cmd/compile: refactor GOSSAHASH debugging to make it usable outside ssa package.

I've needed this more than once in the past, I hack it in,
then throw it away, seems sensible to make the change and
save it.

Fixes #53937.

Change-Id: I7fe886b1c93d73cbf553bed587f2c30f0f5d5a0b
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
This commit is contained in:
David Chase 2022-06-13 17:53:32 -04:00
parent f19f6c79e4
commit 522f0fc425
4 changed files with 158 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package base
import (
type writeSyncer interface {
Sync() error
type HashDebug struct {
mu sync.Mutex
// what file (if any) receives the yes/no logging?
// default is os.Stdout
logfile writeSyncer
var hd HashDebug
// DebugHashMatch reports whether environment variable GOSSAHASH
// 1. is empty (this is a special more-quickly implemented case of 3)
// 2. is "y" or "Y"
// 3. is a suffix of the sha1 hash of name
// 4. OR
// if evname(i) is a suffix of the sha1 hash of name
// where evname(i)=fmt.Sprintf("GOSSAHASH%d", i),
// for 0<=i<n such that for all i evname(i) != "" and evname(n) == ""
// That is, as long as they're not empty, try GOSSAHASH, GOSSAHASH0, GOSSAHASH1, etc,
// but quit trying at the first empty environment variable substitution.
// Otherwise it returns false.
// Clause 4 is not really intended for human use.
// Unless GOSSAHASH is empty, when DebugHashMatch returns true the message
// "%s triggered %s\n", evname, name
// is printed on the file named in environment variable GSHS_LOGFILE,
// or standard out if that is empty.
// Typical use:
// 1. you make a change to the compiler, say, adding a new phase
// 2. it is broken in some mystifying way, for example, make.bash builds a broken
// compiler that almost works, but crashes compiling a test in run.bash.
// 3. add this guard to the code, which by default leaves it broken, but
// does not run the broken new code if GOSSAHASH is non-empty and non-matching:
// if !base.DebugHashMatch(ir.PkgFuncName(fn)) {
// return nil // early exit, do nothing
// }
// 4. rebuild w/o the bad code, GOSSAHASH=n ./all.bash to verify that you
// put theguard in the right place with the right sense of the test.
// 5. use to search for the error:
// go install
// gossahash -- <the thing that fails>
// for example: GOMAXPROCS=1 gossahash -- ./all.bash
// 6. gossahash should return a single function whose miscompilation
// causes the problem, and you can focus on that.
func DebugHashMatch(pkgAndName string) bool {
return hd.DebugHashMatch(pkgAndName)
func (d *HashDebug) DebugHashMatch(pkgAndName string) bool {
evname := GOSSAHASH
evhash := os.Getenv(evname)
hstr := ""
switch evhash {
case "":
return true // default behavior with no EV is "on"
case "n", "N":
return false
// Check the hash of the name against a partial input hash.
// We use this feature to do a binary search to
// find a function that is incorrectly compiled.
for _, b := range notsha256.Sum256([]byte(pkgAndName)) {
hstr += fmt.Sprintf("%08b", b)
if evhash == "y" || evhash == "Y" || strings.HasSuffix(hstr, evhash) {
d.logDebugHashMatch(evname, pkgAndName, hstr)
return true
// Iteratively try additional hashes to allow tests for multi-point
// failure.
for i := 0; true; i++ {
ev := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", evname, i)
evv := os.Getenv(ev)
if evv == "" {
if strings.HasSuffix(hstr, evv) {
d.logDebugHashMatch(ev, pkgAndName, hstr)
return true
return false
func (d *HashDebug) logDebugHashMatch(evname, name, hstr string) {
file := d.logfile
if file == nil {
if tmpfile := os.Getenv("GSHS_LOGFILE"); tmpfile != "" {
var err error
file, err = os.OpenFile(tmpfile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
Fatalf("could not open hash-testing logfile %s", tmpfile)
if file == nil {
file = os.Stdout
d.logfile = file
if len(hstr) > 24 {
hstr = hstr[len(hstr)-24:]
// External tools depend on this string
fmt.Fprintf(file, "%s triggered %s %s\n", evname, name, hstr)

View file

@ -268,13 +268,6 @@ func PkgFuncName(f *Func) string {
s := f.Sym()
pkg := s.Pkg
// TODO(mdempsky): Remove after submitting CL 393715? This matches
// how PkgFuncName has historically handled local functions, but
// drchase points out it contradicts the documentation.
if pkg == types.LocalPkg {
return s.Name
return pkg.Path + "." + s.Name

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@ -8,20 +8,13 @@ import (
type writeSyncer interface {
Sync() error
// A Func represents a Go func declaration (or function literal) and its body.
// This package compiles each Func independently.
// Funcs are single-use; a new Func must be created for every compiled function.
@ -38,11 +31,7 @@ type Func struct {
bid idAlloc // block ID allocator
vid idAlloc // value ID allocator
// Given an environment variable used for debug hash match,
// what file (if any) receives the yes/no logging?
logfiles map[string]writeSyncer
HTMLWriter *HTMLWriter // html writer, for debugging
DebugTest bool // default true unless $GOSSAHASH != ""; as a debugging aid, make new code conditional on this and use GOSSAHASH to binary search for failing cases
PrintOrHtmlSSA bool // true if GOSSAFUNC matches, true even if fe.Log() (spew phase results to stdout) is false. There's an odd dependence on this in debug.go for method logf.
ruleMatches map[string]int // number of times countRule was called during compilation for any given string
ABI0 *abi.ABIConfig // A copy, for no-sync access
@ -819,88 +808,18 @@ func (f *Func) invalidateCFG() {
f.cachedLoopnest = nil
// DebugHashMatch reports whether environment variable evname
// 1. is empty (this is a special more-quickly implemented case of 3)
// 2. is "y" or "Y"
// 3. is a suffix of the sha1 hash of name
// 4. is a suffix of the environment variable
// fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", evname, n)
// provided that all such variables are nonempty for 0 <= i <= n
// Otherwise it returns false.
// When true is returned the message
// "%s triggered %s\n", evname, name
// is printed on the file named in environment variable
// or standard out if that is empty or there is an error
// opening the file.
func (f *Func) DebugHashMatch(evname string) bool {
// DebugHashMatch returns
// base.DebugHashMatch(this function's
// for use in bug isolation. The return value is true unless
// environment variable GOSSAHASH is set, in which case "it depends".
// See [base.DebugHashMatch] for more information.
func (f *Func) DebugHashMatch() bool {
evhash := os.Getenv(base.GOSSAHASH)
if evhash == "" {
return true
name := f.fe.MyImportPath() + "." + f.Name
evhash := os.Getenv(evname)
switch evhash {
case "":
return true // default behavior with no EV is "on"
case "y", "Y":
f.logDebugHashMatch(evname, name)
return true
case "n", "N":
return false
// Check the hash of the name against a partial input hash.
// We use this feature to do a binary search to
// find a function that is incorrectly compiled.
hstr := ""
for _, b := range notsha256.Sum256([]byte(name)) {
hstr += fmt.Sprintf("%08b", b)
if strings.HasSuffix(hstr, evhash) {
f.logDebugHashMatch(evname, name)
return true
// Iteratively try additional hashes to allow tests for multi-point
// failure.
for i := 0; true; i++ {
ev := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", evname, i)
evv := os.Getenv(ev)
if evv == "" {
if strings.HasSuffix(hstr, evv) {
f.logDebugHashMatch(ev, name)
return true
return false
func (f *Func) logDebugHashMatch(evname, name string) {
if f.logfiles == nil {
f.logfiles = make(map[string]writeSyncer)
file := f.logfiles[evname]
if file == nil {
file = os.Stdout
if tmpfile := os.Getenv("GSHS_LOGFILE"); tmpfile != "" {
var err error
file, err = os.OpenFile(tmpfile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
f.Fatalf("could not open hash-testing logfile %s", tmpfile)
f.logfiles[evname] = file
fmt.Fprintf(file, "%s triggered %s\n", evname, name)
func DebugNameMatch(evname, name string) bool {
return os.Getenv(evname) == name
return base.DebugHashMatch(name)
func (f *Func) spSb() (sp, sb *Value) {

View file

@ -357,7 +357,6 @@ func buildssa(fn *ir.Func, worker int) *ssa.Func {
s.f.Cache = &ssaCaches[worker]
s.f.Name = name
s.f.DebugTest = s.f.DebugHashMatch("GOSSAHASH")
s.f.PrintOrHtmlSSA = printssa
if fn.Pragma&ir.Nosplit != 0 {
s.f.NoSplit = true