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// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.io;
* [Link] objects are references to filesystem links.
abstract class Link implements FileSystemEntity {
* Creates a Link object.
factory Link(String path) => new _Link(path);
* Creates a [Link] object.
* If [path] is a relative path, it will be interpreted relative to the
* current working directory (see [Directory.current]), when used.
* If [path] is an absolute path, it will be immune to changes to the
* current working directory.
factory Link.fromUri(Uri uri) => new Link(uri.toFilePath());
* Creates a symbolic link. Returns a [:Future<Link>:] that completes with
* the link when it has been created. If the link exists,
* the future will complete with an error.
* If [recursive] is false, the default, the link is created
* only if all directories in its path exist.
* If [recursive] is true, all non-existing path
* components are created. The directories in the path of [target] are
* not affected, unless they are also in [path].
* On the Windows platform, this will only work with directories, and the
* target directory must exist. The link will be created as a Junction.
* Only absolute links will be created, and relative paths to the target
* will be converted to absolute paths by joining them with the path of the
* directory the link is contained in.
* On other platforms, the posix symlink() call is used to make a symbolic
* link containing the string [target]. If [target] is a relative path,
* it will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the link.
Future<Link> create(String target, {bool recursive: false});
* Synchronously create the link. Calling [createSync] on an existing link
* will throw an exception.
* If [recursive] is false, the default, the link is created only if all
* directories in its path exist. If [recursive] is true, all
* non-existing path components are created. The directories in
* the path of [target] are not affected, unless they are also in [path].
* On the Windows platform, this will only work with directories, and the
* target directory must exist. The link will be created as a Junction.
* Only absolute links will be created, and relative paths to the target
* will be converted to absolute paths.
* On other platforms, the posix symlink() call is used to make a symbolic
* link containing the string [target]. If [target] is a relative path,
* it will be interpreted relative to the directory containing the link.
void createSync(String target, {bool recursive: false});
* Synchronously updates the link. Calling [updateSync] on a non-existing link
* will throw an exception.
* On the Windows platform, this will only work with directories, and the
* target directory must exist.
void updateSync(String target);
* Updates the link. Returns a [:Future<Link>:] that completes with the
* link when it has been updated. Calling [update] on a non-existing link
* will complete its returned future with an exception.
* On the Windows platform, this will only work with directories, and the
* target directory must exist.
Future<Link> update(String target);
Future<String> resolveSymbolicLinks();
String resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
* Renames this link. Returns a `Future<Link>` that completes
* with a [Link] instance for the renamed link.
* If [newPath] identifies an existing link, that link is
* replaced. If [newPath] identifies an existing file or directory,
* the operation fails and the future completes with an exception.
Future<Link> rename(String newPath);
* Synchronously renames this link. Returns a [Link]
* instance for the renamed link.
* If [newPath] identifies an existing link, that link is
* replaced. If [newPath] identifies an existing file or directory
* the operation fails and an exception is thrown.
Link renameSync(String newPath);
* Returns a [Link] instance whose path is the absolute path to [this].
* The absolute path is computed by prefixing
* a relative path with the current working directory, and returning
* an absolute path unchanged.
Link get absolute;
* Gets the target of the link. Returns a future that completes with
* the path to the target.
* If the returned target is a relative path, it is relative to the
* directory containing the link.
* If the link does not exist, or is not a link, the future completes with
* a FileSystemException.
Future<String> target();
* Synchronously gets the target of the link. Returns the path to the target.
* If the returned target is a relative path, it is relative to the
* directory containing the link.
* If the link does not exist, or is not a link, throws a FileSystemException.
String targetSync();
class _Link extends FileSystemEntity implements Link {
final String path;
_Link(this.path) {
if (path is! String) {
throw new ArgumentError('${Error.safeToString(path)} '
'is not a String');
String toString() => "Link: '$path'";
Future<bool> exists() => FileSystemEntity.isLink(path);
bool existsSync() => FileSystemEntity.isLinkSync(path);
Link get absolute => new Link(_absolutePath);
Future<FileStat> stat() => FileStat.stat(path);
FileStat statSync() => FileStat.statSync(path);
Future<Link> create(String target, {bool recursive: false}) {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
target = _makeWindowsLinkTarget(target);
var result = recursive ? parent.create(recursive: true)
: new Future.value(null);
return result
.then((_) => _IOService._dispatch(_FILE_CREATE_LINK, [path, target]))
.then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(
response, "Cannot create link to target '$target'", path);
return this;
void createSync(String target, {bool recursive: false}) {
if (recursive) {
parent.createSync(recursive: true);
if (Platform.isWindows) {
target = _makeWindowsLinkTarget(target);
var result = _File._createLink(path, target);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot create link", path);
// Put target into the form "\??\C:\my\target\dir".
String _makeWindowsLinkTarget(String target) {
Uri base = new Uri.file('${Directory.current.path}\\');
Uri link = new Uri.file(path);
Uri destination = new Uri.file(target);
String result = base.resolveUri(link).resolveUri(destination).toFilePath();
if (result.length > 3 && result[1] == ':' && result[2] == '\\') {
return '\\??\\$result';
} else {
throw new FileSystemException(
'Target $result of Link.create on Windows cannot be converted' +
' to start with a drive letter. Unexpected error.');
void updateSync(String target) {
// TODO(12414): Replace with atomic update, where supported by platform.
// Atomically changing a link can be done by creating the new link, with
// a different name, and using the rename() posix call to move it to
// the old name atomically.
Future<Link> update(String target) {
// TODO(12414): Replace with atomic update, where supported by platform.
// Atomically changing a link can be done by creating the new link, with
// a different name, and using the rename() posix call to move it to
// the old name atomically.
return delete().then/*<Link>*/((_) => create(target));
Future<Link> _delete({bool recursive: false}) {
if (recursive) {
return new Directory(path).delete(recursive: true).then((_) => this);
return _IOService._dispatch(_FILE_DELETE_LINK, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(response, "Cannot delete link", path);
return this;
void _deleteSync({bool recursive: false}) {
if (recursive) {
return new Directory(path).deleteSync(recursive: true);
var result = _File._deleteLinkNative(path);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot delete link", path);
Future<Link> rename(String newPath) {
return _IOService._dispatch(_FILE_RENAME_LINK, [path, newPath])
.then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(
response, "Cannot rename link to '$newPath'", path);
return new Link(newPath);
Link renameSync(String newPath) {
var result = _File._renameLink(path, newPath);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot rename link '$path' to '$newPath'");
return new Link(newPath);
Future<String> target() {
return _IOService._dispatch(_FILE_LINK_TARGET, [path]).then((response) {
if (_isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw _exceptionFromResponse(
response, "Cannot get target of link", path);
return response;
String targetSync() {
var result = _File._linkTarget(path);
throwIfError(result, "Cannot read link", path);
return result;
static throwIfError(Object result, String msg, [String path = ""]) {
if (result is OSError) {
throw new FileSystemException(msg, path, result);
bool _isErrorResponse(response) {
return response is List && response[0] != _SUCCESS_RESPONSE;
_exceptionFromResponse(response, String message, String path) {
switch (response[_ERROR_RESPONSE_ERROR_TYPE]) {
return new ArgumentError();
var err = new OSError(response[_OSERROR_RESPONSE_MESSAGE],
return new FileSystemException(message, path, err);
return new Exception("Unknown error");