// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Verify channel operations that test for blocking // Use several sizes and types of operands package main func pause() { for i:=0; i<100; i++ { sys.gosched() } } func i32receiver(c chan int32) { if <-c != 123 { panic("i32 value") } } func i32sender(c chan int32) { c <- 234 } func i64receiver(c chan int64) { if <-c != 123456 { panic("i64 value") } } func i64sender(c chan int64) { c <- 234567 } func breceiver(c chan bool) { if ! <-c { panic("b value") } } func bsender(c chan bool) { c <- true } func sreceiver(c chan string) { if <-c != "hello" { panic("s value") } } func ssender(c chan string) { c <- "hello again" } func main() { var i32 int32; var i64 int64; var b bool; var s string; var ok bool; for buffer := 0; buffer < 2; buffer++ { c32 := make(chan int32, buffer); c64 := make(chan int64, buffer); cb := make(chan bool, buffer); cs := make(chan string, buffer); i32, ok = <-c32; if ok { panic("blocked i32sender") } i64, ok = <-c64; if ok { panic("blocked i64sender") } b, ok = <-cb; if ok { panic("blocked bsender") } s, ok = <-cs; if ok { panic("blocked ssender") } go i32receiver(c32); pause(); ok = c32 <- 123; if !ok { panic("i32receiver") } go i32sender(c32); pause(); i32, ok = <-c32; if !ok { panic("i32sender") } if i32 != 234 { panic("i32sender value") } go i64receiver(c64); pause(); ok = c64 <- 123456; if !ok { panic("i64receiver") } go i64sender(c64); pause(); i64, ok = <-c64; if !ok { panic("i64sender") } if i64 != 234567 { panic("i64sender value") } go breceiver(cb); pause(); ok = cb <- true; if !ok { panic("breceiver") } go bsender(cb); pause(); b, ok = <-cb; if !ok { panic("bsender") } if !b{ panic("bsender value") } go sreceiver(cs); pause(); ok = cs <- "hello"; if !ok { panic("sreceiver") } go ssender(cs); pause(); s, ok = <-cs; if !ok { panic("ssender") } if s != "hello again" { panic("ssender value") } } print("PASS\n") }