error: expected `{`, found `=>` --> $DIR/ | LL | if a => b {} | ^^ expected `{` | note: the `if` expression is missing a block after this condition --> $DIR/ | LL | if a => b {} | ^ help: you might have meant to write a "greater than or equal to" comparison | LL | if a >= b {} | ~~ error: expected `{`, found `=>` --> $DIR/ | LL | if a => 1 {} | ^^ expected `{` | note: the `if` expression is missing a block after this condition --> $DIR/ | LL | if a => 1 {} | ^ help: you might have meant to write a "greater than or equal to" comparison | LL | if a >= 1 {} | ~~ error: expected `{`, found `=>` --> $DIR/ | LL | if 1 => a {} | ^^ expected `{` | note: the `if` expression is missing a block after this condition --> $DIR/ | LL | if 1 => a {} | ^ help: you might have meant to write a "greater than or equal to" comparison | LL | if 1 >= a {} | ~~ error: expected `{`, found `=>` --> $DIR/ | LL | if a => b && a != b {} | ^^ expected `{` | note: the `if` expression is missing a block after this condition --> $DIR/ | LL | if a => b && a != b {} | ^ help: you might have meant to write a "greater than or equal to" comparison | LL | if a >= b && a != b {} | ~~ error: expected `{`, found `=>` --> $DIR/ | LL | if a != b && a => b {} | ^^ expected `{` | note: the `if` expression is missing a block after this condition --> $DIR/ | LL | if a != b && a => b {} | ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: you might have meant to write a "greater than or equal to" comparison | LL | if a != b && a >= b {} | ~~ error: expected one of `!`, `.`, `::`, `;`, `?`, `else`, `{`, or an operator, found `=>` --> $DIR/ | LL | let _ = a => b; | ^^ expected one of 8 possible tokens | help: you might have meant to write a "greater than or equal to" comparison | LL | let _ = a >= b; | ~~ error: expected one of `!`, `.`, `::`, `?`, `{`, or an operator, found `=>` --> $DIR/ | LL | match a => b { | ----- ^^ expected one of `!`, `.`, `::`, `?`, `{`, or an operator | | | while parsing this `match` expression | help: you might have meant to write a "greater than or equal to" comparison | LL | match a >= b { | ~~ error: aborting due to 7 previous errors