sigmund@google.com f883904226 Skip tests for unittest in dartium. These tests are now covered by the package bots and are not meant to be executed in the Dart bots anymore.
Note that once we fix issue 21949, these tests are not going to be run anyways (tests in
third_party/pkg/ are not executed by the Dart bots). So we can delete this line once we fix that bug.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org//819913003

git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/dart@42551 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
2014-12-22 18:54:54 +00:00

185 lines
8 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Don't run any test-like files that show up in packages directories. It
# shouldn't be necessary to run "pub install" in these packages, but if you do
# it shouldn't break the tests.
*/packages/*/*: Skip
*/*/packages/*/*: Skip
*/*/*/packages/*/*: Skip
*/*/*/*/packages/*/*: Skip
*/*/*/*/*/packages/*/*: Skip
[ $compiler == none && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == dartium || $runtime == ContentShellOnAndroid) ]
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test/*: Skip # github perf_api.dart issue 5
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test/core_dom/shadow_root_options: Fail # Issue 19329
mutation_observer: Skip # Issue 21149
unittest/*: Skip # Issue 21949
[ $runtime == vm && $mode == debug]
analysis_server/test/analysis_server_test: Skip # Times out
analysis_server/test/completion_test: Skip # Times out
analysis_server/test/domain_context_test: Skip # Times out
analysis_server/test/domain_server_test: Skip # Times out
analysis_server/test/integration/analysis/reanalyze_concurrent_test: Skip # Times out
analysis_server/test/integration/analysis/update_content_test: Skip # Times out
analysis_server/tool/spec/check_all_test: Skip # Times out
analyzer/test/generated/element_test: Skip # Times out
analyzer/test/generated/parser_test: Skip # Times out
docgen/test/*: Skip # Slow
third_party/html5lib/test/tokenizer_test: Skip # Times out
[ $runtime == vm && ( $arch == simarm || $arch == simmips ) ]
docgen/test/*: Skip # Too slow
third_party/html5lib/test/tokenizer_test: Pass, Slow
analysis_server/*: Skip # Timeout in some tests.
[ $compiler == dart2js ]
collection/test/equality_test/01: Fail # Issue 1533
collection/test/equality_test/02: Fail # Issue 1533
collection/test/equality_test/03: Fail # Issue 1533
collection/test/equality_test/04: Fail # Issue 1533
collection/test/equality_test/05: Fail # Issue 1533
collection/test/equality_test/none: Pass, Fail # Issue 14348
docgen/test/*: Skip # Far too slow
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test: Pass, Slow # Large dart2js compile time
typed_data/test/typed_buffers_test/01: Fail # Not supporting Int64List, Uint64List.
analyzer/test/generated/engine_test: Skip # Slow
analyzer/test/generated/static_type_warning_code_test: Pass, Slow
analyzer/test/generated/compile_time_error_code_test: Pass, Slow
analyzer/test/enum_test: Fail # Issue 21323
analysis_server/test/search/element_references_test: Pass, Slow
analysis_server/test/services/index/store/codec_test: Pass, Slow
analysis_server/test/edit/assists_test: Pass, Slow
# Analysis server integration tests don't make sense to run under
# dart2js, since the code under test always runs in the Dart vm as a
# subprocess.
analysis_server/test/integration: Skip
[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked ]
crypto/test/base64_test: Slow, Pass
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == drt ]
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test/core_dom/shadow_root_options: Fail # Issue 19329
[ $runtime == d8 ]
analysis_server/test/analysis_notification_overrides_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 19756
analysis_server/test/analysis_notification_occurrences_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 19756
analysis_server/test/analysis_notification_outline_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 19756
analysis_server/test/domain_search_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 19756
analysis_server/test/search/element_reference_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 19756
analysis_server/index/store/codec_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 19756
[ $compiler == dart2js ]
analysis_server/test/edit/refactoring_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 16473, 19756
analysis_server/test/analysis_notification_occurrences_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 16473, 19756
analysis_server/test/analysis_notification_outline_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 16473, 19756
analysis_server/test/analysis_notification_navigation_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 16473, 19756
analysis_server/test/domain_analysis_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 16473, 19756
analysis_server/test/analysis_notification_highlights_test: Pass, Slow # 16473, 19756
analysis_server/test/search/top_level_declarations_test: Pass, Slow # 16473, 19756
analysis_server/test/socket_server_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 16473, 19756
analyzer/test/generated/element_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 16473
analyzer/test/generated/incremental_resolver_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 16473
[ $runtime == jsshell ]
async/test/stream_zip_test: RuntimeError, OK # Timers are not supported.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == drt ]
async/test/stream_zip_test: RuntimeError, Pass # Issue 18548
[ $runtime == vm || $runtime == d8 || $runtime == jsshell ]
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test: Skip # uses dart:html
[$compiler == dart2dart]
*: Skip
[ $runtime == ie10 ]
analyzer/test/generated/java_core_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 19747
typed_data/test/typed_buffers_test/none: Fail # Issue 17607 (I put this here explicitly, since this is not the same as on ie9)
[ $runtime == safarimobilesim ]
# Unexplained errors only occuring on Safari 6.1 and earlier.
typed_data/test/typed_buffers_test: RuntimeError
# Skip browser-specific tests on VM
[ $runtime == vm ]
third_party/angular_tests/vm_test: Fail # Uses removed APIs. See issue 18733.
[ $runtime == vm && $system == windows ]
analyzer/test/generated/all_the_rest_test: Fail # Issue 21772
[ $compiler == dartanalyzer || $compiler == dart2analyzer ]
# These tests are runtime negative but statically positive, so we skip
# them in the analyzer.
mock/test/mock_regexp_negative_test: Skip
mock/test/mock_stepwise_negative_test: Skip
compiler/samples/compile_loop/compile_loop: CompileTimeError # Issue 16524
[ $compiler == dartanalyzer || $compiler == dart2analyzer ]
# This test uses third_party/pkg/perf_api/lib/perf_api.dart, which
# contains illegal constant constructors.
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test: CompileTimeError
[ $compiler == dart2js && $csp ]
# This test cannot run under CSP because it is injecting a JavaScript polyfill
mutation_observer: Skip
[ $compiler == dart2js && $browser ]
crypto/test/sha256_test: Slow, Pass
crypto/test/sha1_test: Slow, Pass
[ $browser ]
analysis_server/test/*: Skip # Uses dart:io.
analysis_server/tool/spec/check_all_test: Skip # Uses dart:io.
analyzer2dart/*: Skip # Uses dart:io.
analyzer/test/*: Skip # Uses dart:io.
http_server/test/*: Fail, OK # Uses dart:io.
observe/test/transformer_test: Fail, OK # Uses dart:io.
observe/test/unique_message_test: Skip # Intended only as a vm test.
stub_core_library/test/*: Fail, OK # Uses dart:io.
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test/core_dom/cookies: Fail # Issue 16337
third_party/angular_tests/vm_test: Skip # Uses dart:io
*/test/analyzer_test: Skip # No need to run analysis tests on browser bots
# Skip tests on the browser if the test depends on dart:io
third_party/html5lib/test/parser_test: Skip
third_party/html5lib/test/tokenizer_test: Skip
third_party/html5lib/test/selectors/*: Skip
[ $arch == simarm64 ]
# Timeout. These are not unit tests. They do not run efficiently on our
# simulator.
*: Skip
[ $runtime == vm ]
# Skip tests on the VM if the package depends on dart:html
mutation_observer: Skip
third_party/html5lib/test/browser/browser_test: Skip
[ $browser ]
docgen/test/*: Skip # Uses dart:io
[ $compiler == dartanalyzer || $compiler == dart2analyzer ]
third_party/angular_tests/vm_test: StaticWarning # Uses removed APIs. See issue 18733.
[ $runtime == safari || $runtime == safarimobilesim || $runtime == chrome || $runtime == ff || $ie ]
# Various issues due to limited browser testing in Angular.
third_party/angular_tests/*: Skip
[ $unchecked ]
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test/angular: Skip # Requires checked mode.
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test/core/scope: Skip # Requires checked mode.
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test/core/zone: Skip # Requires checked mode.
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test/directive/ng_repeat: Skip # Issue 17152
third_party/angular_tests/browser_test/change_detection/dirty_checking_change_detector: Skip # Issue 17152
[ $use_repository_packages ]
analyzer/test/*: PubGetError