Lasse R.H. Nielsen caf208a543 Make StreamIterator not delay pausing between requests.
The current implementation of StreamIterator has a one-element buffer which
allows it listen for the next even eagerly, and only pause if consumption
doesn't keep up with production.
However, StreamIterator is also used by both VM and dart2js implementations
of "await for", and according to the specification, the iterated stream
must be paused between loop iterations.

The CL removes the one-element buffer and forces a pause after each event.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/2149893002 .
2016-09-26 09:35:46 +02:00

1062 lines
32 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.async;
/** Abstract and private interface for a place to put events. */
abstract class _EventSink<T> {
void _add(T data);
void _addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace);
void _close();
* Abstract and private interface for a place to send events.
* Used by event buffering to finally dispatch the pending event, where
* [_EventSink] is where the event first enters the stream subscription,
* and may yet be buffered.
abstract class _EventDispatch<T> {
void _sendData(T data);
void _sendError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace);
void _sendDone();
* Default implementation of stream subscription of buffering events.
* The only public methods are those of [StreamSubscription], so instances of
* [_BufferingStreamSubscription] can be returned directly as a
* [StreamSubscription] without exposing internal functionality.
* The [StreamController] is a public facing version of [Stream] and this class,
* with some methods made public.
* The user interface of [_BufferingStreamSubscription] are the following
* methods:
* * [_add]: Add a data event to the stream.
* * [_addError]: Add an error event to the stream.
* * [_close]: Request to close the stream.
* * [_onCancel]: Called when the subscription will provide no more events,
* either due to being actively canceled, or after sending a done event.
* * [_onPause]: Called when the subscription wants the event source to pause.
* * [_onResume]: Called when allowing new events after a pause.
* The user should not add new events when the subscription requests a paused,
* but if it happens anyway, the subscription will enqueue the events just as
* when new events arrive while still firing an old event.
class _BufferingStreamSubscription<T> implements StreamSubscription<T>,
_EventDispatch<T> {
/** The `cancelOnError` flag from the `listen` call. */
static const int _STATE_CANCEL_ON_ERROR = 1;
* Whether the "done" event has been received.
* No further events are accepted after this.
static const int _STATE_CLOSED = 2;
* Set if the input has been asked not to send events.
* This is not the same as being paused, since the input will remain paused
* after a call to [resume] if there are pending events.
static const int _STATE_INPUT_PAUSED = 4;
* Whether the subscription has been canceled.
* Set by calling [cancel], or by handling a "done" event, or an "error" event
* when `cancelOnError` is true.
static const int _STATE_CANCELED = 8;
* Set when either:
* * an error is sent, and [cancelOnError] is true, or
* * a done event is sent.
* If the subscription is canceled while _STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL is set, the
* state is unset, and no furher events must be delivered.
static const int _STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL = 16;
static const int _STATE_IN_CALLBACK = 32;
static const int _STATE_HAS_PENDING = 64;
static const int _STATE_PAUSE_COUNT = 128;
/* Event handlers provided in constructor. */
_DataHandler<T> _onData;
Function _onError;
_DoneHandler _onDone;
final Zone _zone = Zone.current;
/** Bit vector based on state-constants above. */
int _state;
// TODO(floitsch): reuse another field
/** The future [_onCancel] may return. */
Future _cancelFuture;
* Queue of pending events.
* Is created when necessary, or set in constructor for preconfigured events.
_PendingEvents<T> _pending;
_BufferingStreamSubscription(void onData(T data),
Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError)
: _state = (cancelOnError ? _STATE_CANCEL_ON_ERROR : 0) {
* Sets the subscription's pending events object.
* This can only be done once. The pending events object is used for the
* rest of the subscription's life cycle.
void _setPendingEvents(_PendingEvents<T> pendingEvents) {
assert(_pending == null);
if (pendingEvents == null) return;
_pending = pendingEvents;
if (!pendingEvents.isEmpty) {
// StreamSubscription interface.
void onData(void handleData(T event)) {
if (handleData == null) handleData = _nullDataHandler;
// TODO(floitsch): the return type should be 'void', and the type
// should be inferred.
_onData = _zone.registerUnaryCallback/*<dynamic, T>*/(handleData);
void onError(Function handleError) {
if (handleError == null) handleError = _nullErrorHandler;
// We are not allowed to use 'void' as type argument for the generic type,
// so we use 'dynamic' instead.
_onError = _registerErrorHandler/*<dynamic>*/(handleError, _zone);
void onDone(void handleDone()) {
if (handleDone == null) handleDone = _nullDoneHandler;
_onDone = _zone.registerCallback(handleDone);
void pause([Future resumeSignal]) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
bool wasPaused = _isPaused;
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
// Increment pause count and mark input paused (if it isn't already).
if (resumeSignal != null) resumeSignal.whenComplete(resume);
if (!wasPaused && _pending != null) _pending.cancelSchedule();
if (!wasInputPaused && !_inCallback) _guardCallback(_onPause);
void resume() {
if (_isCanceled) return;
if (_isPaused) {
if (!_isPaused) {
if (_hasPending && !_pending.isEmpty) {
// Input is still paused.
} else {
if (!_inCallback) _guardCallback(_onResume);
Future cancel() {
// The user doesn't want to receive any further events. If there is an
// error or done event pending (waiting for the cancel to be done) discard
// that event.
if (!_isCanceled) {
return _cancelFuture ?? Future._nullFuture;
Future/*<E>*/ asFuture/*<E>*/([var/*=E*/ futureValue]) {
_Future/*<E>*/ result = new _Future/*<E>*/();
// Overwrite the onDone and onError handlers.
_onDone = () { result._complete(futureValue); };
_onError = (error, stackTrace) {
Future cancelFuture = cancel();
if (!identical(cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) {
cancelFuture.whenComplete(() {
result._completeError(error, stackTrace);
} else {
result._completeError(error, stackTrace);
return result;
// State management.
bool get _isInputPaused => (_state & _STATE_INPUT_PAUSED) != 0;
bool get _isClosed => (_state & _STATE_CLOSED) != 0;
bool get _isCanceled => (_state & _STATE_CANCELED) != 0;
bool get _waitsForCancel => (_state & _STATE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL) != 0;
bool get _inCallback => (_state & _STATE_IN_CALLBACK) != 0;
bool get _hasPending => (_state & _STATE_HAS_PENDING) != 0;
bool get _isPaused => _state >= _STATE_PAUSE_COUNT;
bool get _canFire => _state < _STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
bool get _mayResumeInput =>
!_isPaused && (_pending == null || _pending.isEmpty);
bool get _cancelOnError => (_state & _STATE_CANCEL_ON_ERROR) != 0;
bool get isPaused => _isPaused;
void _cancel() {
_state |= _STATE_CANCELED;
if (_hasPending) {
if (!_inCallback) _pending = null;
_cancelFuture = _onCancel();
* Decrements the pause count.
* Does not automatically unpause the input (call [_onResume]) when
* the pause count reaches zero. This is handled elsewhere, and only
* if there are no pending events buffered.
void _decrementPauseCount() {
// _EventSink interface.
void _add(T data) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
if (_canFire) {
} else {
_addPending(new _DelayedData<dynamic /*=T*/>(data));
void _addError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (_isCanceled) return;
if (_canFire) {
_sendError(error, stackTrace); // Reports cancel after sending.
} else {
_addPending(new _DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
void _close() {
if (_isCanceled) return;
_state |= _STATE_CLOSED;
if (_canFire) {
} else {
_addPending(const _DelayedDone());
// Hooks called when the input is paused, unpaused or canceled.
// These must not throw. If overwritten to call user code, include suitable
// try/catch wrapping and send any errors to
// [_Zone.current.handleUncaughtError].
void _onPause() {
void _onResume() {
Future _onCancel() {
return null;
// Handle pending events.
* Add a pending event.
* If the subscription is not paused, this also schedules a firing
* of pending events later (if necessary).
void _addPending(_DelayedEvent event) {
_StreamImplEvents<T> pending = _pending;
if (_pending == null) {
pending = _pending = new _StreamImplEvents<dynamic /*=T*/>();
if (!_hasPending) {
if (!_isPaused) {
/* _EventDispatch interface. */
void _sendData(T data) {
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
_zone.runUnaryGuarded(_onData, data);
_state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
void _sendError(var error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
void sendError() {
// If the subscription has been canceled while waiting for the cancel
// future to finish we must not report the error.
if (_isCanceled && !_waitsForCancel) return;
if (_onError is ZoneBinaryCallback<dynamic, Object, StackTrace>) {
ZoneBinaryCallback<dynamic, Object, StackTrace> errorCallback = _onError
as Object /*=ZoneBinaryCallback<dynamic, Object, StackTrace>*/;
_zone.runBinaryGuarded(errorCallback, error, stackTrace);
} else {
_zone.runUnaryGuarded/*<dynamic, dynamic>*/(
_onError as Object /*=ZoneUnaryCallback<dynamic, dynamic>*/, error);
_state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
if (_cancelOnError) {
if (_cancelFuture is Future &&
!identical(_cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) {
} else {
} else {
// Only check state if not cancelOnError.
void _sendDone() {
void sendDone() {
// If the subscription has been canceled while waiting for the cancel
// future to finish we must not report the done event.
if (!_waitsForCancel) return;
_state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
if (_cancelFuture is Future &&
!identical(_cancelFuture, Future._nullFuture)) {
} else {
* Call a hook function.
* The call is properly wrapped in code to avoid other callbacks
* during the call, and it checks for state changes after the call
* that should cause further callbacks.
void _guardCallback(callback) {
bool wasInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
_state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
* Check if the input needs to be informed of state changes.
* State changes are pausing, resuming and canceling.
* After canceling, no further callbacks will happen.
* The cancel callback is called after a user cancel, or after
* the final done event is sent.
void _checkState(bool wasInputPaused) {
if (_hasPending && _pending.isEmpty) {
_state &= ~_STATE_HAS_PENDING;
if (_isInputPaused && _mayResumeInput) {
// If the state changes during a callback, we immediately
// make a new state-change callback. Loop until the state didn't change.
while (true) {
if (_isCanceled) {
_pending = null;
bool isInputPaused = _isInputPaused;
if (wasInputPaused == isInputPaused) break;
if (isInputPaused) {
} else {
_state &= ~_STATE_IN_CALLBACK;
wasInputPaused = isInputPaused;
if (_hasPending && !_isPaused) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Common base class for single and multi-subscription streams.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
abstract class _StreamImpl<T> extends Stream<T> {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stream interface.
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T data),
{ Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError }) {
cancelOnError = identical(true, cancelOnError);
StreamSubscription<T> subscription =
_createSubscription(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError);
return subscription;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Create a subscription object. Called by [subcribe]. */
StreamSubscription<T> _createSubscription(
void onData(T data),
Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError) {
return new _BufferingStreamSubscription<T>(onData, onError, onDone,
/** Hook called when the subscription has been created. */
void _onListen(StreamSubscription subscription) {}
typedef _PendingEvents<T> _EventGenerator<T>();
/** Stream that generates its own events. */
class _GeneratedStreamImpl<T> extends _StreamImpl<T> {
final _EventGenerator<T> _pending;
bool _isUsed = false;
* Initializes the stream to have only the events provided by a
* [_PendingEvents].
* A new [_PendingEvents] must be generated for each listen.
StreamSubscription<T> _createSubscription(
void onData(T data),
Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError) {
if (_isUsed) throw new StateError("Stream has already been listened to.");
_isUsed = true;
return new _BufferingStreamSubscription<T>(
onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError).._setPendingEvents(_pending());
/** Pending events object that gets its events from an [Iterable]. */
class _IterablePendingEvents<T> extends _PendingEvents<T> {
// The iterator providing data for data events.
// Set to null when iteration has completed.
Iterator<T> _iterator;
_IterablePendingEvents(Iterable<T> data) : _iterator = data.iterator;
bool get isEmpty => _iterator == null;
void handleNext(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch) {
if (_iterator == null) {
throw new StateError("No events pending.");
// Send one event per call to moveNext.
// If moveNext returns true, send the current element as data.
// If moveNext returns false, send a done event and clear the _iterator.
// If moveNext throws an error, send an error and clear the _iterator.
// After an error, no further events will be sent.
bool isDone;
try {
isDone = !_iterator.moveNext();
} catch (e, s) {
_iterator = null;
dispatch._sendError(e, s);
if (!isDone) {
} else {
_iterator = null;
void clear() {
if (isScheduled) cancelSchedule();
_iterator = null;
// Internal helpers.
// Types of the different handlers on a stream. Types used to type fields.
typedef void _DataHandler<T>(T value);
typedef void _DoneHandler();
/** Default data handler, does nothing. */
void _nullDataHandler(var value) {}
/** Default error handler, reports the error to the current zone's handler. */
void _nullErrorHandler(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
Zone.current.handleUncaughtError(error, stackTrace);
/** Default done handler, does nothing. */
void _nullDoneHandler() {}
/** A delayed event on a buffering stream subscription. */
abstract class _DelayedEvent<T> {
/** Added as a linked list on the [StreamController]. */
_DelayedEvent next;
/** Execute the delayed event on the [StreamController]. */
void perform(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch);
/** A delayed data event. */
class _DelayedData<T> extends _DelayedEvent<T> {
final T value;
void perform(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch) {
/** A delayed error event. */
class _DelayedError extends _DelayedEvent {
final error;
final StackTrace stackTrace;
_DelayedError(this.error, this.stackTrace);
void perform(_EventDispatch dispatch) {
dispatch._sendError(error, stackTrace);
/** A delayed done event. */
class _DelayedDone implements _DelayedEvent {
const _DelayedDone();
void perform(_EventDispatch dispatch) {
_DelayedEvent get next => null;
void set next(_DelayedEvent _) {
throw new StateError("No events after a done.");
/** Superclass for provider of pending events. */
abstract class _PendingEvents<T> {
// No async event has been scheduled.
static const int _STATE_UNSCHEDULED = 0;
// An async event has been scheduled to run a function.
static const int _STATE_SCHEDULED = 1;
// An async event has been scheduled, but it will do nothing when it runs.
// Async events can't be preempted.
static const int _STATE_CANCELED = 3;
* State of being scheduled.
* Set to [_STATE_SCHEDULED] when pending events are scheduled for
* async dispatch. Since we can't cancel a [scheduleMicrotask] call, if
* scheduling is "canceled", the _state is simply set to [_STATE_CANCELED]
* which will make the async code do nothing except resetting [_state].
* If events are scheduled while the state is [_STATE_CANCELED], it is
* merely switched back to [_STATE_SCHEDULED], but no new call to
* [scheduleMicrotask] is performed.
int _state = _STATE_UNSCHEDULED;
bool get isEmpty;
bool get isScheduled => _state == _STATE_SCHEDULED;
bool get _eventScheduled => _state >= _STATE_SCHEDULED;
* Schedule an event to run later.
* If called more than once, it should be called with the same dispatch as
* argument each time. It may reuse an earlier argument in some cases.
void schedule(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch) {
if (isScheduled) return;
if (_eventScheduled) {
assert(_state == _STATE_CANCELED);
scheduleMicrotask(() {
int oldState = _state;
if (oldState == _STATE_CANCELED) return;
void cancelSchedule() {
if (isScheduled) _state = _STATE_CANCELED;
void handleNext(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch);
/** Throw away any pending events and cancel scheduled events. */
void clear();
/** Class holding pending events for a [_StreamImpl]. */
class _StreamImplEvents<T> extends _PendingEvents<T> {
/// Single linked list of [_DelayedEvent] objects.
_DelayedEvent firstPendingEvent = null;
/// Last element in the list of pending events. New events are added after it.
_DelayedEvent lastPendingEvent = null;
bool get isEmpty => lastPendingEvent == null;
void add(_DelayedEvent event) {
if (lastPendingEvent == null) {
firstPendingEvent = lastPendingEvent = event;
} else {
lastPendingEvent = lastPendingEvent.next = event;
void handleNext(_EventDispatch<T> dispatch) {
_DelayedEvent event = firstPendingEvent;
firstPendingEvent = event.next;
if (firstPendingEvent == null) {
lastPendingEvent = null;
void clear() {
if (isScheduled) cancelSchedule();
firstPendingEvent = lastPendingEvent = null;
typedef void _BroadcastCallback<T>(StreamSubscription<T> subscription);
* Done subscription that will send one done event as soon as possible.
class _DoneStreamSubscription<T> implements StreamSubscription<T> {
static const int _DONE_SENT = 1;
static const int _SCHEDULED = 2;
static const int _PAUSED = 4;
final Zone _zone;
int _state = 0;
_DoneHandler _onDone;
_DoneStreamSubscription(this._onDone) : _zone = Zone.current {
bool get _isSent => (_state & _DONE_SENT) != 0;
bool get _isScheduled => (_state & _SCHEDULED) != 0;
bool get isPaused => _state >= _PAUSED;
void _schedule() {
if (_isScheduled) return;
_state |= _SCHEDULED;
void onData(void handleData(T data)) {}
void onError(Function handleError) {}
void onDone(void handleDone()) { _onDone = handleDone; }
void pause([Future resumeSignal]) {
_state += _PAUSED;
if (resumeSignal != null) resumeSignal.whenComplete(resume);
void resume() {
if (isPaused) {
_state -= _PAUSED;
if (!isPaused && !_isSent) {
Future cancel() => Future._nullFuture;
Future/*<E>*/ asFuture/*<E>*/([var/*=E*/ futureValue]) {
_Future/*<E>*/ result = new _Future/*<E>*/();
_onDone = () { result._completeWithValue(null); };
return result;
void _sendDone() {
_state &= ~_SCHEDULED;
if (isPaused) return;
_state |= _DONE_SENT;
if (_onDone != null) _zone.runGuarded(_onDone);
class _AsBroadcastStream<T> extends Stream<T> {
final Stream<T> _source;
final _BroadcastCallback<T> _onListenHandler;
final _BroadcastCallback<T> _onCancelHandler;
final Zone _zone;
_AsBroadcastStreamController<T> _controller;
StreamSubscription<T> _subscription;
void onListenHandler(StreamSubscription<T> subscription),
void onCancelHandler(StreamSubscription<T> subscription))
// TODO(floitsch): the return type should be void and should be
// inferred.
: _onListenHandler = Zone.current.registerUnaryCallback
/*<dynamic, StreamSubscription<T>>*/(onListenHandler),
_onCancelHandler = Zone.current.registerUnaryCallback
/*<dynamic, StreamSubscription<T>>*/(onCancelHandler),
_zone = Zone.current {
_controller = new _AsBroadcastStreamController<T>(_onListen, _onCancel);
bool get isBroadcast => true;
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T data),
{ Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
if (_controller == null || _controller.isClosed) {
// Return a dummy subscription backed by nothing, since
// it will only ever send one done event.
return new _DoneStreamSubscription<T>(onDone);
if (_subscription == null) {
_subscription = _source.listen(_controller.add,
onError: _controller.addError,
onDone: _controller.close);
cancelOnError = identical(true, cancelOnError);
return _controller._subscribe(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError);
void _onCancel() {
bool shutdown = (_controller == null) || _controller.isClosed;
if (_onCancelHandler != null) {
_onCancelHandler, new _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper<T>(this));
if (shutdown) {
if (_subscription != null) {
_subscription = null;
void _onListen() {
if (_onListenHandler != null) {
_onListenHandler, new _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper<T>(this));
// Methods called from _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper.
void _cancelSubscription() {
if (_subscription == null) return;
// Called by [_controller] when it has no subscribers left.
StreamSubscription subscription = _subscription;
_subscription = null;
_controller = null; // Marks the stream as no longer listenable.
void _pauseSubscription(Future resumeSignal) {
if (_subscription == null) return;
void _resumeSubscription() {
if (_subscription == null) return;
bool get _isSubscriptionPaused {
if (_subscription == null) return false;
return _subscription.isPaused;
* Wrapper for subscription that disallows changing handlers.
class _BroadcastSubscriptionWrapper<T> implements StreamSubscription<T> {
final _AsBroadcastStream _stream;
void onData(void handleData(T data)) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription.");
void onError(Function handleError) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription.");
void onDone(void handleDone()) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription.");
void pause([Future resumeSignal]) {
void resume() {
Future cancel() {
return Future._nullFuture;
bool get isPaused {
return _stream._isSubscriptionPaused;
Future/*<E>*/ asFuture/*<E>*/([var/*=E*/ futureValue]) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Cannot change handlers of asBroadcastStream source subscription.");
* Simple implementation of [StreamIterator].
* Pauses the stream between calls to [moveNext].
class _StreamIterator<T> implements StreamIterator<T> {
// The stream iterator is always in one of four states.
// The value of the [_stateData] field depends on the state.
// When `_subscription == null` and `_stateData != null`:
// The stream iterator has been created, but [moveNext] has not been called
// yet. The [_stateData] field contains the stream to listen to on the first
// call to [moveNext] and [current] returns `null`.
// When `_subscription != null` and `!_isPaused`:
// The user has called [moveNext] and the iterator is waiting for the next
// event. The [_stateData] field contains the [_Future] returned by the
// [_moveNext] call and [current] returns `null.`
// When `_subscription != null` and `_isPaused`:
// The most recent call to [moveNext] has completed with a `true` value
// and [current] provides the value of the data event.
// The [_stateData] field contains the [current] value.
// When `_subscription == null` and `_stateData == null`:
// The stream has completed or been canceled using [cancel].
// The stream completes on either a done event or an error event.
// The last call to [moveNext] has completed with `false` and [current]
// returns `null`.
/// Subscription being listened to.
/// Set to `null` when the stream subscription is done or canceled.
StreamSubscription _subscription;
/// Data value depending on the current state.
/// Before first call to [moveNext]: The stream to listen to.
/// After calling [moveNext] but before the returned future completes:
/// The returned future.
/// After calling [moveNext] and the returned future has completed
/// with `true`: The value of [current].
/// After calling [moveNext] and the returned future has completed
/// with `false`, or after calling [cancel]: `null`.
Object _stateData;
/// Whether the iterator is between calls to `moveNext`.
/// This will usually cause the [_subscription] to be paused, but as an
/// optimization, we only pause after the [moveNext] future has been
/// completed.
bool _isPaused = false;
_StreamIterator(final Stream<T> stream) : _stateData = stream;
T get current {
if (_subscription != null && _isPaused) {
return _stateData as Object /*=T*/;
return null;
Future<bool> moveNext() {
if (_subscription != null) {
if (_isPaused) {
var future = new _Future<bool>();
_stateData = future;
_isPaused = false;
return future;
throw new StateError("Already waiting for next.");
return _initializeOrDone();
/// Called if there is no active subscription when [moveNext] is called.
/// Either starts listening on the stream if this is the first call to
/// [moveNext], or returns a `false` future because the stream has already
/// ended.
Future<bool> _initializeOrDone() {
assert(_subscription == null);
var stateData = _stateData;
if (stateData != null) {
Stream<T> stream = stateData as Object /*=Stream<T>*/;
_subscription = stream.listen(
_onData, onError: _onError, onDone: _onDone, cancelOnError: true);
var future = new _Future<bool>();
_stateData = future;
return future;
return new _Future<bool>.immediate(false);
Future cancel() {
StreamSubscription<T> subscription = _subscription;
Object stateData = _stateData;
_stateData = null;
if (subscription != null) {
_subscription = null;
if (!_isPaused) {
_Future<bool> future = stateData as Object /*=_Future<bool>*/;
return subscription.cancel();
return Future._nullFuture;
void _onData(T data) {
assert(_subscription != null && !_isPaused);
_Future<bool> moveNextFuture = _stateData as Object /*=_Future<bool>*/;
_stateData = data;
_isPaused = true;
if (_subscription != null && _isPaused) _subscription.pause();
void _onError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
assert(_subscription != null && !_isPaused);
_Future<bool> moveNextFuture = _stateData as Object /*=_Future<bool>*/;
_subscription = null;
_stateData = null;
moveNextFuture._completeError(error, stackTrace);
void _onDone() {
assert(_subscription != null && !_isPaused);
_Future<bool> moveNextFuture = _stateData as Object /*=_Future<bool>*/;
_subscription = null;
_stateData = null;
/** An empty broadcast stream, sending a done event as soon as possible. */
class _EmptyStream<T> extends Stream<T> {
const _EmptyStream() : super._internal();
bool get isBroadcast => true;
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T data),
{Function onError,
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return new _DoneStreamSubscription<T>(onDone);