
167 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Basic test for tear-off closures.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "tearoff_basic_lib.dart" as P;
import "tearoff_basic_lib.dart" deferred as D;
class C {
var v = 99;
final fv = 444;
operator + (a) { return v + a; }
get sugus => "sugus";
set frosch(a) { v = "ribbit $a"; }
foo() => "kuh";
static var st;
static final stfin = 1000;
static stfoo([p1 = 100]) => p1 * 10;
static get stg => "stg";
static set sts(x) { st = x; }
testStatic() {
// Closurize static variable.
var a = C#st=;
Expect.equals(100, C.st);
var b = C#st;
Expect.equals(100, b());
// Closurize static final variable.
a = C#stfin;
Expect.equals(1000, a());
Expect.throws(() => C#stfin= ); // Final variable has no setter.
// Closurize static method.
a = C#stfoo;
Expect.equals(1000, a());
Expect.equals(90, a(9));
// Closurize static getter.
a = C#stg;
Expect.equals("stg", a());
// Closurize static setter.
Expect.throws(() => C#sts); // No setter/method named sts exists.
a = C#sts=;
Expect.equals("pflug", C.st);
// Can't closurize instance method via class literal.
Expect.throws(() => C#foo);
// Extracted closures must be equal.
Expect.isTrue(C#st == C#st);
Expect.isTrue(C#st= == C#st=);
Expect.isTrue(C#stfin == C#stfin);
Expect.isTrue(C#stfoo == C#stfoo);
Expect.isTrue(C#stg == C#stg);
Expect.isTrue(C#sts= == C#sts=);
testInstance() {
var o = new C();
var p = new C();
var a, b;
// Closurize instance variable.
a = o#v;
Expect.equals(99, a());
b = p#v=;
Expect.equals(999, p.v);
Expect.equals(99, a());
// Closurize final instance variable.
Expect.throws(() => o#fv=); // Final variable has not setter.
a = o#fv;
Expect.equals(444, a());
// Closurize instance method.
a = o#foo;
Expect.equals("kuh", a());
// Closurize operator.
a = o#+;
Expect.equals(100, o + 1);
Expect.equals(100, a(1));
// Closurize instance getter.
a = o#sugus;
Expect.equals("sugus", a());
Expect.throws(() => o#sugus=);
// Closurize instance setter.
a = o#frosch=;
Expect.equals("ribbit !", o.v);
Expect.throws(() => o#frosch);
// Extracted closures must be equal.
Expect.isTrue(o#v == o#v);
Expect.isTrue(o#v= == o#v=);
Expect.isTrue(o#fv == o#fv);
Expect.isTrue(o#foo == o#foo);
Expect.isTrue(o#+ == o#+);
Expect.isTrue(o#sugus == o#sugus);
Expect.isTrue(o#frosch= == o#frosch=);
testPrefix() {
// Closurize top-level variable.
var a = P#cvar;
Expect.equals(6, a());
var b = P#cvar=;
Expect.equals(7, a());
// Closurize final top-level variable.
a = P#cfinvar;
Expect.equals("set in stone", a());
Expect.throws(() => P#cfinvar=);
// Closurize top-level function.
a = P#cfunc;
Expect.equals("cfunc", a());
// Closurize top-level getter.
a = P#cget;
Expect.equals("cget", a());
// Closurize top-level getter.
a = P#cset=;
Expect.equals(99, P.cvar);
Expect.throws(() => P#ZZ); // Cannot closurize class.
// Extracted closures must be equal.
Expect.isTrue(P#cvar == P#cvar);
Expect.isTrue(P#cvar= == P#cvar=);
Expect.isTrue(P#cfinvar == P#cfinvar);
Expect.isTrue(P#cfunc == P#cfunc);
Expect.isTrue(P#cget == P#cget);
Expect.isTrue(P#cset= == P#cset=);
testDeferred() {
Expect.throws(() => D#cfunc);
D.loadLibrary().then((_) {
var a = D#cfunc;
Expect.equals("cfunc", a());
main() {