// This test ensures that the color of the items in the type decl are working as expected. include: "utils.goml" // We need to disable this check because `trait.impl/test_docs/trait.TraitWithoutGenerics.js` // doesn't exist. fail-on-request-error: false define-function: ( "check-colors", [ theme, attr_color, trait_color, struct_color, enum_color, primitive_color, constant_color, fn_color, assoc_type_color, ], block { go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/struct.WithGenerics.html" show-text: true call-function: ("switch-theme", {"theme": |theme|}) assert-css: (".item-decl .code-attribute", {"color": |attr_color|}, ALL) assert-css: (".item-decl .trait", {"color": |trait_color|}, ALL) // We need to add `code` here because otherwise it would select the parent too. assert-css: (".item-decl code .struct", {"color": |struct_color|}, ALL) assert-css: (".item-decl .enum", {"color": |enum_color|}, ALL) assert-css: (".item-decl .primitive", {"color": |primitive_color|}, ALL) go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/trait.TraitWithoutGenerics.html" assert-css: (".item-decl .constant", {"color": |constant_color|}, ALL) assert-css: (".item-decl .fn", {"color": |fn_color|}, ALL) assert-css: (".item-decl .associatedtype", {"color": |assoc_type_color|}, ALL) }, ) call-function: ( "check-colors", { "theme": "ayu", "attr_color": "#999", "trait_color": "#39afd7", "struct_color": "#ffa0a5", "enum_color": "#ffa0a5", "primitive_color": "#ffa0a5", "constant_color": "#39afd7", "fn_color": "#fdd687", "assoc_type_color": "#39afd7", }, ) call-function: ( "check-colors", { "theme": "dark", "attr_color": "#999", "trait_color": "#b78cf2", "struct_color": "#2dbfb8", "enum_color": "#2dbfb8", "primitive_color": "#2dbfb8", "constant_color": "#d2991d", "fn_color": "#2bab63", "assoc_type_color": "#d2991d", }, ) call-function: ( "check-colors", { "theme": "light", "attr_color": "#999", "trait_color": "#6e4fc9", "struct_color": "#ad378a", "enum_color": "#ad378a", "primitive_color": "#ad378a", "constant_color": "#3873ad", "fn_color": "#ad7c37", "assoc_type_color": "#3873ad", }, )