Erik Corry 8378b8fdbf VM: Reland Inline instance object hash code into object header on 64bit.
Inline instance object hash code into object header on 64 bit.

64 bit objects have 32 bits of free space in the header word.
This is used for the hash code in string objects. We take it
for the default hash code on all objects that don't override
the hashCode getter.

This is both faster and a memory reduction. Eg it makes the
MegaHashCode part of the Megamorphic benchmark 6 times faster.

This is a reland of https://codereview.chromium.org/2912863006/
It fixes issues with the 32 bit compare-swap instruction on
ARM64 and fixes a fragile tree shaking test that is sensitive
to which private methods are in the core libraries.

R=kustermann@google.com, vegorov@google.com

Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2954453002 .
2017-06-22 14:56:24 +02:00

280 lines
9.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Declares a Simulator for ARM64 instructions if we are not generating a native
// ARM64 binary. This Simulator allows us to run and debug ARM64 code generation
// on regular desktop machines.
// Dart calls into generated code by "calling" the InvokeDartCode stub,
// which will start execution in the Simulator or forwards to the real entry
// on a ARM64 HW platform.
#error Do not include simulator_arm64.h directly; use simulator.h.
#include "vm/constants_arm64.h"
namespace dart {
class Isolate;
class Mutex;
class RawObject;
class SimulatorSetjmpBuffer;
class Thread;
typedef struct {
union {
int64_t i64[2];
int32_t i32[4];
} bits;
} simd_value_t;
class Simulator {
static const uword kSimulatorStackUnderflowSize = 64;
// The currently executing Simulator instance, which is associated to the
// current isolate
static Simulator* Current();
// Accessors for register state.
// The default value for R31Type has to be R31IsSP because get_register is
// accessed from architecture independent code through SPREG without
// specifying the type. We also can't translate a dummy value for SPREG into
// a real value because the architecture independent code expects SPREG to
// be a real register value.
void set_register(Instr* instr,
Register reg,
int64_t value,
R31Type r31t = R31IsSP);
int64_t get_register(Register reg, R31Type r31t = R31IsSP) const;
void set_wregister(Register reg, int32_t value, R31Type r31t = R31IsSP);
int32_t get_wregister(Register reg, R31Type r31t = R31IsSP) const;
int32_t get_vregisters(VRegister reg, int idx) const;
void set_vregisters(VRegister reg, int idx, int32_t value);
int64_t get_vregisterd(VRegister reg, int idx) const;
void set_vregisterd(VRegister reg, int idx, int64_t value);
void get_vregister(VRegister reg, simd_value_t* value) const;
void set_vregister(VRegister reg, const simd_value_t& value);
int64_t get_sp() const { return get_register(SPREG); }
int64_t get_pc() const;
int64_t get_last_pc() const;
void set_pc(int64_t pc);
// Accessors to the internal simulator stack base and top.
uword StackBase() const { return reinterpret_cast<uword>(stack_); }
uword StackTop() const;
// Accessor to the instruction counter.
uint64_t get_icount() const { return icount_; }
// The thread's top_exit_frame_info refers to a Dart frame in the simulator
// stack. The simulator's top_exit_frame_info refers to a C++ frame in the
// native stack.
uword top_exit_frame_info() const { return top_exit_frame_info_; }
void set_top_exit_frame_info(uword value) { top_exit_frame_info_ = value; }
// Call on program start.
static void InitOnce();
// Dart generally calls into generated code with 4 parameters. This is a
// convenience function, which sets up the simulator state and grabs the
// result on return. The return value is R0. The parameters are placed in
// R0-3.
int64_t Call(int64_t entry,
int64_t parameter0,
int64_t parameter1,
int64_t parameter2,
int64_t parameter3,
bool fp_return = false,
bool fp_args = false);
// Implementation of atomic compare and exchange in the same synchronization
// domain as other synchronization primitive instructions (e.g. ldrex, strex).
static uword CompareExchange(uword* address,
uword compare_value,
uword new_value);
static uint32_t CompareExchangeUint32(uint32_t* address,
uint32_t compare_value,
uint32_t new_value);
// Runtime and native call support.
enum CallKind {
static uword RedirectExternalReference(uword function,
CallKind call_kind,
int argument_count);
static uword FunctionForRedirect(uword redirect);
void JumpToFrame(uword pc, uword sp, uword fp, Thread* thread);
// Known bad pc value to ensure that the simulator does not execute
// without being properly setup.
static const uword kBadLR = -1;
// A pc value used to signal the simulator to stop execution. Generally
// the lr is set to this value on transition from native C code to
// simulated execution, so that the simulator can "return" to the native
// C code.
static const uword kEndSimulatingPC = -2;
// CPU state.
int64_t registers_[kNumberOfCpuRegisters];
bool n_flag_;
bool z_flag_;
bool c_flag_;
bool v_flag_;
simd_value_t vregisters_[kNumberOfVRegisters];
// Simulator support.
int64_t last_pc_;
int64_t pc_;
char* stack_;
bool pc_modified_;
uint64_t icount_;
static int64_t flag_stop_sim_at_;
SimulatorSetjmpBuffer* last_setjmp_buffer_;
uword top_exit_frame_info_;
// Registered breakpoints.
Instr* break_pc_;
int64_t break_instr_;
// Illegal memory access support.
static bool IsIllegalAddress(uword addr) { return addr < 64 * 1024; }
void HandleIllegalAccess(uword addr, Instr* instr);
// Handles an unaligned memory access.
void UnalignedAccess(const char* msg, uword addr, Instr* instr);
// Handles a legal instruction that the simulator does not implement.
void UnimplementedInstruction(Instr* instr);
// Unsupported instructions use Format to print an error and stop execution.
void Format(Instr* instr, const char* format);
inline uint8_t ReadBU(uword addr);
inline int8_t ReadB(uword addr);
inline void WriteB(uword addr, uint8_t value);
inline uint16_t ReadHU(uword addr, Instr* instr);
inline int16_t ReadH(uword addr, Instr* instr);
inline void WriteH(uword addr, uint16_t value, Instr* instr);
inline uint32_t ReadWU(uword addr, Instr* instr);
inline int32_t ReadW(uword addr, Instr* instr);
inline void WriteW(uword addr, uint32_t value, Instr* instr);
inline intptr_t ReadX(uword addr, Instr* instr);
inline void WriteX(uword addr, intptr_t value, Instr* instr);
// We keep track of 16 exclusive access address tags across all threads.
// Since we cannot simulate a native context switch, which clears
// the exclusive access state of the local monitor (using the CLREX
// instruction), we associate the thread requesting exclusive access to the
// address tag. Multiple threads requesting exclusive access (using the LDREX
// instruction) to the same address will result in multiple address tags being
// created for the same address, one per thread.
// At any given time, each thread is associated to at most one address tag.
static Mutex* exclusive_access_lock_;
static const int kNumAddressTags = 16;
static struct AddressTag {
Thread* thread;
uword addr;
} exclusive_access_state_[kNumAddressTags];
static int next_address_tag_;
// Synchronization primitives support.
void ClearExclusive();
intptr_t ReadExclusiveX(uword addr, Instr* instr);
intptr_t WriteExclusiveX(uword addr, intptr_t value, Instr* instr);
// 32 bit versions.
intptr_t ReadExclusiveW(uword addr, Instr* instr);
intptr_t WriteExclusiveW(uword addr, intptr_t value, Instr* instr);
// Set access to given address to 'exclusive state' for current thread.
static void SetExclusiveAccess(uword addr);
// Returns true if the current thread has exclusive access to given address,
// returns false otherwise. In either case, set access to given address to
// 'open state' for all threads.
// If given addr is NULL, set access to 'open state' for current
// thread (CLREX).
static bool HasExclusiveAccessAndOpen(uword addr);
// Helper functions to set the conditional flags in the architecture state.
void SetNZFlagsW(int32_t val);
bool CarryFromW(int32_t left, int32_t right, int32_t carry);
bool OverflowFromW(int32_t left, int32_t right, int32_t carry);
void SetNZFlagsX(int64_t val);
bool CarryFromX(int64_t alu_out, int64_t left, int64_t right, bool addition);
bool OverflowFromX(int64_t alu_out,
int64_t left,
int64_t right,
bool addition);
void SetCFlag(bool val);
void SetVFlag(bool val);
int64_t ShiftOperand(uint8_t reg_size,
int64_t value,
Shift shift_type,
uint8_t amount);
int64_t ExtendOperand(uint8_t reg_size,
int64_t value,
Extend extend_type,
uint8_t amount);
int64_t DecodeShiftExtendOperand(Instr* instr);
bool ConditionallyExecute(Instr* instr);
void DoRedirectedCall(Instr* instr);
// Decode instructions.
void InstructionDecode(Instr* instr);
#define DECODE_OP(op) void Decode##op(Instr* instr);
#undef DECODE_OP
// Executes ARM64 instructions until the PC reaches kEndSimulatingPC.
void Execute();
// Returns true if tracing of executed instructions is enabled.
bool IsTracingExecution() const;
// Longjmp support for exceptions.
SimulatorSetjmpBuffer* last_setjmp_buffer() { return last_setjmp_buffer_; }
void set_last_setjmp_buffer(SimulatorSetjmpBuffer* buffer) {
last_setjmp_buffer_ = buffer;
friend class SimulatorDebugger;
friend class SimulatorSetjmpBuffer;
} // namespace dart