Matthew Maurer e70cf014b8 codegen tests: Tolerate nuw nsw on trunc
llvm/llvm-project#87910 infers `nuw` and `nsw` on some `trunc`
instructions we're doing `FileCheck` on. Tolerate but don't require them
to support both release and head LLVM.
2024-04-11 17:20:08 +00:00

37 lines
915 B

//@ compile-flags: -C opt-level=1
#![crate_type = "lib"]
use std::ascii::Char as AsciiChar;
// CHECK-LABEL: i8 @unwrap_digit_from_remainder(i32
pub fn unwrap_digit_from_remainder(v: u32) -> AsciiChar {
// CHECK-NOT: icmp
// CHECK-NOT: panic
// CHECK: %[[R:.+]] = urem i32 %v, 10
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[T:.+]] = trunc{{( nuw)?( nsw)?}} i32 %[[R]] to i8
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[D:.+]] = or{{( disjoint)?}} i8 %[[T]], 48
// CHECK-NEXT: ret i8 %[[D]]
// CHECK-NOT: icmp
// CHECK-NOT: panic
AsciiChar::digit((v % 10) as u8).unwrap()
// CHECK-LABEL: i8 @unwrap_from_masked(i8
pub fn unwrap_from_masked(b: u8) -> AsciiChar {
// CHECK-NOT: icmp
// CHECK-NOT: panic
// CHECK: %[[M:.+]] = and i8 %b, 127
// CHECK-NEXT: ret i8 %[[M]]
// CHECK-NOT: icmp
// CHECK-NOT: panic
AsciiChar::from_u8(b & 0x7f).unwrap()