
401 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.collection;
* This [Iterable] mixin implements all [Iterable] members except `iterator`.
* All other methods are implemented in terms of `iterator`.
abstract class IterableMixin<E> implements Iterable<E> {
// This class has methods copied verbatim into:
// - IterableBase
// - SetMixin
// If changing a method here, also change the other copies.
Iterable/*<T>*/ map/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ f(E element)) =>
new MappedIterable<E, dynamic/*=T*/>(this, f);
Iterable<E> where(bool f(E element)) => new WhereIterable<E>(this, f);
Iterable/*<T>*/ expand/*<T>*/(Iterable/*<T>*/ f(E element)) =>
new ExpandIterable<E, dynamic/*=T*/>(this, f);
bool contains(Object element) {
for (E e in this) {
if (e == element) return true;
return false;
void forEach(void f(E element)) {
for (E element in this) f(element);
E reduce(E combine(E value, E element)) {
Iterator<E> iterator = this.iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
E value = iterator.current;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
value = combine(value, iterator.current);
return value;
dynamic/*=T*/ fold/*<T>*/(var/*=T*/ initialValue,
dynamic/*=T*/ combine(var/*=T*/ previousValue, E element)) {
var value = initialValue;
for (E element in this) value = combine(value, element);
return value;
bool every(bool f(E element)) {
for (E element in this) {
if (!f(element)) return false;
return true;
String join([String separator = ""]) {
Iterator<E> iterator = this.iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) return "";
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (separator == null || separator == "") {
do {
} while (iterator.moveNext());
} else {
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
return buffer.toString();
bool any(bool f(E element)) {
for (E element in this) {
if (f(element)) return true;
return false;
List<E> toList({ bool growable: true }) =>
new List<E>.from(this, growable: growable);
Set<E> toSet() => new Set<E>.from(this);
int get length {
assert(this is! EfficientLength);
int count = 0;
Iterator it = iterator;
while (it.moveNext()) {
return count;
bool get isEmpty => !iterator.moveNext();
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
Iterable<E> take(int count) {
return new TakeIterable<E>(this, count);
Iterable<E> takeWhile(bool test(E value)) {
return new TakeWhileIterable<E>(this, test);
Iterable<E> skip(int count) {
return new SkipIterable<E>(this, count);
Iterable<E> skipWhile(bool test(E value)) {
return new SkipWhileIterable<E>(this, test);
E get first {
Iterator<E> it = iterator;
if (!it.moveNext()) {
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
return it.current;
E get last {
Iterator<E> it = iterator;
if (!it.moveNext()) {
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
E result;
do {
result = it.current;
} while(it.moveNext());
return result;
E get single {
Iterator<E> it = iterator;
if (!it.moveNext()) throw IterableElementError.noElement();
E result = it.current;
if (it.moveNext()) throw IterableElementError.tooMany();
return result;
E firstWhere(bool test(E value), { E orElse() }) {
for (E element in this) {
if (test(element)) return element;
if (orElse != null) return orElse();
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
E lastWhere(bool test(E value), { E orElse() }) {
E result = null;
bool foundMatching = false;
for (E element in this) {
if (test(element)) {
result = element;
foundMatching = true;
if (foundMatching) return result;
if (orElse != null) return orElse();
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
E singleWhere(bool test(E value)) {
E result = null;
bool foundMatching = false;
for (E element in this) {
if (test(element)) {
if (foundMatching) {
throw IterableElementError.tooMany();
result = element;
foundMatching = true;
if (foundMatching) return result;
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
E elementAt(int index) {
if (index is! int) throw new ArgumentError.notNull("index");
RangeError.checkNotNegative(index, "index");
int elementIndex = 0;
for (E element in this) {
if (index == elementIndex) return element;
throw new RangeError.index(index, this, "index", null, elementIndex);
String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToShortString(this, '(', ')');
* Base class for implementing [Iterable].
* This class implements all methods of [Iterable] except [Iterable.iterator]
* in terms of `iterator`.
abstract class IterableBase<E> extends Iterable<E> {
const IterableBase();
* Convert an `Iterable` to a string like [IterableBase.toString].
* Allows using other delimiters than '(' and ')'.
* Handles circular references where converting one of the elements
* to a string ends up converting [iterable] to a string again.
static String iterableToShortString(Iterable iterable,
[String leftDelimiter = '(',
String rightDelimiter = ')']) {
if (_isToStringVisiting(iterable)) {
if (leftDelimiter == "(" && rightDelimiter == ")") {
// Avoid creating a new string in the "common" case.
return "(...)";
return "$leftDelimiter...$rightDelimiter";
List parts = [];
try {
_iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts);
} finally {
assert(identical(_toStringVisiting.last, iterable));
return (new StringBuffer(leftDelimiter)
..writeAll(parts, ", ")
* Converts an `Iterable` to a string.
* Converts each elements to a string, and separates the results by ", ".
* Then wraps the result in [leftDelimiter] and [rightDelimiter].
* Unlike [iterableToShortString], this conversion doesn't omit any
* elements or puts any limit on the size of the result.
* Handles circular references where converting one of the elements
* to a string ends up converting [iterable] to a string again.
static String iterableToFullString(Iterable iterable,
[String leftDelimiter = '(',
String rightDelimiter = ')']) {
if (_isToStringVisiting(iterable)) {
return "$leftDelimiter...$rightDelimiter";
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(leftDelimiter);
try {
buffer.writeAll(iterable, ", ");
} finally {
assert(identical(_toStringVisiting.last, iterable));
return buffer.toString();
/** A set used to identify cyclic lists during toString() calls. */
final List _toStringVisiting = [];
/** Check if we are currently visiting `o` in a toString call. */
bool _isToStringVisiting(Object o) {
for (int i = 0; i < _toStringVisiting.length; i++) {
if (identical(o, _toStringVisiting[i])) return true;
return false;
* Convert elments of [iterable] to strings and store them in [parts].
void _iterablePartsToStrings(Iterable iterable, List parts) {
* This is the complicated part of [iterableToShortString].
* It is extracted as a separate function to avoid having too much code
* inside the try/finally.
/// Try to stay below this many characters.
const int LENGTH_LIMIT = 80;
/// Always at least this many elements at the start.
const int HEAD_COUNT = 3;
/// Always at least this many elements at the end.
const int TAIL_COUNT = 2;
/// Stop iterating after this many elements. Iterables can be infinite.
const int MAX_COUNT = 100;
// Per entry length overhead. It's for ", " for all after the first entry,
// and for "(" and ")" for the initial entry. By pure luck, that's the same
// number.
const int OVERHEAD = 2;
const int ELLIPSIS_SIZE = 3; // "...".length.
int length = 0;
int count = 0;
Iterator it = iterable.iterator;
// Initial run of elements, at least HEAD_COUNT, and then continue until
// passing at most LENGTH_LIMIT characters.
while (length < LENGTH_LIMIT || count < HEAD_COUNT) {
if (!it.moveNext()) return;
String next = "${it.current}";
length += next.length + OVERHEAD;
String penultimateString;
String ultimateString;
// Find last two elements. One or more of them may already be in the
// parts array. Include their length in `length`.
var penultimate = null;
var ultimate = null;
if (!it.moveNext()) {
if (count <= HEAD_COUNT + TAIL_COUNT) return;
ultimateString = parts.removeLast();
penultimateString = parts.removeLast();
} else {
penultimate = it.current;
if (!it.moveNext()) {
if (count <= HEAD_COUNT + 1) {
ultimateString = "$penultimate";
penultimateString = parts.removeLast();
length += ultimateString.length + OVERHEAD;
} else {
ultimate = it.current;
// Then keep looping, keeping the last two elements in variables.
assert(count < MAX_COUNT);
while (it.moveNext()) {
penultimate = ultimate;
ultimate = it.current;
if (count > MAX_COUNT) {
// If we haven't found the end before MAX_COUNT, give up.
// This cannot happen in the code above because each entry
// increases length by at least two, so there is no way to
// visit more than ~40 elements before this loop.
// Remove any surplus elements until length, including ", ...)",
// is at most LENGTH_LIMIT.
count > HEAD_COUNT) {
length -= parts.removeLast().length + OVERHEAD;
penultimateString = "$penultimate";
ultimateString = "$ultimate";
length +=
ultimateString.length + penultimateString.length + 2 * OVERHEAD;
// If there is a gap between the initial run and the last two,
// prepare to add an ellipsis.
String elision = null;
if (count > parts.length + TAIL_COUNT) {
elision = "...";
// If the last two elements were very long, and we have more than
// HEAD_COUNT elements in the initial run, drop some to make room for
// the last two.
while (length > LENGTH_LIMIT && parts.length > HEAD_COUNT) {
length -= parts.removeLast().length + OVERHEAD;
if (elision == null) {
elision = "...";
if (elision != null) {