2024-02-16 20:02:50 +00:00

170 lines
7.5 KiB

//@ check-pass
use std::fmt::Pointer;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
fn nop() { }
fn foo() -> u32 { 42 }
fn bar(x: u32) -> u32 { x }
fn baz(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 { x + y }
unsafe fn unsafe_fn() { }
extern "C" fn c_fn() { }
unsafe extern "C" fn unsafe_c_fn() { }
unsafe extern fn variadic(_x: u32, _args: ...) { }
fn take_generic_ref<'a, T>(_x: &'a T) { }
fn take_generic_array<T, const N: usize>(_x: [T; N]) { }
fn multiple_generic<T, U>(_x: T, _y: U) { }
fn multiple_generic_arrays<T, U, const N: usize, const M: usize>(_x: [T; N], _y: [U; M]) { }
//function references passed to these functions should never lint
fn call_fn(f: &dyn Fn(u32) -> u32, x: u32) { f(x); }
fn parameterized_call_fn<F: Fn(u32) -> u32>(f: &F, x: u32) { f(x); }
//function references passed to these functions should lint
fn print_ptr<F: Pointer>(f: F) { println!("{:p}", f); }
fn bound_by_ptr_trait<F: Pointer>(_f: F) { }
fn bound_by_ptr_trait_tuple<F: Pointer, G: Pointer>(_t: (F, G)) { }
fn implicit_ptr_trait<F>(f: &F) { println!("{:p}", f); }
//case found in tinyvec that triggered a compiler error in an earlier version of the lint checker
trait HasItem {
type Item;
fn assoc_item(&self) -> Self::Item;
fn _format_assoc_item<T: HasItem>(data: T, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
where T::Item: Pointer {
//when the arg type bound by `Pointer` is an associated type, we shouldn't attempt to normalize
Pointer::fmt(&data.assoc_item(), f)
//simple test to make sure that calls to `Pointer::fmt` aren't double counted
fn _call_pointer_fmt(f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
let zst_ref = &foo;
Pointer::fmt(&zst_ref, f)
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
fn main() {
//`let` bindings with function references shouldn't lint
let _ = &foo;
let _ = &mut foo;
let zst_ref = &foo;
let fn_item = foo;
let indirect_ref = &fn_item;
let _mut_zst_ref = &mut foo;
let mut mut_fn_item = foo;
let _mut_indirect_ref = &mut mut_fn_item;
let cast_zst_ptr = &foo as *const _;
let coerced_zst_ptr: *const _ = &foo;
let _mut_cast_zst_ptr = &mut foo as *mut _;
let _mut_coerced_zst_ptr: *mut _ = &mut foo;
let _cast_zst_ref = &foo as &dyn Fn() -> u32;
let _coerced_zst_ref: &dyn Fn() -> u32 = &foo;
let _mut_cast_zst_ref = &mut foo as &mut dyn Fn() -> u32;
let _mut_coerced_zst_ref: &mut dyn Fn() -> u32 = &mut foo;
//the suggested way to cast to a function pointer
let fn_ptr = foo as fn() -> u32;
//correct ways to print function pointers
println!("{:p}", foo as fn() -> u32);
println!("{:p}", fn_ptr);
//potential ways to incorrectly try printing function pointers
println!("{:p}", &foo);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
print!("{:p}", &foo);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
format!("{:p}", &foo);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &foo as *const _);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", zst_ref);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", cast_zst_ptr);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", coerced_zst_ptr);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &fn_item);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", indirect_ref);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &nop);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &bar);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &baz);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &unsafe_fn);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &c_fn);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &unsafe_c_fn);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &variadic);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &take_generic_ref::<u32>);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &take_generic_array::<u32, 4>);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &multiple_generic::<u32, f32>);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &multiple_generic_arrays::<u32, f32, 4, 8>);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p}", &std::env::var::<String>);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
println!("{:p} {:p} {:p}", &nop, &foo, &bar);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
//~^^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
//~^^^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
//using a function reference to call a function shouldn't lint
//passing a function reference to an arbitrary function shouldn't lint
call_fn(&bar, 1);
parameterized_call_fn(&bar, 1);
unsafe {
//potential ways to incorrectly try transmuting function pointers
std::mem::transmute::<_, usize>(&foo);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
std::mem::transmute::<_, (usize, usize)>((&foo, &bar));
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
//~^^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
std::mem::transmute::<_, usize>(&take_generic_ref::<u32>);
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
//the correct way to transmute function pointers
std::mem::transmute::<_, usize>(foo as fn() -> u32);
std::mem::transmute::<_, (usize, usize)>((foo as fn() -> u32, bar as fn(u32) -> u32));
//function references as arguments required to be bound by std::fmt::Pointer should lint
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
bound_by_ptr_trait_tuple((&foo, &bar));
//~^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
//~^^ WARNING taking a reference to a function item does not give a function pointer
implicit_ptr_trait(&bar); // ignore
//correct ways to pass function pointers as arguments bound by std::fmt::Pointer
print_ptr(bar as fn(u32) -> u32);
bound_by_ptr_trait(bar as fn(u32) -> u32);
bound_by_ptr_trait_tuple((foo as fn() -> u32, bar as fn(u32) -> u32));