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2020-01-06 18:48:53 +00:00

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# Table of Contents
* [std::Alias (alias)](#std__Alias)
* [std::Echo (echo)](#std__Echo)
* [std::Eval (eval)](#std__Eval)
* [std::ForIn (for)](#std__ForIn)
* [std::Function (function, fn)](#std__Function)
* [std::GoTo (goto)](#std__GoTo)
* [std::If (if)](#std__If)
* [std::IsDefined (is_defined)](#std__IsDefined)
* [std::Not (not)](#std__Not)
* [std::ReadUserInput (read)](#std__ReadUserInput)
* [std::Release (release)](#std__Release)
* [std::Set (set)](#std__Set)
* [std::ShowCommandDocumentation (man)](#std__ShowCommandDocumentation)
* [std::Unalias (unalias)](#std__Unalias)
* [std::collections::Array (array)](#std__collections__Array)
* [std::collections::Range (range)](#std__collections__Range)
* [std::env::GetVar (get_env)](#std__env__GetVar)
* [std::env::PrintCurrentDirectory (pwd)](#std__env__PrintCurrentDirectory)
* [std::env::SetCurrentDirectory (cd, set_current_dir)](#std__env__SetCurrentDirectory)
* [std::env::SetVar (set_env)](#std__env__SetVar)
* [std::env::UnsetVar (unset_env)](#std__env__UnsetVar)
* [std::fs::CopyPath (cp)](#std__fs__CopyPath)
* [std::fs::CreateDirectory (mkdir)](#std__fs__CreateDirectory)
* [std::fs::CreateEmptyFile (touch)](#std__fs__CreateEmptyFile)
* [std::fs::DeleteEmptyDirectory (rmdir)](#std__fs__DeleteEmptyDirectory)
* [std::fs::DeletePath (rm)](#std__fs__DeletePath)
* [std::fs::GetCanonicalPath (canonicalize)](#std__fs__GetCanonicalPath)
* [std::fs::GetFileName (basename)](#std__fs__GetFileName)
* [std::fs::GetParentDirectory (dirname)](#std__fs__GetParentDirectory)
* [std::fs::List (ls)](#std__fs__List)
* [std::fs::MovePath (mv)](#std__fs__MovePath)
* [std::fs::Print (cat)](#std__fs__Print)
* [std::fs::Read (readfile)](#std__fs__Read)
* [std::fs::Write (writefile)](#std__fs__Write)
* [std::math::Calc (calc)](#std__math__Calc)
* [std::net::Hostname (hostname)](#std__net__Hostname)
* [std::process::Execute (exec)](#std__process__Execute)
* [std::process::Exit (exit, quit, q)](#std__process__Exit)
* [std::string::Contains (contains)](#std__string__Contains)
* [std::string::EndsWith (ends_with)](#std__string__EndsWith)
* [std::string::Equals (equals, eq)](#std__string__Equals)
* [std::string::IndexOf (indexof)](#std__string__IndexOf)
* [std::string::IsEmpty (is_empty)](#std__string__IsEmpty)
* [std::string::LastIndexOf (last_indexof)](#std__string__LastIndexOf)
* [std::string::StartsWith (starts_with)](#std__string__StartsWith)
* [std::string::Trim (trim)](#std__string__Trim)
* [std::string::TrimEnd (trim_end)](#std__string__TrimEnd)
* [std::string::TrimStart (trim_start)](#std__string__TrimStart)
* [std::test::Assert (assert)](#std__test__Assert)
* [std::test::AssertEquals (assert_eq)](#std__test__AssertEquals)
* [std::test::AssertFail (assert_fail)](#std__test__AssertFail)
* [std::thread::Sleep (sleep)](#std__thread__Sleep)
<a name="std__Alias"></a>
## std::Alias
var = alias command arguments
This command enables to define new commands with default arguments.<br>
The new alias can be invoked with additional arguments that will be appended to the default set.
#### Parameters
Any number of arguments which will be added to the already defined arguments set during the aliasing.
#### Return Value
**true** if the alias was created, else **false**.
#### Examples
# This example creates a new **my_echo** alias that will print the prefix before the requested arguments.
created = alias my_echo echo [ECHO]
# This will print "[ECHO] hello world "
created = my_echo hello world
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__Echo"></a>
## std::Echo
echo [arg]*
The echo command will printout all provided arguments.<br>
After all input is done, an end of line will be printed as well.
#### Parameters
Any number of arguments may be provided and will be printed.
#### Return Value
The amount of arguments printed.
#### Examples
# Print multiple arguments:
echo hello world
# Print multiple spaces between words
echo "hello world"
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__Eval"></a>
## std::Eval
eval command arguments
The eval command enables to run dynamically created commands.<br>
The command and arguments passed can be variables in the form of ${name}.
#### Parameters
Any number of arguments which will construct a line to evaluate and execute.
#### Return Value
The result of the evaluated line.
#### Examples
command = set echo
eval ${command} hello world
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__ForIn"></a>
## std::ForIn
args = array a b c
for arg in args
# commands
release args
The for/in command enables to iterate over an array (see [array command](#sdk__Array)).<br>
The first argument will contain the current iteration value from the array.<br>
Once all values have been read, it will exit the loop.
#### Parameters
* for
* The variable name which will hold the current iteration value
* The string "in"
* The handle to the array of values to iterate
* end_for - no parameters
#### Return Value
#### Examples
# Simple example iteration over the list of letters:
args = array a b c
for arg in args
echo current arg is: ${arg}
release args
# Example nested loops:
range = array 1 2 3
for i in range
for j in range
echo i: ${i} j: ${j}
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__Function"></a>
## std::Function
function my_function
# function content
return output
This command provides the function language feature as a set of commands:
* function - Defines a function start block
* end_function - Defines the end of the function block
* return - Allows to exist a function at any point and return an output
* *function name* - Dynamically created commands based on the function name which are used to invoke the function code.
When a function command is detected, it will search for the end_function command that comes after.<br>
That entire block is considered the function code block (functions cannot be nested in outer functions)<br>
In order to invoke the function, simply call the function name with any amount of paramters.<br>
Those parameters will be set as $1, $2, ... and so on.<br>
Since variables are global, it will overwrite any older values stored in those variables.<br>
To exist a function and return a value, simply use the **return** command with the value you want to return.<br>
The variable that was used when the function was originally called, will now store that value.<br>
The return command can be used to exist early without any value.<br>
In case the code reached the **end_function** call, the function will exist but will return not value.
#### Parameters
* function - The function name used later on to invoke the function
* end_function - no parameters
* return - optional single paramter to return as an output of the function call
* *function name* - Any number of arguments which will automatically be set as global variables: $1, $2, ... as so on.
#### Return Value
The function invocation returns the output provided by the return command.
#### Examples
# Simple example of a function definition which echo 'hello world' and exists.
# function start
function hello_world
echo hello world
# function invocation
# Example of calling a function and returning a value
function get_hello_world
return "hello world"
# function invocation
text = get_hello_world
# this will print "hello world"
echo ${text}
# Example of passing arguments
function print_input
# $1 is set with the value 'hello'
# $2 is set with the value 'world'
echo ${1} ${2}
print_input hello world
# Functions can call other functions
function get_one
return 1
function get_number
number = get_one
return ${number}
output = get_number
# this will print 1
echo ${output}
#### Aliases:
function, fn
<a name="std__GoTo"></a>
## std::GoTo
goto :label
The goto command enables you to jump to any position in the script, if that position has a label value.
#### Parameters
A single valid label value.
#### Return Value
#### Examples
goto :good
echo bad
:good echo good
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__If"></a>
## std::If
if command|value
# commands
elseif command|value
# commands
# commands
This command provides the if/elseif/else condition language feature as a set of commands:
* if - Defines an if condition
* elseif - Defines optional secondary condition blocks
* else - Optinoal fallback block
* end_if - Defines the end of the entire if/else block
if and elseif commands accept either:
* A command with optional arguments and invokes it
* A single value which doesn't match any known command
If the value or the result of the command is one of the following:
* No output
* false (case insensitive)
* 0
* no (case insensitive)
* Empty value
It is considered falsy.<br>
In case of falsy value, it will skip to the next elseif/else block.<br>
If a truthy (non falsy) output is found, it will invoke the commands of that code block and ignore all other elseif/else blocks.<br>
if blocks can be nested in other if blocks (see examples).
#### Parameters
* if/elseif - A command and its arguments to invoke and evaluate its output, if a single value is provided an no such command exists, it is evaluated as a value.
* else/end_if - no parameters
#### Return Value
#### Examples
# Simple example of an if statement that evaluates the argument value as true and echos "in if"
if true
echo in if
# Example of using **not** command to reverse the output value
if not false
echo in if
# Example of an if statement that evaluates the command as true and echos "in if"
if set true
echo in if
# Example of if condition returning a falsy result and navigation goes to the else block which echos "in else"
if set false
echo should not be here
echo in else
# Example of if condition returning a falsy result and navigation goes to the elseif block has a truthy condition
if set false
echo should not be here
elseif set true
echo in else if
echo should not be here
# Nested if example:
if set false
echo should not be here
elseif set true
echo in else if but not done yet
if set true
echo nested if
echo should not be here
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__IsDefined"></a>
## std::IsDefined
var = is_defined key
Returns true if the provided variable name (not value) exists.
#### Parameters
The variable name.
#### Return Value
True if the variable is defined.
#### Examples
key = set "hello world"
exists = is_defined key
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__Not"></a>
## std::Not
output = not command|value
Enables to switch falsy to true and truthy to false.<br>
The **not** commands accept either:
* A command with optional arguments and invokes it
* A single value which doesn't match any known command
If the value or the result of the command is one of the following:
* No output
* false (case insensitive)
* 0
* no (case insensitive)
* Empty value
It will return true, otherwise it will return false.
#### Parameters
A command and its arguments to invoke and evaluate its output, if a single value is provided an no such command exists, it is evaluated as a value.
#### Return Value
The switched value of the input.
#### Examples
# Simple example of converting true/false values
is_false = not true
echo is false: ${is_false}
is_true = not false
echo is true: ${is_true}
# Example of converting command output value
is_false = not set true
echo is false: ${is_false}
is_true = not set false
echo is true: ${is_true}
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__ReadUserInput"></a>
## std::ReadUserInput
var = read
Reads the user input into the output variable.<br>
If the user didn't insert any input, none will be returned.
#### Parameters
#### Return Value
The user input or none if no input was entered.
#### Examples
echo Enter Full Name:
name = read
if is_empty ${name}
echo You didn't enter any value
echo Your name is: ${name}
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__Release"></a>
## std::Release
release handle
Releases an internal handle stored in the runtime memory.<br>
Certain commands (such as **array**) will create a handle and the variable will only hold a reference to that handle.<br>
In order to release those handles once they are no longer needed, the release command should be used.
#### Parameters
The handle name.
#### Return Value
* true - If a handle was found and removed
* false - If no handle was found
#### Examples
release ${array_handle}
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__Set"></a>
## std::Set
var = set arg
The set command will simply return the provided argument and set it to the output variable.
#### Parameters
Only the first argument will be returned.
#### Return Value
The first command argument.
#### Examples
# Return simple 'hello' text value
var = set hello
# Return expanded value: 'home: ....'
var = set "home: ${HOME}"
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__ShowCommandDocumentation"></a>
## std::ShowCommandDocumentation
var = man command
Prints and returns the help documentation of the provided command.
#### Parameters
The command name.
#### Return Value
The help documentation or if not found, none.
#### Examples
man set
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__Unalias"></a>
## std::Unalias
unalias name
Removes previously defined alias and return true/false based if an alias was actually removed.
#### Parameters
The alias name to remove.
#### Return Value
A true/false value in case an alias with the provided name existed.
#### Examples
alias my_echo echo [ECHO]
# This will print "[ECHO] hello world "
my_echo hello world
unalias my_echo
# This will error
echo The script will now error as my_echo is no longer defined
my_echo hello world
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__collections__Array"></a>
## std::collections::Array
handle = array value1 value2 value3 ...
Creates an array from the input arguments and returns a handle to that array.<br>
This handle can be passed to other commands which support arrays using handles.<br>
Once the array is no longer used, it should be released using the **release** command.
#### Parameters
Any number of arguments which will construct the array.
#### Return Value
A handle to the array.
#### Examples
handle = array ${var} "hello world" 5 ${another_var}
# once done we should release the handle
release ${handle}
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__collections__Range"></a>
## std::collections::Range
handle = range start end
Creates an array from the input start and end range values and returns a handle to that array.<br>
This handle can be passed to other commands which support arrays using handles.<br>
Once the array is no longer used, it should be released using the **release** command.
#### Parameters
* The start numeric value
* The end numeric value which cannot be smaller than the start value.
#### Return Value
A handle to the array.
#### Examples
handle = range 1 10
# once done we should release the handle
release ${handle}
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__env__GetVar"></a>
## std::env::GetVar
var = get_env key
Returns the environment variable value for the provided key.
#### Parameters
First argument is the environment variable key.
#### Return Value
The environment variable value.
#### Examples
home = get_env HOME
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__env__PrintCurrentDirectory"></a>
## std::env::PrintCurrentDirectory
var = pwd
Prints and also returns the current directory.
#### Parameters
#### Return Value
The current directory path.
#### Examples
# Print the current directory:
# Print and also store the current directory:
directory = pwd
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__env__SetCurrentDirectory"></a>
## std::env::SetCurrentDirectory
cd path
Sets the current directory based on the input path.<br>
If no path is provided, it will default to the user home directory.<br>
If the path does not exist, it will return none.
#### Parameters
The new current directory.
#### Return Value
The new current directory or none in case of any error such as target directory not found.
#### Examples
# Move to user home directory and store the path in the home variable
home = cd
# Move to the requested directory
cd ./scripts
#### Aliases:
cd, set_current_dir
<a name="std__env__SetVar"></a>
## std::env::SetVar
set_env key value
Sets the environment variable defined by the provided key to the provided value.
#### Parameters
Two arguments are required:
* key - The name of the environment variable to set
* value - The new environment variable value
#### Return Value
#### Examples
set_env HOME /usr/me
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__env__UnsetVar"></a>
## std::env::UnsetVar
unset_env key
Removes the environment variable defined by the provided key.
#### Parameters
The name of the environment variable to remove
#### Return Value
#### Examples
unset_env HOME
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__CopyPath"></a>
## std::fs::CopyPath
var = cp source target
This command copies the requested file or directory to the target location.<br>
If the source directory is not empty, its entire contents will be copied as well.
#### Parameters
* The source path to copy
* The target path
#### Return Value
**true** if the path was copied.
#### Examples
# copy a single file
copied = cp ./file1.txt ./file2.txt
# copy a directory
copied = cp ./source ./target
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__CreateDirectory"></a>
## std::fs::CreateDirectory
var = mkdir directory
This command will create the requested directory (and needed parent directories) and return true/false if it was successful.
#### Parameters
The directory name to create.
#### Return Value
The operation success value - true if directory exists, else false.
#### Examples
exists = mkdir ./dir/subdir
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__CreateEmptyFile"></a>
## std::fs::CreateEmptyFile
var = touch file
This command will create an empty file and return true/false if the file exists.<br>
If file exits, it will not be modified.
#### Parameters
The file path.
#### Return Value
If the file exists after the command, it will return true.<br>
In case of any error, it will return false.
#### Examples
exists = touch ./dir/file.txt
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__DeleteEmptyDirectory"></a>
## std::fs::DeleteEmptyDirectory
var = rmdir path
This command delete the requested empty directory and returns true if successful.<br>
If the path leads to a file or a directory which is not empty, this command will fail.
#### Parameters
A single parameter holding the directory path.
#### Return Value
**true** if the directory was deleted.
#### Examples
deleted = rmdir ./mydir
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__DeletePath"></a>
## std::fs::DeletePath
var = rm [-r] path
This command delete the requested file, empty directory or recursively deletes a directory
and all its content (files and sub directories) if the **-r** flag is provided.
#### Parameters
* Optional flags (currently only -r is supported which indicates recursive deletion)
* The path to delete
#### Return Value
**true** if the path was deleted.
#### Examples
# delete a file or empty directory
deleted = rm ./target
# deletes a directory and all its content
deleted = rm -r ./target
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__GetCanonicalPath"></a>
## std::fs::GetCanonicalPath
var = canonicalize path
This command will return the c path for the provided input.<br>
In case unable, it will return the original input.
#### Parameters
The file/directory path to canonicalize.
#### Return Value
The canonicalized path, or if unsuccessful, the original path.
#### Examples
path = canonicalize ./target
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__GetFileName"></a>
## std::fs::GetFileName
var = basename path
This command will return the last path element of the provided path.<br>
If unable, it will return none.
#### Parameters
The path to extract the last element from.
#### Return Value
The last path element or none if unsuccessful.
#### Examples
file = basename ./dir/file.txt
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__GetParentDirectory"></a>
## std::fs::GetParentDirectory
var = dirname path
This command will return the parent path of the provided path.<br>
If the parent path is empty, it will return none.
#### Parameters
The path to extract the parent path from.
#### Return Value
The parent path or none.
#### Examples
directory = dirname ./dir/file.txt
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__List"></a>
## std::fs::List
var = ls [flags] [path]
Lists the file/directory contents.<br>
If no path is provided, the current working directory will be used.<br>
The supported flags are:
* -l - Shows extended information
#### Parameters
* Optional flags (currently only -l is supported)
* Optional path (if not provided, current working directory is used)
#### Return Value
**true** is operation was successful.
#### Examples
# prints current directory content
# prints current directory content
ls .
# prints examples directory content
ls ./examples
# prints examples directory content with extended info
ls -l ./examples
# prints current directory content with extended info
ls -l
# prints file name
ls ./examples/ls.ds
# prints file name with extended info
ls -l ./examples/ls.ds
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__MovePath"></a>
## std::fs::MovePath
var = mv source target
This command moves the requested source path to the target path.
* If the source and target paths define a file, it will move the file as defined.
* If target path is a directory path, it will move the source file/directory into that target directory path.
All missing parent directories in the target path will be created as needed.
#### Parameters
* The source path to copy
* The target path
#### Return Value
**true** if the move was successful.
#### Examples
# move a single file
moved = mv ./file1.txt ./file2.txt
# move a single file into the target directory
moved = mv ./file1.txt ./somedir
# move entire directory into another directory
moved = mv ./source ./target/subdir
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__Print"></a>
## std::fs::Print
var = cat file
The cat command will print out the requested file.<br>
In addition it will also return the value to the output variable.
#### Parameters
A single parameter holding the file path.
#### Return Value
The file content or none if the file does not exist.
#### Examples
cat ./docs/
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__Read"></a>
## std::fs::Read
var = readfile file
The readfile command will read the requested file and return the value to the output variable.
#### Parameters
A single parameter holding the file path.
#### Return Value
The file content or none in case file does not exist.
#### Examples
text = readfile ./Cargo.toml
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__Write"></a>
## std::fs::Write
result = writefile file text
This command enables to write the provided text into the requested file.<br>
It will return true/false value based if it was able to write the text to the file.
#### Parameters
* The target file
* The text content to write
#### Return Value
true/false based if it was able to write the text to the file.
#### Examples
out = writefile ./target/tests/writefile.txt "line 1\nline 2"
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__math__Calc"></a>
## std::math::Calc
var = calc [operation]
The calc command accepts multiple arguments which make up a mathematical operation which will be
calculated and its result will be returned.
#### Parameters
Any number of arguments which will construct a line to calculate.
#### Return Value
The result of the mathematical calculation.
#### Examples
# result is 36
result = calc 1 + 5 * 7
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__net__Hostname"></a>
## std::net::Hostname
var = hostname
Returns the hostname or none if unable to extract it.
#### Parameters
#### Return Value
The hostname or none in case of any error.
#### Examples
name = hostname
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__process__Execute"></a>
## std::process::Execute
exec command [args]*
output = exec command [args]*
stdout = set ${output.stdout}
stderr = set ${output.stderr}
exit_code = set ${output.code}
Executes the provided native command and arguments.<br>
If no output variable is set, the command output will be flushed to the main out/err stream of the parent process.<br>
If an output variable is set, it will be used as a base variable name from which the command stout, stderr and exit code information can be pulled from.<br>
The actual output variable name will not be modified, instead new variables will be created using that variable name as a baseline:
* *output*.stdout - Will hold the stdout text content.
* *output*.stderr - Will hold the stderr text content.
* *output*.code - Will hold the process exit code.
#### Parameters
The command to execute and its arguments.
#### Return Value
Optionally a base name to access the process stout, stderr and exit code information.
#### Examples
# Example of running a command and flushing its output to the parent process.
exec echo hello world
# Example of running a command and storing its output.
output = exec echo hello world
stdout = set ${output.stdout}
stderr = set ${output.stderr}
exit_code = set ${output.code}
echo stdout: ${stdout}
echo stderr: ${stderr}
echo exit code: ${exit_code}
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__process__Exit"></a>
## std::process::Exit
code = exit [code]
Exits the script with the given code stored in the output variable.
#### Parameters
A positive number as exit code or none for 0.
#### Return Value
The exit code.
#### Examples
# exit with code '0'
code = exit
# exit with code '1'
code = exit 1
#### Aliases:
exit, quit, q
<a name="std__string__Contains"></a>
## std::string::Contains
var = contains all partial
Returns true if the first argument contains the value of the second argument.
#### Parameters
* The full text to search in
* The text to search for
#### Return Value
**true** if contains.
#### Examples
# valid conditions
result = contains abcd bc
value = set "some text"
result = contains ${value} "me tex"
# will return false
result = contains abcd b1c
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__string__EndsWith"></a>
## std::string::EndsWith
var = ends_with all partial
Returns true if the first argument ends with the value of the second argument.
#### Parameters
* The full text to search in
* The suffix text to search for
#### Return Value
**true** if ends with.
#### Examples
# valid conditions
result = ends_with abcd abc
value = set "some text"
result = ends_with ${value} "me text"
# will return false
result = ends_with abcd abc
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__string__Equals"></a>
## std::string::Equals
var = eq value1 value2
Returns true if both provided values are equal.
#### Parameters
Two values to evaluate if they are equal
#### Return Value
**true** if equal.
#### Examples
# valid conditions
is_same = eq yes yes
is_same = eq false false
value = set "some text"
is_same = eq ${value} "some text"
# will return false
is_same = eq 1 2
#### Aliases:
equals, eq
<a name="std__string__IndexOf"></a>
## std::string::IndexOf
var = indexof full_text text_to_find
This command will attempt to find the text from the second argument inside the text in the first argument.<br>
If found, an index value will be returned, otherwise none is returned.
#### Parameters
* The text to search in
* The text to find
#### Return Value
The index of the text found or none if not found.
#### Examples
index = indexof " some text " some
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__string__IsEmpty"></a>
## std::string::IsEmpty
var = is_empty value
Returns true if the provided value is none or an empty string.
#### Parameters
The value to validate.
#### Return Value
True if the provided value is none or an empty string.
#### Examples
value = set "hello world"
empty = is_empty ${value}
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__string__LastIndexOf"></a>
## std::string::LastIndexOf
var = last_indexof full_text text_to_find
This command will attempt to find the text from the second argument inside the text in the first argument.<br>
If found, an index value will be returned, otherwise none is returned.<br>
Unlike the **indexof** command, this command will search for text starting at the end, going backwards.
#### Parameters
* The text to search in
* The text to find
#### Return Value
The index of the text found or none if not found.
#### Examples
index = last_indexof " some text " some
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__string__StartsWith"></a>
## std::string::StartsWith
var = starts_with all partial
Returns true if the first argument starts with the value of the second argument.
#### Parameters
* The full text to search in
* The prefix text to search for
#### Return Value
**true** if starts with.
#### Examples
# valid conditions
result = starts_with abcd abc
value = set "some text"
result = starts_with ${value} "some te"
# will return false
result = starts_with abcd bcd
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__string__Trim"></a>
## std::string::Trim
var = trim value
Returns the provided value with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
#### Parameters
The value to trim.
#### Return Value
The trimmed value. If no input provided, this command will return none.
#### Examples
# trimmed will now hold "some text"
trimmed = trim " some text "
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__string__TrimEnd"></a>
## std::string::TrimEnd
var = trim_end value
Returns the provided value with trailing whitespace removed.
#### Parameters
The value to trim.
#### Return Value
The trimmed value. If no input provided, this command will return none.
#### Examples
# trimmed will now hold " some text"
trimmed = trim_end " some text "
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__string__TrimStart"></a>
## std::string::TrimStart
var = trim_start value
Returns the provided value with leading whitespace removed.
#### Parameters
The value to trim.
#### Return Value
The trimmed value. If no input provided, this command will return none.
#### Examples
# trimmed will now hold "some text "
trimmed = trim_start " some text "
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__test__Assert"></a>
## std::test::Assert
assert value [error message]
Used to validate the input is truthy.<br>
If the value is one of the following:
* No output
* false (case insensitive)
* 0
* no (case insensitive)
* Empty value
It is considered falsy and will exist with an error.
#### Parameters
* The value to evaluate
* Optional error message
#### Return Value
**true** if truthy.
#### Examples
# valid conditions
assert ok
assert true
assert yes
value = set "some text"
assert ${value}
# error conditions
assert false
assert 0
assert false "This is my error message"
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__test__AssertEquals"></a>
## std::test::AssertEquals
assert_eq value1 value2 [error message]
Used to validate the input is the same.<br>
If they are not, the command will exist with an error.
#### Parameters
* Two values to evaluate if they are equal
* Optional error message
#### Return Value
**true** if equal.
#### Examples
# valid conditions
assert_eq yes yes
assert_eq false false
value = set "some text"
assert_eq ${value} "some text"
# error conditions
assert_eq 1 2
assert_eq 1 2 "This is my error message"
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__test__AssertFail"></a>
## std::test::AssertFail
assert_fail [error message]
This command will exist with an error.<br>
If error message is provided, it will be used as part of the error output.
#### Parameters
Optional error message.
#### Return Value
#### Examples
assert_fail "This is my error message"
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__thread__Sleep"></a>
## std::thread::Sleep
sleep millies
Will cause the script execution to half for the given amount of milliseconds.<br>
The command will also return the amount of milliseconds waited.
#### Parameters
A positive numeric value.
#### Return Value
The amount of milliseconds waited.
#### Examples
# will sleep for 10 milliseconds
time = sleep 10
echo Waited for ${time} milliseconds.
#### Aliases:
### License
Developed by Sagie Gur-Ari and licensed under the
[Apache 2]( open source license.