Konstantin Shcheglov 5bdfd1e69b Pass ClassHierarchy instead of creating it.
MixinFullResolution is also updated to create new ClassHierarchy
instance only if there are transformed classes. This improves
incremental kernel generator initial time from 22 to 16 seconds.

R=ahe@google.com, kmillikin@google.com, paulberry@google.com, sigmund@google.com

Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2918593003 .
2017-06-01 07:20:13 -07:00

151 lines
5 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.treeshaker_dump;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'package:kernel/transformations/treeshaker.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathlib;
import 'package:kernel/text/ast_to_text.dart';
ArgParser parser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true)
..addFlag('used', help: 'Print used members', negatable: false)
..addFlag('unused', help: 'Print unused members', negatable: false)
help: 'Print instantiated classes', negatable: false)
..addFlag('types', help: 'Print classes used as a type', negatable: false)
help: 'Print short summary of tree shaking results', defaultsTo: true)
help: 'Print textual output before and after tree shaking.\n'
'Files are written to FILE.before.txt and FILE.after.txt',
negatable: false)
help: 'The --diff files are written to the given directory instead of '
'the working directory')
..addFlag('strong', help: 'Run the tree shaker in strong mode');
String usage = '''
Usage: treeshaker_dump [options] FILE.dill
Runs tree shaking on the given program and prints information about the results.
treeshaker_dump --instantiated foo.dill
treeshaker_dump --diff foo.dill
diff -cd foo.{before,after}.txt > diff.txt
# open diff.txt in an editor
main(List<String> args) {
if (args.isEmpty) {
ArgResults options = parser.parse(args);
if (options.rest.length != 1) {
print('Exactly one file should be given.');
String filename = options.rest.single;
if (options['output'] != null && !options['diff']) {
print('--output must be used with --diff');
bool strong = options['strong'];
Program program = loadProgramFromBinary(filename);
CoreTypes coreTypes = new CoreTypes(program);
ClassHierarchy hierarchy = new ClosedWorldClassHierarchy(program);
TreeShaker shaker =
new TreeShaker(coreTypes, hierarchy, program, strongMode: strong);
int totalClasses = 0;
int totalInstantiationCandidates = 0;
int totalMembers = 0;
int usedClasses = 0;
int instantiatedClasses = 0;
int usedMembers = 0;
void visitMember(Member member) {
if (member.isAbstract) return; // Abstract members are not relevant.
bool isUsed = shaker.isMemberBodyUsed(member);
if (isUsed) {
if (isUsed && options['used'] || !isUsed && options['unused']) {
String prefix = (options['used'] && options['unused'])
? (isUsed ? 'USED ' : 'UNUSED ')
: '';
for (var library in program.libraries) {
for (Class classNode in library.classes) {
if (shaker.isInstantiated(classNode)) {
} else if (!classNode.isAbstract &&
classNode.members.any((m) => m.isInstanceMember)) {
if (shaker.isHierarchyUsed(classNode)) {
if (options['instantiated'] && shaker.isInstantiated(classNode)) {
if (options['types'] && shaker.isHierarchyUsed(classNode)) {
if (options['summary']) {
print('Classes used: ${ratio(usedClasses, totalClasses)}');
print('Classes instantiated: '
'${ratio(instantiatedClasses, totalInstantiationCandidates)}');
print('Members used: ${ratio(usedMembers, totalMembers)}');
if (options['diff']) {
String name = pathlib.basenameWithoutExtension(filename);
String outputDir = options['output'] ?? '';
String beforeFile = pathlib.join(outputDir, '$name.before.txt');
String afterFile = pathlib.join(outputDir, '$name.after.txt');
NameSystem names = new NameSystem();
StringBuffer before = new StringBuffer();
new Printer(before, syntheticNames: names).writeProgramFile(program);
new File(beforeFile).writeAsStringSync('$before');
new TreeShaker(coreTypes, hierarchy, program, strongMode: strong)
StringBuffer after = new StringBuffer();
new Printer(after, syntheticNames: names).writeProgramFile(program);
new File(afterFile).writeAsStringSync('$after');
print('Text written to $beforeFile and $afterFile');
String ratio(num x, num total) {
return '$x / $total (${percent(x, total)})';
String percent(num x, num total) {
return total == 0 ? '0%' : ((100 * x / total).toStringAsFixed(0) + '%');