Ryan Macnak 877284947b Rename TARGET_OS_* to HOST_OS_*.
Like HOST_ARCH_*, HOST_OS_* describes the OS the VM is running on, which may be different from the OS the VM is generating code for during AOT compilation.

Currently we conflate the two when emitting AOT as assembly, and we get away with it because Flutter only uses assembly for targeting iOS and one can only target iOS from a Mac, but we expect to use assembly for Android as well so native tools can unwind Dart frames.


Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2750843003 .
2017-03-15 13:11:05 -07:00

409 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/globals.h"
#if defined(HOST_OS_WINDOWS)
#include "bin/thread.h"
#include "bin/thread_win.h"
#include <process.h> // NOLINT
#include "platform/assert.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
class ThreadStartData {
ThreadStartData(Thread::ThreadStartFunction function, uword parameter)
: function_(function), parameter_(parameter) {}
Thread::ThreadStartFunction function() const { return function_; }
uword parameter() const { return parameter_; }
Thread::ThreadStartFunction function_;
uword parameter_;
// Dispatch to the thread start function provided by the caller. This trampoline
// is used to ensure that the thread is properly destroyed if the thread just
// exits.
static unsigned int __stdcall ThreadEntry(void* data_ptr) {
ThreadStartData* data = reinterpret_cast<ThreadStartData*>(data_ptr);
Thread::ThreadStartFunction function = data->function();
uword parameter = data->parameter();
delete data;
// Call the supplied thread start function handing it its parameters.
// Clean up the monitor wait data for this thread.
return 0;
int Thread::Start(ThreadStartFunction function, uword parameter) {
ThreadStartData* start_data = new ThreadStartData(function, parameter);
uint32_t tid;
uintptr_t thread = _beginthreadex(NULL, Thread::GetMaxStackSize(),
ThreadEntry, start_data, 0, &tid);
if ((thread == -1L) || (thread == 0)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "_beginthreadex error: %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
return errno;
// Close the handle, so we don't leak the thread object.
return 0;
const ThreadLocalKey Thread::kUnsetThreadLocalKey = TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES;
const ThreadId Thread::kInvalidThreadId = 0;
ThreadLocalKey Thread::CreateThreadLocal() {
ThreadLocalKey key = TlsAlloc();
if (key == kUnsetThreadLocalKey) {
FATAL1("TlsAlloc failed %d", GetLastError());
return key;
void Thread::DeleteThreadLocal(ThreadLocalKey key) {
ASSERT(key != kUnsetThreadLocalKey);
BOOL result = TlsFree(key);
if (!result) {
FATAL1("TlsFree failed %d", GetLastError());
intptr_t Thread::GetMaxStackSize() {
const int kStackSize = (128 * kWordSize * KB);
return kStackSize;
ThreadId Thread::GetCurrentThreadId() {
return ::GetCurrentThreadId();
intptr_t Thread::ThreadIdToIntPtr(ThreadId id) {
ASSERT(sizeof(id) <= sizeof(intptr_t));
return static_cast<intptr_t>(id);
bool Thread::Compare(ThreadId a, ThreadId b) {
return (a == b);
void Thread::SetThreadLocal(ThreadLocalKey key, uword value) {
ASSERT(key != kUnsetThreadLocalKey);
BOOL result = TlsSetValue(key, reinterpret_cast<void*>(value));
if (!result) {
FATAL1("TlsSetValue failed %d", GetLastError());
void Thread::InitOnce() {
MonitorWaitData::monitor_wait_data_key_ = Thread::CreateThreadLocal();
Mutex::Mutex() {
// Allocate unnamed semaphore with initial count 1 and max count 1.
data_.semaphore_ = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 1, NULL);
if (data_.semaphore_ == NULL) {
FATAL1("Mutex allocation failed %d", GetLastError());
Mutex::~Mutex() {
void Mutex::Lock() {
DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(data_.semaphore_, INFINITE);
if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
FATAL1("Mutex lock failed %d", GetLastError());
bool Mutex::TryLock() {
// Attempt to pass the semaphore but return immediately.
DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(data_.semaphore_, 0);
if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
return true;
if ((result == WAIT_ABANDONED) || (result == WAIT_FAILED)) {
FATAL1("Mutex try lock failed %d", GetLastError());
return false;
void Mutex::Unlock() {
BOOL result = ReleaseSemaphore(data_.semaphore_, 1, NULL);
if (result == 0) {
FATAL1("Mutex unlock failed %d", GetLastError());
ThreadLocalKey MonitorWaitData::monitor_wait_data_key_ =
Monitor::Monitor() {
data_.waiters_head_ = NULL;
data_.waiters_tail_ = NULL;
Monitor::~Monitor() {
void Monitor::Enter() {
void Monitor::Exit() {
void MonitorWaitData::ThreadExit() {
if (MonitorWaitData::monitor_wait_data_key_ != Thread::kUnsetThreadLocalKey) {
uword raw_wait_data =
if (raw_wait_data != 0) {
MonitorWaitData* wait_data =
delete wait_data;
void MonitorData::AddWaiter(MonitorWaitData* wait_data) {
// Add the MonitorWaitData object to the list of objects waiting for
// this monitor.
if (waiters_tail_ == NULL) {
ASSERT(waiters_head_ == NULL);
waiters_head_ = wait_data;
waiters_tail_ = wait_data;
} else {
waiters_tail_->next_ = wait_data;
waiters_tail_ = wait_data;
void MonitorData::RemoveWaiter(MonitorWaitData* wait_data) {
// Remove the MonitorWaitData object from the list of objects
// waiting for this monitor.
MonitorWaitData* previous = NULL;
MonitorWaitData* current = waiters_head_;
while (current != NULL) {
if (current == wait_data) {
if (waiters_head_ == waiters_tail_) {
waiters_head_ = NULL;
waiters_tail_ = NULL;
} else if (current == waiters_head_) {
waiters_head_ = waiters_head_->next_;
} else if (current == waiters_tail_) {
ASSERT(previous != NULL);
waiters_tail_ = previous;
previous->next_ = NULL;
} else {
ASSERT(previous != NULL);
previous->next_ = current->next_;
// Clear next.
wait_data->next_ = NULL;
previous = current;
current = current->next_;
void MonitorData::SignalAndRemoveFirstWaiter() {
MonitorWaitData* first = waiters_head_;
if (first != NULL) {
// Remove from list.
if (waiters_head_ == waiters_tail_) {
waiters_tail_ = NULL;
waiters_head_ = NULL;
} else {
waiters_head_ = waiters_head_->next_;
// Clear next.
first->next_ = NULL;
// Signal event.
BOOL result = SetEvent(first->event_);
if (result == 0) {
FATAL1("Monitor::Notify failed to signal event %d", GetLastError());
void MonitorData::SignalAndRemoveAllWaiters() {
// Extract list to signal.
MonitorWaitData* current = waiters_head_;
// Clear list.
waiters_head_ = NULL;
waiters_tail_ = NULL;
// Iterate and signal all events.
while (current != NULL) {
// Copy next.
MonitorWaitData* next = current->next_;
// Clear next.
current->next_ = NULL;
// Signal event.
BOOL result = SetEvent(current->event_);
if (result == 0) {
FATAL1("Failed to set event for NotifyAll %d", GetLastError());
current = next;
MonitorWaitData* MonitorData::GetMonitorWaitDataForThread() {
// Ensure that the thread local key for monitor wait data objects is
// initialized.
ASSERT(MonitorWaitData::monitor_wait_data_key_ !=
// Get the MonitorWaitData object containing the event for this
// thread from thread local storage. Create it if it does not exist.
uword raw_wait_data =
MonitorWaitData* wait_data = NULL;
if (raw_wait_data == 0) {
HANDLE event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
wait_data = new MonitorWaitData(event);
} else {
wait_data = reinterpret_cast<MonitorWaitData*>(raw_wait_data);
wait_data->next_ = NULL;
return wait_data;
Monitor::WaitResult Monitor::Wait(int64_t millis) {
Monitor::WaitResult retval = kNotified;
// Get the wait data object containing the event to wait for.
MonitorWaitData* wait_data = MonitorData::GetMonitorWaitDataForThread();
// Start waiting by adding the MonitorWaitData to the list of
// waiters.
// Leave the monitor critical section while waiting.
// Perform the actual wait on the event.
if (millis == 0) {
// Wait forever for a Notify or a NotifyAll event.
result = WaitForSingleObject(wait_data->event_, INFINITE);
if (result == WAIT_FAILED) {
FATAL1("Monitor::Wait failed %d", GetLastError());
} else {
// Wait for the given period of time for a Notify or a NotifyAll
// event.
result = WaitForSingleObject(wait_data->event_, millis);
if (result == WAIT_FAILED) {
FATAL1("Monitor::Wait with timeout failed %d", GetLastError());
if (result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
// No longer waiting. Remove from the list of waiters.
retval = kTimedOut;
// Reacquire the monitor critical section before continuing.
return retval;
Monitor::WaitResult Monitor::WaitMicros(int64_t micros) {
// TODO(johnmccutchan): Investigate sub-millisecond sleep times on Windows.
int64_t millis = micros / kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond;
if ((millis * kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond) < micros) {
// We've been asked to sleep for a fraction of a millisecond,
// this isn't supported on Windows. Bumps milliseconds up by one
// so that we never return too early. We likely return late though.
millis += 1;
return Wait(millis);
void Monitor::Notify() {
void Monitor::NotifyAll() {
// If one of the objects in the list of waiters wakes because of a
// timeout before we signal it, that object will get an extra
// signal. This will be treated as a spurious wake-up and is OK
// since all uses of monitors should recheck the condition after a
// Wait.
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart
#endif // defined(HOST_OS_WINDOWS)