Michael Thomsen e4cc3c98e5 [3.0 alpha] Remove deprecated dart:core List() constructor.

Bug: Contributes to https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/49529
Change-Id: Ic129ef2d89f625d9ec6a7a1c301cffddd60b2ff7
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/258920
Reviewed-by: Lasse Nielsen <lrn@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Michael Thomsen <mit@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Slava Egorov <vegorov@google.com>
2022-12-15 11:36:22 +00:00

315 lines
9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "dart:collection";
import "dart:typed_data";
main() {
var intTest = new Test<int>();
intTest.run("ConstList", createConstList);
intTest.run("FixedList", createFixedList);
intTest.run("GrowableList", createGrowableList);
intTest.run("ConstMapKeys", createConstMapKeys);
intTest.run("ConstMapValues", createConstMapValues);
intTest.run("MapKeys", createMapKeys);
intTest.run("MapValues", createMapValues);
intTest.run("SplayMapKeys", createSplayMapKeys);
intTest.run("SplayMapValues", createSplayMapValues);
intTest.run("Set", createSet);
intTest.run("SplaySet", createSplaySet);
intTest.run("Queue", createQueue);
intTest.run("ListMapKeys", createListMapKeys);
intTest.run("ListMapValues", createListMapValues);
intTest.run("CodeUnits", createCodeUnits);
intTest.run("TypedList", createTypedList);
new Test<String>().test("strings", ["a", "b", "c"]);
new Test<num>().test("superclass", <int>[1, 2, 3]);
new Test<int>().test("subclass", <num>[1, 2, 3]);
class Test<E> {
run(name, Iterable create(int size)) {
test(name, create(0));
test(name, create(1));
test(name, create(3));
test(name, iterable) {
testSingle(name, iterable);
testSingle("$name-where", iterable.where((x) => true));
testSingle("$name-map", iterable.map((x) => x));
testSingle("$name-expand", iterable.expand((x) => [x, x]));
testSingle("$name-skip", iterable.skip(1));
testSingle("$name-take", iterable.take(2));
testSingle("$name-skipWhile", iterable.skipWhile((x) => false));
testSingle("$name-takeWhile", iterable.takeWhile((x) => true));
testSingle(name, iterable) {
var elements = iterable.toList();
int length = elements.length;
var list = new List<E>.unmodifiable(iterable);
Expect.isTrue(list is List<E>, "$name-type-$E");
Expect.isTrue(list is! List<Test>, "$name-!type-!$E");
checkElements() {
Expect.equals(length, list.length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Expect.identical(elements[i], list[i], "$name-identical-$i");
throws(funcName, func) {
try {
} catch (e, s) {
Expect.isTrue(e is UnsupportedError, "$name: $funcName threw $e");
Expect.fail("$name: $funcName didn't throw");
throws("[]=", () {
list[0] = null;
throws("length=", () {
list.length = length + 1;
throws("length=", () {
list.length = length - 1;
throws("setAll", () {
list.setAll(0, []);
throws("add", () {
throws("insert", () {
list.insert(0, null);
throws("insertAll", () {
list.insertAll(0, []);
throws("addAll", () {
throws("remove", () {
throws("removeWhere", () {
list.removeWhere((x) => true);
throws("retainWhere", () {
list.retainWhere((x) => false);
throws("sort", () {
throws("shuffle", () {
throws("clear", () {
throws("removeAt", () {
throws("removeLast", () {
throws("setRange", () {
list.setRange(0, 1, []);
throws("removeRange", () {
list.removeRange(0, 1);
throws("replaceRange", () {
list.replaceRange(0, 1, []);
throws("fillRange", () {
list.fillRange(0, 1, null);
success(opName, op(List list), [bool throws = false]) {
if (throws) {
var e1, e2;
Expect.throws(() => op(elements), (e) {
e1 = e;
return true;
}, '$name :: $opName should throw for $elements');
Expect.throws(() => op(list), (e) {
e2 = e;
return true;
}, '$name :: $opName should throw for $list');
"$name :: $opName threw different errors for $elements and $list: "
"${e1.runtimeType} vs ${e2.runtimeType}");
var expect = op(elements);
var actual = op(list);
if (expect is List) {
Expect.listEquals(expect, actual, "$name-$opName");
} else if (expect is Iterable) {
Expect.isTrue(actual is Iterable);
Expect.listEquals(expect.toList(), actual.toList(), "$name-$opName");
} else {
Expect.equals(expect, actual, "$name-$opName");
success("indexOf", (l) => l.indexOf(null));
success("lastIndexOf", (l) => l.lastIndexOf(null));
success("contains", (l) => l.contains(2));
success("elementAt", (l) => l.elementAt(1), list.length < 2);
success("reversed", (l) => l.reversed);
success("sublist0-1", (l) => l.sublist(0, 1), list.isEmpty);
success("getRange0-1", (l) => l.getRange(0, 1), list.isEmpty);
success("asMap-keys", (l) => l.asMap().keys);
success("asMap-values", (l) => l.asMap().values);
success("where", (l) => l.where((x) => true));
success("map", (l) => l.map((x) => x));
success("expand", (l) => l.expand((x) => [x, x]));
success("skip", (l) => l.skip(1));
success("take", (l) => l.take(1));
success("skipWhile", (l) => l.skipWhile((x) => false));
success("takeWhile", (l) => l.takeWhile((x) => true));
success("first", (l) => l.first, list.isEmpty);
success("last", (l) => l.last, list.isEmpty);
success("single", (l) => l.single, list.length != 1);
success("firstWhere", (l) => l.firstWhere((x) => true), list.isEmpty);
success("lastWhere", (l) => l.lastWhere((x) => true), list.isEmpty);
success("singleWhere", (l) => l.singleWhere((x) => true), list.length != 1);
success("isEmpty", (l) => l.isEmpty);
success("isNotEmpty", (l) => l.isNotEmpty);
success("join", (l) => l.join("/"));
success("fold", (l) => l.fold("--", (a, b) => "$a/$b"));
if (elements is List<num> && list is List<num>) {
(l) => (l as List<num>).reduce((a, b) => (a + b).floor()),
success("every", (l) => l.every((x) => x == 0));
success("any", (l) => l.any((x) => x == 2));
success("toList", (l) => l.toList());
success("toSet", (l) => l.toSet());
success("toString", (l) => l.toString());
var it = elements.iterator;
list.forEach((v) {
Expect.equals(it.current, v);
if (elements is List<int> && list is List<int>) {
(l) => new String.fromCharCodes(l as List<int>));
List<int> createConstList(int n) {
if (n == 0) return const <int>[];
return const <int>[1, 2, 3];
List<int> createFixedList(int n) {
var result = new List<int>.filled(n, null);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result[i] = n;
return result;
List<int> createGrowableList(int n) {
var result = <int>[]..length = n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) result[i] = n;
return result;
Iterable createIterable(int n) => new Iterable.generate(n);
Iterable createConstMapKeys(int n) {
if (n == 0) return const <int, int>{}.keys;
return const <int, int>{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2}.keys;
Iterable createConstMapValues(int n) {
if (n == 0) return const <int, int>{}.values;
return const <int, int>{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2}.values;
Iterable createMapKeys(int n) {
var map = <int, int>{};
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) map[i] = i;
return map.keys;
Iterable createMapValues(int n) {
var map = <int, int>{};
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) map[i] = i;
return map.values;
Iterable createSplayMapKeys(int n) {
var map = new SplayTreeMap<int, int>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) map[i] = i;
return map.keys;
Iterable createSplayMapValues(int n) {
var map = new SplayTreeMap<int, int>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) map[i] = i;
return map.values;
Set<int> createSet(int n) {
var set = new Set<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) set.add(i);
return set;
SplayTreeSet<int> createSplaySet(int n) {
var set = new SplayTreeSet<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) set.add(i);
return set;
Queue<int> createQueue(int n) {
var queue = new Queue<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) queue.add(i);
return queue;
Iterable createListMapKeys(int n) {
return createGrowableList(n).asMap().keys;
Iterable createListMapValues(int n) {
return createGrowableList(n).asMap().values;
Iterable createCodeUnits(int n) {
var string = new String.fromCharCodes(new Iterable.generate(n));
return string.codeUnits;
Uint8List createTypedList(int n) {
var tl = new Uint8List(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) tl[i] = i;
return tl;