Commit graph

15 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Russ Cox c29444ef39 math/rand, math/rand/v2: use ChaCha8 for global rand
Move ChaCha8 code into internal/chacha8rand and use it to implement
runtime.rand, which is used for the unseeded global source for
both math/rand and math/rand/v2. This also affects the calculation of
the start point for iteration over very very large maps (when the
32-bit fastrand is not big enough).

The benefit is that misuse of the global random number generators
in math/rand and math/rand/v2 in contexts where non-predictable
randomness is important for security reasons is no longer a
security problem, removing a common mistake among programmers
who are unaware of the different kinds of randomness.

The cost is an extra 304 bytes per thread stored in the m struct
plus 2-3ns more per random uint64 due to the more sophisticated
algorithm. Using PCG looks like it would cost about the same,
although I haven't benchmarked that.

Before this, the math/rand and math/rand/v2 global generator
was wyrand (
For math/rand, using wyrand instead of the Mitchell/Reeds/Thompson
ALFG was justifiable, since the latter was not any better.
But for math/rand/v2, the global generator really should be
at least as good as one of the well-studied, specific algorithms
provided directly by the package, and it's not.

(Wyrand is still reasonable for scheduling and cache decisions.)

Good randomness does have a cost: about twice wyrand.

Also rationalize the various runtime rand references.

goos: linux
goarch: amd64
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ bbb48afeb7.amd64 │           5cf807d1ea.amd64           │
                        │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                │
ChaCha8-32                     1.862n ± 2%    1.861n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.825 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-32                    1.471n ± 1%    1.460n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.153 n=20)
SourceUint64-32                1.636n ± 2%    1.582n ± 1%   -3.30% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32                 2.087n ± 1%    3.663n ± 1%  +75.54% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32        0.1042n ± 1%   0.2026n ± 1%  +94.48% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32                2.263n ± 2%    3.724n ± 1%  +64.57% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32       0.1019n ± 1%   0.1973n ± 1%  +93.67% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                       1.771n ± 1%    1.774n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.449 n=20)
Uint64-32                      1.863n ± 2%    1.866n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.364 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32              3.134n ± 3%    4.730n ± 2%  +50.95% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                    2.489n ± 1%    2.489n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.683 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                  2.521n ± 1%    2.516n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.394 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                   2.479n ± 1%    2.478n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.743 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                   2.530n ± 2%    2.514n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.193 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                   2.501n ± 1%    2.494n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.616 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                  3.227n ± 1%    3.205n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.101 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                  3.647n ± 1%    3.599n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.019 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                  5.135n ± 1%    5.069n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.034 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                  2.657n ± 1%    2.637n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.180 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                   2.636n ± 1%    2.636n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.763 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                   2.660n ± 2%    2.638n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.358 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                   2.662n ± 2%    2.618n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.064 n=20)
Float32-32                     2.272n ± 2%    2.239n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.194 n=20)
Float64-32                     2.272n ± 1%    2.286n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.763 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                  3.762n ± 1%    3.744n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.171 n=20)
NormFloat64-32                 3.706n ± 1%    3.655n ± 2%        ~ (p=0.066 n=20)
Perm3-32                       32.93n ± 3%    34.62n ± 1%   +5.13% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-32                      202.9n ± 1%    204.0n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.482 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32            115.0n ± 1%    114.9n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.358 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32             112.8n ± 1%    112.7n ± 1%        ~ (p=0.692 n=20)
Concurrent-32                  2.107n ± 0%    3.725n ± 1%  +76.75% (p=0.000 n=20)

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
pkg: math/rand/v2
                       │ bbb48afeb7.arm64 │           5cf807d1ea.arm64            │
                       │      sec/op      │    sec/op     vs base                 │
ChaCha8-8                     2.480n ± 0%    2.429n ± 0%    -2.04% (p=0.000 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-8                    2.531n ± 0%    2.530n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.877 n=20)
SourceUint64-8                2.534n ± 0%    2.533n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.732 n=20)
GlobalInt64-8                 2.172n ± 1%    4.794n ± 0%  +120.67% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-8        0.4320n ± 0%   0.9605n ± 0%  +122.32% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-8                2.182n ± 0%    4.770n ± 0%  +118.58% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-8       0.4307n ± 0%   0.9583n ± 0%  +122.51% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-8                       4.107n ± 0%    4.104n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.416 n=20)
Uint64-8                      4.080n ± 0%    4.080n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.052 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-8              2.814n ± 2%    5.643n ± 0%  +100.50% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-8                    4.141n ± 0%    4.139n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.140 n=20)
Int64N1000-8                  4.140n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.313 n=20)
Int64N1e8-8                   4.140n ± 0%    4.139n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.103 n=20)
Int64N1e9-8                   4.139n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.761 n=20)
Int64N2e9-8                   4.140n ± 0%    4.140n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.636 n=20)
Int64N1e18-8                  5.266n ± 0%    5.326n ± 1%    +1.14% (p=0.001 n=20)
Int64N2e18-8                  6.052n ± 0%    6.167n ± 0%    +1.90% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64N4e18-8                  8.826n ± 0%    9.051n ± 0%    +2.55% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1000-8                  4.127n ± 0%    4.132n ± 0%    +0.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e8-8                   4.126n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%    +0.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N1e9-8                   4.127n ± 0%    4.132n ± 0%    +0.12% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int32N2e9-8                   4.132n ± 0%    4.131n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.017 n=20)
Float32-8                     4.109n ± 0%    4.105n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.379 n=20)
Float64-8                     4.107n ± 0%    4.106n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.867 n=20)
ExpFloat64-8                  5.339n ± 0%    5.383n ± 0%    +0.82% (p=0.000 n=20)
NormFloat64-8                 5.735n ± 0%    5.737n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.856 n=20)
Perm3-8                       26.65n ± 0%    26.80n ± 1%    +0.58% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30-8                      194.8n ± 1%    197.0n ± 0%    +1.18% (p=0.000 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-8            156.6n ± 0%    157.6n ± 1%    +0.61% (p=0.000 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-8             124.9n ± 0%    125.5n ± 0%    +0.52% (p=0.000 n=20)
Concurrent-8                  2.434n ± 3%    5.066n ± 0%  +108.09% (p=0.000 n=20)

goos: linux
goarch: 386
pkg: math/rand/v2
cpu: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor
                        │ bbb48afeb7.386 │            5cf807d1ea.386             │
                        │     sec/op     │    sec/op     vs base                 │
ChaCha8-32                  11.295n ± 1%    4.748n ± 2%   -57.96% (p=0.000 n=20)
PCG_DXSM-32                  7.693n ± 1%    7.738n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.542 n=20)
SourceUint64-32              7.658n ± 2%    7.622n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.344 n=20)
GlobalInt64-32               3.473n ± 2%    7.526n ± 2%  +116.73% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalInt64Parallel-32      0.3198n ± 0%   0.5444n ± 0%   +70.22% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64-32              3.612n ± 0%    7.575n ± 1%  +109.69% (p=0.000 n=20)
GlobalUint64Parallel-32     0.3168n ± 0%   0.5403n ± 0%   +70.51% (p=0.000 n=20)
Int64-32                     7.673n ± 2%    7.789n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.122 n=20)
Uint64-32                    7.773n ± 1%    7.827n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.920 n=20)
GlobalIntN1000-32            6.268n ± 1%    9.581n ± 1%   +52.87% (p=0.000 n=20)
IntN1000-32                  10.33n ± 2%    10.45n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.233 n=20)
Int64N1000-32                10.98n ± 2%    11.01n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.401 n=20)
Int64N1e8-32                 11.19n ± 2%    10.97n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.033 n=20)
Int64N1e9-32                 11.06n ± 1%    11.08n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.498 n=20)
Int64N2e9-32                 11.10n ± 1%    11.01n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.995 n=20)
Int64N1e18-32                15.23n ± 2%    15.04n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.973 n=20)
Int64N2e18-32                15.89n ± 1%    15.85n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.409 n=20)
Int64N4e18-32                18.96n ± 2%    19.34n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.048 n=20)
Int32N1000-32                10.46n ± 2%    10.44n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.480 n=20)
Int32N1e8-32                 10.46n ± 2%    10.49n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.951 n=20)
Int32N1e9-32                 10.28n ± 2%    10.26n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.431 n=20)
Int32N2e9-32                 10.50n ± 2%    10.44n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.249 n=20)
Float32-32                   13.80n ± 2%    13.80n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.751 n=20)
Float64-32                   23.55n ± 2%    23.87n ± 0%         ~ (p=0.408 n=20)
ExpFloat64-32                15.36n ± 1%    15.29n ± 2%         ~ (p=0.316 n=20)
NormFloat64-32               13.57n ± 1%    13.79n ± 1%    +1.66% (p=0.005 n=20)
Perm3-32                     45.70n ± 2%    46.99n ± 2%    +2.81% (p=0.001 n=20)
Perm30-32                    399.0n ± 1%    403.8n ± 1%    +1.19% (p=0.006 n=20)
Perm30ViaShuffle-32          349.0n ± 1%    350.4n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.909 n=20)
ShuffleOverhead-32           322.3n ± 1%    323.8n ± 1%         ~ (p=0.410 n=20)
Concurrent-32                3.331n ± 1%    7.312n ± 1%  +119.50% (p=0.000 n=20)

For #61716.

Change-Id: Ibdddeed85c34d9ae397289dc899e04d4845f9ed2
Reviewed-by: Michael Pratt <>
Reviewed-by: Filippo Valsorda <>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <>
2023-12-05 20:34:30 +00:00
Dmitri Shuralyov b2fd76ab8d test: migrate remaining files to go:build syntax
Most of the test cases in the test directory use the new go:build syntax
already. Convert the rest. In general, try to place the build constraint
line below the test directive comment in more places.

For #41184.
For #60268.

Change-Id: I11c41a0642a8a26dc2eda1406da908645bbc005b
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.golang.try:gotip-linux-386-longtest,gotip-linux-amd64-longtest,gotip-windows-amd64-longtest
Reviewed-by: Ian Lance Taylor <>
Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <>
Auto-Submit: Dmitri Shuralyov <>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <>
2023-10-19 23:33:25 +00:00
Matthew Dempsky fecf51717f cmd/compile/internal/walk: reuse runtime.scase
Shaves ~1.5kB off cmd/go binary.

Change-Id: I8ad85aa4a24bc197b009c8e1ea9201957222152a
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
Run-TryBot: Matthew Dempsky <>
Auto-Submit: Matthew Dempsky <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
2023-08-21 23:34:34 +00:00
Matthew Dempsky 42f4ccb6f9 cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata: share hmap and hiter types
There's no need for distinct hmap and hiter types for each map.

Shaves 9kB off cmd/go binary size.

Change-Id: I7bc3b2d8ec82e7fcd78c1cb17733ebd8b615990a
Run-TryBot: Matthew Dempsky <>
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Auto-Submit: Matthew Dempsky <>
2023-08-21 23:29:33 +00:00
Keith Randall ba91377454 test: test that we schedule OpArgIntReg early
If OpArgIntReg is incorrectly scheduled, that causes it to be spilled
incorrectly, which causes the argument to not be considered live
at the start of the function.

This is the test for CL 462858

Add a brief mention of why CL 462858 is needed in the scheduling code.

Change-Id: Id199456f88d9ee5ca46d7b0353a3c2049709880e
Reviewed-by: Cherry Mui <>
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Run-TryBot: Keith Randall <>
2023-01-21 21:08:30 +00:00
Keith Randall 4ff074945a cmd/compile: sort liveness variable reports
Sort variables before display so that when there are multiple variables
to report, they are in a consistent order.

Otherwise they are ordered in the order they appear in the fn.Dcl list,
which can vary. Particularly, they vary depending on regabi.

Change-Id: I0db380f7cbe6911e87177503a4c3b39851ff1b5a
Run-TryBot: Keith Randall <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
Reviewed-by: Cherry Mui <>
2023-01-21 21:08:00 +00:00
Keith Randall 908499adec cmd/compile: stop using VARKILL
With the introduction of stack objects, VARKILL information is
no longer needed.

With stack objects, an object is dead when there are no more static
references to it, and the stack scanner can't find any live pointers
to it. VARKILL information isn't used to establish live ranges for
address-taken variables any more. In effect, the last static reference
*is* the VARKILL, and there's an additional dynamic liveness check
during stack scanning.

Next CL will actually rip out the VARKILL opcodes.

Change-Id: I030a2ab867445cf4e0e69397911f8a2e2f0ed07b
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Reviewed-by: Cherry Mui <>
Reviewed-by: David Chase <>
Run-TryBot: Keith Randall <>
2022-08-18 17:36:38 +00:00
Matthew Dempsky f751319a0b [dev.unified] test: relax live_regabi.go
Unified IR will soon introduce additional temporary variables for
multi-valued expressions, which cause this test to start failing.
However, according to the comment on lines 594--596, we don't care
what temporaries are printed on the noisy lines, just that they're not
mentioned on the printnl lines.

This CL relaxes the test expectations so that temporaries are allowed
to be live at the call to fb38() too, not just the calls to fi38() and

Change-Id: Ia6c5f28ccf760fd8890a4313fb0d9f0eb9850bba
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Run-TryBot: Matthew Dempsky <>
Reviewed-by: Cuong Manh Le <>
Reviewed-by: David Chase <>
2022-06-30 18:41:17 +00:00
Cuong Manh Le f67e31d643 test: enable regabi test on arm64
CL 324890 turned on register ABI by default on ARM64, causing neither
live.go nor live_regabi.go is run on ARM64.

This CL enables live_regabi.go test for ARM64.

Change-Id: I0c483a38b761c5a6f1fa9a5b3324b5da64907e61
Trust: Cuong Manh Le <>
Run-TryBot: Cuong Manh Le <>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <>
Reviewed-by: Matthew Dempsky <>
2021-08-20 19:58:13 +00:00
Keith Randall 57668b84ff [dev.typeparams] cmd/compile: simplify interface conversions
Simplify the implementation of interface conversions in the compiler.
Don't pass fields that aren't needed (the data word, usually) to the runtime.

For generics, we need to put a dynamic type in an interface. The new
dataWord function is exactly what we need (the type word will come
from a dictionary).

Change-Id: Iade5de5c174854b65ad248f35c7893c603f7be3d
Trust: Keith Randall <>
Trust: Dan Scales <>
Run-TryBot: Keith Randall <>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Scales <>
2021-08-09 16:10:20 +00:00
Matthew Dempsky 808dca3b2d [dev.typeparams] cmd/compile: suppress liveness diagnostics of wrappers
Similar to the previous CL to suppress escape analysis diagnostics for
method wrappers, suppress liveness analysis diagnostics too. It's
hardly useful to know that all of a wrapper method's arguments are
live at entry.

Change-Id: I0d1e44552c6334ee3b454adc107430232abcb56a
Trust: Matthew Dempsky <>
Run-TryBot: Matthew Dempsky <>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <>
Reviewed-by: Cuong Manh Le <>
2021-06-24 20:28:44 +00:00
Cherry Mui a9de78ac88 [dev.typeparams] cmd/compile, runtime: always enable defer/go wrapping
Hardwire regabidefers to true. Remove it from GOEXPERIMENTs.

Fallback paths are not cleaned up in this CL. That will be done
in later CLs.

Change-Id: Iec1112a1e55d5f6ef70232a5ff6e702f649071c4
Trust: Cherry Mui <>
Run-TryBot: Cherry Mui <>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Knyszek <>
Reviewed-by: Than McIntosh <>
2021-06-08 17:03:39 +00:00
Cherry Zhang e5bc4f2a77 cmd/compile: reenable name preservation on copies in expand_calls
This reverts CL 311829, and reenables CL 309330. The issue
should be fixed in the previous CL.

Change-Id: I69db0565c72470a1814f135d8f8ec62c781bfc5a
Trust: Cherry Zhang <>
Run-TryBot: Cherry Zhang <>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <>
Reviewed-by: David Chase <>
Reviewed-by: Than McIntosh <>
2021-04-21 14:16:01 +00:00
Cherry Zhang 109d7580a5 cmd/compile: disable name preservation on copies in expand_calls
Apparently CL 309330 caused the compiler OOMing on some large
input (giant generated switch statement). I don't quite understand
it for now. Disable it for now.

Change-Id: I19c84f3f5e158897bff0b32d6217fcff3c66874d
Trust: Cherry Zhang <>
Run-TryBot: Cherry Zhang <>
Reviewed-by: Than McIntosh <>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <>
2021-04-20 16:44:18 +00:00
Cherry Zhang a9c244a849 test: add liveness test for regabi
With defer/go wrapping and register arguments, some liveness info
changed and live.go test was disabled for regabi. This CL adds a
new one for regabi.

Change-Id: I65f03a6ef156366d8b76c62a16251c3e818f4b02
Trust: Cherry Zhang <>
Reviewed-by: David Chase <>
2021-04-19 14:42:58 +00:00