Jonas Termansen 6c00cd1d28 [infra] Prepare for the story of approve_results to end.
Change-Id: Ide82c48bebe158934ee1f25724341f72c519d3f7
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/128663
Reviewed-by: Alexander Thomas <athom@google.com>
2019-12-17 14:03:02 +00:00

1034 lines
38 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// List tests whose results are different from the previously approved results,
/// and ask whether to update the currently approved results, turning the bots
/// green.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'bots/results.dart';
bool isUnapprovable(Test test) {
String name = test.name;
return name == "pkg/analyzer/test/generated/parser_fasta_test" ||
name == "pkg/compiler/tool/generate_kernel_test" ||
name == "pkg/vm/test/kernel_front_end_test" ||
["pkg/kernel/test/", "pkg/front_end/", "pkg/analyzer/test/src/fasta/"]
.any((path) => test.name.startsWith(path));
/// Returns whether two decoded JSON objects are identical.
bool isIdenticalJson(dynamic a, dynamic b) {
if (a is Map<String, dynamic> && b is Map<String, dynamic>) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (final key in a.keys) {
if (!b.containsKey(key)) return false;
if (!isIdenticalJson(a[key], b[key])) return false;
return true;
} else if (a is List<dynamic> && b is List<dynamic>) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!isIdenticalJson(a[i], b[i])) return false;
return true;
} else {
return a == b;
/// Returns whether two sets of approvals are identical.
bool isIdenticalApprovals(
Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> a, Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> b) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (final key in a.keys) {
if (!b.containsKey(key)) return false;
if (!isIdenticalJson(a[key], b[key])) return false;
return true;
/// The bot names and named configurations are highly redundant if both are
/// listed. This function returns a simplified named configuration that doesn't
/// contain any aspects that's part of the bots name. This is used to get a more
/// compact and readable output.
String simplifyNamedConfiguration(String bot, String namedConfiguration) {
final botComponents = new Set<String>.from(bot.split("-"));
return namedConfiguration
.where((component) => !botComponents.contains(component))
/// Represents a test on a bot with the baseline results (if tryrun), the
/// current result, the current approved result, and flakiness data.
class Test implements Comparable {
final String bot;
final Map<String, dynamic> baselineData;
final Map<String, dynamic> resultData;
final Map<String, dynamic> approvedResultData;
final Map<String, dynamic> flakinessData;
Test(this.bot, this.baselineData, this.resultData, this.approvedResultData,
int compareTo(Object other) {
if (other is Test) {
if (bot.compareTo(other.bot) < 0) return -1;
if (other.bot.compareTo(bot) < 0) return 1;
if (configuration.compareTo(other.configuration) < 0) return -1;
if (other.configuration.compareTo(configuration) < 0) return 1;
if (name.compareTo(other.name) < 0) return -1;
if (other.name.compareTo(name) < 0) return 1;
return 0;
Map<String, dynamic> get _sharedData =>
resultData ?? baselineData ?? approvedResultData;
String get name => _sharedData["name"];
String get configuration => _sharedData["configuration"];
String get key => "$configuration:$name";
String get expected => _sharedData["expected"];
String get result => (resultData ?? const {})["result"];
bool get matches => _sharedData["matches"];
String get baselineResult => (baselineData ?? const {})["result"];
String get approvedResult => (approvedResultData ?? const {})["result"];
bool get isDifferent => result != null && result != baselineResult;
bool get isApproved => result == null || result == approvedResult;
List<String> get flakyModes =>
flakinessData != null ? flakinessData["outcomes"].cast<String>() : null;
bool get isFlake =>
resultData != null && resultData["flaky"] ||
flakinessData != null && flakyModes.contains(result);
/// Loads the results file as as a map if the file exists, otherwise returns the
/// empty map.
Future<Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>> loadResultsMapIfExists(
String path) async =>
await new File(path).exists()
? loadResultsMap(path)
: <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{};
/// Exception for when the results for a builder can't be found.
class NoResultsException implements Exception {
final String message;
final String buildUrl;
NoResultsException(this.message, this.buildUrl);
String toString() => message;
/// Loads a log from logdog.
Future<String> loadLog(String id, String step) async {
final buildUrl = "https://ci.chromium.org/b/$id";
final logUrl = Uri.parse("https://logs.chromium.org/"
final client = new HttpClient();
try {
final request =
await client.getUrl(logUrl).timeout(const Duration(seconds: 60));
final response = await request.close().timeout(const Duration(seconds: 60));
if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.notFound) {
await response.drain();
throw new NoResultsException(
"The log at $logUrl doesn't exist: ${response.statusCode}", buildUrl);
if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.ok) {
await response.drain();
throw new Exception("Failed to download $logUrl: ${response.statusCode}");
final contents = (await response
.transform(new Utf8Decoder())
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 60))
return contents;
} finally {
/// Loads the results from the bot.
Future<List<Test>> loadResultsFromBot(String bot, ArgResults options,
String changeId, Map<String, dynamic> changelistBuild) async {
if (options["verbose"]) {
print("Loading $bot...");
// gsutil cp -r requires a destination directory, use a temporary one.
final tmpdir = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp("approve_results.");
try {
// The 'latest' file contains the name of the latest build that we
// should download. When preapproving a changelist, we instead find out
// which build the commit queue was rebased on.
final build = (changeId != null
? await loadLog(
: await readFile(bot, "latest"))
// Asynchronously download the latest build and the current approved
// results. Download try results from trybot try runs if preapproving.
final tryResults = <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{};
await Future.wait([
cpRecursiveGsutil(buildCloudPath(bot, build), tmpdir.path),
new Future(() async {
if (changeId != null) {
tryResults.addAll(parseResultsMap(await loadLog(
changelistBuild["id"], "test_results/0/logs/results.json/0")));
// Check the build was properly downloaded.
final buildPath = "${tmpdir.path}/$build";
final buildDirectory = new Directory(buildPath);
if (!await buildDirectory.exists()) {
print("$bot: Build directory didn't exist");
return <Test>[];
final resultsFile = new File("$buildPath/results.json");
if (!await resultsFile.exists()) {
print("$bot: No results.json exists");
return <Test>[];
// Load the current results, the approved resutls, and the flakiness
// information.
final results = await loadResultsMapIfExists("$buildPath/results.json");
final flaky = await loadResultsMapIfExists("$buildPath/flaky.json");
final approvedResults =
await loadResultsMapIfExists("${tmpdir.path}/approved_results.json");
// TODO: Remove 2019-04-08: Discard any invalid pre-approvals made with a
// version of approve_results between 065910f0 and a13ac1b4. Pre-approving
// a new test could add pre-approvals with null configuration and null name.
// Construct an object for every test containing its current result,
// what the last approved result was, and whether it's flaky.
final tests = <Test>[];
final testResults = changeId != null ? tryResults : results;
for (final key in testResults.keys) {
final baselineResult = changeId != null ? results[key] : null;
final testResult = testResults[key];
final approvedResult = approvedResults[key];
final flakiness = flaky[key];
final test =
new Test(bot, baselineResult, testResult, approvedResult, flakiness);
// Add in approvals whose test was no longer in the results.
for (final key in approvedResults.keys) {
if (testResults.containsKey(key)) continue;
final baselineResult = changeId != null ? results[key] : null;
final approvedResult = approvedResults[key];
final flakiness = flaky[key];
final test =
new Test(bot, baselineResult, null, approvedResult, flakiness);
if (options["verbose"]) {
print("Loaded $bot (${tests.length} tests).");
return tests;
} finally {
// Always clean up the temporary directory when we don't need it.
await tmpdir.delete(recursive: true);
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> loadJsonPrefixedAPI(String url) async {
final client = new HttpClient();
try {
final request = await client
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 30));
final response = await request.close().timeout(const Duration(seconds: 30));
if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.ok) {
throw new Exception("Failed to request $url: ${response.statusCode}");
final text = await response
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 30));
return jsonDecode(text.substring(5 /* ")]}'\n" */));
} finally {
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> loadChangelistDetails(
String gerritHost, String changeId) async {
// ?O=516714 requests the revisions field.
final url = "https://$gerritHost/changes/$changeId/detail?O=516714";
return await loadJsonPrefixedAPI(url);
main(List<String> args) async {
final parser = new ArgParser();
help: "Record the approval as done by an automated process.",
negatable: false);
abbr: "b",
help: "Select the bots matching the glob pattern [option is repeatable]",
splitCommas: false);
parser.addFlag("help", help: "Show the program usage.", negatable: false);
help: "Approve failures only.", negatable: false);
abbr: "l", help: "List the available bots.", negatable: false);
abbr: "n",
help: "Show changed results but don't approve.",
negatable: false);
abbr: "p", help: "Preapprove the new failures in a gerrit CL.");
help: "Approve successes only.", negatable: false);
abbr: "v", help: "Describe asynchronous operations.", negatable: false);
abbr: "y", help: "Approve the results.", negatable: false);
abbr: "T",
help: "Select table format.",
allowed: ["markdown", "indent"],
defaultsTo: "markdown");
final options = parser.parse(args);
if ((options["preapprove"] == null &&
options["bot"].isEmpty &&
!options["list"]) ||
options["help"]) {
Usage: approve_results.dart [OPTION]...
List tests whose results are different from the previously approved results, and
ask whether to update the currently approved results, turning the bots green.
See the documentation at https://goto.google.com/dart-status-file-free-workflow
The options are as follows:
if (options["no"] && options["yes"]) {
stderr.writeln("The --no and --yes options are mutually incompatible");
exitCode = 1;
if (options.rest.isNotEmpty) {
stderr.writeln("Unexpected extra argument: ${options.rest.first}");
exitCode = 1;
// Locate gsutil.py.
gsutilPy =
// Check if we have become the old workflow.
if (options["verbose"]) {
print("Checking for epilogue...");
final epilogue =
await catGsutil("gs://dart-test-results-approved-results/epilogue.txt");
if (epilogue != null) {
exitCode = 1;
// Load the list of bots according to the test matrix.
final testMatrixPath =
final testMatrix = jsonDecode(await new File(testMatrixPath).readAsString());
final builderConfigurations = testMatrix["builder_configurations"];
final testMatrixBots = <String>[];
for (final builderConfiguration in builderConfigurations) {
final steps = builderConfiguration["steps"];
// Only consider bots that use tools/test.py or custom test runners.
if (!steps.any((step) =>
step["script"] == null ||
step["script"] == "tools/test.py" ||
step["testRunner"] == true)) {
final builders = builderConfiguration["builders"].cast<String>();
// Load the list of bots that have data in cloud storage.
if (options["verbose"]) {
print("Loading list of bots...");
final botsWithData = (await listBots())
.where((bot) => !bot.endsWith("-try"))
.where((bot) => !bot.endsWith("-dev"))
.where((bot) => !bot.endsWith("-stable"));
if (options["verbose"]) {
print("Loaded list of bots.");
// The currently active bots are the bots both mentioned in the test matrix
// and that have results in cloud storage.
final allBots = new Set<String>.from(testMatrixBots)
.intersection(new Set<String>.from(botsWithData))
// List the currently active bots if requested.
if (options["list"]) {
for (final bot in allBots) {
// Determine which builders have run for the changelist.
final changelistBuilds = <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{};
final isPreapproval = options["preapprove"] != null;
String changeId;
if (isPreapproval) {
if (options["verbose"]) {
print("Loading changelist details...");
final gerritHost = "dart-review.googlesource.com";
final gerritProject = "sdk";
final prefix = "https://$gerritHost/c/$gerritProject/+/";
final gerrit = options["preapprove"];
if (!gerrit.startsWith(prefix)) {
stderr.writeln("error: $gerrit doesn't start with $prefix");
exitCode = 1;
final components = gerrit.substring(prefix.length).split("/");
if (!((components.length == 1 && int.tryParse(components[0]) != null) ||
(components.length == 2 &&
int.tryParse(components[0]) != null &&
int.tryParse(components[1]) != null))) {
stderr.writeln("error: $gerrit must be in the form of "
"$prefix<changelist> or $prefix<changelist>/<patchset>");
exitCode = 1;
final changelist = int.parse(components[0]);
final details =
await loadChangelistDetails(gerritHost, changelist.toString());
changeId = details["change_id"];
final patchset = 2 <= components.length
? int.parse(components[1])
: details["revisions"][details["current_revision"]]["_number"];
if (2 <= components.length) {
print("Using Change-Id $changeId patchset $patchset");
} else {
print("Using Change-Id $changeId with the latest patchset $patchset");
if (options["verbose"]) {
print("Loading list of try runs...");
final buildset = "buildset:patch/gerrit/$gerritHost/$changelist/$patchset";
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> searchBuilds(String cursor) async {
final url = Uri.parse(
final client = new HttpClient();
final request =
await client.getUrl(url).timeout(const Duration(seconds: 30));
final response =
await request.close().timeout(const Duration(seconds: 30));
if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.ok) {
throw new Exception("Failed to request try runs for $gerrit");
final Map<String, dynamic> object = await response
.transform(new Utf8Decoder())
.transform(new JsonDecoder())
.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 30));
return object;
var cursor = "";
final builds = [];
do {
final object = await searchBuilds(cursor);
if (cursor.isEmpty && object["builds"] == null) {
"error: $prefix$changelist has no try runs for patchset $patchset");
exitCode = 1;
if (object["builds"] == null) {
cursor = object["next_cursor"];
} while (cursor != null);
// Prefer the newest completed build.
Map<String, dynamic> preferredBuild(
Map<String, dynamic> a, Map<String, dynamic> b) {
if (a != null && b == null) return a;
if (a == null && b != null) return b;
if (a != null && b != null) {
if (a["status"] == "COMPLETED" && b["status"] != "COMPLETED") return a;
if (a["status"] != "COMPLETED" && b["status"] == "COMPLETED") return b;
if (a["started_ts"] == null && b["started_ts"] != null) return a;
if (a["started_ts"] != null && b["started_ts"] == null) return b;
if (a["started_ts"] != null && b["started_ts"] != null) {
if (int.parse(a["started_ts"]) > int.parse(b["started_ts"])) return a;
if (int.parse(a["started_ts"]) < int.parse(b["started_ts"])) return b;
return b;
for (final build in builds) {
final tags = (build["tags"] as List<dynamic>).cast<String>();
final builder = tags
.firstWhere((tag) => tag.startsWith("builder:"))
final ciBuilder = builder.replaceFirst(new RegExp("-try\$"), "");
if (!allBots.contains(ciBuilder)) {
changelistBuilds[ciBuilder] =
preferredBuild(changelistBuilds[ciBuilder], build);
if (options["verbose"]) {
print("Loaded list of try runs.");
final changelistBuilders = new Set<String>.from(changelistBuilds.keys);
// Select all the bots matching the glob patterns,
final finalBotList =
options["preapprove"] != null ? changelistBuilders : allBots;
final botPatterns = options["preapprove"] != null && options["bot"].isEmpty
? ["*"]
: options["bot"];
final bots = new Set<String>();
for (final botPattern in botPatterns) {
final glob = new Glob(botPattern);
bool any = false;
for (final bot in finalBotList) {
if (glob.matches(bot)) {
any = true;
if (!any) {
stderr.writeln("error: No bots matched pattern: $botPattern");
stderr.writeln("Try --list to get the list of bots, or --help for help");
exitCode = 1;
for (final bot in bots) {
print("Selected bot: $bot");
// Error out if any of the requested try runs are incomplete.
bool anyIncomplete = false;
for (final bot in bots) {
if (options["preapprove"] != null &&
changelistBuilds[bot]["status"] != "COMPLETED") {
stderr.writeln("error: The try run for $bot isn't complete yet: " +
anyIncomplete = true;
if (anyIncomplete) {
exitCode = 1;
// Load all the latest results for the selected bots, as well as flakiness
// data, and the set of currently approved results. Each bot's latest build
// is downloaded in parallel to make this phase faster.
final testListFutures = <Future<List<Test>>>[];
final noResultsBuilds = new SplayTreeMap<String, String>();
for (final String bot in bots) {
testListFutures.add(new Future(() async {
try {
return await loadResultsFromBot(
bot, options, changeId, changelistBuilds[bot]);
} on NoResultsException catch (e) {
"Error: Failed to find results for $bot build <${e.buildUrl}>: $e");
noResultsBuilds[bot] = e.buildUrl;
return <Test>[];
// Collect all the tests from the synchronous downloads.
final tests = <Test>[];
for (final testList in await Future.wait(testListFutures)) {
// Compute statistics and the set of interesting tests.
final flakyTestsCount =
tests.where((test) => test.resultData != null && test.isFlake).length;
final failingTestsCount = tests
(test) => test.resultData != null && !test.isFlake && !test.matches)
final differentTests = tests
.where((test) =>
(isPreapproval ? test.isDifferent : !test.isApproved) &&
final selectedTests = differentTests
.where((test) => !(test.matches
? options["failures-only"]
: options["successes-only"]))
final fixedTests = [];
final brokenTests = [];
final blackListedTests = [];
for (Test test in selectedTests) {
if (isUnapprovable(test) && !test.matches) {
} else if (test.matches) {
} else {
// Find out which bots have multiple configurations.
final configurationsForBots = <String, Set<String>>{};
for (final test in tests) {
var configurationSet = configurationsForBots[test.bot];
if (configurationSet == null) {
configurationsForBots[test.bot] = configurationSet = new Set<String>();
// Compute a nice displayed name for the bot and configuration. If the bot
// only has a single configuration, then only mention the bot. Otherwise,
// remove the redundant parts from configuration and present it compactly.
// This is needed to avoid the tables becoming way too large.
String getBotDisplayName(String bot, String configuration) {
if (configurationsForBots[bot].length == 1) {
return bot;
} else {
final simpleConfig = simplifyNamedConfiguration(bot, configuration);
return "$bot/$simpleConfig";
// Compute the width of the fields in the below tables.
final unapprovedBots = new Set<String>();
int longestBot = "BOT/CONFIG".length;
int longestTest = "TEST".length;
int longestResult = "RESULT".length;
int longestExpected = "EXPECTED".length;
for (final test in selectedTests) {
final botDisplayName = getBotDisplayName(test.bot, test.configuration);
longestBot = max(longestBot, botDisplayName.length);
longestTest = max(longestTest, test.name.length);
longestResult = max(longestResult, test.result.length);
longestExpected = max(longestExpected, test.expected.length);
longestTest = min(longestTest, 120); // Some tests names are extremely long.
// Table of lists that now succeed.
if (fixedTests.isNotEmpty) {
print("The following tests are now succeeding:\n");
if (options["table"] == "markdown") {
print("| ${'BOT/CONFIG'.padRight(longestBot)} "
"| ${'TEST'.padRight(longestTest)} |");
print("| ${'-' * longestBot} "
"| ${'-' * longestTest} |");
} else if (options["table"] == "indent") {
print("${'BOT/CONFIG'.padRight(longestBot)} "
for (final test in fixedTests) {
final botDisplayName = getBotDisplayName(test.bot, test.configuration);
if (options["table"] == "markdown") {
print("| ${botDisplayName.padRight(longestBot)} "
"| ${test.name.padRight(longestTest)} |");
} else if (options["table"] == "indent") {
print("${botDisplayName.padRight(longestBot)} "
/// Table of lists that now fail.
if (brokenTests.isNotEmpty) {
print("The following tests are now failing:\n");
if (options["table"] == "markdown") {
print("| ${'BOT'.padRight(longestBot)} "
"| ${'TEST'.padRight(longestTest)} "
"| ${'RESULT'.padRight(longestResult)} "
"| ${'EXPECTED'.padRight(longestExpected)} | ");
print("| ${'-' * longestBot} "
"| ${'-' * longestTest} "
"| ${'-' * longestResult} "
"| ${'-' * longestExpected} | ");
} else if (options["table"] == "indent") {
print("${'BOT'.padRight(longestBot)} "
"${'TEST'.padRight(longestTest)} "
"${'RESULT'.padRight(longestResult)} "
for (final test in brokenTests) {
final botDisplayName = getBotDisplayName(test.bot, test.configuration);
if (options["table"] == "markdown") {
print("| ${botDisplayName.padRight(longestBot)} "
"| ${test.name.padRight(longestTest)} "
"| ${test.result.padRight(longestResult)} "
"| ${test.expected.padRight(longestExpected)} |");
} else if (options["table"] == "indent") {
print("${botDisplayName.padRight(longestBot)} "
"${test.name.padRight(longestTest)} "
"${test.result.padRight(longestResult)} "
if (blackListedTests.isNotEmpty) {
print("Warning: The following failing test(s) cannot be approved:");
blackListedTests.forEach((test) => print(" ${test.name}"));
"Try fixing or reverting the change that caused the failure(s) instead.");
// Provide statistics on how well the bots are doing.
void statistic(int numerator, int denominator, String what) {
double percent = numerator / denominator * 100.0;
String percentString = percent.toStringAsFixed(2) + "%";
print("$numerator of $denominator $what ($percentString)");
statistic(failingTestsCount, tests.length, "tests are failing");
statistic(flakyTestsCount, tests.length, "tests are flaky");
fixedTests.length, tests.length, "tests were fixed since last approval");
statistic(brokenTests.length, tests.length,
"tests were broken since last approval");
// Warn about any builders where results weren't available.
if (noResultsBuilds.isNotEmpty) {
noResultsBuilds.forEach((String builder, String buildUrl) {
print("Warning: No results were found for $builder: <$buildUrl>");
print("Warning: Builders without results are usually due to infrastructure "
"issues, please have a closer look at the affected builders and try "
"the build again.");
// Stop if there's nothing to do.
if (unapprovedBots.isEmpty) {
print("\nEvery test result has already been approved.");
// Stop if this is a dry run.
if (options["no"]) {
if (selectedTests.length == 1) {
print("1 test has a changed result and needs approval");
} else {
print("${selectedTests.length} "
"tests have changed results and need approval");
// Confirm the approval if run interactively.
if (!options["yes"]) {
print("Note: It is assumed bugs have been filed about the above failures "
"before they are approved here.");
if (brokenTests.isNotEmpty) {
final builderPlural = bots.length == 1 ? "builder" : "builders";
final tryBuilders = isPreapproval ? "try$builderPlural" : builderPlural;
final tryCommit = isPreapproval ? "tryrun" : "commit";
print("Note: Approving the failures will turn the "
"$tryBuilders green on the next $tryCommit.");
while (true) {
final approve = isPreapproval ? "pre-approve" : "approve";
stdout.write("Do you want to $approve? (yes/no) [yes] ");
final line = stdin.readLineSync();
// End of file condition is considered no.
if (line == null) {
if (line.toLowerCase() == "n" || line.toLowerCase() == "no") {
if (line == "" ||
line.toLowerCase() == "y" ||
line.toLowerCase() == "yes") {
} else {
print("Note: It is assumed bugs have been filed about the above failures.");
// Log who approved these results.
final username =
(options["automated-approver"] ? "automatic-approval" : null) ??
Platform.environment["LOGNAME"] ??
Platform.environment["USER"] ??
if (username == null || username == "") {
stderr.writeln("error: Your identity could not be established. "
"Please set one of the LOGNAME, USER, USERNAME environment variables.");
exitCode = 1;
final nowDate = new DateTime.now().toUtc();
final now = nowDate.toIso8601String();
// Deep clones a decoded json object.
dynamic deepClone(dynamic object) {
if (object is Map<String, dynamic>) {
final result = <String, dynamic>{};
for (final key in object.keys) {
result[key] = deepClone(object[key]);
return result;
} else if (object is List<dynamic>) {
final result = <dynamic>[];
for (final value in object) {
return result;
} else {
return object;
// Build the new approval data with the changes in test results applied.
final newApprovalsForBuilders = <String, Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>>{};
if (isPreapproval) {
// Import all the existing approval data, keeping tests that don't exist
// anymore.
for (final test in tests) {
if (test.approvedResultData == null) continue;
final approvalData = deepClone(test.approvedResultData);
// TODO(https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/36279): Remove needless
// fields that shouldn't be in the approvals data. Remove this 2019-04-03.
// Discard all the existing pre-approvals for this changelist.
final preapprovals =
approvalData.putIfAbsent("preapprovals", () => <String, dynamic>{});
final newApprovals = newApprovalsForBuilders.putIfAbsent(
test.bot, () => new SplayTreeMap<String, Map<String, dynamic>>());
newApprovals[test.key] = approvalData;
// Pre-approve all the regressions (no need to pre-approve fixed tests).
for (final test in brokenTests) {
final newApprovals = newApprovalsForBuilders.putIfAbsent(
test.bot, () => new SplayTreeMap<String, Map<String, dynamic>>());
final approvalData =
newApprovals.putIfAbsent(test.key, () => <String, dynamic>{});
approvalData["name"] = test.name;
approvalData["configuration"] = test.configuration;
approvalData["suite"] = test.resultData["suite"];
approvalData["test_name"] = test.resultData["test_name"];
final preapprovals =
approvalData.putIfAbsent("preapprovals", () => <String, dynamic>{});
final preapproval =
preapprovals.putIfAbsent(changeId, () => <String, dynamic>{});
preapproval["from"] = test.approvedResult;
preapproval["result"] = test.result;
preapproval["matches"] = test.matches;
preapproval["expected"] = test.expected;
preapproval["preapprover"] = username;
preapproval["preapproved_at"] = now;
preapproval["expires"] =
nowDate.add(const Duration(days: 30)).toIso8601String();
} else {
// Import all the existing approval data for tests, removing tests that
// don't exist anymore unless they have pre-approvals.
for (final test in tests) {
if (test.approvedResultData == null) continue;
if (test.result == null &&
(test.approvedResultData["preapprovals"] ?? <dynamic>[]).isEmpty) {
final approvalData = deepClone(test.approvedResultData);
// TODO(https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/36279): Remove needless
// fields that shouldn't be in the approvals data. Remove this 2019-04-03.
approvalData.putIfAbsent("preapprovals", () => <String, dynamic>{});
final newApprovals = newApprovalsForBuilders.putIfAbsent(
test.bot, () => new SplayTreeMap<String, Map<String, dynamic>>());
newApprovals[test.key] = approvalData;
// Approve the changes in test results.
for (final test in selectedTests) {
if (blackListedTests.contains(test)) continue;
final newApprovals = newApprovalsForBuilders.putIfAbsent(
test.bot, () => new SplayTreeMap<String, Map<String, dynamic>>());
final approvalData =
newApprovals.putIfAbsent(test.key, () => <String, dynamic>{});
approvalData["name"] = test.name;
approvalData["configuration"] = test.configuration;
approvalData["suite"] = test.resultData["suite"];
approvalData["test_name"] = test.resultData["test_name"];
approvalData["result"] = test.result;
approvalData["expected"] = test.expected;
approvalData["matches"] = test.matches;
approvalData["approver"] = username;
approvalData["approved_at"] = now;
approvalData.putIfAbsent("preapprovals", () => <String, dynamic>{});
// Reconstruct the old approvals so we can double check there was no race
// condition when uploading.
final oldApprovalsForBuilders = <String, Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>>{};
for (final test in tests) {
if (test.approvedResultData == null) continue;
final oldApprovals = oldApprovalsForBuilders.putIfAbsent(
test.bot, () => new SplayTreeMap<String, Map<String, dynamic>>());
oldApprovals[test.key] = test.approvedResultData;
for (final builder in newApprovalsForBuilders.keys) {
builder, () => <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{});
// Update approved_results.json for each builder with unapproved changes.
final outDirectory =
await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp("approved_results.");
bool raceCondition = false;
try {
print("Uploading approved results...");
final futures = <Future>[];
for (final String builder in newApprovalsForBuilders.keys) {
final approvals = newApprovalsForBuilders[builder].values;
final localPath = "${outDirectory.path}/$builder.json";
await new File(localPath).writeAsString(
approvals.map((approval) => jsonEncode(approval) + "\n").join(""));
final remotePath =
futures.add(new Future(() async {
if (!options["yes"]) {
if (options["verbose"]) {
print("Checking for race condition on $builder...");
final oldApprovedResults = oldApprovalsForBuilders[builder];
final oldApprovalPath = "${outDirectory.path}/$builder.json.old";
await cpGsutil(remotePath, oldApprovalPath);
final checkApprovedResults =
await loadResultsMapIfExists(oldApprovalPath);
if (!isIdenticalApprovals(oldApprovedResults, checkApprovedResults)) {
print("error: Race condition: "
"$builder approvals have changed, please try again.");
raceCondition = true;
if (options["verbose"]) {
print("Uploading approved results for $builder...");
await cpGsutil(localPath, remotePath);
print("Uploaded approved results for $builder");
await Future.wait(futures);
if (raceCondition) {
exitCode = 1;
print("error: Somebody else has approved, please try again");
if (brokenTests.isNotEmpty) {
final approved = isPreapproval ? "pre-approved" : "approved";
final commit = isPreapproval ? "tryrun" : "commit";
print("Successfully $approved results, the next $commit "
"will turn builders green");
} else {
print("Successfully approved results");
} finally {
await outDirectory.delete(recursive: true);