Jacob Richman 4360e99d18 Revert "Fix observatory tests broken by running dartfmt."
This reverts commit b1f7e6d94673b098c93c187fe3efc45c15f27edc.


Committed: 62be0eacfb
Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2767533002 .
2017-03-21 10:07:26 -07:00

388 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library builtin;
// NOTE: Do not import 'dart:io' in builtin.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:_internal' hide Symbol;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:typed_data';
// Embedder sets this to true if the --trace-loading flag was passed on the
// command line.
bool _traceLoading = false;
// Before handling an embedder entrypoint we finalize the setup of the
// dart:_builtin library.
bool _setupCompleted = false;
// The root library (aka the script) is imported into this library. The
// standalone embedder uses this to lookup the main entrypoint in the
// root library's namespace.
Function _getMainClosure() => main;
// 'print' implementation.
// The standalone embedder registers the closurized _print function with the
// dart:core library.
void _printString(String s) native "Builtin_PrintString";
void _print(arg) {
_getPrintClosure() => _print;
// Corelib 'Uri.base' implementation.
// Uri.base is susceptible to changes in the current working directory.
_getCurrentDirectoryPath() native "Builtin_GetCurrentDirectory";
Uri _uriBase() {
// We are not using Dircetory.current here to limit the dependency
// on dart:io. This code is the same as:
// return new Uri.directory(Directory.current.path);
var path = _getCurrentDirectoryPath();
return new Uri.directory(path);
_getUriBaseClosure() => _uriBase;
// Asynchronous loading of resources.
// The embedder forwards loading requests to the service isolate.
// A port for communicating with the service isolate for I/O.
SendPort _loadPort;
// The isolateId used to communicate with the service isolate for I/O.
int _isolateId;
// Requests made to the service isolate over the load port.
// Extra requests. Keep these in sync between loader.dart and builtin.dart.
const _Dart_kInitLoader = 4; // Initialize the loader.
const _Dart_kResourceLoad = 5; // Resource class support.
const _Dart_kGetPackageRootUri = 6; // Uri of the packages/ directory.
const _Dart_kGetPackageConfigUri = 7; // Uri of the .packages file.
const _Dart_kResolvePackageUri = 8; // Resolve a package: uri.
// Make a request to the loader. Future will complete with result which is
// either a Uri or a List<int>.
Future _makeLoaderRequest(int tag, String uri) {
assert(_isolateId != null);
assert(_loadPort != null);
Completer completer = new Completer();
RawReceivePort port = new RawReceivePort();
port.handler = (msg) {
// Close the port.
_loadPort.send([_traceLoading, _isolateId, tag, port.sendPort, uri]);
return completer.future;
// The current working directory when the embedder was launched.
Uri _workingDirectory;
// The URI that the root script was loaded from. Remembered so that
// package imports can be resolved relative to it. The root script is the basis
// for the root library in the VM.
Uri _rootScript;
// The package root set on the command line.
Uri _packageRoot;
// Special handling for Windows paths so that they are compatible with URI
// handling.
// Embedder sets this to true if we are running on Windows.
bool _isWindows = false;
// Logging from builtin.dart is prefixed with a '*'.
String _logId = (Isolate.current.hashCode % 0x100000).toRadixString(16);
_log(msg) {
_print("* $_logId $msg");
_sanitizeWindowsPath(path) {
// For Windows we need to massage the paths a bit according to
// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2006/12/06/file-uris-in-windows.aspx
// Convert
// C:\one\two\three
// to
// /C:/one/two/three
if (_isWindows == false) {
// Do nothing when not running Windows.
return path;
var fixedPath = "${path.replaceAll('\\', '/')}";
if ((path.length > 2) && (path[1] == ':')) {
// Path begins with a drive letter.
return '/$fixedPath';
return fixedPath;
_trimWindowsPath(path) {
// Convert /X:/ to X:/.
if (_isWindows == false) {
// Do nothing when not running Windows.
return path;
if (!path.startsWith('/') || (path.length < 3)) {
return path;
// Match '/?:'.
if ((path[0] == '/') && (path[2] == ':')) {
// Remove leading '/'.
return path.substring(1);
return path;
// Ensure we have a trailing slash character.
_enforceTrailingSlash(uri) {
if (!uri.endsWith('/')) {
return '$uri/';
return uri;
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// The embedder calls this method with the current working directory.
void _setWorkingDirectory(cwd) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Setting working directory: $cwd');
_workingDirectory = new Uri.directory(cwd);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Working directory URI: $_workingDirectory');
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// The embedder calls this method with a custom package root.
_setPackageRoot(String packageRoot) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Setting package root: $packageRoot');
if (packageRoot.startsWith('file:') ||
packageRoot.startsWith('http:') ||
packageRoot.startsWith('https:')) {
packageRoot = _enforceTrailingSlash(packageRoot);
_packageRoot = _workingDirectory.resolve(packageRoot);
} else {
packageRoot = _sanitizeWindowsPath(packageRoot);
packageRoot = _trimWindowsPath(packageRoot);
_packageRoot = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(new Uri.directory(packageRoot));
// Now that we have determined the packageRoot value being used, set it
// up for use in Platform.packageRoot. This is only set when the embedder
// sets up the package root. Automatically discovered package root will
// not update the VMLibraryHooks value.
VMLibraryHooks.packageRootString = _packageRoot.toString();
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Package root URI: $_packageRoot');
// Embedder Entrypoint:
void _setPackagesMap(String packagesParam) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
// First convert the packages parameter from the command line to a URI which
// can be handled by the loader code.
// TODO(iposva): Consider refactoring the common code below which is almost
// shared with resolution of the root script.
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolving packages map: $packagesParam");
if (_workingDirectory == null) {
throw 'No current working directory set.';
var packagesName = _sanitizeWindowsPath(packagesParam);
var packagesUri = Uri.parse(packagesName);
if (packagesUri.scheme == '') {
// Script does not have a scheme, assume that it is a path,
// resolve it against the working directory.
packagesUri = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(packagesUri);
var packagesUriStr = packagesUri.toString();
VMLibraryHooks.packageConfigString = packagesUriStr;
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolved packages map to: $packagesUri');
// Resolves the script uri in the current working directory iff the given uri
// did not specify a scheme (e.g. a path to a script file on the command line).
String _resolveScriptUri(String scriptName) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolving script: $scriptName");
if (_workingDirectory == null) {
throw 'No current working directory set.';
scriptName = _sanitizeWindowsPath(scriptName);
var scriptUri = Uri.parse(scriptName);
if (scriptUri.scheme == '') {
// Script does not have a scheme, assume that it is a path,
// resolve it against the working directory.
scriptUri = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(scriptUri);
// Remember the root script URI so that we can resolve packages based on
// this location.
_rootScript = scriptUri;
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolved entry point to: $_rootScript');
return scriptUri.toString();
// Embedder Entrypoint (gen_snapshot):
// Resolve relative paths relative to working directory.
String _resolveInWorkingDirectory(String fileName) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
if (_workingDirectory == null) {
throw 'No current working directory set.';
var name = _sanitizeWindowsPath(fileName);
var uri = Uri.parse(name);
if (uri.scheme != '') {
throw 'Schemes are not supported when resolving filenames.';
uri = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(uri);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolved in working directory: $fileName -> $uri');
return uri.toString();
// Only used by vm/cc unit tests.
Uri _resolvePackageUri(Uri uri) {
assert(_packageRoot != null);
return _packageRoot.resolve(uri.path);
// Returns either a file path or a URI starting with http[s]:, as a String.
String _filePathFromUri(String userUri) {
var uri = Uri.parse(userUri);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Getting file path from: $uri');
var path;
switch (uri.scheme) {
case '':
case 'file':
return uri.toFilePath();
case 'package':
return _filePathFromUri(_resolvePackageUri(uri).toString());
case 'data':
case 'http':
case 'https':
return uri.toString();
// Only handling file, http, and package URIs
// in standalone binary.
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Unknown scheme (${uri.scheme}) in $uri.');
throw 'Not a known scheme: $uri';
// Embedder Entrypoint.
_libraryFilePath(String libraryUri) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
int index = libraryUri.lastIndexOf('/');
var path;
if (index == -1) {
path = './';
} else {
path = libraryUri.substring(0, index + 1);
return _filePathFromUri(path);
// Register callbacks and hooks with the rest of the core libraries.
_setupHooks() {
_setupCompleted = true;
VMLibraryHooks.resourceReadAsBytes = _resourceReadAsBytes;
VMLibraryHooks.packageRootUriFuture = _getPackageRootFuture;
VMLibraryHooks.packageConfigUriFuture = _getPackageConfigFuture;
VMLibraryHooks.resolvePackageUriFuture = _resolvePackageUriFuture;
// Handling of Resource class by dispatching to the load port.
Future<List<int>> _resourceReadAsBytes(Uri uri) async {
List response = await _makeLoaderRequest(_Dart_kResourceLoad, uri.toString());
if (response[4] is String) {
// Throw the error.
throw response[4];
} else {
return response[4];
Future<Uri> _getPackageRootFuture() {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Request for package root from user code.");
return _makeLoaderRequest(_Dart_kGetPackageRootUri, null);
Future<Uri> _getPackageConfigFuture() {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Request for package config from user code.");
assert(_loadPort != null);
return _makeLoaderRequest(_Dart_kGetPackageConfigUri, null);
Future<Uri> _resolvePackageUriFuture(Uri packageUri) async {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Request for package Uri resolution from user code: $packageUri");
if (packageUri.scheme != "package") {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Non-package Uri, returning unmodified: $packageUri");
// Return the incoming parameter if not passed a package: URI.
return packageUri;
var result =
await _makeLoaderRequest(_Dart_kResolvePackageUri, packageUri.toString());
if (result is! Uri) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Exception when resolving package URI: $packageUri");
result = null;
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolved '$packageUri' to '$result'");
return result;