
32 lines
1.5 KiB

use clap::{arg, command, ArgMatches};
pub fn get_args() -> ArgMatches {
.about("Query markdown files")
.arg(arg!([dir] "Directory to scan").required(true))
.arg(arg!(-j --json "Output result as JSON").required(false))
arg!(-l --limit <LIMIT> "Limit number of results returned")
arg!(--offset <OFFSET> "Offset results by a factor. Useful when used with --limit")
.arg(arg!(-f --filter <FILTER>... "Filter to apply to the documents").required(false))
arg!(-c --column <COLUMN>... "Specify output columns. You can rename the text displayed in the header using the `:` character like this: VariableName:OutputName")
.arg(arg!(-s --sortby <KEY> "Sort results based on specified key").required(false))
.arg(arg!(-g --groupby <KEY> "Group results based on specified key").required(false))
.arg(arg!(-r --reverse "Reverse the results").required(false))
.arg(arg!(--noheader "Dont print header in CSV mode. Useful for scripting").required(false))
.arg(arg!(--ignoretags "Don't add inline #tags to tags frontmatter").required(false))