Nicholas Nethercote b9037339cb Make top-level rustc_parse functions fallible.
Currently we have an awkward mix of fallible and infallible functions:
(maybe_new_parser_from_file)        // missing
      (new_parser_from_source_file) // missing
We could add the two missing functions, but instead this commit removes
of all the infallible ones and renames the fallible ones leaving us with
these which are all fallible:
This requires making `unwrap_or_emit_fatal` public so callers of
formerly infallible functions can still work.

This does make some of the call sites slightly more verbose, but I think
it's worth it for the simpler API. Also, there are two `catch_unwind`
calls and one `catch_fatal_errors` call in this diff that become
removable thanks this change. (I will do that in a follow-up PR.)
2024-06-05 10:38:03 +10:00

263 lines
10 KiB

//@ run-pass
//@ ignore-cross-compile
// The general idea of this test is to enumerate all "interesting" expressions and check that
// `parse(print(e)) == e` for all `e`. Here's what's interesting, for the purposes of this test:
// 1. The test focuses on expression nesting, because interactions between different expression
// types are harder to test manually than single expression types in isolation.
// 2. The test only considers expressions of at most two nontrivial nodes. So it will check `x +
// x` and `x + (x - x)` but not `(x * x) + (x - x)`. The assumption here is that the correct
// handling of an expression might depend on the expression's parent, but doesn't depend on its
// siblings or any more distant ancestors.
// 3. The test only checks certain expression kinds. The assumption is that similar expression
// types, such as `if` and `while` or `+` and `-`, will be handled identically in the printer
// and parser. So if all combinations of exprs involving `if` work correctly, then combinations
// using `while`, `if let`, and so on will likely work as well.
extern crate rustc_ast;
extern crate rustc_ast_pretty;
extern crate rustc_data_structures;
extern crate rustc_parse;
extern crate rustc_session;
extern crate rustc_span;
extern crate thin_vec;
// Necessary to pull in object code as the rest of the rustc crates are shipped only as rmeta
// files.
extern crate rustc_driver;
use rustc_ast::mut_visit::{visit_clobber, MutVisitor};
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::*;
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
use rustc_parse::{new_parser_from_source_str, unwrap_or_emit_fatal};
use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess;
use rustc_span::source_map::Spanned;
use rustc_span::symbol::Ident;
use rustc_span::{FileName, DUMMY_SP};
use thin_vec::{thin_vec, ThinVec};
fn parse_expr(psess: &ParseSess, src: &str) -> Option<P<Expr>> {
let src_as_string = src.to_string();
let mut p = unwrap_or_emit_fatal(
new_parser_from_source_str(psess, FileName::Custom(src_as_string.clone()), src_as_string)
p.parse_expr().map_err(|e| e.cancel()).ok()
// Helper functions for building exprs
fn expr(kind: ExprKind) -> P<Expr> {
P(Expr { id: DUMMY_NODE_ID, kind, span: DUMMY_SP, attrs: AttrVec::new(), tokens: None })
fn make_x() -> P<Expr> {
let seg = PathSegment::from_ident(Ident::from_str("x"));
let path = Path { segments: thin_vec![seg], span: DUMMY_SP, tokens: None };
expr(ExprKind::Path(None, path))
/// Iterate over exprs of depth up to `depth`. The goal is to explore all "interesting"
/// combinations of expression nesting. For example, we explore combinations using `if`, but not
/// `while` or `match`, since those should print and parse in much the same way as `if`.
fn iter_exprs(depth: usize, f: &mut dyn FnMut(P<Expr>)) {
if depth == 0 {
let mut g = |e| f(expr(e));
for kind in 0..=18 {
match kind {
0 => iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| g(ExprKind::Call(e, thin_vec![]))),
1 => {
let seg = PathSegment::from_ident(Ident::from_str("x"));
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| {
g(ExprKind::MethodCall(Box::new(MethodCall {
seg: seg.clone(),
receiver: e,
args: thin_vec![make_x()],
span: DUMMY_SP,
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| {
g(ExprKind::MethodCall(Box::new(MethodCall {
seg: seg.clone(),
receiver: make_x(),
args: thin_vec![e],
span: DUMMY_SP,
2..=7 => {
let op = Spanned {
span: DUMMY_SP,
node: match kind {
2 => BinOpKind::Add,
3 => BinOpKind::Mul,
4 => BinOpKind::Shl,
5 => BinOpKind::And,
6 => BinOpKind::Or,
7 => BinOpKind::Lt,
_ => unreachable!(),
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| g(ExprKind::Binary(op, e, make_x())));
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| g(ExprKind::Binary(op, make_x(), e)));
8 => {
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| g(ExprKind::Unary(UnOp::Deref, e)));
9 => {
let block = P(Block {
stmts: ThinVec::new(),
rules: BlockCheckMode::Default,
span: DUMMY_SP,
tokens: None,
could_be_bare_literal: false,
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| g(ExprKind::If(e, block.clone(), None)));
10 => {
let decl = P(FnDecl { inputs: thin_vec![], output: FnRetTy::Default(DUMMY_SP) });
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| {
g(ExprKind::Closure(Box::new(Closure {
binder: ClosureBinder::NotPresent,
capture_clause: CaptureBy::Value { move_kw: DUMMY_SP },
constness: Const::No,
coroutine_kind: None,
movability: Movability::Movable,
fn_decl: decl.clone(),
body: e,
fn_decl_span: DUMMY_SP,
fn_arg_span: DUMMY_SP,
11 => {
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| g(ExprKind::Assign(e, make_x(), DUMMY_SP)));
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| g(ExprKind::Assign(make_x(), e, DUMMY_SP)));
12 => {
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| g(ExprKind::Field(e, Ident::from_str("f"))));
13 => {
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| {
g(ExprKind::Range(Some(e), Some(make_x()), RangeLimits::HalfOpen))
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| {
g(ExprKind::Range(Some(make_x()), Some(e), RangeLimits::HalfOpen))
14 => {
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| {
g(ExprKind::AddrOf(BorrowKind::Ref, Mutability::Not, e))
15 => {
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| g(ExprKind::Ret(Some(e))));
16 => {
let path = Path::from_ident(Ident::from_str("S"));
g(ExprKind::Struct(P(StructExpr {
qself: None,
fields: thin_vec![],
rest: StructRest::Base(make_x()),
17 => {
iter_exprs(depth - 1, &mut |e| g(ExprKind::Try(e)));
18 => {
let pat =
P(Pat { id: DUMMY_NODE_ID, kind: PatKind::Wild, span: DUMMY_SP, tokens: None });
depth - 1,
&mut |e| g(ExprKind::Let(pat.clone(), e, DUMMY_SP, Recovered::No))
_ => panic!("bad counter value in iter_exprs"),
// Folders for manipulating the placement of `Paren` nodes. See below for why this is needed.
/// `MutVisitor` that removes all `ExprKind::Paren` nodes.
struct RemoveParens;
impl MutVisitor for RemoveParens {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &mut P<Expr>) {
match e.kind.clone() {
ExprKind::Paren(inner) => *e = inner,
_ => {}
mut_visit::noop_visit_expr(e, self);
/// `MutVisitor` that inserts `ExprKind::Paren` nodes around every `Expr`.
struct AddParens;
impl MutVisitor for AddParens {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &mut P<Expr>) {
mut_visit::noop_visit_expr(e, self);
visit_clobber(e, |e| {
P(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::Paren(e),
span: DUMMY_SP,
attrs: AttrVec::new(),
tokens: None,
fn main() {
rustc_span::create_default_session_globals_then(|| run());
fn run() {
let psess = ParseSess::new(vec![rustc_parse::DEFAULT_LOCALE_RESOURCE]);
iter_exprs(2, &mut |mut e| {
// If the pretty printer is correct, then `parse(print(e))` should be identical to `e`,
// modulo placement of `Paren` nodes.
let printed = pprust::expr_to_string(&e);
println!("printed: {}", printed);
// Ignore expressions with chained comparisons that fail to parse
if let Some(mut parsed) = parse_expr(&psess, &printed) {
// We want to know if `parsed` is structurally identical to `e`, ignoring trivial
// differences like placement of `Paren`s or the exact ranges of node spans.
// Unfortunately, there is no easy way to make this comparison. Instead, we add `Paren`s
// everywhere we can, then pretty-print. This should give an unambiguous representation
// of each `Expr`, and it bypasses nearly all of the parenthesization logic, so we
// aren't relying on the correctness of the very thing we're testing.
RemoveParens.visit_expr(&mut e);
AddParens.visit_expr(&mut e);
let text1 = pprust::expr_to_string(&e);
RemoveParens.visit_expr(&mut parsed);
AddParens.visit_expr(&mut parsed);
let text2 = pprust::expr_to_string(&parsed);
text1 == text2,
"exprs are not equal:\n e = {:?}\n parsed = {:?}",