
584 lines
21 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generates sdk/lib/_blink/dartium/_blink_dartium.dart file."""
import os
from sets import Set
from generator import AnalyzeOperation, AnalyzeConstructor
# This is list of all methods with native c++ implementations
# If performing a dartium merge, the best practice is to comment out this list,
# ensure everything runs, and then uncomment this list which might possibly
# introduce breaking changes due to changes to these method signatures.
_js_custom_members = Set([
# Consider adding this method so there is a fast path to access only
# element children.
# 'NonDocumentTypeChildNode.nextElementSibling',
'Node.appendChild', # actually not removed, just native implementation.
# TODO(jacobr): consider implementing these methods as well as they show
# up in benchmarks for some sample applications.
# Uncomment out this line to short circuited native methods and run all of
# dart:html through JS interop except for createElement which is slightly more
# tightly natively wired.
# _js_custom_members = Set([])
# Expose built-in methods support by an instance that is not shown in the IDL.
_additional_methods = {
# Support propertyIsEnumerable (available on all objects only needed by
# CSSStyleDeclaration decides if style property is supported (handling
# camelcase and inject hyphens between camelcase).
# Format of dictionary is 'operation name', arguments, returns value (True or False)
'CSSStyleDeclaration': ('propertyIsEnumerable', 1, True),
HEADER = """/* Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Auto-generated _blink library.
library dart.dom._blink;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:js' as js;
import 'dart:html' show DomException;
import 'dart:_internal' as internal;
// This is a place to put custom renames if we need them.
final resolverMap = {
dynamic resolver(String s) {
// Failed to find it, check for custom renames
dynamic obj = resolverMap[s];
if (obj != null) return obj;
throw("No such interface exposed in blink: ${s}");
// _Utils native entry points
class Blink_Utils {
static window() native "Utils_window";
static forwardingPrint(message) native "Utils_forwardingPrint";
static spawnDomUri(uri) native "Utils_spawnDomUri";
static void spawnDomHelper(Function f, int replyTo) native "Utils_spawnDomHelper";
static register(document, tag, customType, extendsTagName) native "Utils_register";
// Below code sets up VMLibraryHooks for resolvePackageUri.
static Uri resolvePackageUri(Uri packageUri) native "Utils_resolvePackageUri";
static Future<Uri> _resolvePackageUriFuture(Uri packageUri) async {
return resolvePackageUri(packageUri);
static void _setupHooks() {
internal.VMLibraryHooks.resolvePackageUriFuture = _resolvePackageUriFuture;
// Defines an interceptor if there is an appropriate JavaScript prototype to define it on.
// In any case, returns a typed JS wrapper compatible with dart:html and the new
// typed JS Interop.
static defineInterceptorCustomElement(jsObject, Type type) native "Utils_defineInterceptorCustomElement";
static defineInterceptor(jsObject, Type type) native "Utils_defineInterceptor";
static setInstanceInterceptor(o, Type type, {bool customElement: false}) native "Utils_setInstanceInterceptor";
static setInstanceInterceptorCustomUpgrade(o) native "Utils_setInstanceInterceptorCustomUpgrade";
// This method will throw if the element isn't actually a real Element.
static initializeCustomElement(element) native "Utils_initializeCustomElement";
class Blink_DOMStringMap {
// _DOMStringMap native entry points
static containsKey(_DOMStringMap, key) native "DOMStringMap_containsKey_Callback";
static item(_DOMStringMap, key) native "DOMStringMap_item_Callback";
static setItem(_DOMStringMap, key, value) native "DOMStringMap_setItem_Callback";
static remove(_DOMStringMap, key) native "DOMStringMap_remove_Callback";
static get_keys(_DOMStringMap) native "DOMStringMap_getKeys_Callback";
// Calls through JsNative but returns DomException instead of error strings.
class Stats {
Stats(this.name) {
counts = new Map<String, int>();
String name;
Map<String, int> counts;
clear() {
track(String v) {
counts[v] = counts.putIfAbsent(v, ()=> 0) + 1;
toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write('$name ${counts.length}');
var keys = counts.keys.toList();
keys.sort((a,b) => counts[b].compareTo(counts[a]));
for (var key in keys) {
print("$key => ${counts[key]}");
return sb;
bool TRACK_STATS = true;
dumpStats() {
print("------------ STATS ----------------");
clearStats() {
class Blink_JsNative_DomException {
static var getPropertyStats = new Stats('get property');
static var setPropertyStats = new Stats('set property');
static var callMethodStats = new Stats('call method');
static var constructorStats = new Stats('constructor');
static var constructors = new Map<String, dynamic>();
static getProperty(o, String name) {
try {
if (TRACK_STATS) getPropertyStats.track(name);
return js.JsNative.getProperty(o, name);
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new DomException.jsInterop(e);
static propertyQuery(o, String name) {
try {
if (TRACK_STATS) getPropertyStats.track('__propertyQuery__');
return js.JsNative.getProperty(o, name);
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new DomException.jsInterop(e);
static callConstructor0(String name) {
try {
if (TRACK_STATS) constructorStats.track(name);
var constructor = constructors.putIfAbsent(name, () => js.context[name]);
return js.JsNative.callConstructor0(constructor);
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new DomException.jsInterop(e);
static callConstructor(String name, List args) {
try {
if (TRACK_STATS) constructorStats.track(name);
var constructor = constructors.putIfAbsent(name, () => js.context[name]);
return js.JsNative.callConstructor(constructor, args);
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new DomException.jsInterop(e);
static setProperty(o, String name, value) {
try {
if (TRACK_STATS) setPropertyStats.track(name);
return js.JsNative.setProperty(o, name, value);
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new DomException.jsInterop(e);
static callMethod(o, String method, List args) {
try {
if (TRACK_STATS) callMethodStats.track(method);
return js.JsNative.callMethod(o, method, args);
} catch (e) {
// Re-throw any errors (returned as a string) as a DomException.
throw new DomException.jsInterop(e);
CLASS_DEFINITION = """class Blink%s {
static final instance = new Blink%s();
CLASS_DEFINITION_EXTENDS = """class Blink%s extends Blink%s {
static final instance = new Blink%s();
CONSTRUCTOR_0 = [' constructorCallback_0_()',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callConstructor0("%s");\n\n',
' native "Blink_Constructor_%s";\n\n']
#(argument_count, arguments, interface_name, arguments)
CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS = [' constructorCallback_%s_(%s)',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callConstructor("%s", [%s]);\n\n',
' native "Blink_Constructor_Args_%s" /* %s */;\n\n']
#(attribute_name, attribute_name)
ATTRIBUTE_GETTER = [' %s_Getter_(mthis)',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.getProperty(mthis /* %s */, "%s");\n\n',
' native "Blink_Getter_%s_%s";\n\n'
ATTRIBUTE_SETTER = [' %s_Setter_(mthis, __arg_0)',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.setProperty(mthis /* %s */, "%s", __arg_0);\n\n',
' native "Blink_Setter_%s_%s";\n\n'
#(operation_name, operationName)
OPERATION_0 = [' %s_Callback_0_(mthis)',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callMethod(mthis /* %s */, "%s", []);\n\n',
' native "Blink_Operation_0_%s_%s";\n\n'
# getter, setter, deleter, propertyQuery code, and propertyIsEnumerable
OPERATION_1 = [' $%s_Callback_1_(mthis, __arg_0)',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callMethod(mthis /* %s */, "%s", [__arg_0]);\n\n',
' native "Blink_Operation_1_%s_%s";\n\n'
OPERATION_2 = [' $%s_Callback_2_(mthis, __arg_0, __arg_1)',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callMethod(mthis /* %s */, "%s", [__arg_0, __arg_1]);\n\n',
' native "Blink_Operation_2_%s_%s";\n\n']
OPERATION_PQ = [' $%s_Callback_1_(mthis, __arg_0)',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.propertyQuery(mthis, __arg_0); /* %s */ \n\n',
' native "Blink_Operation_PQ_%s";\n\n']
#(operation_name, argument_count, arguments, operation_name, arguments)
ARGUMENT_NUM = "__arg_%s"
OPERATION_ARGS = [' %s_Callback_%s_(mthis, %s)',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callMethod(mthis /* %s */, "%s", [%s]);\n\n',
' native "Blink_Operation_%s_%s"; /* %s */\n\n']
# get class property to make static call.
CLASS_STATIC = 'Blink_JsNative_DomException.getProperty(js.context, "%s")'
# name, classname_getproperty, name
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.getProperty(%s /* %s */, "%s");\n\n',
' /* %s */ native "Blink_Static_getter_%s_%s"']
# name, classname_getproperty, name
STATIC_OPERATION_0 = [' %s_Callback_0_()',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callMethod(%s /* %s */, "%s", []);\n\n',
' /* %s */ native "Blink_Static_Operation_0_%s_%s']
# name, argsCount, args, classname_getproperty, name, args
STATIC_OPERATION_ARGS = [' %s_Callback_%s_(%s)',
' => Blink_JsNative_DomException.callMethod(%s /* %s */, "%s", [%s]);\n\n',
' /* %s */ native "Blink_Static_Operations_%s_%s" /* %s */ \n\n']
def ConstantOutputOrder(a, b):
"""Canonical output ordering for constants."""
return cmp(a.id, b.id)
def generate_parameter_entries(param_infos):
optional_default_args = 0;
for argument in param_infos:
if argument.is_optional:
optional_default_args += 1
arg_count = len(param_infos)
min_arg_count = arg_count - optional_default_args
lb = min_arg_count - 2 if min_arg_count > 2 else 0
return (lb, arg_count + 1)
constructor_renames = {
'RTCPeerConnection': 'webkitRTCPeerConnection',
'SpeechRecognition': 'webkitSpeechRecognition',
def rename_constructor(name):
return constructor_renames[name] if name in constructor_renames else name
def _Find_Match(interface_id, member, member_prefix, candidates):
member_name = interface_id + '.' + member
if member_name in candidates:
return member_name
member_name = interface_id + '.' + member_prefix + member
if member_name in candidates:
return member_name
member_name = interface_id + '.*'
if member_name in candidates:
return member_name
def _Is_Native(interface, member):
return _Find_Match(interface, member, '', _js_custom_members)
def Select_Stub(template, is_native):
if is_native:
return template[0] + template[2]
return template[0] + template[1]
def Generate_Blink(output_dir, database, type_registry):
blink_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '_blink_dartium.dart')
blink_file = open(blink_filename, 'w')
interfaces = database.GetInterfaces()
for interface in interfaces:
name = interface.id
resolver_entry = ' if (s == "%s") return Blink%s.instance;\n' % (name, name)
for interface in interfaces:
name = interface.id
if interface.parents and len(interface.parents) > 0 and interface.parents[0].id:
extends = interface.parents[0].id
class_def = CLASS_DEFINITION_EXTENDS % (name, extends, name)
class_def = CLASS_DEFINITION % (name, name)
analyzed_constructors = AnalyzeConstructor(interface)
if analyzed_constructors:
_Emit_Blink_Constructors(blink_file, analyzed_constructors)
elif 'Constructor' in interface.ext_attrs:
# Zero parameter constructor.
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(CONSTRUCTOR_0, _Is_Native(name, 'constructor')) % rename_constructor(name))
_Process_Attributes(blink_file, interface, interface.attributes)
_Process_Operations(blink_file, interface, interface.operations, True)
_Emit_Extra_Operations(blink_file, name)
secondary_parents = database.TransitiveSecondaryParents(interface, False)
for secondary in secondary_parents:
_Process_Attributes(blink_file, secondary, secondary.attributes)
_Process_Operations(blink_file, secondary, secondary.operations, False)
def _Emit_Extra_Operations(blink_file, interface_name):
if (interface_name in _additional_methods):
(name, arg_count, return_value) = _additional_methods[interface_name]
exposed_name = ''.join(['__get', '___', name]) if return_value else name
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(OPERATION_1, False) % (exposed_name, interface_name, name))
def _Emit_Blink_Constructors(blink_file, analyzed_constructors):
(arg_min_count, arg_max_count) = generate_parameter_entries(analyzed_constructors.param_infos)
name = analyzed_constructors.js_name
if not(name):
name = analyzed_constructors.type_name
for callback_index in range(arg_min_count, arg_max_count):
if callback_index == 0:
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(CONSTRUCTOR_0, _Is_Native(name, 'constructor')) % (rename_constructor(name)))
arguments = []
for i in range(0, callback_index):
arguments.append(ARGUMENT_NUM % i)
argument_list = ', '.join(arguments)
Select_Stub(CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS, _Is_Native(name, 'constructor')) % (callback_index, argument_list, rename_constructor(name), argument_list))
def _Process_Attributes(blink_file, interface, attributes):
# Emit an interface's attributes and operations.
for attribute in sorted(attributes, ConstantOutputOrder):
name = attribute.id
is_native = _Is_Native(interface.id, name)
if attribute.is_read_only:
if attribute.is_static:
class_property = CLASS_STATIC % interface.id
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(STATIC_ATTRIBUTE_GETTER, is_native) % (name, class_property, interface.id, name))
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(ATTRIBUTE_GETTER, is_native) % (name, interface.id, name))
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(ATTRIBUTE_GETTER, is_native) % (name, interface.id, name))
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(ATTRIBUTE_SETTER, is_native) % (name, interface.id, name))
def _Process_Operations(blink_file, interface, operations, primary_interface = False):
analyzeOperations = []
for operation in sorted(operations, ConstantOutputOrder):
if len(analyzeOperations) == 0:
if analyzeOperations[0].id == operation.id:
# Handle overloads
_Emit_Blink_Operation(blink_file, interface, analyzeOperations, primary_interface)
analyzeOperations = [operation]
if len(analyzeOperations) > 0:
_Emit_Blink_Operation(blink_file, interface, analyzeOperations, primary_interface)
# List of DartName operations to not emit (e.g., For now only WebGL2RenderingContextBase
# has readPixels in both WebGLRenderingContextBase and WebGL2RenderingContextBase.
# Furthermore, readPixels has the exact same number of arguments - in Javascript
# there is no typing so they're the same.
suppressed_operations = {
'WebGL2RenderingContextBase': [ 'readPixels2', 'texImage2D2' ],
def _Suppress_Secondary_Interface_Operation(interface, analyzed):
if interface.id in suppressed_operations:
# Should this DartName (name property) be suppressed on this interface?
return analyzed.name in suppressed_operations[interface.id]
return False
def _Emit_Blink_Operation(blink_file, interface, analyzeOperations, primary_interface):
analyzed = AnalyzeOperation(interface, analyzeOperations)
if not(primary_interface) and _Suppress_Secondary_Interface_Operation(interface, analyzed):
(arg_min_count, arg_max_count) = generate_parameter_entries(analyzed.param_infos)
name = analyzed.js_name
is_native = _Is_Native(interface.id, name)
operation = analyzeOperations[0]
if (name.startswith('__') and \
('getter' in operation.specials or \
'setter' in operation.specials or \
'deleter' in operation.specials)):
if name == '__propertyQuery__':
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(OPERATION_PQ, is_native) % (name, interface.id))
arg_min_count = arg_max_count
if arg_max_count == 2:
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(OPERATION_1, is_native) % (name, interface.id, name))
elif arg_max_count == 3:
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(OPERATION_2, is_native) % (name, interface.id, name))
print "FATAL ERROR: _blink emitter operator %s.%s" % (interface.id, name)
for callback_index in range(arg_min_count, arg_max_count):
if callback_index == 0:
if operation.is_static:
class_property = CLASS_STATIC % interface.id
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(STATIC_OPERATION_0, is_native) % (name, class_property, interface.id, name))
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(OPERATION_0, is_native) % (name, interface.id, name))
arguments = []
for i in range(0, callback_index):
arguments.append(ARGUMENT_NUM % i)
argument_list = ', '.join(arguments)
if operation.is_static:
class_property = CLASS_STATIC % interface.id
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(STATIC_OPERATION_ARGS, is_native) % (name, callback_index, argument_list, class_property, interface.id, name, argument_list))
blink_file.write(Select_Stub(OPERATION_ARGS, is_native) % (name, callback_index, argument_list, interface.id, name, argument_list))