//@ check-pass // Bastion of the Turbofish // ------------------------ // Beware travellers, lest you venture into waters callous and unforgiving, // where hope must be abandoned, ere it is cruelly torn from you. For here // stands the bastion of the Turbofish: an impenetrable fortress holding // unshaking against those who would dare suggest the supererogation of the // Turbofish. // // Once I was young and foolish and had the impudence to imagine that I could // shake free from the coils by which that creature had us tightly bound. I // dared to suggest that there was a better way: a brighter future, in which // Rustaceans both new and old could be rid of that vile beast. But alas! In // my foolhardiness my ignorance was unveiled and my dreams were dashed // unforgivingly against the rock of syntactic ambiguity. // // This humble program, small and insignificant though it might seem, // demonstrates that to which we had previously cast a blind eye: an ambiguity // in permitting generic arguments to be provided without the consent of the // Great Turbofish. Should you be so naïve as to try to revolt against its // mighty clutches, here shall its wrath be indomitably displayed. This // program must pass for all eternity: forever watched by the guardian angel // which gave this beast its name, and stands fundamentally at odds with the // impetuous rebellion against the Turbofish. // // My heart aches in sorrow, for I know I am defeated. Let this be a warning // to all those who come after: for they too must overcome the impassible // hurdle of defeating the great beast, championed by a resolute winged // guardian. // // Here stands the Bastion of the Turbofish, a memorial to Anna Harren, // Guardian Angel of these Hallowed Grounds. <3 // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/53562 // and https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2527 // and https://web.archive.org/web/20211010063452/https://twitter.com/garblefart/status/1393236602856611843 // for context. fn main() { let (the, guardian, stands, resolute) = ("the", "Turbofish", "remains", "undefeated"); let _: (bool, bool) = (the(resolute)); }