hir pretty: fix block indent

This commit is contained in:
Nilstrieb 2024-05-15 20:18:22 +02:00
parent b21b74b5e6
commit 7b1527ff5f
9 changed files with 53 additions and 53 deletions

View file

@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ fn print_expr(&mut self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) {
// containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at `}`
// head-box, will be closed by print-block after `{`

View file

@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ extern crate std;
fn foo(_: [i32; (3 as usize)]) ({ } as ())
fn bar() ({
const FOO: usize = ((5 as usize) - (4 as usize) as usize);
let _: [(); (FOO as usize)] = ([(() as ())] as [(); 1]);
const FOO: usize = ((5 as usize) - (4 as usize) as usize);
let _: [(); (FOO as usize)] = ([(() as ())] as [(); 1]);
let _: [(); (1 as usize)] = ([(() as ())] as [(); 1]);
let _: [(); (1 as usize)] = ([(() as ())] as [(); 1]);
let _ =
(((&([(1 as i32), (2 as i32), (3 as i32)] as [i32; 3]) as
&[i32; 3]) as *const _ as *const [i32; 3]) as
*const [i32; (3 as usize)] as *const [i32; 3]);
let _ =
(((&([(1 as i32), (2 as i32), (3 as i32)] as [i32; 3]) as &[i32; 3])
as *const _ as *const [i32; 3]) as *const [i32; (3 as usize)]
as *const [i32; 3]);
@ -29,17 +29,17 @@ fn bar() ({
let res =
((::alloc::fmt::format as
for<'a> fn(Arguments<'a>) -> String {format})(((format_arguments::new_const
fn(&[&'static str]) -> Arguments<'_> {Arguments::<'_>::new_const})((&([("test"
as &str)] as [&str; 1]) as &[&str; 1])) as Arguments<'_>))
as String);
(res as String)
} as String);
} as ())
let res =
((::alloc::fmt::format as
for<'a> fn(Arguments<'a>) -> String {format})(((format_arguments::new_const
fn(&[&'static str]) -> Arguments<'_> {Arguments::<'_>::new_const})((&([("test"
as &str)] as [&str; 1]) as &[&str; 1])) as Arguments<'_>))
as String);
(res as String)
} as String);
} as ())
type Foo = [i32; (3 as usize)];
struct Bar {
x: [i32; (3 as usize)],
@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ struct TupleBar([i32; (4 as usize)]);
enum Baz { BazVariant([i32; (5 as usize)]), }
fn id<T>(x: T) -> T ({ (x as T) } as T)
fn use_id() ({
let _ =
((id::<[i32; (3 as usize)]> as
fn([i32; 3]) -> [i32; 3] {id::<[i32; 3]>})(([(1 as i32),
(2 as i32), (3 as i32)] as [i32; 3])) as [i32; 3]);
} as ())
let _ =
((id::<[i32; (3 as usize)]> as
fn([i32; 3]) -> [i32; 3] {id::<[i32; 3]>})(([(1 as i32),
(2 as i32), (3 as i32)] as [i32; 3])) as [i32; 3]);
} as ())
fn main() ({ } as ())

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ extern crate std;
//@ check-pass
fn main() ({
(if (true as bool)
({ } as
()) else if (let Some(a) =
((Some as
fn(i32) -> Option<i32> {Option::<i32>::Some})((3 as i32)) as
Option<i32>) as bool) ({ } as ()) as ())
} as ())
(if (true as bool)
({ } as
()) else if (let Some(a) =
((Some as
fn(i32) -> Option<i32> {Option::<i32>::Some})((3 as i32)) as
Option<i32>) as bool) ({ } as ()) as ())
} as ())

View file

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ LL + let str::as_bytes;
error[E0533]: expected unit struct, unit variant or constant, found associated function `str<{
fn str() { let (/*ERROR*/); }
}, T>::as_bytes`
fn str() { let (/*ERROR*/); }
}, T>::as_bytes`
--> $DIR/ensure-overriding-bindings-in-pattern-with-ty-err-doesnt-ice.rs:2:9
LL | let str::<{fn str() { let str::T>>::as_bytes; }}, T>::as_bytes;

View file

@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ extern crate std;
trait Animal { }
fn main() {
type ServeFut = /*impl Trait*/;
type ServeFut = /*impl Trait*/;

View file

@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ extern crate std;
// In #100948 this caused an ICE with -Zunpretty=hir.
fn main() {

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use ::std::prelude::rust_2015::*;
extern crate std;
fn main() {
let _ =
let _ =

View file

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ extern crate std;
//@ check-pass
fn main() {
let x = 1;
// Should flatten to println!("a 123 b {x} xyz\n"):
::std::io::_print(format_arguments::new_v1(&["a 123 b ",
" xyz\n"], &[format_argument::new_display(&x)]));
let x = 1;
// Should flatten to println!("a 123 b {x} xyz\n"):
::std::io::_print(format_arguments::new_v1(&["a 123 b ", " xyz\n"],

View file

@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ extern crate std;
fn foo(x:
Option<u32>) {
let Some(_) = x else
let Some(_) = x else
{ ::std::rt::begin_panic("explicit panic") }
{ ::std::rt::begin_panic("explicit panic") }
fn main() { }