Robert Nystrom 7ca5ad46ce Set tests that have mixin errors as 2.19.
Mark tests that contain errors about using a class as a mixin to use
language version 2.19 where that's not an error.

This may not fix all of the tests because it's the language version of
the library where the class is declared that matters, not where the
class is used as a mixin. But most tests have all of their declarations
in the same library, so this should fix most.

Change-Id: I910439ebd2f10f731418dc588b7e4619a0841c16
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/285923
Reviewed-by: Jake Macdonald <jakemac@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Jake Macdonald <jakemac@google.com>
2023-03-01 15:03:39 +00:00

449 lines
8.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(51557): Decide if the mixins being applied in this test should be
// "mixin", "mixin class" or the test should be left at 2.19.
// @dart=2.19
// Test that inheriting types on overriding members work as specified.
// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Helper variables.
int intVar = 0;
List<int> listIntVar = <int>[];
int? intQVar;
List<int?> listIntQVar = <int?>[];
num numVar = 0;
List<num> listNumVar = <num>[];
/// Override can work with incompatible superinterfaces,
/// as long as override is more specific than all of them,
/// and it specifies all types.
class IIntOpts {
int foo(int x, {int v = 0, required int z}) => x;
class IDoubleOpts {
double foo(double x, {double w = 0.0, int z = 1}) => x;
class CNumOpts implements IIntOpts, IDoubleOpts {
// Override is more specific than all supertype members.
Never foo(num x, {int v = 0, double w = 0.0, int z = 1}) => throw "Never";
// When a type is omitted, the most specific immediate superinterface member
// signature is used. One such must exist.
class IIntInt {
int foo(int x) => x;
class INumInt {
int foo(num x) => x.toInt();
class IIntNum {
num foo(int x) => x.toInt();
class IInt {
void foo(int x) {}
class IIntQ {
void foo(int? x) {}
class IOpt1 {
void foo([int x = 0]) {}
class IOpt2 {
void foo([int x = 0, int y = 0]) {}
class IOptX {
void foo({int x = 0}) {}
class IOptXY {
void foo({int x = 0, int y = 0}) {}
abstract class IOptA1 {
void foo([int x]);
abstract class IOptAX {
void foo({int x});
class IReq {
void foo({required int x}) {}
// Type is inherited as long as no other type is written.
// Even if prefixed by `var`, `final`, `required` or `covariant`,
// or if made optional with or without a default value.
class CVar implements IIntInt {
foo(var x) {
// Checks that x is exactly int.
// It is assignable in both directions, and it's not dynamic.
intVar = x;
x = intVar;
var xList = [x];
listIntVar = xList;
return intVar;
class CFinal implements IInt {
foo(final x) {
var sameTypeAsX = x;
intVar = x;
sameTypeAsX = intVar;
var xList = [x];
listIntVar = xList;
class COptDefault implements IInt {
foo([x = 0]) {
intVar = x;
x = intVar;
var xList = [x];
listIntVar = xList;
// Must use the nullable type when not having a default.
class COptNoDefault implements IIntQ {
foo([x]) {
int? tmp = x;
x = tmp;
var xList = [x];
listIntQVar = xList;
class CReq implements IReq {
foo({required x}) {
intVar = x;
x = intVar;
var xList = [x];
listIntQVar = xList;
// Do inherit when specifying `covariant`.
class CCovar implements IInt {
foo(covariant x) {
intVar = x;
x = intVar;
var xList = [x];
listIntVar = xList;
class CCovar2 implements CCovar {
// Method was covariant in CCovar.
foo(Never x) => 0;
/// A more specific `foo` than [IInt.foo].
/// Subclass inherits types from most specific superclass member.
class CInherit1 implements INumInt, IIntNum {
foo(x) {
// x is num.
numVar = x;
x = numVar;
var xList = [x];
listNumVar = xList;
// return type is int.
var ret = foo(x);
intVar = ret;
ret = intVar;
var retList = [ret];
listIntVar = retList;
return 0;
class CInherit2 extends INumInt implements IIntNum {
foo(x) {
numVar = x;
x = numVar;
var xList = [x];
listNumVar = xList;
var ret = foo(x);
intVar = ret;
ret = intVar;
var retList = [ret];
listIntVar = retList;
return 0;
class CInherit3 extends IIntNum implements INumInt {
foo(x) {
numVar = x;
x = numVar;
var xList = [x];
listNumVar = xList;
var ret = foo(x);
intVar = ret;
ret = intVar;
var retList = [ret];
listIntVar = retList;
return intVar;
class CInherit4 with IIntNum implements INumInt {
foo(x) {
numVar = x;
x = numVar;
var xList = [x];
listNumVar = xList;
var ret = foo(x);
intVar = ret;
ret = intVar;
var retList = [ret];
listIntVar = retList;
return intVar;
void testInheritFull() {
Expect.type<int Function(num)>(CInherit1().foo);
Expect.type<int Function(num)>(CInherit2().foo);
Expect.type<int Function(num)>(CInherit3().foo);
Expect.type<int Function(num)>(CInherit4().foo);
/// Works for optional parameters too.
class COptInherit1 implements IOpt1, IOpt2 {
foo([x = 0, y = 0]) {
intVar = x;
x = intVar;
var listX = [x];
listIntVar = listX;
intVar = y;
y = intVar;
var listY = [y];
listIntVar = listY;
class COptInherit2 implements IOptX, IOptXY {
foo({x = 0, y = 0}) {
intVar = x;
x = intVar;
var listX = [x];
listIntVar = listX;
intVar = y;
y = intVar;
var listY = [y];
listIntVar = listY;
class COptInherit3 implements IIntInt, INumInt {
foo(x, [y]) {
// Ensure that type is: int Function(num, [dynamic]) .
// For static checks only, do not call the method!
// x is exactly num.
numVar = x;
x = numVar;
var listX = [x];
listNumVar = listX;
// y is dynamic.
Object? tmpObject;
y = tmpObject; // A top type.
Null tmpNull = y; // Implicit downcast.
y.arglebargle(); // Unsound member invocations.
// return type is exactly int.
var ret = foo(x, y);
intVar = ret;
ret = intVar;
var retList = [ret];
listIntVar = retList;
return intVar;
class COptInherit4 implements IOptA1 {
foo([x = 1]) {
intVar = x;
x = intVar;
var listX = [x];
listIntVar = listX;
class COptInherit5 implements IOptAX {
foo({x = 1}) {
intVar = x;
x = intVar;
var listX = [x];
listIntVar = listX;
void testInheritOpt() {
Expect.type<void Function([int, int])>(COptInherit1().foo);
Expect.type<void Function({int x, int y})>(COptInherit2().foo);
Expect.type<int Function(num, [dynamic])>(COptInherit3().foo);
Expect.type<void Function([int])>(COptInherit4().foo);
Expect.type<void Function({int x})>(COptInherit5().foo);
// Do not inherit `final` with the type.
class IFinal {
void foo(final int x) {}
class CInheritFinal implements IFinal {
void foo(x) {
x = 42;
// Also applies to getters and setters.
class IGetSetInt {
int get foo => 0;
set foo(int _) {}
class IFieldInt {
int foo = 0;
class ILateFieldInt {
late int foo;
class IFinalFieldInt {
final int foo = 0;
class CInheritGetSet implements IGetSetInt {
get foo => throw "whatever";
set foo(set) {
// For static checking only, do not call.
// `set` is assignable both ways to int.
intVar = set;
set = intVar;
var listSet = [set];
listIntVar = listSet;
var get = foo;
// get is assignable both ways to int.
intVar = get;
get = intVar;
var listGet = [get];
listIntVar = listGet;
class CInheritField implements IFieldInt {
get foo => throw "whatever";
set foo(set) {
// For static checking only, do not call.
// `set` is assignable both ways to int.
intVar = set;
set = intVar;
var listSet = [set];
listIntVar = listSet;
var get = foo;
// get is assignable both ways to int.
intVar = get;
get = intVar;
var listGet = [get];
listIntVar = listGet;
class CInheritLateField implements ILateFieldInt {
get foo => throw "whatever";
set foo(set) {
// For static checking only, do not call.
// `set` is assignable both ways to int.
intVar = set;
set = intVar;
var listSet = [set];
listIntVar = listSet;
var get = foo;
// get is assignable both ways to int.
intVar = get;
get = intVar;
var listGet = [get];
listIntVar = listGet;
class CInheritFinalField implements IFinalFieldInt {
get foo => throw "whatever";
set foo(set) {
// For static checking only, do not call.
// `set` is assignable both ways to int.
intVar = set;
set = intVar;
var listSet = [set];
listIntVar = listSet;
var get = foo; // Is int.
// get is assignable both ways to int.
intVar = get;
get = intVar;
var listGet = [get];
listIntVar = listGet;
class ISetterOnly {
set foo(int value) {}
class IInheritSetter implements ISetterOnly {
// Infers `int` as return type.
get foo => throw "whatever";
set foo(value) {
int tmp = value;
value = tmp;
var valueList = [value];
List<int> list = valueList;
var get = foo;
intVar = get;
get = intVar;
var getList = [get];
list = getList;
void main() {