update flowcontrol package

This commit is contained in:
sagie gur ari 2020-02-05 19:13:09 +00:00
parent 4cc8f820b9
commit b26287573f
2 changed files with 301 additions and 296 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
# Table of Contents
* [std::Echo (echo)](#std__Echo)
* [std::Eval (eval)](#std__Eval)
* [std::ForIn (for)](#std__ForIn)
* [std::Function (function, fn)](#std__Function)
* [std::GoTo (goto)](#std__GoTo)
* [std::If (if)](#std__If)
* [std::IsDefined (is_defined)](#std__IsDefined)
* [std::Not (not)](#std__Not)
* [std::ReadUserInput (read)](#std__ReadUserInput)
@ -51,6 +47,10 @@
* [std::error::SetError (set_error)](#std__error__SetError)
* [std::error::SetExitOnError (exit_on_error, set_exit_on_error)](#std__error__SetExitOnError)
* [std::error::TriggerError (trigger_error)](#std__error__TriggerError)
* [std::flowcontroll::ForIn (for)](#std__flowcontroll__ForIn)
* [std::flowcontroll::Function (function, fn)](#std__flowcontroll__Function)
* [std::flowcontroll::GoTo (goto)](#std__flowcontroll__GoTo)
* [std::flowcontroll::If (if)](#std__flowcontroll__If)
* [std::fs::Append (appendfile)](#std__fs__Append)
* [std::fs::CopyPath (cp)](#std__fs__CopyPath)
* [std::fs::CreateDirectory (mkdir)](#std__fs__CreateDirectory)
@ -167,292 +167,6 @@ eval ${command} hello world
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__ForIn"></a>
## std::ForIn
args = array a b c
for arg in ${args}
# commands
release args
The for/in command enables to iterate over an array (see [array command](#std__collections__Array)).<br>
The first argument will contain the current iteration value from the array.<br>
Once all values have been read, it will exit the loop.
#### Parameters
* for
* The variable name which will hold the current iteration value
* The string "in"
* The handle to the array of values to iterate
* end - no parameters
#### Return Value
#### Examples
# Simple example iteration over the list of letters:
args = array a b c
for arg in ${args}
echo current arg is: ${arg}
release args
# Example nested loops:
args = array 1 2 3
for i in ${args}
for j in ${args}
echo i: ${i} j: ${j}
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__Function"></a>
## std::Function
function my_function
# function content
return output
This command provides the function language feature as a set of commands:
* function - Defines a function start block
* end - Defines the end of the function block
* return - Allows to exist a function at any point and return an output
* *function name* - Dynamically created commands based on the function name which are used to invoke the function code.
When a function command is detected, it will search for the end command that comes after.<br>
That entire block is considered the function code block (functions cannot be nested in outer functions)<br>
In order to invoke the function, simply call the function name with any amount of paramters.<br>
Those parameters will be set as $1, $2, ... and so on.<br>
Since variables are global, it will overwrite any older values stored in those variables.<br>
To exist a function and return a value, simply use the **return** command with the value you want to return.<br>
The variable that was used when the function was originally called, will now store that value.<br>
The return command can be used to exist early without any value.<br>
In case the code reached the **end** call, the function will exist but will return not value.
#### Parameters
* function - The function name used later on to invoke the function
* end - no parameters
* return - optional single paramter to return as an output of the function call
* *function name* - Any number of arguments which will automatically be set as global variables: $1, $2, ... as so on.
#### Return Value
The function invocation returns the output provided by the return command.
#### Examples
# Simple example of a function definition which echo 'hello world' and exists.
# function start
function hello_world
echo hello world
# function invocation
# Example of calling a function and returning a value
function get_hello_world
return "hello world"
# function invocation
text = get_hello_world
# this will print "hello world"
echo ${text}
# Example of passing arguments
function print_input
# $1 is set with the value 'hello'
# $2 is set with the value 'world'
echo ${1} ${2}
print_input hello world
# Functions can call other functions
function get_one
return 1
function get_number
number = get_one
return ${number}
output = get_number
# this will print 1
echo ${output}
#### Aliases:
function, fn
<a name="std__GoTo"></a>
## std::GoTo
goto :label
The goto command enables you to jump to any position in the script, if that position has a label value.
#### Parameters
A single valid label value.
#### Return Value
#### Examples
goto :good
echo bad
:good echo good
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__If"></a>
## std::If
if [command|value|condition]
# commands
elseif command|value
# commands
# commands
This command provides the if/elseif/else condition language feature as a set of commands:
* if - Defines an if condition
* elseif - Defines optional secondary condition blocks
* else - Optinoal fallback block
* end - Defines the end of the entire if/else block
if and elseif commands accept either:
* A command with optional arguments and invokes it
* A single value which doesn't match any known command
* A condition statement
If the result is one of the following:
* No output
* false (case insensitive)
* 0
* no (case insensitive)
* Empty value
It is considered falsy.<br>
In case of falsy value, it will skip to the next elseif/else block.<br>
If a truthy (non falsy) output is found, it will invoke the commands of that code block and ignore all other elseif/else blocks.<br>
if blocks can be nested in other if blocks (see examples).
A condition statement is made up of values, or/and keywords and '('/')' groups.<br>
Each must be separated with a space character.
#### Parameters
* if/elseif - A command and its arguments to invoke and evaluate its output, if a single value is provided an no such command exists, it is evaluated as a value.
* else/end - no parameters
#### Return Value
#### Examples
# Simple example of an if statement that evaluates the argument value as true and echos "in if"
if true
echo in if
# Example of using **not** command to reverse the output value
if not false
echo in if
# Example of an if statement that evaluates the command as true and echos "in if"
if set true
echo in if
# Example of if condition returning a falsy result and navigation goes to the else block which echos "in else"
if set false
echo should not be here
echo in else
# Example of if condition returning a falsy result and navigation goes to the elseif block has a truthy condition
if set false
echo should not be here
elseif set true
echo in else if
echo should not be here
# Nested if example:
if set false
echo should not be here
elseif set true
echo in else if but not done yet
if set true
echo nested if
echo should not be here
valid = set false
if true and false or true and false or ( true and true or false )
valid = set true
assert ${valid}
if true and false or true and false or ( true and true or false ) and false
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__IsDefined"></a>
## std::IsDefined
@ -2052,6 +1766,292 @@ assert_eq ${error} "my error message"
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__flowcontroll__ForIn"></a>
## std::flowcontroll::ForIn
args = array a b c
for arg in ${args}
# commands
release args
The for/in command enables to iterate over an array (see [array command](#std__collections__Array)).<br>
The first argument will contain the current iteration value from the array.<br>
Once all values have been read, it will exit the loop.
#### Parameters
* for
* The variable name which will hold the current iteration value
* The string "in"
* The handle to the array of values to iterate
* end - no parameters
#### Return Value
#### Examples
# Simple example iteration over the list of letters:
args = array a b c
for arg in ${args}
echo current arg is: ${arg}
release args
# Example nested loops:
args = array 1 2 3
for i in ${args}
for j in ${args}
echo i: ${i} j: ${j}
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__flowcontroll__Function"></a>
## std::flowcontroll::Function
function my_function
# function content
return output
This command provides the function language feature as a set of commands:
* function - Defines a function start block
* end - Defines the end of the function block
* return - Allows to exist a function at any point and return an output
* *function name* - Dynamically created commands based on the function name which are used to invoke the function code.
When a function command is detected, it will search for the end command that comes after.<br>
That entire block is considered the function code block (functions cannot be nested in outer functions)<br>
In order to invoke the function, simply call the function name with any amount of paramters.<br>
Those parameters will be set as $1, $2, ... and so on.<br>
Since variables are global, it will overwrite any older values stored in those variables.<br>
To exist a function and return a value, simply use the **return** command with the value you want to return.<br>
The variable that was used when the function was originally called, will now store that value.<br>
The return command can be used to exist early without any value.<br>
In case the code reached the **end** call, the function will exist but will return not value.
#### Parameters
* function - The function name used later on to invoke the function
* end - no parameters
* return - optional single paramter to return as an output of the function call
* *function name* - Any number of arguments which will automatically be set as global variables: $1, $2, ... as so on.
#### Return Value
The function invocation returns the output provided by the return command.
#### Examples
# Simple example of a function definition which echo 'hello world' and exists.
# function start
function hello_world
echo hello world
# function invocation
# Example of calling a function and returning a value
function get_hello_world
return "hello world"
# function invocation
text = get_hello_world
# this will print "hello world"
echo ${text}
# Example of passing arguments
function print_input
# $1 is set with the value 'hello'
# $2 is set with the value 'world'
echo ${1} ${2}
print_input hello world
# Functions can call other functions
function get_one
return 1
function get_number
number = get_one
return ${number}
output = get_number
# this will print 1
echo ${output}
#### Aliases:
function, fn
<a name="std__flowcontroll__GoTo"></a>
## std::flowcontroll::GoTo
goto :label
The goto command enables you to jump to any position in the script, if that position has a label value.
#### Parameters
A single valid label value.
#### Return Value
#### Examples
goto :good
echo bad
:good echo good
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__flowcontroll__If"></a>
## std::flowcontroll::If
if [command|value|condition]
# commands
elseif command|value
# commands
# commands
This command provides the if/elseif/else condition language feature as a set of commands:
* if - Defines an if condition
* elseif - Defines optional secondary condition blocks
* else - Optinoal fallback block
* end - Defines the end of the entire if/else block
if and elseif commands accept either:
* A command with optional arguments and invokes it
* A single value which doesn't match any known command
* A condition statement
If the result is one of the following:
* No output
* false (case insensitive)
* 0
* no (case insensitive)
* Empty value
It is considered falsy.<br>
In case of falsy value, it will skip to the next elseif/else block.<br>
If a truthy (non falsy) output is found, it will invoke the commands of that code block and ignore all other elseif/else blocks.<br>
if blocks can be nested in other if blocks (see examples).
A condition statement is made up of values, or/and keywords and '('/')' groups.<br>
Each must be separated with a space character.
#### Parameters
* if/elseif - A command and its arguments to invoke and evaluate its output, if a single value is provided an no such command exists, it is evaluated as a value.
* else/end - no parameters
#### Return Value
#### Examples
# Simple example of an if statement that evaluates the argument value as true and echos "in if"
if true
echo in if
# Example of using **not** command to reverse the output value
if not false
echo in if
# Example of an if statement that evaluates the command as true and echos "in if"
if set true
echo in if
# Example of if condition returning a falsy result and navigation goes to the else block which echos "in else"
if set false
echo should not be here
echo in else
# Example of if condition returning a falsy result and navigation goes to the elseif block has a truthy condition
if set false
echo should not be here
elseif set true
echo in else if
echo should not be here
# Nested if example:
if set false
echo should not be here
elseif set true
echo in else if but not done yet
if set true
echo nested if
echo should not be here
valid = set false
if true and false or true and false or ( true and true or false )
valid = set true
assert ${valid}
if true and false or true and false or ( true and true or false ) and false
#### Aliases:
<a name="std__fs__Append"></a>
## std::fs::Append

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@ -4,16 +4,21 @@ mod function;
mod goto;
mod ifelse;
use crate::utils::pckg;
use duckscript::types::command::Commands;
use duckscript::types::error::ScriptError;
pub(crate) fn load(commands: &mut Commands, package: &str) -> Result<(), ScriptError> {
static PACKAGE: &str = "flowcontroll";
forin::load(commands, package)?;
function::load(commands, package)?;
ifelse::load(commands, package)?;
pub(crate) fn load(commands: &mut Commands, parent: &str) -> Result<(), ScriptError> {
let package = pckg::concat(parent, PACKAGE);
forin::load(commands, &package)?;
function::load(commands, &package)?;
ifelse::load(commands, &package)?;