Jubilee 866630d004
Rollup merge of #124048 - veera-sivarajan:bugfix-123773-c23-variadics, r=compiler-errors
Support C23's Variadics Without a Named Parameter

Fixes #123773

This PR removes the static check that disallowed extern functions
with ellipsis (varargs) as the only parameter since this is now
valid in C23.

This will not break any existing code as mentioned in the proposal

Also, adds a doc comment for `check_decl_cvariadic_pos()` and
fixes the name of the function (`varadic` -> `variadic`).
2024-05-26 15:28:26 -07:00

278 lines
12 KiB

ast_passes_anon_struct_or_union_not_allowed =
anonymous {$struct_or_union}s are not allowed outside of unnamed struct or union fields
.label = anonymous {$struct_or_union} declared here
ast_passes_assoc_const_without_body =
associated constant in `impl` without body
.suggestion = provide a definition for the constant
ast_passes_assoc_fn_without_body =
associated function in `impl` without body
.suggestion = provide a definition for the function
ast_passes_assoc_type_without_body =
associated type in `impl` without body
.suggestion = provide a definition for the type
ast_passes_at_least_one_trait = at least one trait must be specified
ast_passes_auto_generic = auto traits cannot have generic parameters
.label = auto trait cannot have generic parameters
.suggestion = remove the parameters
ast_passes_auto_items = auto traits cannot have associated items
.label = {ast_passes_auto_items}
.suggestion = remove these associated items
ast_passes_auto_super_lifetime = auto traits cannot have super traits or lifetime bounds
.label = {ast_passes_auto_super_lifetime}
.suggestion = remove the super traits or lifetime bounds
ast_passes_bad_c_variadic = only foreign or `unsafe extern "C"` functions may be C-variadic
ast_passes_body_in_extern = incorrect `{$kind}` inside `extern` block
.cannot_have = cannot have a body
.invalid = the invalid body
.existing = `extern` blocks define existing foreign {$kind}s and {$kind}s inside of them cannot have a body
ast_passes_bound_in_context = bounds on `type`s in {$ctx} have no effect
ast_passes_const_and_async = functions cannot be both `const` and `async`
.const = `const` because of this
.async = `async` because of this
.label = {""}
ast_passes_const_and_c_variadic = functions cannot be both `const` and C-variadic
.const = `const` because of this
.variadic = C-variadic because of this
ast_passes_const_bound_trait_object = const trait bounds are not allowed in trait object types
ast_passes_const_without_body =
free constant item without body
.suggestion = provide a definition for the constant
ast_passes_constraint_on_negative_bound =
associated type constraints not allowed on negative bounds
ast_passes_equality_in_where = equality constraints are not yet supported in `where` clauses
.label = not supported
.suggestion = if `{$ident}` is an associated type you're trying to set, use the associated type binding syntax
.suggestion_path = if `{$trait_segment}::{$potential_assoc}` is an associated type you're trying to set, use the associated type binding syntax
.note = see issue #20041 <> for more information
ast_passes_extern_block_suggestion = if you meant to declare an externally defined function, use an `extern` block
ast_passes_extern_fn_qualifiers = functions in `extern` blocks cannot have qualifiers
.label = in this `extern` block
.suggestion = remove this qualifier
ast_passes_extern_item_ascii = items in `extern` blocks cannot use non-ascii identifiers
.label = in this `extern` block
.note = this limitation may be lifted in the future; see issue #83942 <> for more information
ast_passes_extern_keyword_link = for more information, visit
ast_passes_extern_types_cannot = `type`s inside `extern` blocks cannot have {$descr}
.suggestion = remove the {$remove_descr}
.label = `extern` block begins here
ast_passes_feature_on_non_nightly = `#![feature]` may not be used on the {$channel} release channel
.suggestion = remove the attribute
.stable_since = the feature `{$name}` has been stable since `{$since}` and no longer requires an attribute to enable
ast_passes_fieldless_union = unions cannot have zero fields
ast_passes_fn_body_extern = incorrect function inside `extern` block
.cannot_have = cannot have a body
.suggestion = remove the invalid body
.help = you might have meant to write a function accessible through FFI, which can be done by writing `extern fn` outside of the `extern` block
.label = `extern` blocks define existing foreign functions and functions inside of them cannot have a body
ast_passes_fn_param_c_var_args_not_last =
`...` must be the last argument of a C-variadic function
ast_passes_fn_param_doc_comment =
documentation comments cannot be applied to function parameters
.label = doc comments are not allowed here
ast_passes_fn_param_forbidden_attr =
allow, cfg, cfg_attr, deny, expect, forbid, and warn are the only allowed built-in attributes in function parameters
ast_passes_fn_param_forbidden_self =
`self` parameter is only allowed in associated functions
.label = not semantically valid as function parameter
.note = associated functions are those in `impl` or `trait` definitions
ast_passes_fn_param_too_many =
function can not have more than {$max_num_args} arguments
ast_passes_fn_without_body =
free function without a body
.suggestion = provide a definition for the function
ast_passes_forbidden_bound =
bounds cannot be used in this context
ast_passes_forbidden_default =
`default` is only allowed on items in trait impls
.label = `default` because of this
ast_passes_forbidden_non_lifetime_param =
only lifetime parameters can be used in this context
ast_passes_generic_before_constraints = generic arguments must come before the first constraint
.constraints = {$constraint_len ->
[one] constraint
*[other] constraints
.args = generic {$args_len ->
[one] argument
*[other] arguments
.empty_string = {""},
.suggestion = move the {$constraint_len ->
[one] constraint
*[other] constraints
} after the generic {$args_len ->
[one] argument
*[other] arguments
ast_passes_generic_default_trailing = generic parameters with a default must be trailing
ast_passes_impl_trait_path = `impl Trait` is not allowed in path parameters
ast_passes_incompatible_features = `{$f1}` and `{$f2}` are incompatible, using them at the same time is not allowed
.help = remove one of these features
ast_passes_incompatible_trait_bound_modifiers = `{$left}` and `{$right}` are mutually exclusive
ast_passes_inherent_cannot_be = inherent impls cannot be {$annotation}
.because = {$annotation} because of this
.type = inherent impl for this type
.only_trait = only trait implementations may be annotated with {$annotation}
ast_passes_invalid_label =
invalid label name `{$name}`
ast_passes_invalid_unnamed_field =
unnamed fields are not allowed outside of structs or unions
.label = unnamed field declared here
ast_passes_invalid_unnamed_field_ty =
unnamed fields can only have struct or union types
.label = not a struct or union
ast_passes_item_underscore = `{$kind}` items in this context need a name
.label = `_` is not a valid name for this `{$kind}` item
ast_passes_keyword_lifetime =
lifetimes cannot use keyword names
ast_passes_match_arm_with_no_body =
`match` arm with no body
.suggestion = add a body after the pattern
ast_passes_module_nonascii = trying to load file for module `{$name}` with non-ascii identifier name
.help = consider using the `#[path]` attribute to specify filesystem path
ast_passes_negative_bound_not_supported =
negative bounds are not supported
ast_passes_negative_bound_with_parenthetical_notation =
parenthetical notation may not be used for negative bounds
ast_passes_nested_impl_trait = nested `impl Trait` is not allowed
.outer = outer `impl Trait`
.inner = nested `impl Trait` here
ast_passes_nested_lifetimes = nested quantification of lifetimes
ast_passes_nomangle_ascii = `#[no_mangle]` requires ASCII identifier
ast_passes_obsolete_auto = `impl Trait for .. {"{}"}` is an obsolete syntax
.help = use `auto trait Trait {"{}"}` instead
ast_passes_optional_trait_object = `?Trait` is not permitted in trait object types
ast_passes_optional_trait_supertrait = `?Trait` is not permitted in supertraits
.note = traits are `?{$path_str}` by default
ast_passes_out_of_order_params = {$param_ord} parameters must be declared prior to {$max_param} parameters
.suggestion = reorder the parameters: lifetimes, then consts and types
ast_passes_pattern_in_bodiless = patterns aren't allowed in functions without bodies
.label = pattern not allowed in function without body
ast_passes_pattern_in_fn_pointer = patterns aren't allowed in function pointer types
ast_passes_pattern_in_foreign = patterns aren't allowed in foreign function declarations
.label = pattern not allowed in foreign function
ast_passes_show_span = {$msg}
ast_passes_stability_outside_std = stability attributes may not be used outside of the standard library
ast_passes_static_without_body =
free static item without body
.suggestion = provide a definition for the static
ast_passes_tilde_const_disallowed = `~const` is not allowed here
.closure = closures cannot have `~const` trait bounds
.function = this function is not `const`, so it cannot have `~const` trait bounds
.trait = this trait is not a `#[const_trait]`, so it cannot have `~const` trait bounds
.trait_impl = this impl is not `const`, so it cannot have `~const` trait bounds
.impl = inherent impls cannot have `~const` trait bounds
.trait_assoc_ty = associated types in non-`#[const_trait]` traits cannot have `~const` trait bounds
.trait_impl_assoc_ty = associated types in non-const impls cannot have `~const` trait bounds
.inherent_assoc_ty = inherent associated types cannot have `~const` trait bounds
.object = trait objects cannot have `~const` trait bounds
.item = this item cannot have `~const` trait bounds
ast_passes_trait_fn_const =
functions in {$in_impl ->
[true] trait impls
*[false] traits
} cannot be declared const
.label = functions in {$in_impl ->
[true] trait impls
*[false] traits
} cannot be const
.const_context_label = this declares all associated functions implicitly const
.remove_const_sugg = remove the `const`{$requires_multiple_changes ->
[true] {" ..."}
*[false] {""}
.make_impl_const_sugg = ... and declare the impl to be const instead
.make_trait_const_sugg = ... and declare the trait to be a `#[const_trait]` instead
ast_passes_trait_object_single_bound = only a single explicit lifetime bound is permitted
ast_passes_ty_alias_without_body =
free type alias without body
.suggestion = provide a definition for the type
ast_passes_unsafe_item = {$kind} cannot be declared unsafe
ast_passes_unsafe_negative_impl = negative impls cannot be unsafe
.negative = negative because of this
.unsafe = unsafe because of this
ast_passes_visibility_not_permitted =
visibility qualifiers are not permitted here
.enum_variant = enum variants and their fields always share the visibility of the enum they are in
.trait_impl = trait items always share the visibility of their trait
.individual_impl_items = place qualifiers on individual impl items instead
.individual_foreign_items = place qualifiers on individual foreign items instead
.remove_qualifier_sugg = remove the qualifier
ast_passes_where_clause_after_type_alias = where clauses are not allowed after the type for type aliases
.note = see issue #112792 <> for more information
.help = add `#![feature(lazy_type_alias)]` to the crate attributes to enable
ast_passes_where_clause_before_type_alias = where clauses are not allowed before the type for type aliases
.note = see issue #89122 <> for more information
.remove_suggestion = remove this `where`
.move_suggestion = move it to the end of the type declaration