Lasse R.H. Nielsen 57f4827c76 Rename [packages] to [packageMap] as Isolate.spawnUri parameter.
This matches the static [packageMap] getter on Isolate.

Fixes issue #24545.
BUG= http://dartbug.com/24545

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1401713002.
2015-10-12 16:31:48 +02:00

21 KiB
Raw Blame History


Core library changes

  • dart:async

    • StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors to the resulting streams.
  • dart:core

    • Uri added removeFragment method.
    • String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now lazy, as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
    • Resource is deprecated in favor of the resource package. See https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/resource to learn more. This is the last release to contain the Resource class.
  • dart:io

    • HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServer still gracefully receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
    • Removed server socket references. The use of server socket references was deprecated back in 1.9. Use the shared flag when creating listening sockets and HttpServer to distribute accepted sockets between isolates.
  • dart:isolate

    • Isolate added packageRoot and packageMap getters.
    • Isolate.spawnUri added packageMap parameter.

Tool changes

  • docgen and 'dartdocgen' no longer ship in the sdk. The docgen sources have been removed from the repository.

  • This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol". We intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.

  • The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take care of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory clients. This is a potentially breaking change for clients.


Language changes

  • Null-aware operators
    • ??: if null operator. expr1 ?? expr2 evaluates to expr1 if not null, otherwise expr2.
    • ??=: null-aware assignment. v ??= expr causes v to be assigned expr only if v is null.
    • x?.p: null-aware access. x?.p evaluates to x.p if x is not null, otherwise evaluates to null.
    • x?.m(): null-aware method invocation. x?.m() invokes m only if x is not null.

Core library changes

  • dart:async

    • StreamController added setters for the onListen, onPause, onResume and onCancel callbacks.
  • dart:convert

    • LineSplitter added a split static method returning an Iterable.
  • dart:core

    • Uri class now perform path normalization when a URI is created. This removes most .. and . sequences from the URI path. Purely relative paths (no scheme or authority) are allowed to retain some leading "dot" segments. Also added hasAbsolutePath, hasEmptyPath, and hasScheme properties.
  • dart:developer

    • New log function to transmit logging events to Observatory.
  • dart:html

    • NodeTreeSanitizer added the const trusted field. It can be used instead of defining a NullTreeSanitizer class when calling setInnerHtml or other methods that create DOM from text. It is also more efficient, skipping the creation of a DocumentFragment.
  • dart:io

    • Added two new file modes, WRITE_ONLY and WRITE_ONLY_APPEND for opening a file write only. eaeecf2
    • Change stdout/stderr to binary mode on Windows. 4205b29
  • dart:isolate

    • Added onError, onExit and errorsAreFatal parameters to Isolate.spawnUri.
  • dart:mirrors

    • InstanceMirror.delegate moved up to ObjectMirror.
    • Fix InstanceMirror.getField optimization when the selector is an operator.
    • Fix reflective NoSuchMethodErrors to match their non-reflective counterparts when due to argument mismatches. (VM only)

Tool changes

  • Documentation tools

    • dartdoc is now the default tool to generate static HTML for API docs. Learn more.

    • docgen and dartdocgen have been deprecated. Currently plan is to remove them in 1.13.

  • Formatter (dartfmt)

    • Over 50 bugs fixed.

    • Optimized line splitter is much faster and produces better output on complex code.

  • Observatory

    • Allocation profiling.

    • New feature to display output from logging.

    • Heap snapshot analysis works for 64-bit VMs.

    • Improved ability to inspect typed data, regex and compiled code.

    • Ability to break on all or uncaught exceptions from Observatory's debugger.

    • Ability to set closure-specific breakpoints.

    • 'anext' - step past await/yield.

    • Preserve when a variable has been expanded/unexpanded in the debugger.

    • Keep focus on debugger input box whenever possible.

    • Echo stdout/stderr in the Observatory debugger. Standalone-only so far.

    • Minor fixes to service protocol documentation.

  • Pub

    • Breaking: various commands that previously ran pub get implicitly no longer do so. Instead, they merely check to make sure the ".packages" file is newer than the pubspec and the lock file, and fail if it's not.

    • Added support for --verbosity=error and --verbosity=warning.

    • pub serve now collapses multiple GET requests into a single line of output. For full output, use --verbose.

    • pub deps has improved formatting for circular dependencies on the entrypoint package.

    • pub run and pub global run

      • Breaking: to match the behavior of the Dart VM, executables no longer run in checked mode by default. A --checked flag has been added to run them in checked mode manually.

      • Faster start time for executables that don't import transformed code.

      • Binstubs for globally-activated executables are now written in the system encoding, rather than always in UTF-8. To update existing executables, run pub cache repair.

    • pub get and pub upgrade

      • Pub will now generate a ".packages" file in addition to the "packages" directory when running pub get or similar operations, per the package spec proposal. Pub now has a --no-package-symlinks flag that will stop "packages" directories from being generated at all.

      • An issue where HTTP requests were sometimes made even though --offline was passed has been fixed.

      • A bug with --offline that caused an unhelpful error message has been fixed.

      • Pub will no longer time out when a package takes a long time to download.

    • pub publish

      • Pub will emit a non-zero exit code when it finds a violation while publishing.

      • .gitignore files will be respected even if the package isn't at the top level of the Git repository.

    • Barback integration

      • A crashing bug involving transformers that only apply to non-public code has been fixed.

      • A deadlock caused by declaring transformer followed by a lazy transformer (such as the built-in $dart2js transformer) has been fixed.

      • A stack overflow caused by a transformer being run multiple times on the package that defines it has been fixed.

      • A transformer that tries to read a non-existent asset in another package will now be re-run if that asset is later created.

VM Service Protocol Changes

  • BREAKING The service protocol now sends JSON-RPC 2.0-compatible server-to-client events. To reflect this, the service protocol version is now 2.0.

  • The service protocol now includes a "jsonrpc" property in its responses, as opposed to "json-rpc".

  • The service protocol now properly handles requests with non-string ids. Numeric ids are no longer converted to strings, and null ids now don't produce a response.

  • Some RPCs that didn't include a "jsonrpc" property in their responses now include one.


Core library changes

  • Fix a bug where WebSocket.close() would crash if called after WebSocket.cancel().


Tool changes

  • Pub will always load Dart SDK assets from the SDK whose pub executable was run, even if a DART_SDK environment variable is set.

1.11.0 - 2015-06-25

Core library changes

  • dart:core

    • Iterable added an empty constructor. dcf0286
    • Iterable can now be extended directly. An alternative to extending IterableBase from dart:collection.
    • List added an unmodifiable constructor. r45334
    • Map added an unmodifiable constructor. r45733
    • int added a gcd method. a192ef4
    • int added a modInverse method. f6f338c
    • StackTrace added a fromString constructor. 68dd6f6
    • Uri added a directory constructor. d8dbb4a
    • List iterators may not throw ConcurrentModificationError as eagerly in release mode. In checked mode, the modification check is still as eager as possible. r45198
  • dart:developer - NEW

    • Replaces the deprecated dart:profiler library.
    • Adds new functions debugger and inspect. 6e42aec
  • dart:io

    • FileSystemEntity added a uri property. 8cf32dc
    • Platform added a static resolvedExecutable property. c05c8c6
  • dart:html

    • Element methods, appendHtml and insertAdjacentHtml now take nodeValidator and treeSanitizer parameters, and the inputs are consistently sanitized. r45818 announcement
  • dart:isolate

    • BREAKING The positional priority parameter of Isolate.ping and Isolate.kill is now a named parameter named priority.
    • BREAKING Removed the Isolate.AS_EVENT priority.
    • Isolate methods ping and addOnExitListener now have a named parameter response. r45092
    • Isolate.spawnUri added a named argument checked.
    • Remove the experimental state of the API.
  • dart:profiler - DEPRECATED

    • This library will be removed in 1.12. Use dart:developer instead.

Tool changes

  • This is the first release that does not include the Eclipse-based Dart Editor. See dartlang.org/tools for alternatives.
  • This is the last release that ships the (unsupported) dart2dart (aka dart2js --output-type=dart) utility as part of dart2js

1.10.0  2015-04-29

Core library changes

  • dart:convert

    • POTENTIALLY BREAKING Fix behavior of HtmlEscape. It no longer escapes no-break space (U+00A0) anywhere or forward slash (/, U+002F) in element context. Slash is still escaped using HtmlEscapeMode.UNKNOWN. r45003, r45153, r45189
  • dart:core

    • Uri.parse added start and end positional arguments.
  • dart:html

    • POTENTIALLY BREAKING CssClassSet method arguments must now be 'tokens', i.e. non-empty strings with no white-space characters. The implementation was incorrect for class names containing spaces. The fix is to forbid spaces and provide a faster implementation. Announcement
  • dart:io

    • ProcessResult now exposes a constructor.
    • import and Isolate.spawnUri now supports the Data URI scheme on the VM.

Tool Changes


  • Running pub run foo within a package now runs the foo executable defined by the foo package. The previous behavior ran bin/foo. This makes it easy to run binaries in dependencies, for instance pub run test.

  • On Mac and Linux, signals sent to pub run and forwarded to the child command.

1.9.3 2015-04-14

This is a bug fix release which merges a number of commits from bleeding_edge.

  • dart2js: Addresses as issue with minified Javascript output with CSP enabled - r44453

  • Editor: Fixes accidental updating of files in the pub cache during rename refactoring - r44677

  • Editor: Fix for issue 23032 regarding skipped breakpoints on Windows - r44824

  • dart:mirrors: Fix MethodMirror.source when the method is on the first line in a script - r44957, r44976

  • pub: Fix for issue 23084: Pub can fail to load transformers necessary for local development - r44876

1.9.1  2015-03-25

Language changes

  • Support for async, await, sync*, async*, yield, yield*, and await for. See the the language tour for more details.

  • Enum support is fully enabled. See the language tour for more details.

Tool changes

  • The formatter is much more comprehensive and generates much more readable code. See its tool page for more details.

  • The analysis server is integrated into the IntelliJ plugin and the Dart editor. This allows analysis to run out-of-process, so that interaction remains smooth even for large projects.

  • Analysis supports more and better hints, including unused variables and unused private members.

Core library changes


  • There's a new model for shared server sockets with no need for a Socket reference.

  • A new, much faster regular expression engine.

  • The Isolate API now works across the VM and dart2js.


For more information on any of these changes, see the corresponding documentation on the Dart API site.

  • dart:async:

    • Future.wait added a new named argument, cleanUp, which is a callback that releases resources allocated by a successful Future.

    • The SynchronousStreamController class was added as an explicit name for the type returned when the sync argument is passed to new StreamController.

  • dart:collection: The new SplayTreeSet.from(Iterable) constructor was added.

  • dart:convert: Utf8Encoder.convert and Utf8Decoder.convert added optional start and end arguments.

  • dart:core:

    • RangeError added new static helper functions: checkNotNegative, checkValidIndex, checkValidRange, and checkValueInInterval.

    • int added the modPow function.

    • String added the replaceFirstMapped and replaceRange functions.

  • dart:io:

    • Support for locking files to prevent concurrent modification was added. This includes the File.lock, File.lockSync, File.unlock, and File.unlockSync functions as well as the FileLock class.

    • Support for starting detached processes by passing the named mode argument (a ProcessStartMode) to Process.start. A process can be fully attached, fully detached, or detached except for its standard IO streams.

    • HttpServer.bind and HttpServer.bindSecure added the v6Only named argument. If this is true, only IPv6 connections will be accepted.

    • HttpServer.bind, HttpServer.bindSecure, ServerSocket.bind, RawServerSocket.bind, SecureServerSocket.bind and RawSecureServerSocket.bind added the shared named argument. If this is true, multiple servers or sockets in the same Dart process may bind to the same address, and incoming requests will automatically be distributed between them.

    • Deprecation: the experimental ServerSocketReference and RawServerSocketReference classes, as well as getters that returned them, are marked as deprecated. The shared named argument should be used instead. These will be removed in Dart 1.10.

    • Socket.connect and RawSocket.connect added the sourceAddress named argument, which specifies the local address to bind when making a connection.

    • The static Process.killPid method was added to kill a process with a given PID.

    • Stdout added the nonBlocking instance property, which returns a non-blocking IOSink that writes to standard output.

  • dart:isolate:

    • The static getter Isolate.current was added.

    • The Isolate methods addOnExitListener, removeOnExitListener, setErrorsFatal, addOnErrorListener, and removeOnErrorListener now work on the VM.

    • Isolates spawned via Isolate.spawn now allow most objects, including top-level and static functions, to be sent between them.

1.8.5  2015-01-21

  • Code generation for SIMD on ARM and ARM64 is fixed.

  • A possible crash on MIPS with newer GCC toolchains has been prevented.

  • A segfault when using rethrow was fixed (issue 21795).

1.8.3  2014-12-10

  • Breakpoints can be set in the Editor using file suffixes (issue 21280).

  • IPv6 addresses are properly handled by HttpClient in dart:io, fixing a crash in pub (issue 21698).

  • Issues with the experimental async/await syntax have been fixed.

  • Issues with a set of number operations in the VM have been fixed.

  • ListBase in dart:collection always returns an Iterable with the correct type argument.

1.8.0 2014-11-28

  • dart:collection: SplayTree added the toSet function.

  • dart:convert: The JsonUtf8Encoder class was added.

  • dart:core:

    • The IndexError class was added for errors caused by an index being outside its expected range.

    • The new RangeError.index constructor was added. It forwards to new IndexError.

    • RangeError added three new properties. invalidProperty is the value that caused the error, and start and end are the minimum and maximum values that the value is allowed to assume.

    • new RangeError.value and new RangeError.range added an optional message argument.

    • The new String.fromCharCodes constructor added optional start and end arguments.

  • dart:io:

    • Support was added for the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation extension to the TLS protocol for both the client and server.

    • SecureSocket.connect, SecureServerSocket.bind, RawSecureSocket.connect, RawSecureSocket.secure, RawSecureSocket.secureServer, and RawSecureServerSocket.bind added a supportedProtocols named argument for protocol negotiation.

    • RawSecureServerSocket added a supportedProtocols field.

    • RawSecureSocket and SecureSocket added a selectedProtocol field which contains the protocol selected during protocol negotiation.

1.7.0  2014-10-15

Tool changes

  • pub now generates binstubs for packages that are globally activated so that they can be put on the user's PATH and used as normal executables. See the pub global activate documentation.

  • When using dart2js, deferred loading now works with multiple Dart apps on the same page.

Core library changes

  • dart:async: Zone, ZoneDelegate, and ZoneSpecification added the errorCallback function, which allows errors that have been programmatically added to a Future or Stream to be intercepted.

  • dart:io:

    • Breaking change: HttpClient.close must be called for all clients or they will keep the Dart process alive until they time out. This fixes the handling of persistent connections. Previously, the client would shut down immediately after a request.

    • Breaking change: HttpServer no longer compresses all traffic by default. The new autoCompress property can be set to true to re-enable compression.

  • dart:isolate: Isolate.spawnUri added the optional packageRoot argument, which controls how it resolves package: URIs.