- updated docs

This commit is contained in:
Robert Griesemer 2008-03-06 18:57:03 -08:00
parent 28590a0abb
commit bbced02490

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
The Go Programming Language
(March 7, 2008)
This document is an informal specification/proposal for a new systems programming
@ -490,21 +491,19 @@ TypeName = QualifiedIdent.
Array types
[TODO: this section needs work regarding the precise difference between
regular and dynamic arrays]
static, open and dynamic arrays]
An array is a structured type consisting of a number of elements which
are all of the same type, called the element type. The number of
elements of an array is called its length. The elements of an array
are designated by indices which are integers between 0 and the length
- 1.
are designated by indices which are integers between 0 and the length - 1.
An array type specifies arrays with a given element type and
an optional array length. The array length must be a (compile-time)
constant expression, if present. Arrays without length specification
are called dynamic arrays. A dynamic array must not contain other dynamic
arrays, and dynamic arrays can only be used as parameter types or in a
pointer type (for instance, a struct may not contain a dynamic array
field, but only a pointer to an open array).
an optional array length. If the length is present, it is part of the type.
Arrays without a length specification are called open arrays.
Any array may be assigned to an open array variable with the
same element type. Typically, open arrays are used as
formal parameters for functions.
ArrayType = { '[' ArrayLength ']' } ElementType.
ArrayLength = Expression.
@ -515,6 +514,11 @@ ElementType = Type.
[64] struct { x, y: int32; }
[1000][1000] float64
The length of an array can be discovered at run time using the
built-in special function len():
Array literals
@ -920,61 +924,38 @@ export directive.
ExportDecl = 'export' ExportIdentifier { ',' ExportIdentifier } .
ExportIdentifier = QualifiedIdent .
export sin, cos
export Math.abs
export sin, cos
export Math.abs
[ TODO complete this section ]
Expression syntax is based on that of C.
Expression syntax is based on that of C but with fewer precedence levels.
Operand = Literal | Designator | UnaryExpr | '(' Expression ')' | Call.
UnaryExpr = unary_op Expression
unary_op = '!' | '-' | '^' | '&' | '<' .
Designator = QualifiedIdent { Selector }.
Selector = '.' identifier | '[' Expression [ ':' Expression ] ']'.
Call = Operand '(' ExpressionList ')'.
Expression = BinaryExpr | UnaryExpr | PrimaryExpr .
BinaryExpr = Expression binary_op Expression .
UnaryExpr = unary_op Expression .
a.m(zot, bar)
For selectors and function invocations, one level of pointer dereferencing
is provided automatically. Thus, the expressions
PrimaryExpr =
identifier | Literal | '(' Expression ')' | 'iota' |
Call | Conversion |
Expression '[' Expression [ ':' Expression ] ']' | Expression '.' identifier .
can be simplified to
Call = Expression '(' [ ExpressionList ] ')' .
Conversion = TypeName '(' [ ExpressionList ] ')' .
Expression = Conjunction { '||' Conjunction }.
Conjunction = Comparison { '&&' Comparison }.
Comparison = SimpleExpr [ relation SimpleExpr ].
SimpleExpr = Term { add_op Term }.
Term = Operand { mul_op Operand }.
relation = '==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>='.
binary_op = log_op | rel_op | add_op | mul_op .
log_op = '||' | '&&' .
rel_op = '==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>='.
add_op = '+' | '-' | '|' | '^'.
mul_op = '*' | '/' | '%' | '<<' | '>>' | '&'.
The corresponding precedence hierarchy is as follows:
unary_op = '+' | '-' | '!' | '^' | '<' | '>' | '*' | '&' .
Field selection ('.') binds tightest, followed by indexing ('[]') and then calls and conversions.
The remaining precedence levels are as follows (in increasing precedence order):
Precedence Operator
1 ||
@ -982,13 +963,8 @@ Precedence Operator
3 == != < <= > >=
4 + - | ^
5 * / % << >> &
23 + 3*x[i]
x <= f()
a >> ~b
f() || g()
x == y || <chan_ptr > 0
6 + - ! ^ < > * & (unary)
For integer values, / and % satisfy the following relationship:
(a / b) * b + a % b == a
@ -997,15 +973,67 @@ and
(a / b) is "truncated towards zero".
The shift operators implement arithmetic shifts for signed integers,
and logical shifts for unsigned integers. The property of negative
shift counts are undefined.
There are no implicit type conversions except for
constants and literals. In particular, unsigned and signed integers
cannot be mixed in an expression w/o explicit casting.
cannot be mixed in an expression without explicit conversion.
Unary '^' corresponds to C '~' (bitwise complement).
The shift operators implement arithmetic shifts for signed integers,
and logical shifts for unsigned integers. The property of negative
shift counts are undefined. Unary '^' corresponds to C '~' (bitwise
There is no '->' operator. Given a pointer p to a struct, one writes
p.f to access field f of the struct. Similarly. given an array or map pointer, one
writes p[i], given a function pointer, one writes p() to call the function.
Other operators behave as in C.
The 'iota' keyword is discussed in the next section.
Primary expressions
(s + ".txt")
f(3.1415, true)
Point(1, 2)
s[i : j + 1]
General expressions
23 + 3*x[i]
x <= f()
^a >> b
f() || g()
x == y + 1 && <chan_ptr > 0
The constant generator 'iota'
Within a declaration, each appearance of the keyword 'iota' represents a successive
element of an integer sequence. It is reset to zero whenever the keyword 'const', 'type'
or 'var' introduces a new declaration. For instance, 'iota' can be used to construct
a set of related constants:
const (
enum0 = iota; // sets enum0 to 0, etc.
enum1 = iota;
enum2 = iota
const (
a = 1 << iota; // sets a to 1 (iota has been reset)
b = 1 << iota; // sets b to 2
c = 1 << iota; // sets c to 4
const x = iota; // sets x to 0
const y = iota; // sets y to 0
@ -1014,14 +1042,16 @@ Statements control execution.
Statement =
Declaration |
ExpressionStat | IncDecStat | CompoundStat |
Assignment |
SimpleStat | CompoundStat |
GoStat |
ReturnStat |
IfStat | SwitchStat |
ForStat | RangeStat |
BreakStat | ContinueStat | GotoStat | LabelStat .
SimpleStat =
ExpressionStat | IncDecStat | Assignment | SimpleVarDecl .
Expression statements
@ -1055,17 +1085,22 @@ from the declaration to the end of the compound statement.
Assignment = SingleAssignment | TupleAssignment | Send .
SimpleAssignment = Designator '=' Expression .
TupleAssignment = DesignatorList '=' ExpressionList .
SimpleAssignment = Designator assign_op Expression .
TupleAssignment = DesignatorList assign_op ExpressionList .
Send = '>' Expression = Expression .
assign_op = [ add_op | mul_op ] '=' .
The designator must be an l-value such as a variable, pointer indirection,
or an array indexing.
x = 1
*p = f()
a[i] = 23
As in C, arithmetic binary operators can be combined with assignments:
j <<= 2
A tuple assignment assigns the individual elements of a multi-valued operation,
such function evaluation or some channel and map operations, into individual
@ -1243,7 +1278,7 @@ InitStat = SimpleStat .
Condition = Expression .
PostStat = SimpleStat .
A SimpleStat is a simple statement such as an assignemnt, a SimpleVarDecl,
A SimpleStat is a simple statement such as an assignment, a SimpleVarDecl,
or an increment or decrement statement. Therefore one may declare a loop
variable in the init statement.
@ -1350,14 +1385,45 @@ PackageClause = 'package' PackageName .
Import declarations
A program can access exported items from another package using
an import declaration:
A program can gain access to exported items from another package
through an import declaration:
ImportDecl = 'import' [ PackageName ] PackageFileName .
ImportDecl = 'import' [ '.' | PackageName ] PackageFileName .
PackageFileName = string_lit .
An import statement makes the exported contents of the named
package file accessible in this package.
[ TODO complete this section ]
In the following discussion, assume we have a package in the
file "/lib/math", called package Math, which exports functions sin
and cos.
In the general form, with an explicit package name, the import
statement declares that package name as an identifier whose
contents are the exported elements of the imported package.
For instance, after
import M "/lib/math"
the contents of the package /lib/math can be accessed by
M.cos, M.sin, etc.
In its simplest form, with no package name, the import statement
implicitly uses the imported package name itself as the local
package name. After
import "/lib/math"
the contents are accessible by Math.sin, Math.cos.
Finally, if instead of a package name the import statement uses
an explicit period, the contents of the imported package are added
to the current package. After
import . "/lib/math"
the contents are accessible by sin and cos. In this instance, it is
an error if the import introduces name conflicts.
@ -1372,5 +1438,3 @@ Program = PackageClause { ImportDecl } { Declaration } .
TODO: type switch?
TODO: select
TODO: words about slices
TODO: words about channel ops, tuple returns
TODO: words about map ops, tuple returns