
827 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/atomic.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/handles.h"
#include "vm/os_thread.h"
#include "vm/store_buffer.h"
#include "vm/runtime_entry_list.h"
namespace dart {
class AbstractType;
class ApiLocalScope;
class Array;
class CHA;
class Class;
class Code;
class CompilerStats;
class Error;
class ExceptionHandlers;
class Field;
class Function;
class GrowableObjectArray;
class HandleScope;
class Heap;
class Instance;
class Isolate;
class Library;
class LongJumpScope;
class Object;
class OSThread;
class JSONObject;
class PcDescriptors;
class RawBool;
class RawObject;
class RawCode;
class RawError;
class RawGrowableObjectArray;
class RawStackTrace;
class RawString;
class RuntimeEntry;
class Smi;
class StackResource;
class StackTrace;
class String;
class TimelineStream;
class TypeArguments;
class TypeParameter;
class Zone;
V(AbstractType) \
V(Array) \
V(Class) \
V(Code) \
V(Error) \
V(ExceptionHandlers) \
V(Field) \
V(Function) \
V(GrowableObjectArray) \
V(Instance) \
V(Library) \
V(Object) \
V(PcDescriptors) \
V(Smi) \
V(String) \
V(TypeArguments) \
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC)
V(RawCode*, update_store_buffer_code_, \
StubCode::UpdateStoreBuffer_entry()->code(), NULL) \
V(RawCode*, fix_callers_target_code_, \
StubCode::FixCallersTarget_entry()->code(), NULL) \
V(RawCode*, fix_allocation_stub_code_, \
StubCode::FixAllocationStubTarget_entry()->code(), NULL) \
V(RawCode*, invoke_dart_code_stub_, \
StubCode::InvokeDartCode_entry()->code(), NULL) \
V(RawCode*, call_to_runtime_stub_, StubCode::CallToRuntime_entry()->code(), \
V(RawCode*, monomorphic_miss_stub_, \
StubCode::MonomorphicMiss_entry()->code(), NULL) \
V(RawCode*, ic_lookup_through_code_stub_, \
StubCode::ICCallThroughCode_entry()->code(), NULL) \
V(RawCode*, lazy_deopt_from_return_stub_, \
StubCode::DeoptimizeLazyFromReturn_entry()->code(), NULL) \
V(RawCode*, lazy_deopt_from_throw_stub_, \
StubCode::DeoptimizeLazyFromThrow_entry()->code(), NULL)
// List of VM-global objects/addresses cached in each Thread object.
V(RawObject*, object_null_, Object::null(), NULL) \
V(RawBool*, bool_true_, Object::bool_true().raw(), NULL) \
V(RawBool*, bool_false_, Object::bool_false().raw(), NULL) \
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC)
V(uword, update_store_buffer_entry_point_, \
StubCode::UpdateStoreBuffer_entry()->EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, call_to_runtime_entry_point_, \
StubCode::CallToRuntime_entry()->EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, megamorphic_call_checked_entry_, \
StubCode::MegamorphicCall_entry()->EntryPoint(), 0) \
V(uword, monomorphic_miss_entry_, \
StubCode::MonomorphicMiss_entry()->EntryPoint(), 0)
V(uword, native_call_wrapper_entry_point_, \
NativeEntry::NativeCallWrapperEntry(), 0) \
V(RawString**, predefined_symbols_address_, Symbols::PredefinedAddress(), \
V(uword, double_negate_address_, \
reinterpret_cast<uword>(&double_negate_constant), 0) \
V(uword, double_abs_address_, reinterpret_cast<uword>(&double_abs_constant), \
0) \
V(uword, float_not_address_, reinterpret_cast<uword>(&float_not_constant), \
0) \
V(uword, float_negate_address_, \
reinterpret_cast<uword>(&float_negate_constant), 0) \
V(uword, float_absolute_address_, \
reinterpret_cast<uword>(&float_absolute_constant), 0) \
V(uword, float_zerow_address_, \
reinterpret_cast<uword>(&float_zerow_constant), 0)
// A VM thread; may be executing Dart code or performing helper tasks like
// garbage collection or compilation. The Thread structure associated with
// a thread is allocated by EnsureInit before entering an isolate, and destroyed
// automatically when the underlying OS thread exits. NOTE: On Windows, CleanUp
// must currently be called manually (issue 23474).
class Thread : public BaseThread {
// The kind of task this thread is performing. Sampled by the profiler.
enum TaskKind {
kUnknownTask = 0x0,
kMutatorTask = 0x1,
kCompilerTask = 0x2,
kSweeperTask = 0x4,
kMarkerTask = 0x8,
kFinalizerTask = 0x10,
// Converts a TaskKind to its corresponding C-String name.
static const char* TaskKindToCString(TaskKind kind);
// The currently executing thread, or NULL if not yet initialized.
static Thread* Current() {
BaseThread* thread = OSThread::GetCurrentTLS();
if (thread == NULL || thread->is_os_thread()) {
return NULL;
return reinterpret_cast<Thread*>(thread);
// Makes the current thread enter 'isolate'.
static bool EnterIsolate(Isolate* isolate);
// Makes the current thread exit its isolate.
static void ExitIsolate();
// A VM thread other than the main mutator thread can enter an isolate as a
// "helper" to gain limited concurrent access to the isolate. One example is
// SweeperTask (which uses the class table, which is copy-on-write).
// TODO(koda): Properly synchronize heap access to expand allowed operations.
static bool EnterIsolateAsHelper(Isolate* isolate,
TaskKind kind,
bool bypass_safepoint = false);
static void ExitIsolateAsHelper(bool bypass_safepoint = false);
// Empties the store buffer block into the isolate.
void PrepareForGC();
void SetStackLimit(uword value);
void SetStackLimitFromStackBase(uword stack_base);
void ClearStackLimit();
// Returns the current C++ stack pointer. Equivalent taking the address of a
// stack allocated local, but plays well with AddressSanitizer.
static uword GetCurrentStackPointer();
// Access to the current stack limit for generated code. This may be
// overwritten with a special value to trigger interrupts.
uword stack_limit_address() const {
return reinterpret_cast<uword>(&stack_limit_);
static intptr_t stack_limit_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, stack_limit_);
// The true stack limit for this isolate.
uword saved_stack_limit() const { return saved_stack_limit_; }
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC)
// Access to the current stack limit for DBC interpreter.
uword stack_limit() const { return stack_limit_; }
// Stack overflow flags
enum {
kOsrRequest = 0x1, // Current stack overflow caused by OSR request.
uword stack_overflow_flags_address() const {
return reinterpret_cast<uword>(&stack_overflow_flags_);
static intptr_t stack_overflow_flags_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, stack_overflow_flags_);
int32_t IncrementAndGetStackOverflowCount() {
return ++stack_overflow_count_;
TaskKind task_kind() const { return task_kind_; }
// Retrieves and clears the stack overflow flags. These are set by
// the generated code before the slow path runtime routine for a
// stack overflow is called.
uword GetAndClearStackOverflowFlags();
// Interrupt bits.
enum {
kVMInterrupt = 0x1, // Internal VM checks: safepoints, store buffers, etc.
kMessageInterrupt = 0x2, // An interrupt to process an out of band message.
kInterruptsMask = (kVMInterrupt | kMessageInterrupt),
void ScheduleInterrupts(uword interrupt_bits);
void ScheduleInterruptsLocked(uword interrupt_bits);
RawError* HandleInterrupts();
uword GetAndClearInterrupts();
// OSThread corresponding to this thread.
OSThread* os_thread() const { return os_thread_; }
void set_os_thread(OSThread* os_thread) { os_thread_ = os_thread; }
// Monitor corresponding to this thread.
Monitor* thread_lock() const { return thread_lock_; }
// The topmost zone used for allocation in this thread.
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
bool ZoneIsOwnedByThread(Zone* zone) const;
void IncrementMemoryCapacity(uintptr_t value) {
current_zone_capacity_ += value;
if (current_zone_capacity_ > zone_high_watermark_) {
zone_high_watermark_ = current_zone_capacity_;
void DecrementMemoryCapacity(uintptr_t value) {
ASSERT(current_zone_capacity_ >= value);
current_zone_capacity_ -= value;
uintptr_t current_zone_capacity() { return current_zone_capacity_; }
uintptr_t zone_high_watermark() const { return zone_high_watermark_; }
void ResetHighWatermark() { zone_high_watermark_ = current_zone_capacity_; }
// The reusable api local scope for this thread.
ApiLocalScope* api_reusable_scope() const { return api_reusable_scope_; }
void set_api_reusable_scope(ApiLocalScope* value) {
ASSERT(value == NULL || api_reusable_scope_ == NULL);
api_reusable_scope_ = value;
// The api local scope for this thread, this where all local handles
// are allocated.
ApiLocalScope* api_top_scope() const { return api_top_scope_; }
void set_api_top_scope(ApiLocalScope* value) { api_top_scope_ = value; }
// The isolate that this thread is operating on, or NULL if none.
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
static intptr_t isolate_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, isolate_); }
bool IsMutatorThread() const;
bool CanCollectGarbage() const;
// Offset of Dart TimelineStream object.
static intptr_t dart_stream_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, dart_stream_);
// Is |this| executing Dart code?
bool IsExecutingDartCode() const;
// Has |this| exited Dart code?
bool HasExitedDartCode() const;
// The (topmost) CHA for the compilation in this thread.
CHA* cha() const {
ASSERT(isolate_ != NULL);
return cha_;
void set_cha(CHA* value) {
ASSERT(isolate_ != NULL);
cha_ = value;
int32_t no_callback_scope_depth() const { return no_callback_scope_depth_; }
void IncrementNoCallbackScopeDepth() {
ASSERT(no_callback_scope_depth_ < INT_MAX);
no_callback_scope_depth_ += 1;
void DecrementNoCallbackScopeDepth() {
ASSERT(no_callback_scope_depth_ > 0);
no_callback_scope_depth_ -= 1;
void StoreBufferAddObject(RawObject* obj);
void StoreBufferAddObjectGC(RawObject* obj);
#if defined(TESTING)
bool StoreBufferContains(RawObject* obj) const {
return store_buffer_block_->Contains(obj);
void StoreBufferBlockProcess(StoreBuffer::ThresholdPolicy policy);
static intptr_t store_buffer_block_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, store_buffer_block_);
uword top_exit_frame_info() const { return top_exit_frame_info_; }
void set_top_exit_frame_info(uword top_exit_frame_info) {
top_exit_frame_info_ = top_exit_frame_info;
static intptr_t top_exit_frame_info_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, top_exit_frame_info_);
StackResource* top_resource() const { return top_resource_; }
void set_top_resource(StackResource* value) { top_resource_ = value; }
static intptr_t top_resource_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, top_resource_);
// Heap of the isolate that this thread is operating on.
Heap* heap() const { return heap_; }
static intptr_t heap_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, heap_); }
int32_t no_handle_scope_depth() const {
#if defined(DEBUG)
return no_handle_scope_depth_;
return 0;
void IncrementNoHandleScopeDepth() {
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT(no_handle_scope_depth_ < INT_MAX);
no_handle_scope_depth_ += 1;
void DecrementNoHandleScopeDepth() {
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT(no_handle_scope_depth_ > 0);
no_handle_scope_depth_ -= 1;
HandleScope* top_handle_scope() const {
#if defined(DEBUG)
return top_handle_scope_;
return 0;
void set_top_handle_scope(HandleScope* handle_scope) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
top_handle_scope_ = handle_scope;
int32_t no_safepoint_scope_depth() const {
#if defined(DEBUG)
return no_safepoint_scope_depth_;
return 0;
void IncrementNoSafepointScopeDepth() {
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT(no_safepoint_scope_depth_ < INT_MAX);
no_safepoint_scope_depth_ += 1;
void DecrementNoSafepointScopeDepth() {
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT(no_safepoint_scope_depth_ > 0);
no_safepoint_scope_depth_ -= 1;
#define DEFINE_OFFSET_METHOD(type_name, member_name, expr, default_init_value) \
static intptr_t member_name##offset() { \
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, member_name); \
#define DEFINE_OFFSET_METHOD(name) \
static intptr_t name##_entry_point_offset() { \
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, name##_entry_point_); \
#define DEFINE_OFFSET_METHOD(returntype, name, ...) \
static intptr_t name##_entry_point_offset() { \
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, name##_entry_point_); \
static bool CanLoadFromThread(const Object& object);
static intptr_t OffsetFromThread(const Object& object);
static bool ObjectAtOffset(intptr_t offset, Object* object);
static intptr_t OffsetFromThread(const RuntimeEntry* runtime_entry);
static const intptr_t kNoDeoptId = -1;
static const intptr_t kDeoptIdStep = 2;
static const intptr_t kDeoptIdBeforeOffset = 0;
static const intptr_t kDeoptIdAfterOffset = 1;
intptr_t deopt_id() const { return deopt_id_; }
void set_deopt_id(int value) {
ASSERT(value >= 0);
deopt_id_ = value;
intptr_t GetNextDeoptId() {
ASSERT(deopt_id_ != kNoDeoptId);
const intptr_t id = deopt_id_;
deopt_id_ += kDeoptIdStep;
return id;
static intptr_t ToDeoptAfter(intptr_t deopt_id) {
return deopt_id + kDeoptIdAfterOffset;
static bool IsDeoptBefore(intptr_t deopt_id) {
return (deopt_id % kDeoptIdStep) == kDeoptIdBeforeOffset;
static bool IsDeoptAfter(intptr_t deopt_id) {
return (deopt_id % kDeoptIdStep) == kDeoptIdAfterOffset;
LongJumpScope* long_jump_base() const { return long_jump_base_; }
void set_long_jump_base(LongJumpScope* value) { long_jump_base_ = value; }
uword vm_tag() const { return vm_tag_; }
void set_vm_tag(uword tag) { vm_tag_ = tag; }
static intptr_t vm_tag_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, vm_tag_); }
RawGrowableObjectArray* pending_functions();
void clear_pending_functions();
RawObject* active_exception() const { return active_exception_; }
void set_active_exception(const Object& value);
static intptr_t active_exception_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, active_exception_);
RawObject* active_stacktrace() const { return active_stacktrace_; }
void set_active_stacktrace(const Object& value);
static intptr_t active_stacktrace_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, active_stacktrace_);
uword resume_pc() const { return resume_pc_; }
void set_resume_pc(uword value) { resume_pc_ = value; }
static uword resume_pc_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Thread, resume_pc_); }
RawError* sticky_error() const;
void set_sticky_error(const Error& value);
void clear_sticky_error();
RawError* get_and_clear_sticky_error();
RawStackTrace* async_stack_trace() const;
void set_async_stack_trace(const StackTrace& stack_trace);
void set_raw_async_stack_trace(RawStackTrace* raw_stack_trace);
void clear_async_stack_trace();
static intptr_t async_stack_trace_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, async_stack_trace_);
CompilerStats* compiler_stats() { return compiler_stats_; }
#if defined(DEBUG)
void set_reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active(bool value) { \
reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active_ = value; \
} \
bool reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active() const { \
return reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active_; \
bool IsAnyReusableHandleScopeActive() const {
if (reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active_) { \
return true; \
return false;
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
void ClearReusableHandles();
#define REUSABLE_HANDLE(object) \
object& object##Handle() const { return *object##_handle_; }
* Fields used to support safepointing a thread.
* - Bit 0 of the safepoint_state_ field is used to indicate if the thread is
* already at a safepoint,
* - Bit 1 of the safepoint_state_ field is used to indicate if a safepoint
* operation is requested for this thread.
* - Bit 2 of the safepoint_state_ field is used to indicate that the thread
* is blocked for the safepoint operation to complete.
* The safepoint execution state (described above) for a thread is stored in
* in the execution_state_ field.
* Potential execution states a thread could be in:
* kThreadInGenerated - The thread is running jitted dart/stub code.
* kThreadInVM - The thread is running VM code.
* kThreadInNative - The thread is running native code.
* kThreadInBlockedState - The thread is blocked waiting for a resource.
static intptr_t safepoint_state_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, safepoint_state_);
static bool IsAtSafepoint(uint32_t state) {
return AtSafepointField::decode(state);
bool IsAtSafepoint() const {
return AtSafepointField::decode(safepoint_state_);
static uint32_t SetAtSafepoint(bool value, uint32_t state) {
return AtSafepointField::update(value, state);
void SetAtSafepoint(bool value) {
safepoint_state_ = AtSafepointField::update(value, safepoint_state_);
bool IsSafepointRequested() const {
return SafepointRequestedField::decode(safepoint_state_);
static uint32_t SetSafepointRequested(bool value, uint32_t state) {
return SafepointRequestedField::update(value, state);
uint32_t SetSafepointRequested(bool value) {
uint32_t old_state;
uint32_t new_state;
do {
old_state = safepoint_state_;
new_state = SafepointRequestedField::update(value, old_state);
} while (AtomicOperations::CompareAndSwapUint32(
&safepoint_state_, old_state, new_state) != old_state);
return old_state;
static bool IsBlockedForSafepoint(uint32_t state) {
return BlockedForSafepointField::decode(state);
bool IsBlockedForSafepoint() const {
return BlockedForSafepointField::decode(safepoint_state_);
void SetBlockedForSafepoint(bool value) {
safepoint_state_ =
BlockedForSafepointField::update(value, safepoint_state_);
enum ExecutionState {
kThreadInVM = 0,
ExecutionState execution_state() const {
return static_cast<ExecutionState>(execution_state_);
void set_execution_state(ExecutionState state) {
execution_state_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(state);
static intptr_t execution_state_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(Thread, execution_state_);
void EnterSafepoint() {
// First try a fast update of the thread state to indicate it is at a
// safepoint.
uint32_t new_state = SetAtSafepoint(true, 0);
uword addr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(this) + safepoint_state_offset();
if (AtomicOperations::CompareAndSwapUint32(
reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(addr), 0, new_state) != 0) {
// Fast update failed which means we could potentially be in the middle
// of a safepoint operation.
void ExitSafepoint() {
// First try a fast update of the thread state to indicate it is not at a
// safepoint anymore.
uint32_t old_state = SetAtSafepoint(true, 0);
uword addr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(this) + safepoint_state_offset();
if (AtomicOperations::CompareAndSwapUint32(
reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(addr), old_state, 0) != old_state) {
// Fast update failed which means we could potentially be in the middle
// of a safepoint operation.
void CheckForSafepoint() {
if (IsSafepointRequested()) {
Thread* next() const { return next_; }
// Visit all object pointers.
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor, bool validate_frames);
bool IsValidHandle(Dart_Handle object) const;
bool IsValidLocalHandle(Dart_Handle object) const;
intptr_t CountLocalHandles() const;
bool IsValidZoneHandle(Dart_Handle object) const;
intptr_t CountZoneHandles() const;
bool IsValidScopedHandle(Dart_Handle object) const;
intptr_t CountScopedHandles() const;
int ZoneSizeInBytes() const;
void UnwindScopes(uword stack_marker);
void InitVMConstants();
#ifndef PRODUCT
void PrintJSON(JSONStream* stream) const;
template <class T>
T* AllocateReusableHandle();
// Accessed from generated code.
// ** This block of fields must come first! **
// For AOT cross-compilation, we rely on these members having the same offsets
// in SIMARM(IA32) and ARM, and the same offsets in SIMARM64(X64) and ARM64.
// We use only word-sized fields to avoid differences in struct packing on the
// different architectures. See also CheckOffsets in dart.cc.
uword stack_limit_;
uword stack_overflow_flags_;
Isolate* isolate_;
Heap* heap_;
uword top_exit_frame_info_;
StoreBufferBlock* store_buffer_block_;
uword vm_tag_;
TaskKind task_kind_;
RawStackTrace* async_stack_trace_;
// State that is cached in the TLS for fast access in generated code.
#define DECLARE_MEMBERS(type_name, member_name, expr, default_init_value) \
type_name member_name;
#define DECLARE_MEMBERS(name) uword name##_entry_point_;
#define DECLARE_MEMBERS(returntype, name, ...) uword name##_entry_point_;
TimelineStream* dart_stream_;
OSThread* os_thread_;
Monitor* thread_lock_;
Zone* zone_;
uintptr_t current_zone_capacity_;
uintptr_t zone_high_watermark_;
ApiLocalScope* api_reusable_scope_;
ApiLocalScope* api_top_scope_;
StackResource* top_resource_;
LongJumpScope* long_jump_base_;
int32_t no_callback_scope_depth_;
#if defined(DEBUG)
HandleScope* top_handle_scope_;
int32_t no_handle_scope_depth_;
int32_t no_safepoint_scope_depth_;
VMHandles reusable_handles_;
uword saved_stack_limit_;
intptr_t defer_oob_messages_count_;
uint16_t deferred_interrupts_mask_;
uint16_t deferred_interrupts_;
int32_t stack_overflow_count_;
// Compiler state:
CHA* cha_;
intptr_t deopt_id_; // Compilation specific counter.
RawGrowableObjectArray* pending_functions_;
// JumpToExceptionHandler state:
RawObject* active_exception_;
RawObject* active_stacktrace_;
uword resume_pc_;
RawError* sticky_error_;
CompilerStats* compiler_stats_;
// Reusable handles support.
#define REUSABLE_HANDLE_FIELDS(object) object* object##_handle_;
#if defined(DEBUG)
bool reusable_##object##_handle_scope_active_;
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
class AtSafepointField : public BitField<uint32_t, bool, 0, 1> {};
class SafepointRequestedField : public BitField<uint32_t, bool, 1, 1> {};
class BlockedForSafepointField : public BitField<uint32_t, bool, 2, 1> {};
uint32_t safepoint_state_;
uint32_t execution_state_;
Thread* next_; // Used to chain the thread structures in an isolate.
explicit Thread(Isolate* isolate);
void StoreBufferRelease(
StoreBuffer::ThresholdPolicy policy = StoreBuffer::kCheckThreshold);
void StoreBufferAcquire();
void set_zone(Zone* zone) { zone_ = zone; }
void set_safepoint_state(uint32_t value) { safepoint_state_ = value; }
void EnterSafepointUsingLock();
void ExitSafepointUsingLock();
void BlockForSafepoint();
static void SetCurrent(Thread* current) {
void DeferOOBMessageInterrupts();
void RestoreOOBMessageInterrupts();
friend class Reusable##name##HandleScope;
friend class ApiZone;
friend class InterruptChecker;
friend class Isolate;
friend class IsolateTestHelper;
friend class NoOOBMessageScope;
friend class Simulator;
friend class StackZone;
friend class ThreadRegistry;
#if defined(HOST_OS_WINDOWS)
// Clears the state of the current thread and frees the allocation.
void WindowsThreadCleanUp();
// Disable thread interrupts.
class DisableThreadInterruptsScope : public StackResource {
explicit DisableThreadInterruptsScope(Thread* thread);
} // namespace dart