Aske Simon Christensen 51c4e03928 [dart2wasm] Type parameters and optional parameters for closures
Changes the representation of closures to include a vtable with entry
points for the various ways in which the function can be called.

For each combination of type parameter count and positional parameter
count, the names of named parameters occurring together with that
combination are partitioned into clusters such that any combination of
names that occurs together is contained within a single cluster.

Each combination of type parameter count and positional parameter
count gets a vtable layout for signatures without named parameters,
plus one for each cluster of parameter names belonging to the

Each vtable layout will have an entry for each number of positional
arguments from 0 up to the maximum number for the signature, followed
by an entry for each (non-empty) combination of argument names from
its cluster that occurs in a function call in the program.

This layout scheme is consistent with function subtyping in the sense
that if signature B is a subtype of signature A, then the Wasm struct
for the vtable layout corresponding to B is a subtype of the Wasm struct for the vtable layout corresponding to A, i.e. the fields in the layout
for A is a prefix of the fields in the layout for B.

Change-Id: I36569be5251cc0cca4373b08c48d37c214478c3c
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.dart.try:dart2wasm-linux-x64-d8-try
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/256822
Commit-Queue: Aske Simon Christensen <askesc@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Joshua Litt <joshualitt@google.com>
2022-09-12 10:04:46 +00:00

1027 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:dart2wasm/class_info.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/closures.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/code_generator.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/constants.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/dispatch_table.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/dynamic_dispatch.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/functions.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/globals.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/param_info.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/reference_extensions.dart';
import 'package:dart2wasm/types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart'
show ClassHierarchy, ClassHierarchySubtypes, ClosedWorldClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/printer.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'package:vm/metadata/direct_call.dart';
import 'package:wasm_builder/wasm_builder.dart' as w;
/// Options controlling the translation.
class TranslatorOptions {
bool exportAll = false;
bool importSharedMemory = false;
bool inlining = false;
int inliningLimit = 3;
bool lazyConstants = false;
bool nameSection = true;
bool polymorphicSpecialization = false;
bool printKernel = false;
bool printWasm = false;
int? sharedMemoryMaxPages;
bool stringDataSegments = false;
List<int>? watchPoints = null;
typedef CodeGenCallback = void Function(w.Instructions);
/// The main entry point for the translation from kernel to Wasm and the hub for
/// all global state in the compiler.
/// This class also contains utility methods for types and code generation used
/// throughout the compiler.
class Translator {
// Options for the translation.
final TranslatorOptions options;
// Kernel input and context.
final Component component;
final List<Library> libraries;
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment;
final ClosedWorldClassHierarchy hierarchy;
late final ClassHierarchySubtypes subtypes;
// Classes and members referenced specifically by the compiler.
late final Class wasmTypesBaseClass;
late final Class wasmArrayBaseClass;
late final Class wasmAnyRefClass;
late final Class wasmExternRefClass;
late final Class wasmFuncRefClass;
late final Class wasmEqRefClass;
late final Class wasmDataRefClass;
late final Class wasmFunctionClass;
late final Class wasmTableClass;
late final Class boxedBoolClass;
late final Class boxedIntClass;
late final Class boxedDoubleClass;
late final Class functionClass;
late final Class listBaseClass;
late final Class fixedLengthListClass;
late final Class growableListClass;
late final Class immutableListClass;
late final Class immutableMapClass;
late final Class immutableSetClass;
late final Class hashFieldBaseClass;
late final Class stringBaseClass;
late final Class oneByteStringClass;
late final Class twoByteStringClass;
late final Class typeClass;
late final Class neverTypeClass;
late final Class dynamicTypeClass;
late final Class voidTypeClass;
late final Class nullTypeClass;
late final Class futureOrTypeClass;
late final Class interfaceTypeClass;
late final Class functionTypeClass;
late final Class genericFunctionTypeClass;
late final Class interfaceTypeParameterTypeClass;
late final Class genericFunctionTypeParameterTypeClass;
late final Class namedParameterClass;
late final Class stackTraceClass;
late final Class ffiCompoundClass;
late final Class ffiPointerClass;
late final Class typedListBaseClass;
late final Class typedListClass;
late final Class typedListViewClass;
late final Class byteDataViewClass;
late final Class typeErrorClass;
late final Class typeUniverseClass;
late final Class symbolClass;
late final Class invocationClass;
late final Procedure wasmFunctionCall;
late final Procedure wasmTableCallIndirect;
late final Procedure stackTraceCurrent;
late final Procedure asyncHelper;
late final Procedure awaitHelper;
late final Procedure stringEquals;
late final Procedure stringInterpolate;
late final Procedure throwNullCheckError;
late final Procedure throwThrowNullError;
late final Procedure throwAsCheckError;
late final Procedure throwWasmRefError;
late final Procedure mapFactory;
late final Procedure mapPut;
late final Procedure setFactory;
late final Procedure setAdd;
late final Procedure hashImmutableIndexNullable;
late final Procedure isSubtype;
late final Procedure objectRuntimeType;
late final Procedure typeAsNullable;
late final Procedure objectNoSuchMethod;
late final Procedure invocationGetterFactory;
late final Procedure invocationSetterFactory;
late final Procedure invocationMethodFactory;
late final Procedure invocationGenericMethodFactory;
late final Map<Class, w.StorageType> builtinTypes;
late final Map<w.ValueType, Class> boxedClasses;
// Other parts of the global compiler state.
late final ClosureLayouter closureLayouter;
late final ClassInfoCollector classInfoCollector;
late final DispatchTable dispatchTable;
late final Globals globals;
late final Constants constants;
late final Types types;
late final FunctionCollector functions;
late final DynamicDispatcher dynamics;
// Information about the program used and updated by the various phases.
final List<ClassInfo> classes = [];
final Map<Class, ClassInfo> classInfo = {};
final Map<w.HeapType, ClassInfo> classForHeapType = {};
final Map<Field, int> fieldIndex = {};
final Map<TypeParameter, int> typeParameterIndex = {};
final Map<Reference, ParameterInfo> staticParamInfo = {};
final Map<Field, w.DefinedTable> declaredTables = {};
late Procedure mainFunction;
late final w.Module m;
late final w.DefinedFunction initFunction;
late final w.ValueType voidMarker;
// Lazily create exception tag if used.
late final w.Tag exceptionTag = createExceptionTag();
// Lazily import FFI memory if used.
late final w.Memory ffiMemory = m.importMemory("ffi", "memory",
options.importSharedMemory, 0, options.sharedMemoryMaxPages);
// Caches for when identical source constructs need a common representation.
final Map<w.StorageType, w.ArrayType> arrayTypeCache = {};
final Map<w.BaseFunction, w.DefinedGlobal> functionRefCache = {};
final Map<Procedure, ClosureImplementation> tearOffFunctionCache = {};
ClassInfo get topInfo => classes[0];
ClassInfo get objectInfo => classInfo[coreTypes.objectClass]!;
ClassInfo get stackTraceInfo => classInfo[stackTraceClass]!;
Translator(this.component, this.coreTypes, this.typeEnvironment, this.options)
: libraries = component.libraries,
hierarchy =
ClassHierarchy(component, coreTypes) as ClosedWorldClassHierarchy {
subtypes = hierarchy.computeSubtypesInformation();
closureLayouter = ClosureLayouter(this);
classInfoCollector = ClassInfoCollector(this);
dispatchTable = DispatchTable(this);
functions = FunctionCollector(this);
types = Types(this);
dynamics = DynamicDispatcher(this);
Library lookupLibrary(String importUriString) => component.libraries
.firstWhere((l) => l.importUri == Uri.parse(importUriString));
Class Function(String) makeLookup(String importUriString) {
return (name) => lookupLibrary(importUriString)
.firstWhere((c) => c.name == name);
Class Function(String) lookupCore = makeLookup("dart:core");
Class Function(String) lookupCollection = makeLookup("dart:collection");
Class Function(String) lookupFfi = makeLookup("dart:ffi");
Class Function(String) lookupInternal = makeLookup("dart:_internal");
Class Function(String) lookupTypedData = makeLookup("dart:typed_data");
Class Function(String) lookupWasm = makeLookup("dart:wasm");
wasmTypesBaseClass = lookupWasm("_WasmBase");
wasmArrayBaseClass = lookupWasm("_WasmArray");
wasmAnyRefClass = lookupWasm("WasmAnyRef");
wasmExternRefClass = lookupWasm("WasmExternRef");
wasmFuncRefClass = lookupWasm("WasmFuncRef");
wasmEqRefClass = lookupWasm("WasmEqRef");
wasmDataRefClass = lookupWasm("WasmDataRef");
wasmFunctionClass = lookupWasm("WasmFunction");
wasmTableClass = lookupWasm("WasmTable");
boxedBoolClass = lookupCore("_BoxedBool");
boxedIntClass = lookupCore("_BoxedInt");
boxedDoubleClass = lookupCore("_BoxedDouble");
functionClass = lookupCore("_Function");
fixedLengthListClass = lookupCore("_List");
listBaseClass = lookupCore("_ListBase");
growableListClass = lookupCore("_GrowableList");
immutableListClass = lookupCore("_ImmutableList");
immutableMapClass = lookupCollection("_WasmImmutableLinkedHashMap");
immutableSetClass = lookupCollection("_WasmImmutableLinkedHashSet");
hashFieldBaseClass = lookupCollection("_HashFieldBase");
stringBaseClass = lookupCore("_StringBase");
oneByteStringClass = lookupCore("_OneByteString");
twoByteStringClass = lookupCore("_TwoByteString");
typeClass = lookupCore("_Type");
neverTypeClass = lookupCore("_NeverType");
dynamicTypeClass = lookupCore("_DynamicType");
voidTypeClass = lookupCore("_VoidType");
nullTypeClass = lookupCore("_NullType");
futureOrTypeClass = lookupCore("_FutureOrType");
interfaceTypeClass = lookupCore("_InterfaceType");
functionTypeClass = lookupCore("_FunctionType");
genericFunctionTypeClass = lookupCore("_GenericFunctionType");
interfaceTypeParameterTypeClass = lookupCore("_InterfaceTypeParameterType");
genericFunctionTypeParameterTypeClass =
namedParameterClass = lookupCore("_NamedParameter");
stackTraceClass = lookupCore("StackTrace");
typeUniverseClass = lookupCore("_TypeUniverse");
ffiCompoundClass = lookupFfi("_Compound");
ffiPointerClass = lookupFfi("Pointer");
typeErrorClass = lookupCore("_TypeError");
typedListBaseClass = lookupTypedData("_TypedListBase");
typedListClass = lookupTypedData("_TypedList");
typedListViewClass = lookupTypedData("_TypedListView");
byteDataViewClass = lookupTypedData("_ByteDataView");
symbolClass = lookupInternal("Symbol");
wasmFunctionCall =
wasmFunctionClass.procedures.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "call");
wasmTableCallIndirect = wasmTableClass.procedures
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "callIndirect");
stackTraceCurrent =
stackTraceClass.procedures.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "current");
asyncHelper = lookupLibrary("dart:async")
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "_asyncHelper");
awaitHelper = lookupLibrary("dart:async")
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "_awaitHelper");
stringEquals =
stringBaseClass.procedures.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "==");
stringInterpolate = stringBaseClass.procedures
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "_interpolate");
throwNullCheckError = typeErrorClass.procedures
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "_throwNullCheckError");
throwThrowNullError = typeErrorClass.procedures
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "_throwThrowNullError");
throwAsCheckError = typeErrorClass.procedures
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "_throwAsCheckError");
throwWasmRefError = typeErrorClass.procedures
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "_throwWasmRefError");
mapFactory = lookupCollection("LinkedHashMap").procedures.firstWhere(
(p) => p.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory && p.name.text == "_default");
mapPut = lookupCollection("_CompactLinkedCustomHashMap")
.superclass! // _LinkedHashMapMixin<K, V>
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "[]=");
setFactory = lookupCollection("LinkedHashSet").procedures.firstWhere(
(p) => p.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory && p.name.text == "_default");
setAdd = lookupCollection("_CompactLinkedCustomHashSet")
.superclass! // _LinkedHashSetMixin<K, V>
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "add");
hashImmutableIndexNullable = lookupCollection("_HashAbstractImmutableBase")
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "_indexNullable");
isSubtype = lookupLibrary("dart:core")
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "_isSubtype");
objectRuntimeType = lookupCore("Object")
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "_runtimeType");
typeAsNullable = lookupCore("_Type")
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "asNullable");
objectNoSuchMethod = lookupCore("Object")
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "noSuchMethod");
invocationClass = lookupCore('Invocation');
invocationGetterFactory =
invocationClass.procedures.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "getter");
invocationSetterFactory =
invocationClass.procedures.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "setter");
invocationMethodFactory =
invocationClass.procedures.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "method");
invocationGenericMethodFactory = invocationClass.procedures
.firstWhere((p) => p.name.text == "genericMethod");
builtinTypes = {
coreTypes.boolClass: w.NumType.i32,
coreTypes.intClass: w.NumType.i64,
coreTypes.doubleClass: w.NumType.f64,
wasmAnyRefClass: const w.RefType.any(nullable: false),
wasmExternRefClass: const w.RefType.extern(nullable: false),
wasmFuncRefClass: const w.RefType.func(nullable: false),
wasmEqRefClass: const w.RefType.eq(nullable: false),
wasmDataRefClass: const w.RefType.data(nullable: false),
boxedBoolClass: w.NumType.i32,
boxedIntClass: w.NumType.i64,
boxedDoubleClass: w.NumType.f64,
lookupWasm("WasmI8"): w.PackedType.i8,
lookupWasm("WasmI16"): w.PackedType.i16,
lookupWasm("WasmI32"): w.NumType.i32,
lookupWasm("WasmI64"): w.NumType.i64,
lookupWasm("WasmF32"): w.NumType.f32,
lookupWasm("WasmF64"): w.NumType.f64,
ffiPointerClass: w.NumType.i32,
boxedClasses = {
w.NumType.i32: boxedBoolClass,
w.NumType.i64: boxedIntClass,
w.NumType.f64: boxedDoubleClass,
// Finds the `main` method for a given library which is assumed to contain
// `main`, either directly or indirectly.
Procedure _findMainMethod(Library entryLibrary) {
// First check to see if the library itself contains main.
for (final procedure in entryLibrary.procedures) {
if (procedure.name.text == 'main') {
return procedure;
// In some cases, a main method is defined in another file, and then
// exported. In these cases, we search for the main method in
// [additionalExports].
for (final export in entryLibrary.additionalExports) {
if (export.node is Procedure && export.asProcedure.name.text == 'main') {
return export.asProcedure;
throw ArgumentError(
'Entry uri ${entryLibrary.fileUri} has no main method.');
Uint8List translate() {
m = w.Module(watchPoints: options.watchPoints);
voidMarker = w.RefType.def(w.StructType("void"), nullable: true);
mainFunction = _findMainMethod(libraries.first);
initFunction =
m.addFunction(m.addFunctionType(const [], const []), "#init");
m.startFunction = initFunction;
globals = Globals(this);
constants = Constants(this);
m.exportFunction("\$main", generateEntryFunction(mainFunction.reference));
while (functions.worklist.isNotEmpty) {
Reference reference = functions.worklist.removeLast();
Member member = reference.asMember;
var function =
functions.getExistingFunction(reference) as w.DefinedFunction;
String canonicalName = "$member";
if (reference.isSetter) {
canonicalName = "$canonicalName=";
} else if (reference.isGetter || reference.isTearOffReference) {
int dot = canonicalName.indexOf('.');
canonicalName = canonicalName.substring(0, dot + 1) +
'=' +
canonicalName.substring(dot + 1);
canonicalName = member.enclosingLibrary == libraries.first
? canonicalName
: "${member.enclosingLibrary.importUri} $canonicalName";
String? exportName = functions.exports[reference];
if (options.printKernel || options.printWasm) {
if (exportName != null) {
print("#${function.index}: $canonicalName (exported as $exportName)");
} else {
print("#${function.index}: $canonicalName");
if (options.printKernel) {
if (member is Constructor) {
Class cls = member.enclosingClass;
for (Field field in cls.fields) {
if (field.isInstanceMember && field.initializer != null) {
print("${field.name}: ${field.initializer}");
for (Initializer initializer in member.initializers) {
Statement? body = member.function?.body;
if (body != null) {
if (!options.printWasm) print("");
if (options.exportAll && exportName == null) {
m.exportFunction(canonicalName, function);
var codeGen = CodeGenerator(this, function, reference);
if (options.printWasm) {
for (Lambda lambda in codeGen.closures.lambdas.values) {
w.DefinedFunction lambdaFunction =
CodeGenerator(this, lambda.function, reference)
.generateLambda(lambda, codeGen.closures);
_printFunction(lambdaFunction, "$canonicalName (closure)");
for (ConstantInfo info in constants.constantInfo.values) {
w.DefinedFunction? function = info.function;
if (function != null) {
_printFunction(function, info.constant);
} else {
if (options.printWasm) {
print("Global #${info.global.index}: ${info.constant}");
if (options.lazyConstants) {
_printFunction(constants.oneByteStringFunction, "makeOneByteString");
_printFunction(constants.twoByteStringFunction, "makeTwoByteString");
_printFunction(initFunction, "init");
return m.encode(emitNameSection: options.nameSection);
void _printFunction(w.DefinedFunction function, Object name) {
if (options.printWasm) {
print("#${function.index}: $name");
w.DefinedFunction generateEntryFunction(Reference mainReference) {
final ParameterInfo paramInfo = paramInfoFor(mainReference);
assert(paramInfo.typeParamCount == 0);
final w.BaseFunction mainFunction = functions.getFunction(mainReference);
final w.DefinedFunction entry =
m.addFunction(m.addFunctionType(const [], const []), "\$main");
final w.Instructions b = entry.body;
if (paramInfo.positional.isNotEmpty) {
// Supply dummy commandline arguments
ListConstant(coreTypes.stringNonNullableRawType, const []),
if (paramInfo.positional.length > 1) {
// Supply dummy isolate
entry, b, NullConstant(), mainFunction.type.inputs[1]);
for (int i = 2; i < paramInfo.positional.length; i++) {
// Supply default values for positional parameters
entry, b, paramInfo.positional[i]!, mainFunction.type.inputs[i]);
for (String name in paramInfo.names) {
// Supply default values for named parameters
constants.instantiateConstant(entry, b, paramInfo.named[name]!,
convertType(entry, outputOrVoid(mainFunction.type.outputs), voidMarker);
return entry;
Class classForType(DartType type) {
return type is InterfaceType
? type.classNode
: type is TypeParameterType
? classForType(type.bound)
: coreTypes.objectClass;
/// Creates a [Tag] for a void [FunctionType] with two parameters,
/// a [topInfo.nonNullableType] parameter to hold an exception, and a
/// [stackTraceInfo.nonNullableType] to hold a stack trace. This single
/// exception tag is used to throw and catch all Dart exceptions.
w.Tag createExceptionTag() {
w.FunctionType tagType = m.addFunctionType(
[topInfo.nonNullableType, stackTraceInfo.nonNullableType], const []);
w.Tag tag = m.addTag(tagType);
return tag;
w.ValueType translateType(DartType type) {
w.StorageType wasmType = translateStorageType(type);
if (wasmType is w.ValueType) return wasmType;
throw "Packed types are only allowed in arrays and fields";
bool _hasSuperclass(Class cls, Class superclass) {
while (cls.superclass != null) {
cls = cls.superclass!;
if (cls == superclass) return true;
return false;
bool isWasmType(Class cls) => _hasSuperclass(cls, wasmTypesBaseClass);
bool isFfiCompound(Class cls) => _hasSuperclass(cls, ffiCompoundClass);
w.StorageType typeForInfo(ClassInfo info, bool nullable,
{bool ensureBoxed = false}) {
Class? cls = info.cls;
if (cls != null) {
w.StorageType? builtin = builtinTypes[cls];
if (builtin != null) {
if (!nullable && (!ensureBoxed || cls == ffiPointerClass)) {
return builtin;
if (isWasmType(cls)) {
if (builtin.isPrimitive) throw "Wasm numeric types can't be nullable";
return (builtin as w.RefType).withNullability(nullable);
if (cls == ffiPointerClass) throw "FFI types can't be nullable";
Class? boxedClass = boxedClasses[builtin];
if (boxedClass != null) {
info = classInfo[boxedClass]!;
} else if (isFfiCompound(cls)) {
if (nullable) throw "FFI types can't be nullable";
return w.NumType.i32;
return w.RefType.def(info.repr.struct, nullable: nullable);
w.StorageType translateStorageType(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (type.classNode.superclass == wasmArrayBaseClass) {
DartType elementType = type.typeArguments.single;
return w.RefType.def(arrayTypeForDartType(elementType),
nullable: false);
if (type.classNode == wasmFunctionClass) {
DartType functionType = type.typeArguments.single;
if (functionType is! FunctionType) {
throw "The type argument of a WasmFunction must be a function type";
if (functionType.typeParameters.isNotEmpty ||
functionType.namedParameters.isNotEmpty ||
functionType.requiredParameterCount !=
functionType.positionalParameters.length) {
throw "A WasmFunction can't have optional/type parameters";
List<w.ValueType> inputs = [
for (DartType type in functionType.positionalParameters)
List<w.ValueType> outputs = [
if (functionType.returnType != const VoidType())
w.FunctionType wasmType = m.addFunctionType(inputs, outputs);
return w.RefType.def(wasmType, nullable: type.isPotentiallyNullable);
return typeForInfo(
classInfo[type.classNode]!, type.isPotentiallyNullable);
if (type is DynamicType || type is VoidType) {
return topInfo.nullableType;
// TODO(joshualitt): When we add support to `wasm_builder` for bottom heap
// types, we should return bottom heap type here.
if (type is NullType || type is NeverType) {
return topInfo.nullableType;
if (type is TypeParameterType) {
return translateStorageType(type.isPotentiallyNullable
? type.bound.withDeclaredNullability(type.nullability)
: type.bound);
if (type is IntersectionType) {
return translateStorageType(type.left);
if (type is FutureOrType) {
return topInfo.typeWithNullability(type.isPotentiallyNullable);
if (type is FunctionType) {
ClosureRepresentation? representation =
type.namedParameters.map((p) => p.name).toList());
return w.RefType.def(
representation != null
? representation.closureStruct
: classInfo[typeClass]!.struct,
nullable: type.isPotentiallyNullable);
throw "Unsupported type ${type.runtimeType}";
w.ArrayType arrayTypeForDartType(DartType type) {
while (type is TypeParameterType) {
type = type.bound;
return wasmArrayType(
translateStorageType(type), type.toText(defaultAstTextStrategy));
w.ArrayType wasmArrayType(w.StorageType type, String name) {
return arrayTypeCache.putIfAbsent(type,
() => m.addArrayType("Array<$name>", elementType: w.FieldType(type)));
w.DefinedGlobal makeFunctionRef(w.BaseFunction f) {
return functionRefCache.putIfAbsent(f, () {
w.DefinedGlobal global = m.addGlobal(
w.GlobalType(w.RefType.def(f.type, nullable: false), mutable: false));
return global;
ClosureImplementation getTearOffClosure(Procedure member) {
return tearOffFunctionCache.putIfAbsent(member, () {
assert(member.kind == ProcedureKind.Method);
w.BaseFunction target = functions.getFunction(member.reference);
return getClosure(member.function, target, paramInfoFor(member.reference),
"$member tear-off");
ClosureImplementation getClosure(FunctionNode functionNode,
w.BaseFunction target, ParameterInfo paramInfo, String name) {
// The target function takes an extra initial parameter if it's a function
// expression / local function (which takes a context) or a tear-off of an
// instance method (which takes a receiver).
bool takesContextOrReceiver =
paramInfo.member == null || paramInfo.member!.isInstanceMember;
// Look up the closure representation for the signature.
int typeCount = functionNode.typeParameters.length;
int positionalCount = functionNode.positionalParameters.length;
List<String> names =
functionNode.namedParameters.map((p) => p.name!).toList();
assert(typeCount == paramInfo.typeParamCount);
assert(positionalCount <= paramInfo.positional.length);
assert(names.length <= paramInfo.named.length);
assert(target.type.inputs.length ==
(takesContextOrReceiver ? 1 : 0) +
paramInfo.typeParamCount +
paramInfo.positional.length +
ClosureRepresentation representation = closureLayouter
.getClosureRepresentation(typeCount, positionalCount, names)!;
assert(representation.vtableStruct.fields.length ==
representation.vtableBaseIndex +
(1 + positionalCount) +
List<w.DefinedFunction> functions = [];
bool canBeCalledWith(int posArgCount, List<String> argNames) {
if (posArgCount < functionNode.requiredParameterCount) {
return false;
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < argNames.length && j < functionNode.namedParameters.length) {
int comp = argNames[i].compareTo(functionNode.namedParameters[j].name!);
if (comp < 0) return false;
if (comp > 0) {
if (functionNode.namedParameters[j++].isRequired) return false;
if (i < argNames.length) return false;
while (j < functionNode.namedParameters.length) {
if (functionNode.namedParameters[j++].isRequired) return false;
return true;
w.DefinedFunction makeTrampoline(
w.FunctionType signature, int posArgCount, List<String> argNames) {
w.DefinedFunction function = m.addFunction(signature, name);
w.Instructions b = function.body;
int targetIndex = 0;
if (takesContextOrReceiver) {
w.Local receiver = function.locals[0];
convertType(function, receiver.type, target.type.inputs[targetIndex++]);
int argIndex = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < typeCount; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < paramInfo.positional.length; i++) {
if (i < posArgCount) {
w.Local arg = function.locals[argIndex++];
convertType(function, arg.type, target.type.inputs[targetIndex++]);
} else {
constants.instantiateConstant(function, b, paramInfo.positional[i]!,
int argNameIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < paramInfo.names.length; i++) {
String argName = paramInfo.names[i];
if (argNameIndex < argNames.length &&
argNames[argNameIndex] == argName) {
w.Local arg = function.locals[argIndex++];
convertType(function, arg.type, target.type.inputs[targetIndex++]);
} else {
constants.instantiateConstant(function, b, paramInfo.named[argName]!,
assert(argIndex == signature.inputs.length);
assert(targetIndex == target.type.inputs.length);
assert(argNameIndex == argNames.length);
convertType(function, outputOrVoid(target.type.outputs),
return function;
void fillVtableEntry(
w.Instructions ib, int posArgCount, List<String> argNames) {
int fieldIndex = representation.vtableBaseIndex + functions.length;
assert(fieldIndex ==
representation.fieldIndexForSignature(posArgCount, argNames));
w.FunctionType signature =
(representation.vtableStruct.fields[fieldIndex].type as w.RefType)
.heapType as w.FunctionType;
w.DefinedFunction function = canBeCalledWith(posArgCount, argNames)
? makeTrampoline(signature, posArgCount, argNames)
: globals.getDummyFunction(signature);
w.DefinedGlobal vtable = m.addGlobal(w.GlobalType(
w.RefType.def(representation.vtableStruct, nullable: false),
mutable: false));
w.Instructions ib = vtable.initializer;
// TODO(joshualitt): Generate function type metadata here.
for (int posArgCount = 0; posArgCount <= positionalCount; posArgCount++) {
fillVtableEntry(ib, posArgCount, const []);
for (NameCombination nameCombination in representation.nameCombinations) {
fillVtableEntry(ib, positionalCount, nameCombination.names);
return ClosureImplementation(representation, functions, vtable);
w.ValueType outputOrVoid(List<w.ValueType> outputs) {
return outputs.isEmpty ? voidMarker : outputs.single;
bool needsConversion(w.ValueType from, w.ValueType to) {
return (from == voidMarker) ^ (to == voidMarker) || !from.isSubtypeOf(to);
void convertType(
w.DefinedFunction function, w.ValueType from, w.ValueType to) {
w.Instructions b = function.body;
if (from == voidMarker || to == voidMarker) {
if (from != voidMarker) {
if (to != voidMarker) {
if (to is w.RefType && to.nullable) {
// This can happen when a void method has its return type overridden
// to return a value, in which case the selector signature will have a
// non-void return type to encompass all possible return values.
} else {
// This only happens in invalid but unreachable code produced by the
// TFA dead-code elimination.
b.comment("Non-nullable void conversion");
bool fromIsExtern = from.isSubtypeOf(w.RefType.extern(nullable: true));
bool toIsExtern = to.isSubtypeOf(w.RefType.extern(nullable: true));
if (fromIsExtern && !toIsExtern) {
from = w.RefType.any(nullable: from.nullable);
if (!fromIsExtern && toIsExtern) {
to = w.RefType.any(nullable: to.nullable);
if (!from.isSubtypeOf(to)) {
if (from is! w.RefType && to is w.RefType) {
// Boxing
ClassInfo info = classInfo[boxedClasses[from]!]!;
w.Local temp = function.addLocal(from);
} else if (from is w.RefType && to is! w.RefType) {
// Unboxing
ClassInfo info = classInfo[boxedClasses[to]!]!;
if (!from.heapType.isSubtypeOf(info.struct)) {
// Cast to box type
if (!from.heapType.isSubtypeOf(w.HeapType.data)) {
b.struct_get(info.struct, FieldIndex.boxValue);
} else if (from.withNullability(false).isSubtypeOf(to)) {
// Null check
} else {
// Downcast
if (from.nullable && !to.nullable) {
var heapType = (to as w.RefType).heapType;
if (heapType is w.FunctionType) {
w.Label? nullLabel = null;
if (!(from as w.RefType).heapType.isSubtypeOf(w.HeapType.data)) {
if (from.nullable && to.nullable) {
// Nullable cast from above dataref. Since ref.as_data is not
// null-polymorphic, we need to check explicitly for null.
w.Local temp = function.addLocal(from);
nullLabel = b.block(const [], [to]);
w.Label nonNullLabel =
b.block(const [], [from.withNullability(false)]);
b.end(); // nonNullLabel
if (heapType is w.DefType) {
if (nullLabel != null) {
b.end(); // nullLabel
if (!fromIsExtern && toIsExtern) {
w.FunctionType signatureFor(Reference target) {
Member member = target.asMember;
if (member.isInstanceMember) {
return dispatchTable.selectorForTarget(target).signature;
} else {
return functions.getFunction(target).type;
ParameterInfo paramInfoFor(Reference target) {
Member member = target.asMember;
if (member.isInstanceMember) {
return dispatchTable.selectorForTarget(target).paramInfo;
} else {
return staticParamInfo.putIfAbsent(
target, () => ParameterInfo.fromMember(target));
/// Get the Wasm table declared by [field], or `null` if [field] is not a
/// declaration of a Wasm table.
/// This function participates in tree shaking in the sense that if it's
/// never called for a particular table declaration, that table is not added
/// to the output module.
w.DefinedTable? getTable(Field field) {
w.DefinedTable? table = declaredTables[field];
if (table != null) return table;
DartType fieldType = field.type;
if (fieldType is InterfaceType && fieldType.classNode == wasmTableClass) {
w.RefType elementType =
translateType(fieldType.typeArguments.single) as w.RefType;
Expression sizeExp = (field.initializer as ConstructorInvocation)
if (sizeExp is StaticGet && sizeExp.target is Field) {
sizeExp = (sizeExp.target as Field).initializer!;
int size = sizeExp is ConstantExpression
? (sizeExp.constant as IntConstant).value
: (sizeExp as IntLiteral).value;
return declaredTables[field] = m.addTable(elementType, size);
return null;
Member? singleTarget(TreeNode node) {
DirectCallMetadataRepository metadata =
as DirectCallMetadataRepository;
return metadata.mapping[node]?.target;
bool shouldInline(Reference target) {
if (!options.inlining) return false;
Member member = target.asMember;
if (member is Field) return true;
Statement? body = member.function!.body;
return body != null &&
NodeCounter().countNodes(body) <= options.inliningLimit;
T? getPragma<T>(Annotatable node, String name, [T? defaultvalue]) {
for (Expression annotation in node.annotations) {
if (annotation is ConstantExpression) {
Constant constant = annotation.constant;
if (constant is InstanceConstant) {
if (constant.classNode == coreTypes.pragmaClass) {
Constant? nameConstant =
if (nameConstant is StringConstant && nameConstant.value == name) {
Object? value =
if (value is PrimitiveConstant<T>) {
return value.value;
return value as T? ?? defaultvalue;
return null;
class NodeCounter extends Visitor<void> with VisitorVoidMixin {
int count = 0;
int countNodes(Node node) {
count = 0;
return count;
void defaultNode(Node node) {