// run // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Test that tiny allocations with finalizers are correctly profiled. // Previously profile special records could have been processed prematurely // (while the object is still live). package main import ( "runtime" "time" "unsafe" ) func main() { runtime.MemProfileRate = 1 // Allocate 1M 4-byte objects and set a finalizer for every third object. // Assuming that tiny block size is 16, some objects get finalizers setup // only for middle bytes. The finalizer resurrects that object. // As the result, all allocated memory must stay alive. const ( N = 1 << 20 tinyBlockSize = 16 // runtime._TinySize ) hold := make([]*int32, 0, N) for i := 0; i < N; i++ { x := new(int32) if i%3 == 0 { runtime.SetFinalizer(x, func(p *int32) { hold = append(hold, p) }) } } // Finalize as much as possible. // Note: the sleep only increases probility of bug detection, // it cannot lead to false failure. for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { runtime.GC() time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) } // Read memory profile. var prof []runtime.MemProfileRecord for { if n, ok := runtime.MemProfile(prof, false); ok { prof = prof[:n] break } else { prof = make([]runtime.MemProfileRecord, n+10) } } // See how much memory in tiny objects is profiled. var totalBytes int64 for _, p := range prof { bytes := p.AllocBytes - p.FreeBytes nobj := p.AllocObjects - p.FreeObjects size := bytes / nobj if size == tinyBlockSize { totalBytes += bytes } } // 2*tinyBlockSize slack is for any boundary effects. if want := N*int64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0))) - 2*tinyBlockSize; totalBytes < want { println("got", totalBytes, "want >=", want) panic("some of the tiny objects are not profiled") } // Just to keep hold alive. if len(hold) != 0 && hold[0] == nil { panic("bad") } }