Daco Harkes 35223586a3 Reland "[build] Use an absolute path for the snapshot"
When constructing the command line for creating the kernel service
snapshot, the variable `abs_output` actually contains a relative
path, which means that copy/pasting the generated command line fails
if not within the root build directory. This CL fixes that.

Previous revert: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/200940

Passes `--depfile-output-filename` with the path relative to the output
folder so that the written depfiles do not contain the absolute file

ninja only accepts paths relative to the build folder in the .d files.

Manually tested that the dependencies now work with running the
build twice:
`tools/build.py --no-start-goma -mrelease create_platform_sdk`

Inspecting the .d file in question that caused the revert:
`cat out/ReleaseX64/gen/kernel-service.dart.snapshot.d`

TEST=SDK build

Change-Id: Id781d2ed94ad7a0041e5899b8fded598de81242b
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.dart.try:dart-sdk-linux-try,dart-sdk-mac-try,dart-sdk-win-try
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/200876
Reviewed-by: Tess Strickland <sstrickl@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Daco Harkes <dacoharkes@google.com>
2021-05-21 11:52:02 +00:00

235 lines
6.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
_dart_root = get_path_info("..", "abspath")
declare_args() {
# Default to building app-jit snapshots. The simulator and cross builds
# override this to script snapshots to cut down on build time.
if (target_cpu != host_cpu) {
dart_snapshot_kind = "kernel"
} else {
dart_snapshot_kind = "app-jit"
# Creates an app-jit snapshot for a Dart program based on a training run.
# Parameters:
# main_dart (required):
# The entrypoint to the Dart application.
# training_args (required):
# Arguments to pass to the Dart application for the training run.
# vm_args (optional):
# Additional arguments to the Dart VM.
# name (optional):
# The name of the snapshot if different from the target name. The output
# will be in $root_gen_dir/$name.dart.snapshot.
# extra_deps (optional):
# Any additional build dependencies.
# extra_inputs (optional):
# Any extra build inputs.
# dot_packages (optional):
# The .packages file for the app. Defaults to the $_dart_root/.packages.
# output (optional):
# Overrides the full output path.
template("_application_snapshot") {
assert(defined(invoker.main_dart), "Must specify 'main_dart'")
assert(defined(invoker.training_args), "Must specify 'training_args'")
if (defined(invoker.dart_snapshot_kind)) {
dart_snapshot_kind = invoker.dart_snapshot_kind
snapshot_vm_args = []
if (defined(invoker.vm_args)) {
snapshot_vm_args = invoker.vm_args
main_dart = invoker.main_dart
training_args = invoker.training_args
name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.name)) {
name = invoker.name
extra_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
extra_deps += invoker.deps
extra_inputs = [ main_dart ]
if (defined(invoker.inputs)) {
extra_inputs += invoker.inputs
if (defined(invoker.dot_packages)) {
dot_packages = invoker.dot_packages
} else {
dot_packages = rebase_path("$_dart_root/.packages")
output = "$root_gen_dir/$name.dart.snapshot"
if (defined(invoker.output)) {
output = invoker.output
# Build the kernel file using the prebuilt VM to speed up the debug and
# simulator builds.
prebuilt_dart_action(target_name + "_dill") {
deps = extra_deps + [
gen_kernel_kernel =
"target_gen_dir") + "/bootstrap_gen_kernel.dill"
platform_dill = "$root_out_dir/vm_platform_strong.dill"
inputs = extra_inputs + [
output = "$target_gen_dir/$name.dart.dill"
outputs = [ output ]
depfile = "$output.d"
vm_args = [
# Ensure gen_kernel.dart will use this SDK hash when consuming/producing kernel.
script = gen_kernel_kernel
args = [
"--packages=" + rebase_path(dot_packages),
"--platform=" + rebase_path(platform_dill),
"--output=" + rebase_path(output, root_build_dir),
"--depfile=" + rebase_path(depfile),
# Ensure the compiled appliation (e.g. kernel-service, frontend-server,
# ...) will use this SDK hash when consuming/producing kernel.
# (Instead of ensuring every user of the "application_snapshot" /
# "kernel_snapshot" passes this if needed, we always pass it)
args += [ rebase_path(main_dart) ]
# Create a snapshot from kernel built above.
dart_action(target_name) {
deps = extra_deps + [ ":${target_name}_dill" ]
depfile = "$output.d"
script = "$target_gen_dir/$name.dart.dill"
inputs = extra_inputs
outputs = [ output ]
# Explicitly set DFE so Dart doesn't implicitly depend on the kernel service
# snapshot (creating a circular dep. for kernel-service_snapshot).
dfe = "$_dart_root/pkg/vm/bin/kernel_service.dart"
abs_depfile = rebase_path(depfile)
abs_output = rebase_path(output)
rel_output = rebase_path(output, root_build_dir)
vm_args = [
] + snapshot_vm_args
if (dart_snapshot_kind == "kernel") {
vm_args += [ "--snapshot-kind=kernel" ]
assert(training_args != "", "Ignoring unused argument")
args = []
} else if (dart_snapshot_kind == "app-jit") {
vm_args += [ "--snapshot-kind=app-jit" ]
args = training_args
} else {
assert(false, "Bad dart_snapshot_kind: $dart_snapshot_kind")
# Creates an app-jit snapshot for a Dart2 program based on a training run.
# Parameters:
# main_dart (required):
# The entrypoint to the Dart application.
# training_args (required):
# Arguments to pass to the Dart application for the training run.
# vm_args (optional):
# Additional arguments to the Dart VM.
# name (optional):
# The name of the snapshot if different from the target name. The output
# will be in $root_gen_dir/$name.dart.snapshot.
# deps (optional):
# Any build dependencies.
# dot_packages (optional):
# The .packages file for the app. Defaults to the $_dart_root/.packages.
# output (optional):
# Overrides the full output path.
template("application_snapshot") {
_application_snapshot(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
if (!defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ "$_dart_root/utils/kernel-service:kernel-service" ]
# Creates an app-jit snapshot for the common FE based on a training run.
# Parameters:
# main_dart (required):
# The entrypoint to the Dart application.
# training_args (required):
# Arguments to pass to the Dart application for the training run.
# vm_args (optional):
# Additional arguments to the Dart VM.
# name (optional):
# The name of the snapshot if different from the target name. The output
# will be in $root_gen_dir/$name.dart.snapshot.
# deps (optional):
# Any build dependencies.
# dot_packages (optional):
# The .packages file for the app. Defaults to the $_dart_root/.packages.
# output (optional):
# Overrides the full output path.
template("kernel_application_snapshot") {
_application_snapshot(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")