Ben Konyi e9e555f4e3 [ VM / Service ] Fix service/developer_server_control_test which was broken after vmservice NNBD migration
Change-Id: Ibbf295b25fbad6cbd9bd0db98ecd6c3ac3eb2eeb
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/134791
Reviewed-by: Siva Annamalai <asiva@google.com>
2020-02-07 00:45:09 +00:00

798 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart._vmservice;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
part 'asset.dart';
part 'client.dart';
part 'devfs.dart';
part 'constants.dart';
part 'running_isolate.dart';
part 'running_isolates.dart';
part 'message.dart';
part 'message_router.dart';
part 'named_lookup.dart';
final isolateControlPort = RawReceivePort();
final scriptLoadPort = RawReceivePort();
abstract class IsolateEmbedderData {
void cleanup();
String _makeAuthToken() {
final kTokenByteSize = 8;
Uint8List bytes = Uint8List(kTokenByteSize);
Random random = Random.secure();
for (int i = 0; i < kTokenByteSize; i++) {
bytes[i] = random.nextInt(256);
return base64Url.encode(bytes);
// The randomly generated auth token used to access the VM service.
final serviceAuthToken = _makeAuthToken();
// This is for use by the embedder. It is a map from the isolateId to
// anything implementing IsolateEmbedderData. When an isolate goes away,
// the cleanup method will be invoked after being removed from the map.
final isolateEmbedderData = <int, IsolateEmbedderData>{};
// These must be kept in sync with the declarations in vm/json_stream.h.
const kParseError = -32700;
const kInvalidRequest = -32600;
const kMethodNotFound = -32601;
const kInvalidParams = -32602;
const kInternalError = -32603;
const kExtensionError = -32000;
const kFeatureDisabled = 100;
const kCannotAddBreakpoint = 102;
const kStreamAlreadySubscribed = 103;
const kStreamNotSubscribed = 104;
const kIsolateMustBeRunnable = 105;
const kIsolateMustBePaused = 106;
const kCannotResume = 107;
const kIsolateIsReloading = 108;
const kIsolateReloadBarred = 109;
const kIsolateMustHaveReloaded = 110;
const kServiceAlreadyRegistered = 111;
const kServiceDisappeared = 112;
const kExpressionCompilationError = 113;
const kInvalidTimelineRequest = 114;
// Experimental (used in private rpcs).
const kFileSystemAlreadyExists = 1001;
const kFileSystemDoesNotExist = 1002;
const kFileDoesNotExist = 1003;
final _errorMessages = <int, String>{
kInvalidParams: 'Invalid params',
kInternalError: 'Internal error',
kFeatureDisabled: 'Feature is disabled',
kStreamAlreadySubscribed: 'Stream already subscribed',
kStreamNotSubscribed: 'Stream not subscribed',
kFileSystemAlreadyExists: 'File system already exists',
kFileSystemDoesNotExist: 'File system does not exist',
kFileDoesNotExist: 'File does not exist',
kServiceAlreadyRegistered: 'Service already registered',
kServiceDisappeared: 'Service has disappeared',
kExpressionCompilationError: 'Expression compilation error',
kInvalidTimelineRequest: 'The timeline related request could not be completed'
'due to the current configuration',
String encodeRpcError(Message message, int code, {String? details}) {
final response = <String, dynamic>{
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': message.serial,
'error': {
'code': code,
'message': _errorMessages[code],
if (details != null) {
response['error']['data'] = <String, String>{
'details': details,
return json.encode(response);
String encodeMissingParamError(Message message, String param) =>
encodeRpcError(message, kInvalidParams,
details: "${message.method} expects the '${param}' parameter");
String encodeInvalidParamError(Message message, String param) {
final value = message.params[param];
return encodeRpcError(message, kInvalidParams,
details: "${message.method}: invalid '${param}' parameter: ${value}");
String encodeCompilationError(Message message, String diagnostic) =>
encodeRpcError(message, kExpressionCompilationError, details: diagnostic);
String encodeResult(Message message, Map result) => json.encode({
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'id': message.serial,
'result': result,
String encodeSuccess(Message message) =>
encodeResult(message, {'type': 'Success'});
const shortDelay = Duration(milliseconds: 10);
/// Called when the server should be started.
typedef Future ServerStartCallback();
/// Called when the server should be stopped.
typedef Future ServerStopCallback();
/// Called when the service is exiting.
typedef Future CleanupCallback();
/// Called to create a temporary directory
typedef Future<Uri> CreateTempDirCallback(String base);
/// Called to delete a directory
typedef Future DeleteDirCallback(Uri path);
/// Called to write a file.
typedef Future WriteFileCallback(Uri path, List<int> bytes);
/// Called to write a stream into a file.
typedef Future WriteStreamFileCallback(Uri path, Stream<List<int>> bytes);
/// Called to read a file.
typedef Future<List<int>> ReadFileCallback(Uri path);
/// Called to list all files under some path.
typedef Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> ListFilesCallback(Uri path);
/// Called when we need information about the server.
typedef Future<Uri> ServerInformamessage_routertionCallback();
/// Called when we need information about the server.
typedef Uri? ServerInformationCallback();
/// Called when we want to [enable] or disable the web server.
typedef Future<Uri?> WebServerControlCallback(bool enable);
/// Hooks that are setup by the embedder.
class VMServiceEmbedderHooks {
static ServerStartCallback? serverStart;
static ServerStopCallback? serverStop;
static CleanupCallback? cleanup;
static CreateTempDirCallback? createTempDir;
static DeleteDirCallback? deleteDir;
static WriteFileCallback? writeFile;
static WriteStreamFileCallback? writeStreamFile;
static ReadFileCallback? readFile;
static ListFilesCallback? listFiles;
static ServerInformationCallback? serverInformation;
static WebServerControlCallback? webServerControl;
class _ClientResumePermissions {
final List<Client> clients = [];
int permissionsMask = 0;
class VMService extends MessageRouter {
static VMService? _instance;
static const serviceNamespace = 's';
/// Collection of currently connected clients.
final clients = NamedLookup<Client>(prologue: serviceNamespace);
final _serviceRequests = IdGenerator(prologue: 'sr');
/// Mapping of client names to all clients of that name and their resume
/// permissions.
final Map<String, _ClientResumePermissions> clientResumePermissions = {};
/// Collection of currently running isolates.
final runningIsolates = RunningIsolates();
/// Flag to indicate VM service is exiting.
bool isExiting = false;
/// A port used to receive events from the VM.
final RawReceivePort eventPort;
final devfs = DevFS();
void _clearClientName(Client client) {
final name = client.name;
client.name = null;
final clientsForName = clientResumePermissions[name];
if (clientsForName != null) {
// If this was the last client with a given name, cleanup resume
// permissions.
if (clientsForName.clients.isEmpty) {
// Check to see if we need to resume any isolates now that the last
// client of a given name has disconnected or changed names.
// An isolate will be resumed in this situation if:
// 1) This client required resume approvals for the current pause event
// associated with the isolate and all other required resume approvals
// have been provided by other clients.
// OR
// 2) This client required resume approvals for the current pause event
// associated with the isolate, no other clients require resume approvals
// for the current pause event, and at least one client has issued a resume
// request.
runningIsolates.isolates.forEach((_, isolate) async =>
await isolate.maybeResumeAfterClientChange(this, name));
/// Sets the name associated with a [Client].
/// If any resume approvals were set for this client previously they will
/// need to be reset after a name change.
String _setClientName(Message message) {
final client = message.client!;
if (!message.params.containsKey('name')) {
return encodeRpcError(message, kInvalidParams,
details: "setClientName: missing required parameter 'name'");
final name = message.params['name'];
if (name is! String) {
return encodeRpcError(message, kInvalidParams,
details: "setClientName: invalid 'name' parameter: $name");
_setClientNameHelper(client, name);
return encodeSuccess(message);
void _setClientNameHelper(Client client, String name) {
name = name.isEmpty ? client.defaultClientName : name;
client.name = name;
client.name, () => _ClientResumePermissions());
String _getClientName(Message message) => encodeResult(message, {
'type': 'ClientName',
'name': message.client!.name,
String _requirePermissionToResume(Message message) {
bool parsePermission(String argName) {
final arg = message.params[argName];
if (arg == null) {
return false;
if (arg is! bool) {
throw encodeRpcError(message, kInvalidParams,
details: "requirePermissionToResume: invalid '$argName': $arg");
return arg;
final client = message.client!;
int pauseTypeMask = 0;
try {
if (parsePermission('onPauseStart')) {
pauseTypeMask |= RunningIsolate.kPauseOnStartMask;
if (parsePermission('onPauseReload')) {
pauseTypeMask |= RunningIsolate.kPauseOnReloadMask;
if (parsePermission('onPauseExit')) {
pauseTypeMask |= RunningIsolate.kPauseOnExitMask;
} catch (rpcError) {
return rpcError;
clientResumePermissions[client.name]!.permissionsMask = pauseTypeMask;
return encodeSuccess(message);
void _addClient(Client client) {
void _removeClient(Client client) {
final namespace = clients.keyOf(client);
for (final streamId in client.streams) {
if (!_isAnyClientSubscribed(streamId)) {
// Clean up client approvals state.
for (final service in client.services.keys) {
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'method': 'streamNotify',
'params': {
'streamId': 'Service',
'event': {
'type': 'Event',
'kind': 'ServiceUnregistered',
'timestamp': DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch,
'service': service,
'method': namespace + '.' + service,
// Complete all requests as failed
for (final handle in client.serviceHandles.values) {
void _eventMessageHandler(String streamId, Response event) {
for (final client in clients) {
if (client.sendEvents && client.streams.contains(streamId)) {
void _controlMessageHandler(int code, int portId, SendPort sp, String name) {
switch (code) {
runningIsolates.isolateStartup(portId, sp, name);
runningIsolates.isolateShutdown(portId, sp);
Future<void> _serverMessageHandler(int code, SendPort sp, bool enable) async {
switch (code) {
final webServerControl = VMServiceEmbedderHooks.webServerControl;
if (webServerControl == null) {
final uri = await webServerControl(enable);
final serverInformation = VMServiceEmbedderHooks.serverInformation;
if (serverInformation == null) {
final uri = await serverInformation();
Future<void> _handleNativeRpcCall(message, SendPort replyPort) async {
// Keep in sync with 'runtime/vm/service_isolate.cc:InvokeServiceRpc'.
Response response;
try {
final rpc = Message.fromJsonRpc(
null, json.decode(utf8.decode(message as List<int>)));
if (rpc.type != MessageType.Request) {
response = Response.internalError(
'The client sent a non-request json-rpc message.');
} else {
response = (await routeRequest(this, rpc))!;
} catch (exception) {
response = Response.internalError(
'The rpc call resulted in exception: $exception.');
late List<int> bytes;
switch (response.kind) {
case ResponsePayloadKind.String:
bytes = utf8.encode(response.payload);
bytes = bytes is Uint8List ? bytes : Uint8List.fromList(bytes);
case ResponsePayloadKind.Binary:
case ResponsePayloadKind.Utf8String:
bytes = response.payload as Uint8List;
Future _exit() async {
isExiting = true;
final serverStop = VMServiceEmbedderHooks.serverStop;
// Stop the server.
if (serverStop != null) {
await serverStop();
// Close receive ports.
// Create a copy of the set as a list because client.disconnect() will
// alter the connected clients set.
final clientsList = clients.toList();
for (final client in clientsList) {
final cleanup = VMServiceEmbedderHooks.cleanup;
if (cleanup != null) {
await cleanup();
// Notify the VM that we have exited.
void messageHandler(message) {
if (message is List) {
if (message.length == 2) {
// This is an event.
_eventMessageHandler(message[0], Response.from(message[1]));
if (message.length == 1) {
// This is a control message directing the vm service to exit.
assert(message[0] == Constants.SERVICE_EXIT_MESSAGE_ID);
if (message.length == 3) {
final opcode = message[0];
if (opcode == Constants.METHOD_CALL_FROM_NATIVE) {
_handleNativeRpcCall(message[1], message[2]);
} else {
// This is a message interacting with the web server.
assert((opcode == Constants.WEB_SERVER_CONTROL_MESSAGE_ID) ||
(opcode == Constants.SERVER_INFO_MESSAGE_ID));
_serverMessageHandler(message[0], message[1], message[2]);
if (message.length == 4) {
// This is a message informing us of the birth or death of an
// isolate.
_controlMessageHandler(message[0], message[1], message[2], message[3]);
print('Internal vm-service error: ignoring illegal message: $message');
VMService._internal() : eventPort = isolateControlPort {
eventPort.handler = messageHandler;
factory VMService() {
VMService? instance = VMService._instance;
if (instance == null) {
instance = VMService._internal();
VMService._instance = instance;
return instance;
bool _isAnyClientSubscribed(String streamId) {
for (final client in clients) {
if (client.streams.contains(streamId)) {
return true;
return false;
Client? _findFirstClientThatHandlesService(String service) {
if (clients != null) {
for (Client c in clients) {
if (c.services.containsKey(service)) {
return c;
return null;
static const kServiceStream = 'Service';
static const serviceStreams = <String>[kServiceStream];
Future<String> _streamListen(Message message) async {
final client = message.client!;
final streamId = message.params['streamId']!;
if (client.streams.contains(streamId)) {
return encodeRpcError(message, kStreamAlreadySubscribed);
if (!_isAnyClientSubscribed(streamId)) {
if (!serviceStreams.contains(streamId) && !_vmListenStream(streamId)) {
return encodeRpcError(message, kInvalidParams,
details: "streamListen: invalid 'streamId' parameter: ${streamId}");
// Some streams can generate events or side effects after registration
switch (streamId) {
case kServiceStream:
for (Client c in clients) {
if (c == client) continue;
for (String service in c.services.keys) {
_sendServiceRegisteredEvent(c, service, target: client);
return encodeSuccess(message);
Future<String> _streamCancel(Message message) async {
final client = message.client!;
final streamId = message.params['streamId']!;
if (!client.streams.contains(streamId)) {
return encodeRpcError(message, kStreamNotSubscribed);
if (!serviceStreams.contains(streamId) &&
!_isAnyClientSubscribed(streamId)) {
return encodeSuccess(message);
static bool _hasNamespace(String method) =>
method.contains('.') &&
static String _getNamespace(String method) => method.split('.').first;
static String _getMethod(String method) => method.split('.').last;
Future<String> _registerService(Message message) async {
final client = message.client!;
final service = message.params['service'];
final alias = message.params['alias'];
if (service is! String || service == '') {
return encodeRpcError(message, kInvalidParams,
details: "registerService: invalid 'service' parameter: ${service}");
if (alias is! String || alias == '') {
return encodeRpcError(message, kInvalidParams,
details: "registerService: invalid 'alias' parameter: ${alias}");
if (client.services.containsKey(service)) {
return encodeRpcError(message, kServiceAlreadyRegistered);
client.services[service] = alias;
bool removed = false;
try {
// Do not send streaming events to the client which registers the service
removed = client.streams.remove(kServiceStream);
await _sendServiceRegisteredEvent(client, service);
} finally {
if (removed) client.streams.add(kServiceStream);
return encodeSuccess(message);
void _sendServiceRegisteredEvent(Client client, String service,
{Client? target}) async {
final namespace = clients.keyOf(client);
final alias = client.services[service];
final event = Response.json({
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'method': 'streamNotify',
'params': {
'streamId': kServiceStream,
'event': {
'type': 'Event',
'kind': 'ServiceRegistered',
'timestamp': DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch,
'service': service,
'method': namespace + '.' + service,
'alias': alias
if (target == null) {
_eventMessageHandler(kServiceStream, event);
} else {
Future<String> _handleService(Message message) async {
final namespace = _getNamespace(message.method!);
final method = _getMethod(message.method!);
final client = clients[namespace];
if (client != null) {
if (client.services.containsKey(method)) {
final id = _serviceRequests.newId();
final oldId = message.serial;
final completer = Completer<String>();
client.serviceHandles[id] = (Message? m) {
if (m != null) {
completer.complete(json.encode(m.forwardToJson({'id': oldId})));
} else {
completer.complete(encodeRpcError(message, kServiceDisappeared));
Response.json(message.forwardToJson({'id': id, 'method': method})));
return completer.future;
return encodeRpcError(message, kMethodNotFound,
details: 'Unknown service: ${message.method}');
Future<String> _spawnUri(Message message) async {
final token = message.params['token'];
if (token == null) {
return encodeMissingParamError(message, 'token');
if (token is! String) {
return encodeInvalidParamError(message, 'token');
final uri = message.params['uri'];
if (uri == null) {
return encodeMissingParamError(message, 'uri');
if (uri is! String) {
return encodeInvalidParamError(message, 'uri');
final args = message.params['args'];
final argsOfString = <String>[];
if (args != null) {
if (args is! List) {
return encodeInvalidParamError(message, 'args');
for (final arg in args) {
if (arg is! String) {
return encodeInvalidParamError(message, 'args');
final msg = message.params['message'];
Isolate.spawnUri(Uri.parse(uri), argsOfString, msg).then((isolate) {
_spawnUriNotify(isolate.controlPort, token);
}).catchError((e) {
_spawnUriNotify(e.toString(), token);
return encodeSuccess(message);
Future<Response?> routeRequest(VMService _, Message message) async {
final response = await _routeRequestImpl(message);
if (response == null) {
// We should only have a null response for Notifications.
assert(message.type == MessageType.Notification);
return null;
return Response.from(response);
Future _routeRequestImpl(Message message) async {
try {
if (message.completed) {
return await message.response;
if (message.method == 'streamListen') {
return await _streamListen(message);
if (message.method == 'streamCancel') {
return await _streamCancel(message);
if (message.method == 'registerService') {
return await _registerService(message);
if (message.method == '_spawnUri') {
return await _spawnUri(message);
if (message.method == 'setClientName') {
return _setClientName(message);
if (message.method == 'getClientName') {
return _getClientName(message);
if (message.method == 'requirePermissionToResume') {
return _requirePermissionToResume(message);
if (devfs.shouldHandleMessage(message)) {
return await devfs.handleMessage(message);
if (_hasNamespace(message.method!)) {
return await _handleService(message);
if (message.params['isolateId'] != null) {
return await runningIsolates.routeRequest(this, message);
return await message.sendToVM();
} catch (e, st) {
message.setErrorResponse(kInternalError, 'Unexpected exception:$e\n$st');
return message.response;
void routeResponse(message) {
final client = message.client!;
if (client.serviceHandles.containsKey(message.serial)) {
const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product') ? false : 'call')
RawReceivePort boot() {
// Return the port we expect isolate control messages on.
return isolateControlPort;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
// ignore: unused_element
void _registerIsolate(int port_id, SendPort sp, String name) =>
VMService().runningIsolates.isolateStartup(port_id, sp, name);
/// Notify the VM that the service is running.
void _onStart() native 'VMService_OnStart';
/// Notify the VM that the service is no longer running.
void _onExit() native 'VMService_OnExit';
/// Notify the VM that the server's address has changed.
void onServerAddressChange(String? address)
native 'VMService_OnServerAddressChange';
/// Subscribe to a service stream.
bool _vmListenStream(String streamId) native 'VMService_ListenStream';
/// Cancel a subscription to a service stream.
void _vmCancelStream(String streamId) native 'VMService_CancelStream';
/// Get the bytes to the tar archive.
Uint8List _requestAssets() native 'VMService_RequestAssets';
/// Notify the vm service that an isolate has been spawned via rpc.
void _spawnUriNotify(obj, String token) native 'VMService_spawnUriNotify';