Jonas Termansen c0172aba48 Don't store git commit in observatory version string
The observatory assets tarball would be different every time due to the
version string, which makes it compress to a different size. The size
changes would then move the program data around, making it much more
difficult to determine if dart builds of different revisions are
actually identical.

Google Analytics doesn't need to know the exact version numbers, it will
be fine to say they are bleeding edge builds of a particular version.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/2540383003 .
2016-12-01 14:16:23 +01:00

663 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This file contains a set of utilities functions used by other Python-based
# scripts.
import commands
import datetime
import json
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import sys
class Version(object):
def __init__(self, channel, major, minor, patch, prerelease,
self.channel = channel
self.major = major
self.minor = minor
self.patch = patch
self.prerelease = prerelease
self.prerelease_patch = prerelease_patch
# Try to guess the host operating system.
def GuessOS():
os_id = platform.system()
if os_id == "Linux":
return "linux"
elif os_id == "Darwin":
return "macos"
elif os_id == "Windows" or os_id == "Microsoft":
# On Windows Vista platform.system() can return "Microsoft" with some
# versions of Python, see http://bugs.python.org/issue1082 for details.
return "win32"
elif os_id == 'FreeBSD':
return 'freebsd'
elif os_id == 'OpenBSD':
return 'openbsd'
elif os_id == 'SunOS':
return 'solaris'
return None
# Try to guess the host architecture.
def GuessArchitecture():
os_id = platform.machine()
if os_id.startswith('armv5te'):
return 'armv5te'
elif os_id.startswith('armv6'):
return 'armv6'
elif os_id.startswith('arm'):
return 'arm'
elif os_id.startswith('aarch64'):
return 'arm64'
elif os_id.startswith('mips'):
return 'mips'
elif '64' in os_id:
return 'x64'
elif (not os_id) or (not re.match('(x|i[3-6])86', os_id) is None):
return 'ia32'
elif os_id == 'i86pc':
return 'ia32'
guess_os = GuessOS()
print "Warning: Guessing architecture %s based on os %s\n"\
% (os_id, guess_os)
if guess_os == 'win32':
return 'ia32'
return None
# Try to guess the number of cpus on this machine.
def GuessCpus():
if os.getenv("DART_NUMBER_OF_CORES") is not None:
return int(os.getenv("DART_NUMBER_OF_CORES"))
if os.path.exists("/proc/cpuinfo"):
return int(commands.getoutput("grep -E '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l"))
if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/hostinfo"):
return int(commands.getoutput('/usr/bin/hostinfo |'
' grep "processors are logically available." |'
' awk "{ print \$1 }"'))
win_cpu_count = os.getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")
if win_cpu_count:
return int(win_cpu_count)
return 2
def GetWindowsRegistryKeyName(name):
import win32process
# Check if python process is 64-bit or if it's 32-bit running in 64-bit OS.
# We need to know whether host is 64-bit so that we are looking in right
# registry for Visual Studio path.
if sys.maxsize > 2**32 or win32process.IsWow64Process():
wow6432Node = 'Wow6432Node\\'
wow6432Node = ''
return r'SOFTWARE\%s%s' % (wow6432Node, name)
# Try to guess Visual Studio location when buiding on Windows.
def GuessVisualStudioPath():
defaultPath = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7" \
defaultExecutable = "devenv.com"
if not IsWindows():
return defaultPath, defaultExecutable
keyNamesAndExecutables = [
# Pair for non-Express editions.
(GetWindowsRegistryKeyName(r'Microsoft\VisualStudio'), 'devenv.com'),
# Pair for 2012 Express edition.
(GetWindowsRegistryKeyName(r'Microsoft\VSWinExpress'), 'VSWinExpress.exe'),
# Pair for pre-2012 Express editions.
(GetWindowsRegistryKeyName(r'Microsoft\VCExpress'), 'VCExpress.exe')]
bestGuess = (0.0, (defaultPath, defaultExecutable))
import _winreg
for (keyName, executable) in keyNamesAndExecutables:
key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyName)
except WindowsError:
# Can't find this key - moving on the next one.
subkeyCounter = 0
while True:
subkeyName = _winreg.EnumKey(key, subkeyCounter)
subkeyCounter += 1
except WindowsError:
# Reached end of enumeration. Moving on the next key.
match = re.match(r'^\d+\.\d+$', subkeyName)
if match:
with _winreg.OpenKey(key, subkeyName) as subkey:
(installDir, registrytype) = _winreg.QueryValueEx(subkey,
except WindowsError:
# Can't find value under the key - continue to the next key.
isExpress = executable != 'devenv.com'
if not isExpress and subkeyName == '14.0':
# Stop search since if we found non-Express VS2015 version
# installed, which is preferred version.
return installDir, executable
version = float(subkeyName)
# We prefer higher version of Visual Studio and given equal
# version numbers we prefer non-Express edition.
if version > bestGuess[0]:
bestGuess = (version, (installDir, executable))
return bestGuess[1]
# Returns true if we're running under Windows.
def IsWindows():
return GuessOS() == 'win32'
# Reads a text file into an array of strings - one for each
# line. Strips comments in the process.
def ReadLinesFrom(name):
result = []
for line in open(name):
if '#' in line:
line = line[:line.find('#')]
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0:
return result
# Filters out all arguments until the next '--' argument
# occurs.
def ListArgCallback(option, value, parser):
if value is None:
value = []
for arg in parser.rargs:
if arg[:2].startswith('--'):
del parser.rargs[:len(value)]
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
# Filters out all argument until the first non '-' or the
# '--' argument occurs.
def ListDartArgCallback(option, value, parser):
if value is None:
value = []
for arg in parser.rargs:
if arg[:2].startswith('--') or arg[0] != '-':
del parser.rargs[:len(value)]
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
# Mapping table between build mode and build configuration.
'debug': 'Debug',
'release': 'Release',
'product': 'Product',
# Mapping table between OS and build output location.
'win32': os.path.join('out'),
'linux': os.path.join('out'),
'freebsd': os.path.join('out'),
'macos': os.path.join('xcodebuild'),
'ia32': 'ia32',
'x64': 'ia32',
'arm': 'arm',
'armv6': 'arm',
'armv5te': 'arm',
'arm64': 'arm',
'mips': 'mips',
'simarm': 'ia32',
'simarmv6': 'ia32',
'simarmv5te': 'ia32',
'simmips': 'ia32',
'simarm64': 'ia32',
'simdbc': 'ia32',
'simdbc64': 'ia32',
'armsimdbc': 'arm',
ARCH_GUESS = GuessArchitecture()
BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, '..'))
DART_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..'))
VERSION_FILE = os.path.join(DART_DIR, 'tools', 'VERSION')
def GetBuildbotGSUtilPath():
gsutil = '/b/build/scripts/slave/gsutil'
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
gsutil = 'e:\\\\b\\build\\scripts\\slave\\gsutil'
return gsutil
def GetBuildMode(mode):
return BUILD_MODES[mode]
def GetArchFamily(arch):
return ARCH_FAMILY[arch]
def IsCrossBuild(target_os, arch):
host_arch = ARCH_GUESS
return ((GetArchFamily(host_arch) != GetArchFamily(arch)) or
(target_os != GuessOS()))
def GetBuildConf(mode, arch, conf_os=None):
if conf_os == 'android':
return '%s%s%s' % (GetBuildMode(mode), conf_os.title(), arch.upper())
# Ask for a cross build if the host and target architectures don't match.
host_arch = ARCH_GUESS
cross_build = ''
if GetArchFamily(host_arch) != GetArchFamily(arch):
print "GetBuildConf: Cross-build of %s on %s\n" % (arch, host_arch)
cross_build = 'X'
return '%s%s%s' % (GetBuildMode(mode), cross_build, arch.upper())
def GetBuildDir(host_os):
return BUILD_ROOT[host_os]
def GetBuildRoot(host_os, mode=None, arch=None, target_os=None):
build_root = GetBuildDir(host_os)
if mode:
build_root = os.path.join(build_root, GetBuildConf(mode, arch, target_os))
return build_root
def GetBuildSdkBin(host_os, mode=None, arch=None, target_os=None):
build_root = GetBuildRoot(host_os, mode, arch, target_os)
return os.path.join(build_root, 'dart-sdk', 'bin')
def GetBaseDir():
return BASE_DIR
def GetShortVersion():
version = ReadVersionFile()
return ('%s.%s.%s.%s.%s' % (
version.major, version.minor, version.patch, version.prerelease,
def GetSemanticSDKVersion(ignore_svn_revision=False):
version = ReadVersionFile()
if not version:
return None
if version.channel == 'be':
postfix = '-edge' if ignore_svn_revision else '-edge.%s' % GetGitRevision()
elif version.channel == 'dev':
postfix = '-dev.%s.%s' % (version.prerelease, version.prerelease_patch)
assert version.channel == 'stable'
postfix = ''
return '%s.%s.%s%s' % (version.major, version.minor, version.patch, postfix)
def GetVersion(ignore_svn_revision=False):
return GetSemanticSDKVersion(ignore_svn_revision)
# The editor used to produce the VERSION file put on gcs. We now produce this
# in the bots archiving the sdk.
# The content looks like this:
# "date": "2015-05-28",
# "version": "1.11.0-edge.131653",
# "revision": "535394c2657ede445142d8a92486d3899bbf49b5"
def GetVersionFileContent():
result = {"date": str(datetime.date.today()),
"version": GetVersion(),
"revision": GetGitRevision()}
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
def GetChannel():
version = ReadVersionFile()
return version.channel
def GetUserName():
key = 'USER'
if sys.platform == 'win32':
key = 'USERNAME'
return os.environ.get(key, '')
def ReadVersionFile():
def match_against(pattern, file_content):
match = re.search(pattern, file_content, flags=re.MULTILINE)
if match:
return match.group(1)
return None
fd = open(VERSION_FILE)
content = fd.read()
print "Warning: Couldn't read VERSION file (%s)" % VERSION_FILE
return None
channel = match_against('^CHANNEL ([A-Za-z0-9]+)$', content)
major = match_against('^MAJOR (\d+)$', content)
minor = match_against('^MINOR (\d+)$', content)
patch = match_against('^PATCH (\d+)$', content)
prerelease = match_against('^PRERELEASE (\d+)$', content)
prerelease_patch = match_against('^PRERELEASE_PATCH (\d+)$', content)
if channel and major and minor and prerelease and prerelease_patch:
return Version(
channel, major, minor, patch, prerelease, prerelease_patch)
print "Warning: VERSION file (%s) has wrong format" % VERSION_FILE
return None
# Our schema for releases and archiving is based on an increasing
# sequence of numbers. In the svn world this was simply the revision of a
# commit, which would always give us a one to one mapping between the number
# and the commit. This was true across branches as well, so a number used
# to archive a build was always unique and unambiguous.
# In git there is no such global number, so we loosen the requirement a bit.
# We only use numbers on the master branch (bleeding edge). On branches
# we use the version number instead for archiving purposes.
# The number on master is the count of commits on the master branch.
def GetArchiveVersion():
version = ReadVersionFile()
if not version:
raise 'Could not get the archive version, parsing the version file failed'
if version.channel == 'be':
return GetGitNumber()
return GetSemanticSDKVersion()
def GetGitRevision():
# When building from tarball use tools/GIT_REVISION
git_revision_file = os.path.join(DART_DIR, 'tools', 'GIT_REVISION')
with open(git_revision_file) as fd:
return fd.read()
p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'log', '-n', '1', '--pretty=format:%H'],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, shell=IsWindows(),
cwd = DART_DIR)
output, _ = p.communicate()
# We expect a full git hash
if len(output) != 40:
print "Warning: could not parse git commit, output was %s" % output
return None
return output
# To eliminate clashing with older archived builds on bleeding edge we add
# a base number bigger the largest svn revision (this also gives us an easy
# way of seeing if an archive comes from git based or svn based commits).
def GetGitNumber():
p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'rev-list', 'HEAD', '--count'],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, shell=IsWindows(),
cwd = DART_DIR)
output, _ = p.communicate()
number = int(output)
return number + GIT_NUMBER_BASE
print "Warning: could not parse git count, output was %s" % output
return None
def ParseGitInfoOutput(output):
"""Given a git log, determine the latest corresponding svn revision."""
for line in output.split('\n'):
tokens = line.split()
if len(tokens) > 0 and tokens[0] == 'git-svn-id:':
return tokens[1].split('@')[1]
return None
def ParseSvnInfoOutput(output):
revision_match = re.search('Last Changed Rev: (\d+)', output)
if revision_match:
return revision_match.group(1)
return None
def RewritePathSeparator(path, workspace):
# Paths in test files are always specified using '/'
# as the path separator. Replace with the actual
# path separator before use.
if '/' in path:
split_path = path.split('/')
path = os.sep.join(split_path)
path = os.path.join(workspace, path)
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise Exception(path)
return path
def ParseTestOptions(pattern, source, workspace):
match = pattern.search(source)
if match:
return [RewritePathSeparator(o, workspace) for o in match.group(1).split(' ')]
return None
def ParseTestOptionsMultiple(pattern, source, workspace):
matches = pattern.findall(source)
if matches:
result = []
for match in matches:
if len(match) > 0:
[RewritePathSeparator(o, workspace) for o in match.split(' ')])
return result
return None
def ConfigureJava():
java_home = '/usr/libexec/java_home'
if os.path.exists(java_home):
proc = subprocess.Popen([java_home, '-v', '1.6+'],
(stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
if proc.wait() != 0:
return None
new = stdout.strip()
current = os.getenv('JAVA_HOME', new)
if current != new:
sys.stderr.write('Please set JAVA_HOME to %s\n' % new)
os.putenv('JAVA_HOME', new)
def Daemonize():
Create a detached background process (daemon). Returns True for
the daemon, False for the parent process.
See: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/programmer/faq/
"1.7 How do I get my program to act like a daemon?"
if os.fork() > 0:
return False
if os.fork() > 0:
return True
def PrintError(string):
"""Writes and flushes a string to stderr."""
def CheckedUnlink(name):
"""Unlink a file without throwing an exception."""
except OSError, e:
PrintError("os.unlink() " + str(e))
def Main():
print "GuessOS() -> ", GuessOS()
print "GuessArchitecture() -> ", GuessArchitecture()
print "GuessCpus() -> ", GuessCpus()
print "IsWindows() -> ", IsWindows()
print "GuessVisualStudioPath() -> ", GuessVisualStudioPath()
print "GetGitRevision() -> ", GetGitRevision()
print "GetVersionFileContent() -> ", GetVersionFileContent()
print "GetGitNumber() -> ", GetGitNumber()
class Error(Exception):
class ToolError(Exception):
"""Deprecated exception, use Error instead."""
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.value)
def IsCrashExitCode(exit_code):
if IsWindows():
return 0x80000000 & exit_code
return exit_code < 0
def DiagnoseExitCode(exit_code, command):
if IsCrashExitCode(exit_code):
sys.stderr.write('Command: %s\nCRASHED with exit code %d (0x%x)\n' % (
' '.join(command), exit_code, exit_code & 0xffffffff))
def Touch(name):
with file(name, 'a'):
os.utime(name, None)
def ExecuteCommand(cmd):
"""Execute a command in a subprocess."""
print 'Executing: ' + ' '.join(cmd)
pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
output = pipe.communicate()
if pipe.returncode != 0:
raise Exception('Execution failed: ' + str(output))
return pipe.returncode, output
# The checked-in SDKs are documented at
# https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/wiki/The-checked-in-SDK-in-tools
def CheckedInSdkPath():
# We don't use the normal macos, linux, win32 directory names here, instead,
# we use the names that the download_from_google_storage script uses.
osdict = {'Darwin':'mac', 'Linux':'linux', 'Windows':'win'}
system = platform.system()
osname = osdict[system]
except KeyError:
print >>sys.stderr, ('WARNING: platform "%s" not supported') % (system)
return None;
tools_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
return os.path.join(tools_dir,
def CheckedInSdkExecutable():
name = 'dart'
if IsWindows():
name = 'dart.exe'
elif GuessOS() == 'linux':
arch = GuessArchitecture()
if arch == 'mips':
name = 'dart-mips'
elif arch == 'arm':
name = 'dart-arm'
elif arch == 'arm64':
name = 'dart-arm64'
elif arch == 'armv5te':
# TODO(zra): This binary does not exist, yet. Check one in once we have
# sufficient stability.
name = 'dart-armv5te'
elif arch == 'armv6':
# TODO(zra): Ditto.
name = 'dart-armv6'
return os.path.join(CheckedInSdkPath(), 'bin', name)
def CheckedInSdkCheckExecutable():
executable = CheckedInSdkExecutable()
canary_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as silent_sink:
if 0 == subprocess.call([executable, canary_script], stdout=silent_sink):
return True
except OSError as e:
return False
class TempDir(object):
def __init__(self, prefix=''):
self._temp_dir = None
self._prefix = prefix
def __enter__(self):
self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(self._prefix)
return self._temp_dir
def __exit__(self, *_):
shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
class ChangedWorkingDirectory(object):
def __init__(self, working_directory):
self._working_directory = working_directory
def __enter__(self):
self._old_cwd = os.getcwd()
print "Enter directory = ", self._working_directory
def __exit__(self, *_):
print "Enter directory = ", self._old_cwd
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys