2023-01-11 09:32:08 +00:00

35 lines
1.5 KiB

// This ensures that the `<details>`/`<summary>` elements are displayed as expected.
goto: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/details/struct.Details.html"
show-text: true
local-storage: {"rustdoc-theme": "dark", "rustdoc-use-system-theme": "false"}
// We first check that the headers in the `.top-doc` doc block still have their
// bottom border.
assert-text: (".top-doc .docblock > h3", "Hello")
assert-css: (
".top-doc .docblock > h3",
{"border-bottom": "1px solid rgb(210, 210, 210)"},
// We now check that the `<summary>` doesn't have a bottom border and has the correct display.
assert-css: (
".top-doc .docblock summary h4",
{"border-bottom-width": "0px"},
// This allows to ensure that summary is on one line only!
assert-property: (".top-doc .docblock summary h4", {"offsetHeight": "33"})
assert-css: (".top-doc .docblock summary h4", {"margin-top": "15px", "margin-bottom": "5px"})
// So `33 + 15 + 5` == `53`
assert-property: (".top-doc .docblock summary", {"offsetHeight": "53"})
// We now check the `<summary>` on a method.
assert-css: (
".method-toggle .docblock summary h4",
{"border-bottom-width": "0px"},
// This allows to ensure that summary is on one line only!
assert-property: (".method-toggle .docblock summary h4", {"offsetHeight": "30"})
assert-css: (".method-toggle .docblock summary h4", {"margin-top": "15px", "margin-bottom": "5px"})
// So `30 + 15 + 5` == `50`
assert-property: (".method-toggle .docblock summary", {"offsetHeight": "50"})