2024-06-24 11:08:41 +02:00

33 lines
1.1 KiB

#![crate_name = "foo"]
pub trait Eq {}
pub trait Eq2 {}
// Checking that "where predicates" and "generics params" are merged.
//@ has 'foo/trait.T.html'
//@ has - "//*[@id='tymethod.f']/h4" "fn f<'a, 'b, 'c, T>()where Self: Eq, T: Eq + 'a, 'c: 'b + 'a,"
pub trait T {
fn f<'a, 'b, 'c: 'a, T: Eq + 'a>()
where Self: Eq, Self: Eq, T: Eq, 'c: 'b;
// Checking that a duplicated "where predicate" is removed.
//@ has 'foo/trait.T2.html'
//@ has - "//*[@id='tymethod.f']/h4" "fn f<T>()where Self: Eq + Eq2, T: Eq2 + Eq,"
pub trait T2 {
fn f<T: Eq>()
where Self: Eq, Self: Eq2, T: Eq2;
// Checking that we support empty bounds (we used to crash on empty outlives-bounds).
// Note that we don't want to hide them since they have a semantic effect.
// For outlives-bounds, they force the lifetime param to be early-bound instead of late-bound.
// For trait bounds, it can affect well-formedness (see `ClauseKind::WellFormed`).
//@ has 'foo/fn.empty.html'
//@ has - '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' "empty<'a, T>()where T:, 'a:,"
pub fn empty<'a, T>()