video-io.c#L431-L434 .. _[3]: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/media-io/video-io.c#L115-L167 .. _libobs/obs-encoder.c: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/master/libobs/obs-encoder.c .. _[4]: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-output.c#L1382-L1439 .. _AUDIO_OUTPUT_FRAMES: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/media-io/audio-io.h#L30 .. _audio_callback: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-audio.c#L367-L485 .. _obs_source_output_audio: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-source.c#L2578-L2608 .. _obs_source::audio_input_buf: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-source.c#L1280-L1283 .. _[5]: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-source.c#L2561-L2563 .. _[6]: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-source.c#L2591 .. _[7]: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-audio.c#L393-L415 .. _obs_source::audio_output_buf: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-internal.h#L580 .. _[8]: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-audio.c#L417-L423 .. _obs_source_info::audio_render: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-source.h#L410-L412 .. _[9]: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/obs-audio.c#L436-L453 .. _[10]: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/blob/2c58185af3c85f4e594a4c067c9dfe5fa4b5b0a9/libobs/media-io/audio-io.c#L144-L165