Aravind 8945d1be75 [io] Changed Minimum Limit for Trimming File or Dir Path in Windows
Closes https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/pull/54536

GitOrigin-RevId: 9d8b1eafac9a6ff88f5277826dff1e51236b661c
Change-Id: Id65f5778a4173be3d253398c0c030d322c1b42df
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/345201
Reviewed-by: Brian Quinlan <bquinlan@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Slava Egorov <vegorov@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Slava Egorov <vegorov@google.com>
2024-01-11 10:53:09 +00:00

968 lines
36 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.io;
/// The type of an entity on the file system,
/// such as a file, directory, or link.
/// These constants are used by the [FileSystemEntity] class
/// to indicate the object's type.
final class FileSystemEntityType {
static const file = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(0);
static const directory = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(1);
static const link = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(2);
static const unixDomainSock = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(3);
static const pipe = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(4);
static const notFound = const FileSystemEntityType._internal(5);
@Deprecated("Use notFound instead")
static const NOT_FOUND = notFound;
static const _typeList = const [
final int _type;
const FileSystemEntityType._internal(this._type);
static FileSystemEntityType _lookup(int type) => _typeList[type];
String toString() => const [
/// The result of calling the POSIX `stat()` function on a file system object.
/// This is an immutable object, representing the snapshotted values returned
/// by the `stat()` call.
interface class FileStat {
// These must agree with enum FileStat in file.h.
static const _type = 0;
static const _changedTime = 1;
static const _modifiedTime = 2;
static const _accessedTime = 3;
static const _mode = 4;
static const _size = 5;
static final _epoch = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0, isUtc: true);
static final _notFound = new FileStat._internal(
_epoch, _epoch, _epoch, FileSystemEntityType.notFound, 0, -1);
/// The time of the last change to the data or metadata of the file system
/// object.
/// On Windows platforms, this is instead the file creation time.
final DateTime changed;
/// The time of the last change to the data of the file system object.
final DateTime modified;
/// The time of the last access to the data of the file system object.
/// On Windows platforms, this may have 1 day granularity, and be
/// out of date by an hour.
final DateTime accessed;
/// The type of the underlying file system object.
/// [FileSystemEntityType.notFound] if [stat] or [statSync] failed.
final FileSystemEntityType type;
/// The mode of the file system object.
/// Permissions are encoded in the lower 16 bits of this number, and can be
/// decoded using the [modeString] getter.
final int mode;
/// The size of the file system object.
final int size;
FileStat._internal(this.changed, this.modified, this.accessed, this.type,
this.mode, this.size);
external static _statSync(_Namespace namespace, String path);
/// Calls the operating system's `stat()` function (or equivalent) on [path].
/// If [path] is a symbolic link then it is resolved and results for the
/// resulting file are returned.
/// Returns a [FileStat] object containing the data returned by `stat()`.
/// If the call fails, returns a [FileStat] object with [FileStat.type] set to
/// [FileSystemEntityType.notFound] and the other fields invalid.
static FileStat statSync(String path) {
final IOOverrides? overrides = IOOverrides.current;
if (overrides == null) {
return _statSyncInternal(path);
return overrides.statSync(path);
static FileStat _statSyncInternal(String path) {
// Trailing path is not supported on Windows.
if (Platform.isWindows) {
path = FileSystemEntity._trimTrailingPathSeparators(path);
var data = _statSync(_Namespace._namespace, path);
if (data is! Int64List) return FileStat._notFound;
return FileStat._internal(
/// Asynchronously calls the operating system's `stat()` function (or
/// equivalent) on [path].
/// If [path] is a symbolic link then it is resolved and results for the
/// resulting file are returned.
/// Returns a [Future] which completes with the same results as [statSync].
static Future<FileStat> stat(String path) {
final IOOverrides? overrides = IOOverrides.current;
if (overrides == null) {
return _stat(path);
return overrides.stat(path);
static Future<FileStat> _stat(String path) {
// Trailing path is not supported on Windows.
if (Platform.isWindows) {
path = FileSystemEntity._trimTrailingPathSeparators(path);
return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(_IOService.fileStat, [null, path])
.then((response) {
if (response is List<Object?> && response[0] != _successResponse) {
return FileStat._notFound;
// Unwrap the real list from the "I'm not an error" wrapper.
var data = (response as List)[1] as List<Object?>;
return FileStat._internal(
DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_changedTime] as int),
DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_modifiedTime] as int),
DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data[_accessedTime] as int),
FileSystemEntityType._lookup(data[_type] as int),
data[_mode] as int,
data[_size] as int);
String toString() => """
FileStat: type $type
changed $changed
modified $modified
accessed $accessed
mode ${modeString()}
size $size""";
/// The mode value as a human-readable string.
/// The string is in the format "rwxrwxrwx", reflecting the user, group, and
/// world permissions to read, write, and execute the file system object, with
/// "-" replacing the letter for missing permissions. Extra permission bits
/// may be represented by prepending "(suid)", "(guid)", and/or "(sticky)" to
/// the mode string.
String modeString() {
var permissions = mode & 0xFFF;
var codes = const ['---', '--x', '-w-', '-wx', 'r--', 'r-x', 'rw-', 'rwx'];
var result = [];
if ((permissions & 0x800) != 0) result.add("(suid) ");
if ((permissions & 0x400) != 0) result.add("(guid) ");
if ((permissions & 0x200) != 0) result.add("(sticky) ");
..add(codes[(permissions >> 6) & 0x7])
..add(codes[(permissions >> 3) & 0x7])
..add(codes[permissions & 0x7]);
return result.join();
/// The common superclass of [File], [Directory], and [Link].
/// [FileSystemEntity] objects are returned from directory listing
/// operations. To determine whether a [FileSystemEntity] is a [File], a
/// [Directory], or a [Link] perform a type check:
/// ```dart
/// if (entity is File) (entity as File).readAsStringSync();
/// ```
/// You can also use the [type] or [typeSync] methods to determine
/// the type of a file system object.
/// Most methods in this class exist both in synchronous and asynchronous
/// versions, for example, [exists] and [existsSync].
/// Unless you have a specific reason for using the synchronous version
/// of a method, prefer the asynchronous version to avoid blocking your program.
/// Here's the exists method in action:
/// ```dart
/// var isThere = await entity.exists();
/// print(isThere ? 'exists' : 'nonexistent');
/// ```
/// ## Other resources
/// * The [Files and directories](https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour#files-and-directories)
/// section of the library tour.
/// * [Write Command-Line Apps](https://dart.dev/tutorials/server/cmdline),
/// a tutorial about writing command-line apps, includes information about
/// files and directories.
abstract class FileSystemEntity {
static const _backslashChar = 0x5c;
static const _slashChar = 0x2f;
static const _colonChar = 0x3a;
String get _path;
Uint8List get _rawPath;
String get path;
/// A [Uri] representing the file system entity's location.
/// The returned URI's scheme is always "file" if the entity's [path] is
/// absolute, otherwise the scheme will be empty and the URI relative.
Uri get uri => new Uri.file(path);
/// Checks whether the file system entity with this path exists.
/// Returns a `Future<bool>` that completes with the result.
/// Since [FileSystemEntity] is abstract, every [FileSystemEntity] object
/// is actually an instance of one of the subclasses [File],
/// [Directory], and [Link]. Calling [exists] on an instance of one
/// of these subclasses checks whether the object exists in the file
/// system object exists *and* is of the correct type (file, directory,
/// or link). To check whether a path points to an object on the
/// file system, regardless of the object's type, use the [type]
/// static method.
Future<bool> exists();
/// Synchronously checks whether the file system entity with this path
/// exists.
/// Since [FileSystemEntity] is abstract, every [FileSystemEntity] object
/// is actually an instance of one of the subclasses [File],
/// [Directory], and [Link]. Calling [existsSync] on an instance of
/// one of these subclasses checks whether the object exists in the
/// file system object exists and is of the correct type (file,
/// directory, or link). To check whether a path points to an object
/// on the file system, regardless of the object's type, use the
/// [typeSync] static method.
bool existsSync();
/// Renames this file system entity.
/// Returns a `Future<FileSystemEntity>` that completes with a
/// [FileSystemEntity] instance for the renamed file system entity.
Future<FileSystemEntity> rename(String newPath);
/// Synchronously renames this file system entity.
/// Returns a [FileSystemEntity] instance for the renamed entity.
FileSystemEntity renameSync(String newPath);
/// Resolves the path of a file system object relative to the
/// current working directory.
/// Resolves all symbolic links on the path and resolves all `..` and `.` path
/// segments.
/// [resolveSymbolicLinks] uses the operating system's native
/// file system API to resolve the path, using the `realpath` function
/// on Linux and OS X, and the `GetFinalPathNameByHandle` function on
/// Windows. If the path does not point to an existing file system object,
/// `resolveSymbolicLinks` throws a `FileSystemException`.
/// On Windows the `..` segments are resolved _before_ resolving the symbolic
/// link, and on other platforms the symbolic links are _resolved to their
/// target_ before applying a `..` that follows.
/// To ensure the same behavior on all platforms resolve `..` segments before
/// calling `resolveSymbolicLinks`. One way of doing this is with the [Uri]
/// class:
/// ```dart
/// var path = Uri.parse('.').resolveUri(Uri.file(input)).toFilePath();
/// if (path == '') path = '.';
/// var resolved = await File(path).resolveSymbolicLinks();
/// print(resolved);
/// ```
/// since `Uri.resolve` removes `..` segments. This will result in the Windows
/// behavior.
/// On Windows, attempting to resolve a symbolic link where the link type
/// does not match the type of the resolved file system object will cause the
/// Future to complete with a [PathAccessException] error.
Future<String> resolveSymbolicLinks() {
return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(
_IOService.fileResolveSymbolicLinks, [null, _rawPath]).then((response) {
_checkForErrorResponse(response, "Cannot resolve symbolic links", path);
return response as String;
/// Resolves the path of a file system object relative to the
/// current working directory.
/// Resolves all symbolic links on the path and resolves all `..` and `.` path
/// segments.
/// [resolveSymbolicLinksSync] uses the operating system's native
/// file system API to resolve the path, using the `realpath` function
/// on linux and OS X, and the `GetFinalPathNameByHandle` function on
/// Windows. If the path does not point to an existing file system object,
/// `resolveSymbolicLinksSync` throws a `FileSystemException`.
/// On Windows the `..` segments are resolved _before_ resolving the symbolic
/// link, and on other platforms the symbolic links are _resolved to their
/// target_ before applying a `..` that follows.
/// To ensure the same behavior on all platforms resolve `..` segments before
/// calling `resolveSymbolicLinksSync`. One way of doing this is with the [Uri]
/// class:
/// ```dart
/// var path = Uri.parse('.').resolveUri(Uri.file(input)).toFilePath();
/// if (path == '') path = '.';
/// var resolved = File(path).resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
/// print(resolved);
/// ```
/// since `Uri.resolve` removes `..` segments. This will result in the Windows
/// behavior.
/// On Windows, a symbolic link is created as either a file link or a
/// directory link. Attempting to resolve such a symbolic link requires the
/// link type to match the type of the file system object that it points to,
/// otherwise it throws a [PathAccessException].
String resolveSymbolicLinksSync() {
var result = _resolveSymbolicLinks(_Namespace._namespace, _rawPath);
_throwIfError(result, "Cannot resolve symbolic links", path);
return result;
/// Calls the operating system's `stat()` function on [path].
/// Identical to `FileStat.stat(this.path)`.
/// Returns a `Future<FileStat>` object containing the data returned by
/// `stat()`.
/// If [path] is a symbolic link then it is resolved and results for the
/// resulting file are returned.
/// If the call fails, completes the future with a [FileStat] object
/// with `.type` set to [FileSystemEntityType.notFound] and the other fields
/// invalid.
Future<FileStat> stat() => FileStat.stat(path);
/// Synchronously calls the operating system's `stat()` function on [path].
/// Identical to `FileStat.statSync(this.path)`.
/// Returns a [FileStat] object containing the data returned by `stat()`.
/// If [path] is a symbolic link then it is resolved and results for the
/// resulting file are returned.
/// If the call fails, returns a [FileStat] object with `.type` set to
/// [FileSystemEntityType.notFound] and the other fields invalid.
FileStat statSync() => FileStat.statSync(path);
/// Deletes this [FileSystemEntity].
/// The exact details vary according to the [FileSystemEntity]:
/// * [Directory.delete]
/// * [File.delete]
/// * [Link.delete]
Future<FileSystemEntity> delete({bool recursive = false}) =>
_delete(recursive: recursive);
/// Synchronously deletes this [FileSystemEntity].
/// The exact details vary according to the [FileSystemEntity]:
/// * [Directory.deleteSync]
/// * [File.deleteSync]
/// * [Link.deleteSync]
void deleteSync({bool recursive = false}) =>
_deleteSync(recursive: recursive);
/// Start watching the [FileSystemEntity] for changes.
/// The implementation uses platform-dependent event-based APIs for receiving
/// file-system notifications, thus behavior depends on the platform.
/// * `Windows`: Uses `ReadDirectoryChangesW`. The implementation only
/// supports watching directories. Recursive watching is supported.
/// * `Linux`: Uses `inotify`. The implementation supports watching both
/// files and directories. Recursive watching is not supported.
/// Note: When watching files directly, delete events might not happen
/// as expected.
/// * `OS X`: Uses the
/// [File System Events API](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Darwin/Conceptual/FSEvents_ProgGuide/TechnologyOverview/TechnologyOverview.html).
/// The implementation supports watching both files and directories.
/// Recursive watching is supported.
/// This API has several limitations:
/// * Changes that occurred shortly *before* the [watch] method was
/// called may still appear in the [Stream].
/// * Changes that occur in a short period of time may arrive
/// out-of-order.
/// * Multiple changes made in a single directory may be coalesced into
/// a single `FileSystemEvent`.
/// The system will start listening for events once the returned [Stream] is
/// being listened to, not when the call to [watch] is issued.
/// The returned value is an endless broadcast [Stream], that only stops when
/// one of the following happens:
/// * The [Stream] is canceled, e.g. by calling `cancel` on the
/// [StreamSubscription].
/// * The [FileSystemEntity] being watched is deleted.
/// * System Watcher exits unexpectedly. e.g. On `Windows` this happens when
/// buffer that receive events from `ReadDirectoryChangesW` overflows.
/// Use `events` to specify what events to listen for. The constants in
/// [FileSystemEvent] can be or'ed together to mix events. Default is
/// [FileSystemEvent.all].
/// A move event may be reported as separate delete and create events.
Stream<FileSystemEvent> watch(
{int events = FileSystemEvent.all, bool recursive = false}) {
// FIXME(bkonyi): find a way to do this using the raw path.
final String trimmedPath = _trimTrailingPathSeparators(path);
final IOOverrides? overrides = IOOverrides.current;
if (overrides == null) {
return _FileSystemWatcher._watch(trimmedPath, events, recursive);
return overrides.fsWatch(trimmedPath, events, recursive);
Future<FileSystemEntity> _delete({bool recursive = false});
void _deleteSync({bool recursive = false});
static Future<bool> _identical(String path1, String path2) {
return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(
_IOService.fileIdentical, [null, path1, path2]).then((response) {
response, "Error in FileSystemEntity.identical($path1, $path2)", "");
return response as bool;
/// Checks whether two paths refer to the same object in the
/// file system.
/// Returns a `Future<bool>` that completes with the result.
/// Comparing a link to its target returns `false`, as does comparing two links
/// that point to the same target. To check the target of a link, use
/// Link.target explicitly to fetch it. Directory links appearing
/// inside a path are followed, though, to find the file system object.
/// Completes the returned Future with an error if one of the paths points
/// to an object that does not exist.
static Future<bool> identical(String path1, String path2) {
IOOverrides? overrides = IOOverrides.current;
if (overrides == null) {
return _identical(path1, path2);
return overrides.fseIdentical(path1, path2);
static final RegExp _absoluteWindowsPathPattern =
new RegExp(r'^(?:\\\\|[a-zA-Z]:[/\\])');
/// Whether this object's path is absolute.
/// An absolute path is independent of the current working
/// directory ([Directory.current]).
/// A non-absolute path must be interpreted relative to
/// the current working directory.
/// On Windows, a path is absolute if it starts with `\\`
/// (two backslashes or representing a UNC path) or with a drive letter
/// between `a` and `z` (upper or lower case) followed by `:\` or `:/`.
/// This makes, for example, `\file.ext` a non-absolute path
/// because it depends on the current drive letter.
/// On non-Windows, a path is absolute if it starts with `/`.
/// If the path is not absolute, use [absolute] to get an entity
/// with an absolute path referencing the same object in the file system,
/// if possible.
bool get isAbsolute => _isAbsolute(path);
static bool _isAbsolute(String path) {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
return path.startsWith(_absoluteWindowsPathPattern);
} else {
return path.startsWith('/');
/// A [FileSystemEntity] whose path is the absolute path of [path].
/// The type of the returned instance is the same as the type of
/// this entity.
/// A file system entity with an already absolute path
/// (as reported by [isAbsolute]) is returned directly.
/// For a non-absolute path, the returned entity is absolute ([isAbsolute])
/// *if possible*, but still refers to the same file system object.
FileSystemEntity get absolute;
String get _absolutePath {
if (isAbsolute) return path;
if (Platform.isWindows) return _absoluteWindowsPath(path);
String current = Directory.current.path;
if (current.endsWith('/')) {
return '$current$path';
} else {
return '$current${Platform.pathSeparator}$path';
/// The ASCII code of the Windows drive letter of [path], if any.
/// Returns the ASCII code of the upper-cased drive letter of
/// the path of [path], if it has a drive letter (starts with `[a-zA-z]:`),
/// or `-1` if it has no drive letter.
static int _windowsDriveLetter(String path) {
if (path.isEmpty || !path.startsWith(':', 1)) return -1;
var first = path.codeUnitAt(0) & ~0x20;
if (first >= 0x41 && first <= 0x5b) return first;
return -1;
/// The relative [path] converted to an absolute path.
static String _absoluteWindowsPath(String path) {
// Could perhaps use something like
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/pathcch/nf-pathcch-pathalloccombine
var current = Directory.current.path;
if (path.startsWith(r'\')) {
assert(!path.startsWith(r'\', 1));
// Absolute path, no drive letter.
var currentDrive = _windowsDriveLetter(current);
if (currentDrive >= 0) {
return '${current[0]}:$path';
// If `current` is a UNC path \\server\share[...],
// we make the absolute path relative to the share.
// Also works with `\\?\c:\` paths.
if (current.startsWith(r'\\')) {
var serverEnd = current.indexOf(r'\', 2);
if (serverEnd >= 0) {
// We may want to recognize UNC paths of the form:
// \\?\UNC\Server\share\...
// specially, and be relative to the *share* not to UNC\.
var shareEnd = current.indexOf(r'\', serverEnd + 1);
if (shareEnd < 0) shareEnd = current.length;
return '${current.substring(0, shareEnd)}$path';
// If `current` is not in the drive-letter:path format,
// or not \\server\share[\path],
// we ignore it and return a relative path.
return path;
var entityDrive = _windowsDriveLetter(path);
if (entityDrive >= 0) {
if (entityDrive != _windowsDriveLetter(current)) {
// Need to resolve relative to current directory of the drive.
// Windows remembers the last CWD of each drive.
// We currently don't have that information,
// so we assume the root of that drive.
return '${path[0]}:\\$path';
/// A `c:relative\path` path on the same drive as `current`.
path = path.substring(2);
if (current.endsWith(r'\') || current.endsWith('/')) {
return '$current$path';
return '$current\\$path';
static bool _identicalSync(String path1, String path2) {
var result = _identicalNative(_Namespace._namespace, path1, path2);
_throwIfError(result, 'Error in FileSystemEntity.identicalSync');
return result;
/// Synchronously checks whether two paths refer to the same object in the
/// file system.
/// Comparing a link to its target returns `false`, as does comparing two links
/// that point to the same target. To check the target of a link, use
/// Link.target explicitly to fetch it. Directory links appearing
/// inside a path are followed, though, to find the file system object.
/// Throws an error if one of the paths points to an object that does not
/// exist.
static bool identicalSync(String path1, String path2) {
IOOverrides? overrides = IOOverrides.current;
if (overrides == null) {
return _identicalSync(path1, path2);
return overrides.fseIdenticalSync(path1, path2);
/// Test if [watch] is supported on the current system.
/// OS X 10.6 and below is not supported.
static bool get isWatchSupported {
final IOOverrides? overrides = IOOverrides.current;
if (overrides == null) {
return _FileSystemWatcher.isSupported;
return overrides.fsWatchIsSupported();
// The native methods which determine type of the FileSystemEntity require
// that the buffer provided is null terminated.
static Uint8List _toUtf8Array(String s) =>
static Uint8List _toNullTerminatedUtf8Array(Uint8List l) {
if (l.isEmpty || (l.isNotEmpty && l.last != 0)) {
final tmp = new Uint8List(l.length + 1);
tmp.setRange(0, l.length, l);
return tmp;
} else {
return l;
static String _toStringFromUtf8Array(Uint8List l) {
Uint8List nonNullTerminated = l;
if (l.last == 0) {
nonNullTerminated =
new Uint8List.view(l.buffer, l.offsetInBytes, l.length - 1);
return utf8.decode(nonNullTerminated, allowMalformed: true);
/// Finds the type of file system object that a path points to.
/// Returns a `Future<FileSystemEntityType>` that completes with the same
/// results as [typeSync].
static Future<FileSystemEntityType> type(String path,
{bool followLinks = true}) {
return _getType(_toUtf8Array(path), followLinks);
/// Synchronously finds the type of file system object that a path points to.
/// Returns [FileSystemEntityType.notFound] if [path] does not point to a file
/// system object or if any other error occurs in looking up the path.
/// If [path] points to a link and [followLinks] is `true` then the result
/// will be for the file system object that the link points to. If that
/// object does not exist then the result will be
/// [FileSystemEntityType.notFound]. If [path] points to a link and
/// [followLinks] is `false` then the result will be
/// [FileSystemEntityType.link].
static FileSystemEntityType typeSync(String path, {bool followLinks = true}) {
return _getTypeSync(_toUtf8Array(path), followLinks);
/// Whether [path] refers to a link.
/// Checks whether `type(path, followLinks: false)`
/// returns [FileSystemEntityType.link].
static Future<bool> isLink(String path) => _isLinkRaw(_toUtf8Array(path));
static Future<bool> _isLinkRaw(Uint8List rawPath) => _getType(rawPath, false)
.then((type) => (type == FileSystemEntityType.link));
/// Whether [path] refers to a file.
/// Checks whether `type(path)` returns [FileSystemEntityType.file].
static Future<bool> isFile(String path) => _getType(_toUtf8Array(path), true)
.then((type) => (type == FileSystemEntityType.file));
/// Whether [path] refers to a directory.
/// Checks whether `type(path)` returns [FileSystemEntityType.directory].
static Future<bool> isDirectory(String path) =>
_getType(_toUtf8Array(path), true)
.then((type) => (type == FileSystemEntityType.directory));
/// Synchronously checks whether [path] refers to a link.
/// Checks whether `typeSync(path, followLinks: false)` returns
/// [FileSystemEntityType.link].
static bool isLinkSync(String path) => _isLinkRawSync(_toUtf8Array(path));
static bool _isLinkRawSync(rawPath) =>
(_getTypeSync(rawPath, false) == FileSystemEntityType.link);
/// Synchronously checks whether [path] refers to a file.
/// Checks whether `typeSync(path)` returns
/// [FileSystemEntityType.file].
static bool isFileSync(String path) =>
(_getTypeSync(_toUtf8Array(path), true) == FileSystemEntityType.file);
/// Synchronously checks whether [path] refers to a directory.
/// Checks whether `typeSync(path)` returns
/// [FileSystemEntityType.directory].
static bool isDirectorySync(String path) =>
(_getTypeSync(_toUtf8Array(path), true) ==
external static _getTypeNative(
_Namespace namespace, Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks);
external static _identicalNative(
_Namespace namespace, String path1, String path2);
external static _resolveSymbolicLinks(_Namespace namespace, Uint8List path);
// Finds the next-to-last component when dividing at path separators.
static final RegExp _parentRegExp = Platform.isWindows
? new RegExp(r'[^/\\][/\\]+[^/\\]')
: new RegExp(r'[^/]/+[^/]');
/// The parent path of a path.
/// Finds the final path component of a path, using the platform's
/// path separator to split the path, and returns the prefix up to
/// that part.
/// Will not remove the root component of a Windows path, like "C:\\" or
/// "\\\\server_name\\". Includes a trailing path separator in the last
/// part of [path], and leaves no trailing path separator.
static String parentOf(String path) {
int rootEnd = -1;
if (Platform.isWindows) {
if (path.startsWith(_absoluteWindowsPathPattern)) {
// Root ends at first / or \ after the first two characters.
rootEnd = path.indexOf(new RegExp(r'[/\\]'), 2);
if (rootEnd == -1) return path;
} else if (path.startsWith('\\') || path.startsWith('/')) {
rootEnd = 0;
} else if (path.startsWith('/')) {
rootEnd = 0;
// Ignore trailing slashes.
// All non-trivial cases have separators between two non-separators.
int pos = path.lastIndexOf(_parentRegExp);
if (pos > rootEnd) {
return path.substring(0, pos + 1);
} else if (rootEnd > -1) {
return path.substring(0, rootEnd + 1);
} else {
return '.';
/// The parent directory of this entity.
Directory get parent => new Directory(parentOf(path));
static FileSystemEntityType _getTypeSyncHelper(
Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks) {
var result = _getTypeNative(_Namespace._namespace, rawPath, followLinks);
_throwIfError(result, 'Error getting type of FileSystemEntity');
return FileSystemEntityType._lookup(result);
static FileSystemEntityType _getTypeSync(
Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks) {
IOOverrides? overrides = IOOverrides.current;
if (overrides == null) {
return _getTypeSyncHelper(rawPath, followLinks);
return overrides.fseGetTypeSync(
_toStringFromUtf8Array(rawPath), followLinks);
static Future<FileSystemEntityType> _getTypeRequest(
Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks) {
return _File._dispatchWithNamespace(
_IOService.fileType, [null, rawPath, followLinks]).then((response) {
_checkForErrorResponse(response, "Error getting type",
utf8.decode(rawPath, allowMalformed: true));
return FileSystemEntityType._lookup(response as int);
static Future<FileSystemEntityType> _getType(
Uint8List rawPath, bool followLinks) {
IOOverrides? overrides = IOOverrides.current;
if (overrides == null) {
return _getTypeRequest(rawPath, followLinks);
return overrides.fseGetType(_toStringFromUtf8Array(rawPath), followLinks);
static _throwIfError(Object result, String msg, [String? path]) {
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException(msg, path, result);
} else if (result is ArgumentError) {
throw result;
// TODO(bkonyi): find a way to do this with raw paths.
static String _trimTrailingPathSeparators(String path) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(path, "path");
if (Platform.isWindows) {
// "C:" and "C:\" are semantically different on Windows and only "C:\" is an
// absolute path.
// See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/io/file-path-formats
final minimumCharToNotTrim = _isAbsolute(path) ? 3 : 1;
while (path.length > minimumCharToNotTrim &&
(path.endsWith(Platform.pathSeparator) || path.endsWith('/'))) {
path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
} else {
while (path.length > 1 && path.endsWith(Platform.pathSeparator)) {
path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
return path;
// TODO(bkonyi): find a way to do this with raw paths.
static String _ensureTrailingPathSeparators(String path) {
if (path.isEmpty) path = '.';
if (Platform.isWindows) {
while (!path.endsWith(Platform.pathSeparator) && !path.endsWith('/')) {
path = "$path${Platform.pathSeparator}";
} else {
while (!path.endsWith(Platform.pathSeparator)) {
path = "$path${Platform.pathSeparator}";
return path;
/// Base event class emitted by [FileSystemEntity.watch].
sealed class FileSystemEvent {
/// Bitfield for [FileSystemEntity.watch], to enable [FileSystemCreateEvent]s.
static const int create = 1 << 0;
/// Bitfield for [FileSystemEntity.watch], to enable [FileSystemModifyEvent]s.
static const int modify = 1 << 1;
/// Bitfield for [FileSystemEntity.watch], to enable [FileSystemDeleteEvent]s.
static const int delete = 1 << 2;
/// Bitfield for [FileSystemEntity.watch], to enable [FileSystemMoveEvent]s.
static const int move = 1 << 3;
/// Bitfield for [FileSystemEntity.watch], for enabling all of [create],
/// [modify], [delete] and [move].
static const int all = create | modify | delete | move;
static const int _modifyAttributes = 1 << 4;
static const int _deleteSelf = 1 << 5;
static const int _isDir = 1 << 6;
/// The type of event. See [FileSystemEvent] for a list of events.
final int type;
/// The path that triggered the event.
/// Depending on the platform and the [FileSystemEntity], the path may be
/// relative.
final String path;
/// Is `true` if the event target was a directory.
/// Note that if the file has been deleted by the time the event has arrived,
/// this will always be `false` on Windows. In particular, it will always be
/// `false` for `delete` events.
final bool isDirectory;
FileSystemEvent._(this.type, this.path, this.isDirectory);
/// File system event for newly created file system objects.
final class FileSystemCreateEvent extends FileSystemEvent {
/// Constructs a new [FileSystemCreateEvent].
FileSystemCreateEvent(String path, bool isDirectory)
: super._(FileSystemEvent.create, path, isDirectory);
String toString() =>
"FileSystemCreateEvent('$path', isDirectory=$isDirectory)";
/// File system event for modifications of file system objects.
final class FileSystemModifyEvent extends FileSystemEvent {
/// If the content was changed and not only the attributes, [contentChanged]
/// is `true`.
final bool contentChanged;
/// Constructs a new [FileSystemModifyEvent].
FileSystemModifyEvent(String path, bool isDirectory, this.contentChanged)
: super._(FileSystemEvent.modify, path, isDirectory);
String toString() =>
"FileSystemModifyEvent('$path', isDirectory=$isDirectory, "
/// File system event for deletion of file system objects.
final class FileSystemDeleteEvent extends FileSystemEvent {
/// Constructs a new [FileSystemDeleteEvent].
FileSystemDeleteEvent(String path, bool isDirectory)
: super._(FileSystemEvent.delete, path, isDirectory);
String toString() =>
"FileSystemDeleteEvent('$path', isDirectory=$isDirectory)";
/// File system event for moving of file system objects.
final class FileSystemMoveEvent extends FileSystemEvent {
/// The destination path of the file being moved.
/// The destination is `null` if the underlying implementation
/// is unable to identify the destination of the moved file.
/// The source path is available as [path].
final String? destination;
/// Constructs a new [FileSystemMoveEvent].
FileSystemMoveEvent(String path, bool isDirectory, this.destination)
: super._(FileSystemEvent.move, path, isDirectory);
String toString() => "FileSystemMoveEvent('$path', "
"isDirectory=$isDirectory, destination=$destination)";
abstract class _FileSystemWatcher {
external static Stream<FileSystemEvent> _watch(
String path, int events, bool recursive);
external static bool get isSupported;