Florian Schneider 2783afd607 VM: Fix receiver type propagation in presence of try-catch.
With catch blocks appearing as additional function entry blocks,
there can be phis for the receiver (parameter 0).

This CL fixes the problem that the receiver type information
was lost in the presence of try-catch.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1841073003 .
2016-03-30 15:55:11 -07:00

589 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/ast.h"
#include "vm/flow_graph.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
#include "vm/raw_object.h"
namespace dart {
class AbstractType;
class Array;
class Class;
class Field;
class LocalVariable;
class ParsedFunction;
class String;
class TypeArguments;
class NestedStatement;
class TestGraphVisitor;
// A class to collect the exits from an inlined function during graph
// construction so they can be plugged into the caller's flow graph.
class InlineExitCollector: public ZoneAllocated {
InlineExitCollector(FlowGraph* caller_graph, Definition* call)
: caller_graph_(caller_graph), call_(call), exits_(4) { }
void AddExit(ReturnInstr* exit);
void Union(const InlineExitCollector* other);
// Before replacing a call with a graph, the outer environment needs to be
// attached to each instruction in the callee graph and the caller graph
// needs to have its block and instruction ID state updated.
// Additionally we need to remove all unreachable exits from the list of
// collected exits.
void PrepareGraphs(FlowGraph* callee_graph);
// Inline a graph at a call site.
// Assumes the callee is in SSA with a correct dominator tree and use
// lists.
// After inlining the caller graph will have correctly adjusted the use
// lists. The block orders will need to be recomputed.
void ReplaceCall(TargetEntryInstr* callee_entry);
struct Data {
BlockEntryInstr* exit_block;
ReturnInstr* exit_return;
BlockEntryInstr* ExitBlockAt(intptr_t i) const {
ASSERT(exits_[i].exit_block != NULL);
return exits_[i].exit_block;
Instruction* LastInstructionAt(intptr_t i) const {
return ReturnAt(i)->previous();
Value* ValueAt(intptr_t i) const {
return ReturnAt(i)->value();
ReturnInstr* ReturnAt(intptr_t i) const {
return exits_[i].exit_return;
static int LowestBlockIdFirst(const Data* a, const Data* b);
void SortExits();
void RemoveUnreachableExits(FlowGraph* callee_graph);
Definition* JoinReturns(BlockEntryInstr** exit_block,
Instruction** last_instruction,
intptr_t try_index);
Isolate* isolate() const { return caller_graph_->isolate(); }
Zone* zone() const { return caller_graph_->zone(); }
FlowGraph* caller_graph_;
Definition* call_;
GrowableArray<Data> exits_;
// Build a flow graph from a parsed function's AST.
class FlowGraphBuilder : public ValueObject {
// The inlining context is NULL if not inlining. The osr_id is the deopt
// id of the OSR entry or Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId if not compiling for OSR.
FlowGraphBuilder(const ParsedFunction& parsed_function,
const ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>& ic_data_array,
InlineExitCollector* exit_collector,
intptr_t osr_id);
FlowGraph* BuildGraph();
const ParsedFunction& parsed_function() const { return parsed_function_; }
const Function& function() const { return parsed_function_.function(); }
const ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>& ic_data_array() const {
return ic_data_array_;
void Bailout(const char* reason) const;
intptr_t AllocateBlockId() { return ++last_used_block_id_; }
void SetInitialBlockId(intptr_t id) { last_used_block_id_ = id; }
intptr_t context_level() const;
void IncrementLoopDepth() { ++loop_depth_; }
void DecrementLoopDepth() { --loop_depth_; }
intptr_t loop_depth() const { return loop_depth_; }
// Manage the currently active try index.
void set_try_index(intptr_t value) { try_index_ = value; }
intptr_t try_index() const { return try_index_; }
// Manage the currently active catch-handler try index.
void set_catch_try_index(intptr_t value) { catch_try_index_ = value; }
intptr_t catch_try_index() const { return catch_try_index_; }
intptr_t next_await_counter() { return jump_count_++; }
ZoneGrowableArray<JoinEntryInstr*>* await_joins() const {
return await_joins_;
void AddCatchEntry(CatchBlockEntryInstr* entry);
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry() const {
return graph_entry_;
intptr_t num_copied_params() const {
return num_copied_params_;
intptr_t num_non_copied_params() const {
return num_non_copied_params_;
intptr_t num_stack_locals() const {
return num_stack_locals_;
bool IsInlining() const { return (exit_collector_ != NULL); }
InlineExitCollector* exit_collector() const { return exit_collector_; }
ZoneGrowableArray<const LibraryPrefix*>* deferred_prefixes() const {
return parsed_function_.deferred_prefixes();
intptr_t temp_count() const { return temp_count_; }
intptr_t AllocateTemp() { return temp_count_++; }
void DeallocateTemps(intptr_t count) {
ASSERT(temp_count_ >= count);
temp_count_ -= count;
intptr_t args_pushed() const { return args_pushed_; }
void add_args_pushed(intptr_t n) { args_pushed_ += n; }
NestedStatement* nesting_stack() const { return nesting_stack_; }
// When compiling for OSR, remove blocks that are not reachable from the
// OSR entry point.
void PruneUnreachable();
// Returns address where the constant 'value' is stored or 0 if not found.
static uword FindDoubleConstant(double value);
Thread* thread() const { return parsed_function().thread(); }
Isolate* isolate() const { return parsed_function().isolate(); }
Zone* zone() const { return parsed_function().zone(); }
friend class NestedStatement; // Explicit access to nesting_stack_.
friend class Intrinsifier;
intptr_t parameter_count() const {
return num_copied_params_ + num_non_copied_params_;
intptr_t variable_count() const {
return parameter_count() + num_stack_locals_;
const ParsedFunction& parsed_function_;
const ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>& ic_data_array_;
const intptr_t num_copied_params_;
const intptr_t num_non_copied_params_;
const intptr_t num_stack_locals_; // Does not include any parameters.
InlineExitCollector* const exit_collector_;
intptr_t last_used_block_id_;
intptr_t try_index_;
intptr_t catch_try_index_;
intptr_t loop_depth_;
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry_;
// The expression stack height.
intptr_t temp_count_;
// Outgoing argument stack height.
intptr_t args_pushed_;
// A stack of enclosing nested statements.
NestedStatement* nesting_stack_;
// The deopt id of the OSR entry orCompiler::kNoOSRDeoptId if not compiling
// for OSR.
const intptr_t osr_id_;
intptr_t jump_count_;
ZoneGrowableArray<JoinEntryInstr*>* await_joins_;
// Translate an AstNode to a control-flow graph fragment for its effects
// (e.g., a statement or an expression in an effect context). Implements a
// function from an AstNode and next temporary index to a graph fragment
// with a single entry and at most one exit. The fragment is represented by
// an (entry, exit) pair of Instruction pointers:
// - (NULL, NULL): an empty and open graph fragment
// - (i0, NULL): a closed graph fragment which has only non-local exits
// - (i0, i1): an open graph fragment
class EffectGraphVisitor : public AstNodeVisitor {
explicit EffectGraphVisitor(FlowGraphBuilder* owner)
: owner_(owner),
exit_(NULL) { }
#define DECLARE_VISIT(BaseName) \
virtual void Visit##BaseName##Node(BaseName##Node* node);
FlowGraphBuilder* owner() const { return owner_; }
Instruction* entry() const { return entry_; }
Instruction* exit() const { return exit_; }
bool is_empty() const { return entry_ == NULL; }
bool is_open() const { return is_empty() || exit_ != NULL; }
void Bailout(const char* reason) const;
void InlineBailout(const char* reason) const;
// Append a graph fragment to this graph. Assumes this graph is open.
void Append(const EffectGraphVisitor& other_fragment);
// Append a definition that can have uses. Assumes this graph is open.
Value* Bind(Definition* definition);
// Append a computation with no uses. Assumes this graph is open.
void Do(Definition* definition);
// Append a single (non-Definition, non-Entry) instruction. Assumes this
// graph is open.
void AddInstruction(Instruction* instruction);
// Append a Goto (unconditional control flow) instruction and close
// the graph fragment. Assumes this graph fragment is open.
void Goto(JoinEntryInstr* join);
// Append a 'diamond' branch and join to this graph, depending on which
// parts are reachable. Assumes this graph is open.
void Join(const TestGraphVisitor& test_fragment,
const EffectGraphVisitor& true_fragment,
const EffectGraphVisitor& false_fragment);
// Append a 'while loop' test and back edge to this graph, depending on
// which parts are reachable. Afterward, the graph exit is the false
// successor of the loop condition.
void TieLoop(TokenPosition token_pos,
const TestGraphVisitor& test_fragment,
const EffectGraphVisitor& body_fragment,
const EffectGraphVisitor& test_preamble_fragment);
// Wraps a value in a push-argument instruction and adds the result to the
// graph.
PushArgumentInstr* PushArgument(Value* value);
// This implementation shares state among visitors by using the builder.
// The implementation is incorrect if a visitor that hits a return is not
// actually added to the graph.
void AddReturnExit(TokenPosition token_pos, Value* value);
Definition* BuildStoreTemp(const LocalVariable& local,
Value* value,
TokenPosition token_pos);
Definition* BuildStoreExprTemp(Value* value, TokenPosition token_pos);
Definition* BuildLoadExprTemp(TokenPosition token_pos);
Definition* BuildStoreLocal(const LocalVariable& local,
Value* value,
TokenPosition token_pos);
Definition* BuildLoadLocal(const LocalVariable& local,
TokenPosition token_pos);
LoadLocalInstr* BuildLoadThisVar(LocalScope* scope,
TokenPosition token_pos);
LoadFieldInstr* BuildNativeGetter(
NativeBodyNode* node,
MethodRecognizer::Kind kind,
intptr_t offset,
const Type& type,
intptr_t class_id);
// Assumes setter parameter is named 'value'. Returns null constant.
ConstantInstr* DoNativeSetterStoreValue(
NativeBodyNode* node,
intptr_t offset,
StoreBarrierType emit_store_barrier);
// Helpers for translating parts of the AST.
void BuildPushArguments(const ArgumentListNode& node,
ZoneGrowableArray<PushArgumentInstr*>* values);
// Creates an instantiated type argument vector used in preparation of an
// allocation call.
// May be called only if allocating an object of a parameterized class.
Value* BuildInstantiatedTypeArguments(
TokenPosition token_pos,
const TypeArguments& type_arguments);
void BuildTypecheckPushArguments(
TokenPosition token_pos,
PushArgumentInstr** push_instantiator_type_arguments);
void BuildTypecheckArguments(TokenPosition token_pos,
Value** instantiator_type_arguments);
Value* BuildInstantiator(TokenPosition token_pos);
Value* BuildInstantiatorTypeArguments(TokenPosition token_pos,
const Class& instantiator_class,
Value* instantiator);
// Perform a type check on the given value.
AssertAssignableInstr* BuildAssertAssignable(TokenPosition token_pos,
Value* value,
const AbstractType& dst_type,
const String& dst_name);
// Perform a type check on the given value and return it.
Value* BuildAssignableValue(TokenPosition token_pos,
Value* value,
const AbstractType& dst_type,
const String& dst_name);
static const bool kResultNeeded = true;
static const bool kResultNotNeeded = false;
Definition* BuildStoreIndexedValues(StoreIndexedNode* node,
bool result_is_needed);
void BuildInstanceSetterArguments(
InstanceSetterNode* node,
ZoneGrowableArray<PushArgumentInstr*>* arguments,
bool result_is_needed);
StrictCompareInstr* BuildStrictCompare(AstNode* left,
AstNode* right,
Token::Kind kind,
TokenPosition token_pos);
virtual void BuildTypeTest(ComparisonNode* node);
virtual void BuildTypeCast(ComparisonNode* node);
bool HasContextScope() const;
// Moves the nth parent context into the context register.
void UnchainContexts(intptr_t n);
// Unchain the current context until its level matches the context level
// expected on entry at the target specified by its scope.
void AdjustContextLevel(LocalScope* target_scope);
void CloseFragment() { exit_ = NULL; }
// Returns a local variable index for a temporary local that is
// on top of the current expression stack.
intptr_t GetCurrentTempLocalIndex() const;
Value* BuildObjectAllocation(ConstructorCallNode* node);
void BuildConstructorCall(ConstructorCallNode* node,
PushArgumentInstr* alloc_value);
void BuildSaveContext(const LocalVariable& variable,
TokenPosition token_pos);
void BuildRestoreContext(const LocalVariable& variable,
TokenPosition token_pos);
Definition* BuildStoreContext(Value* value, TokenPosition token_pos);
Definition* BuildCurrentContext(TokenPosition token_pos);
void BuildThrowNode(ThrowNode* node);
StaticCallInstr* BuildStaticNoSuchMethodCall(
const Class& target_class,
AstNode* receiver,
const String& method_name,
ArgumentListNode* method_arguments,
bool save_last_arg,
bool is_super_invocation);
StaticCallInstr* BuildThrowNoSuchMethodError(
TokenPosition token_pos,
const Class& function_class,
const String& function_name,
ArgumentListNode* function_arguments,
int invocation_type);
void BuildStaticSetter(StaticSetterNode* node, bool result_is_needed);
Definition* BuildStoreStaticField(StoreStaticFieldNode* node,
bool result_is_needed,
TokenPosition token_pos);
void BuildClosureCall(ClosureCallNode* node, bool result_needed);
Value* BuildNullValue(TokenPosition token_pos);
// Returns true if the run-time type check can be eliminated.
bool CanSkipTypeCheck(TokenPosition token_pos,
Value* value,
const AbstractType& dst_type,
const String& dst_name);
// Helpers for allocating and deallocating temporary locals on top of the
// expression stack.
LocalVariable* EnterTempLocalScope(Value* value, TokenPosition token_pos);
Definition* ExitTempLocalScope(LocalVariable* var, TokenPosition token_pos);
void BuildLetTempExpressions(LetNode* node);
void BuildInstanceGetterConditional(InstanceGetterNode* node);
void BuildInstanceCallConditional(InstanceCallNode* node);
Thread* thread() const { return owner()->thread(); }
Isolate* isolate() const { return owner()->isolate(); }
Zone* zone() const { return owner()->zone(); }
friend class TempLocalScope; // For ReturnDefinition.
// Helper to drop the result value.
virtual void ReturnValue(Value* value) {
Do(new DropTempsInstr(0, value));
// Specify a definition of the final result. Adds the definition to
// the graph, but normally overridden in subclasses.
virtual void ReturnDefinition(Definition* definition) {
// Constants have no effect, do not add them to graph otherwise SSA
// builder will get confused.
if (!definition->IsConstant()) {
// Shared global state.
FlowGraphBuilder* owner_;
// Output parameters.
Instruction* entry_;
Instruction* exit_;
// Translate an AstNode to a control-flow graph fragment for both its effects
// and value (e.g., for an expression in a value context). Implements a
// function from an AstNode and next temporary index to a graph fragment (as
// in the EffectGraphVisitor), a next temporary index, and an intermediate
// language Value.
class ValueGraphVisitor : public EffectGraphVisitor {
explicit ValueGraphVisitor(FlowGraphBuilder* owner)
: EffectGraphVisitor(owner), value_(NULL) { }
// Visit functions overridden by this class.
virtual void VisitAssignableNode(AssignableNode* node);
virtual void VisitConstructorCallNode(ConstructorCallNode* node);
virtual void VisitBinaryOpNode(BinaryOpNode* node);
virtual void VisitConditionalExprNode(ConditionalExprNode* node);
virtual void VisitLoadLocalNode(LoadLocalNode* node);
virtual void VisitStoreIndexedNode(StoreIndexedNode* node);
virtual void VisitInstanceSetterNode(InstanceSetterNode* node);
virtual void VisitInstanceGetterNode(InstanceGetterNode* node);
virtual void VisitThrowNode(ThrowNode* node);
virtual void VisitClosureCallNode(ClosureCallNode* node);
virtual void VisitStaticSetterNode(StaticSetterNode* node);
virtual void VisitStoreStaticFieldNode(StoreStaticFieldNode* node);
virtual void VisitTypeNode(TypeNode* node);
virtual void VisitLetNode(LetNode* node);
virtual void VisitInstanceCallNode(InstanceCallNode* node);
Value* value() const { return value_; }
// Output parameters.
Value* value_;
// Helper to set the output state to return a Value.
virtual void ReturnValue(Value* value) { value_ = value; }
// Specify a definition of the final result. Adds the definition to
// the graph and returns a use of it (i.e., set the visitor's output
// parameters).
virtual void ReturnDefinition(Definition* definition) {
// Translate an AstNode to a control-flow graph fragment for both its
// effects and true/false control flow (e.g., for an expression in a test
// context). The resulting graph is always closed (even if it is empty)
// Successor control flow is explicitly set by a pair of pointers to
// TargetEntryInstr*.
// To distinguish between the graphs with only nonlocal exits and graphs
// with both true and false exits, there are a pair of TargetEntryInstr**:
// - Both NULL: only non-local exits, truly closed
// - Neither NULL: true and false successors at the given addresses
// We expect that AstNode in test contexts either have only nonlocal exits
// or else control flow has both true and false successors.
// The cis and token_pos are used in checked mode to verify that the
// condition of the test is of type bool.
class TestGraphVisitor : public ValueGraphVisitor {
TestGraphVisitor(FlowGraphBuilder* owner,
TokenPosition condition_token_pos)
: ValueGraphVisitor(owner),
condition_token_pos_(condition_token_pos) { }
void IfFalseGoto(JoinEntryInstr* join) const;
void IfTrueGoto(JoinEntryInstr* join) const;
BlockEntryInstr* CreateTrueSuccessor() const;
BlockEntryInstr* CreateFalseSuccessor() const;
virtual void VisitBinaryOpNode(BinaryOpNode* node);
TokenPosition condition_token_pos() const { return condition_token_pos_; }
// Construct and concatenate a Branch instruction to this graph fragment.
// Closes the fragment and sets the output parameters.
virtual void ReturnValue(Value* value);
// Either merges the definition into a BranchInstr (Comparison, BooleanNegate)
// or adds the definition to the graph and returns a use of its value.
virtual void ReturnDefinition(Definition* definition);
void MergeBranchWithComparison(ComparisonInstr* comp);
void MergeBranchWithNegate(BooleanNegateInstr* comp);
BlockEntryInstr* CreateSuccessorFor(
const GrowableArray<TargetEntryInstr**>& branches) const;
void ConnectBranchesTo(
const GrowableArray<TargetEntryInstr**>& branches,
JoinEntryInstr* join) const;
// Output parameters.
GrowableArray<TargetEntryInstr**> true_successor_addresses_;
GrowableArray<TargetEntryInstr**> false_successor_addresses_;
TokenPosition condition_token_pos_;
} // namespace dart